Why Does He Hate Me So Much??

Expect It To Go Wrong

 I hope he's not my teacher...

 I thought to myself as the man stood in front of the room. His eyes are looking through everyone. "We have a new student I see." He said in a cold tone as I went pale and sank down in my seat. "Come to the front of the room. Tell us some about yourself."

 "I'd rather not. I'-" I was cut off before I even finished talking. 

 "I don't care if you'd rather not. Come up here and talk to us." He growled as Seungri nudged me, letting me know that I'd be okay. I hope so. This guy is really scary. I slowly and shyly walk up to the front of the classroom and face my gaze on to the students. Jiyong was glaring at me as Seungri was watching intently. 

 "My name is Young Jae-"

 "You aren't Korean though." Seungri's friend interrupted me. He had tiny eyes, plump lips, a big nose, yet all these features fit perfectly on his face. He also had beautiful brown hair.

 "Daesung, shush." Seungri said turning around to look at his hyung.

 "Mianhae." He blushed and they diverted their attention back to me. My face was pink from embarrassment and I awkwardly get back to what I was saying.

 "My name is Young Jae because my mother is Korean and wanted me to have a Korean name. We moved from America to here because my mother missed her family." I said as Daesung nodded smiling. I smiled and giggled to myself since his eyes disappeared in his smile. "Um...so yeah, that's it really. Nothing else to tell." I said getting awkward again and moving my stare to my feet.

 "Really? You have nothing else to tell? No talents? You must be a boring person." My of a teacher chuckled. I felt my face burn with anger. I am not boring. I'm a very fun and unique person. I just can't really talk to boys. Seungri is an exception I guess. 

 "I kind of have a talent. Two actually." I said shyly while trying to hide the anger in my voice. My teacher just raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to continue. "I am a very good artist. I can paint and draw almost anything. The second is that I am very good at playing the guitar."

 "Oh, a musical and artistic student. Joy. You should fit in fine." He mumbled annoyed and sat at his desk. I wait a few moments before sitting back down next to Seungri.

 "You play the guitar?" He asked smiling brightly as I nod embarrassed.

 Omo...what if he thinks that's totally dorky. Now he pry thinks I'm a loser. I hope not. He seems nice though...

 "That's cool! I sing. We should make music together some time." He smiled as my face turned pink and Jiyong started choking behind us. Seungri turns deep shades of pink and looks away shyly. "That's not what I meant! I meant...like...I really just meant that we should write a song together some time. It could be fun..." He mumbled, his voice getting lower as the sentence went on. Jiyong is still choking behind us and T.O.P starts patting him on the back with a worried expression on his face.

 "Jiyong, you okay?" He asked quietly and Jiyong just yanked his self away from him.

 "I'm fine, Choi." He mumbled coldly as Choi, who I guess is T.O.P, looks away awkwardly and slightly hurt. I turn my attention back to Seungri who is still pink. I'm nearly positive I'm also pink. 

 "Sure. Maybe after school some time." I said blushing still and he smiles sweetly.

 "Great. Looking forward to it." He smiled still pink.


 Later I had already gone through first period and second and now I was at the end of my third period. This class was extremely boring, as the one before. First period is my history class, which I actually liked, excluding the teacher, second was math, blahhh, and now I'm in science. I've never liked science. It's so stupid. Math already hooked up with the alphabet, but now it feels the need to hook up with science. Math is a player. Anyways, so I'm sitting with Seungri, Jiyong, Choi, Daesung, and their mohawk friend whose name I still don't know.

 I'm just talking with Seungri and Daesung, who is not surprisingly very hilarious. Choi is sitting next to Daesung who is talking with Jiyong who is between Choi and mohawk boy. I don't know why, but every time I look at Jiyong, he glares at me and I very quickly always look away and force my eyes back onto Seungri. I can't keep my eyes off Jiyong though. He doesn't like me, that much I can tell, but I want to know why. You cannot just not like someone without a reason and I really wanted to know his reason. Had I accidently offended him earlier? I don't think I said anything... Maybe I upset him when I bluntly asked for his name earlier. He must have a lot of pride and maybe I hurt it by making him think I was attracted to him. So maybe I made him think that only gay men were attracted to him which embarrassed and hurt his pride earlier. Especially since I asked that in front of his friends. Omo, I'm a monster.

 The bell rings for lunch and I bid farewell with Seungri and the others for the day and walk to lunch with Jiyong. Jiyong kept walking ahead of me and I kept trying to catch up with him. He was defiantly avoiding me. I'll find out why he's acting like this when we sit down together with our lunches. 

 We walk into the lunch line and he's very quiet and keeping his eyes on anything but me. I sighed and figured that none of his friends were in line, which is why he was so quiet. I keep staring at him, hoping to grab his attention.

 "What?" He growled startling me some. "Why do you keep staring at me? Is there something on my face or do you just have a staring problem? Oh, right, you probably have never seen anyone as good looking as me before." He snorted and I blush embarrassed. He turns his back to me. Ya know, he was a lot friendlier in my dream. He was still annoying, but he would actually smile at me some. Then again he only smiled because he knew he was pissing me off...I take back everything I just said. 

 We buy our lunches and sit at a table together. It was a two person booth. Talk about awkward since I'm stuck staring at his face, and he's stuck staring at mine.

 "Mianhae." I mumbled poking my fries. I look up some to find him looking at me annoyed.

 "Wae?" He asked not eating his food either.

 "For embarrassing you earlier on the bus." I said quietly and looking back down at my fries. He snorts and I look back up at him.

 "You think by asking for my name you embarrassed me?" He hissed and I blush. If I didn't embarrass him by that, then why does he hate me so much?

 "Isn't that why you hate me?" I asked confused.

 "Aniyo." He said shoving his tray away from him. "You want to know why I hate you?" I look at my food shyly and upset since I now knew he hated me.

 "Wae?" I asked quietly and weakly.

 "You're annoying, weak, stupid, clueless, and an attention ." He growled glaring daggers at me. Attention ? What have I done to call attention to myself? I've been quiet, embarrassed, and shy since the foot I stepped out of my house this morning and he's calling me an attention ?? If anything, I'm keeping the attention off me.

 I look at him shocked and confused. He just snorts again. "An attention ? How?" I asked as he rolls his eyes annoyed.

 "You don't need to play dumb with me. I see how you're eyeballing Seungri. He's not into guys, arrasso? And you're not stealing my best friend from me. Arrasso? I'm not afraid to punch you if that's what it takes to get the message across." Jiyong threatened and grabbed his tray standing up. "You leave Seungri and us alone. Got it?" He said pissed and stormed off, leaving me sitting at our lunch table speechless.


I have so much free time now! Hahaha 

I wonder why Jiyong's so touchy about Seungri....hmmmm

How will Young Jae react to this? Will she stop hanging out with Seungri?

And when will she learn Taeyang's name?! hahaha

Sooooo, you pry know I'm going to say this: If you like it, please subscribe & comment! ;)

Thanks for reading!! ~

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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.