Kai, the playboy

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Mei Ling's POV ) :

So we got back home. We were in the kitchen. We were all sitting on our chairs around the table. I was sitting beside Kris while Se Hun was infront of him and Lu Han was infront of me. Se Hun was holding an ice pack and leaning it on his forehead.

* Poor him.*  '' Are you feeling better ? '' I asked.

He looked at me with a reassuring smile. '' Y- Yeah, I'm okay.'' He looked away and added '' Thanks for the ice pack.''

'' Oh no problem.''

'' So Kris, why you wanted to meet at Music Melody anyways ? '' Lu Han asked.

'' Well that's because I wanted to introduce my little sister to you guys. Well mostly to Se Hun since you two- '' He looked at me and Lu Han while pointing at us. 

Lu Han and I coughed, while remembering about that unexpected situation. 

Se Hun looked confused. '' What unexpected situation ? ''

Lu Han and I looked at eachother and kept quiet while Kris was looking at both of us. There was a moment of silence. Finally, Kris spoke up.

'' You see Mei Ling arrived last night from the country side and I went to pick her up at the airport. And that night I was working and didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone in this big house so I ...''

'' He called me to check up on her and I agreed. So I went in and she was sleeping. Just when I was gonna get out well she woke up and I panicked.'' Lu Han continued on. '' She panicked as well and ...'' He looked at me with a blushing face.

I sighed. * Guess is my turn for the ending.* So I continued on.

'' I thought that he was a burglar OR a so I defended myself. Just when I thought that my life was over ...'' I looked at Kris and smiled.

'' Kris came to save me.''

Se Hun was looking from Kris to Lu Han and finally me with a grin on his face and started laughing.

'' HAHAHAHA ~ !! No way ! Seriously !? Wow, that was a bad idea Kris hyung. Lu Han hyung a ? HAHAHAHA ~ ! ''

'' Y- Yah ! Is not funny ! '' The three of us yelled at him, arms crossed over our chests.


'' Hey guys ! What's so funny ? ''

At that moment, Kris and I turned sideways on our chairs to face the person whom justed arrived. He was standing there with a smile on his face and looked a little sweaty. Probably from running ? Anyways, he joined us at the table, sitting beside Se Hun.

'' You ! I got your text. What's going on ? You said that you'll explain. So I'm listening.''

'' Well Kai is good that you're finally here. Kris hyung will explain.'' Se Hun said.

'' Well actually I wanted to talk with the both of you.'' Kris mentioned.

This Kai guy looked at Kris then turned to my direction with a surprised look on his face. He kinda jumped when he saw me.

'' OMO ! '' He wide eyed at me and blinked 2 times. He then turned his head to Kris, Lu Han and Se Hun while pointing his finger at each one of them.

'' Ohhh ~ ! Don't need to explain, I get it.'' He was grinning widely and nudged Se Hun's elbow. '' She's your GIRL ! OH you little brat ! ''


We all looked at Kai with stunned faces. * W- W- What did he just say ? *  Se Hun's face turned bright red and he pushed Kai's elbow away. '' Y- Y- Yah ! A- Aniyo ! Is n- n- not that ! '' He kept on stuttering and Lu Han spoke up.

'' KAI ! She's not Se Hun's girl. This is Mei Ling.'' He actually emphasized the last part.

He looked back at me and then he got up from his chair in surprised. '' O-O-Ohhh ! M- Mei Ling ! ''

Kris facepalmed himself.  '' Yeah, that's why I wanted to talk to the both of you. This is my sister and she will attend SM Academy with you.''

'' REALLY ? ''  Se Hun, Kai and I yelled in unison.

'' Yeah and you guys will be in the same class when school starts again. That's why I wanted you guys to meet.'' 

* OMG, Kris !! *  I hugged him tightly and squealed from happiness. '' OMG ! No way ! I'm really going to THE SM ACADEMY ! Thanks Thanks.''


( Se Hun's POV ) :

'' That's great ! '' I smiled widely. * So when school starts over, ME and HER, in the same CLASS ! I can't wait. * 

'' That's cool ! Oh by the way I'm Kim Jong In but everyone calls me Kai.'' He shook hands with Mei Ling and smiled.

* How can he be so cool just with a simple hand shake ? And I totally ruined my first impression ! *

'' So guys, please take care of her and be good friends. I trust you all.'' Kris hyung looked at us with the '' I trust you guys look '' until he stopped at Kai.

'' Especially you, KAI.'' He gave him the warning look.

'' What ? What did I do wrong ? '' He poined to himself with an innocent look.

Kris hyung, Lu Han hyung and I shook our heads while rolling our eyes. Mei Ling just looked at us confused.


( Mei Ling's POV ) :

So time passed really quickly. It was already dark outside and Kris offered to drive Se Hun and Kai back home. Se Hun was waiting outside with Kris. Lu Han was in the washroom. I was walking with Kai in the hallway. 

'' So Mei Ling, you know Kris talks about you alot. He really cares and loves you.'' He said.

I looked at him quiet surprised. '' Jinja ? I- I didn't know that.''  * So even when I'm not around you talk about me, huh ? * I smiled.

'' What does he say about me exactly ? '' I asked curiously.

'' Well that you're a nice girl. You're always smiling. You're cute when you sleep.''

I felt happy that Kris actually mentioned all these stuff about me.  * WAIT ! Cute when I sleep ! * Surprisingly, he then pinned me against the wall and looked directly at my eyes. '' That you have the most gorgeous eyes in the universe.''

* OMG ! He's so close ! * He then looked down on my lips. My LIPS !

* Ahhh ~ ! W- W- What's going on ? OMG ! Don't t- tell m-me he's going to k-k-k-k-kis-s-s-s m-m-meee ?? *

He chuckled and lifted my chin up. * Whoa !!!! NO, not my FIRST KISS !!! * I panickly kicked him on the knee and pushed him away. He let out a loud scream and touched his knee.

'' Ouch ! That hurts ! '' He turned his head back to me and winked. '' Feisty. I like that.''

* What's wrong with him ? *  '' W- '' I couldn't finish my word since someone cut me off.

'' Hey Kai you're ready ? Let's go ! ''

It was Se Hun's voice coming from the outside. Kai yelled back '' Coming ! '' He then turned back to me and his lips in a y way.




I don't care how good looking he is. I was not falling for his dirty tricks.  I shook my head and shouted in disgust  '' EWW ~ No way ! '' and pushed him out of the house.

'' Now get out ! ''

I closed the door behind me. I fell on the ground and just stayed like that leaning my back on the door.

'' Aish ! Who does he think I am ? Seriously ?! '' I said to myself out loud.


( Lu Han's POV ) :

It was pretty quiet in the house. Weird ? So I quickly washed my hands and dried them. I was walking down the hallway of the house mansion and heard Mei Ling's voice.

'' EWW  ~ No way ! ''

I continued walking down the hallway and turned to the left side and continued walking. She was sitting down on the floor, leaning her back on the door. And looked pissed and surprised at the same time. She heard me walking by and lifted her head up.

'' Oh Lu Han - shi I almost forgot that you were still here.'' She was gonna get up but I reached my hand out to her.

She hesitated for a tiny instant and finally took my hand and got up. '' Thanks.'' 

'' So I heard you shouting and came to see if you're okay.'' 

'' Shouting ? '' She paused and '' Ohhh ~ about that ...'' She looked down and her cheeks became hot pink. '' Well K- K- Kai was trying to hit on me.'' She said shyly.

* WHAT ?! Aish, seriously Kai ! With Kris' sister ! Is he asking for a death wish or something ? *  I facepalmed myself and faked a smile.

'' Aish that Kai. Don't worry, try not to take it seriously. He was only joking around.'' 

She nodded her head and left relaxed. I continued on '' But just for your safety I should warn you that Kai is a total PLAYBOY.''

'' WHAT ? Really ? '' She kinda looked disbelief.  '' So you mean that I'm not the only girl he pinned against the wall and tried to kiss ?? '' She blurted out. Realising what she just said, she immediately covered with both of her hands.

* W- W- WHAT THE KIM JONG IN ?!?! YOU DAMN ERTED BRAT !!! *  I was totally pissed and angry. 

'' ... Are you o- okay ? '' She asked shyly.

* Okay Lu Han keep calm.*  '' Listen ... like I said he's a player. That boy ...'' I sighed. '' ... he's got to control his raging hormones.'' 

* If he doesn't then I will.*


Oh boy Kai you're in trouble now xD

Chapter 6 coming soon ... 

PS : The gif isn't mine :)

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice