I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Mei Ling's POV ) :


'' Where are we going ? '' I asked as I was holding onto Se Hun's hand. I really have no clue since I am blindfolded and he was guiding me.


'' Aigoo ~ this little girl is sure impatient ! '' He joked and I heard him chuckled.


So we continued walking and as we did, I heard some music coming from the distance. I also heard voices, alot of voices and noises like bells ringing and sounds from machines.


* Hmm ... I wonder ? *


We finally stopped. '' Oh ! Are we here ? ''


I felt he let go of my hand and was behind me. '' Yes, we're here ! '' He removed the blindfold slowly and whispered into  my ear very softly '' You can open your eyes now ! ''


So I did as he said. 3,2,1 ! Wow ! I had a huge grin on my face and my eyes were wide as saucers. I quickly looked at everything in once. I turned back to Se Hun. He was smiling just by looking at my reaction '' So ? ''


'' Omo ! Let's go ! I wanna go on that rollercoster ! '' I was excited and pointed to a really huge rollercoster. Se Hun chuckled and grabbed my hand '' Then let's go ! ''. He smiled and I nodded my head still smiling.


( Se Hun's POV ) :


Every year, during summer, Chan Yeol told us that he comes to his family's villa in Jeju Island and attends the annual beach carnival that last for 1 month. When he mentioned that, I got the idea of bringing Mei Ling here. I knew that she would love it ! I wasn't wrong ! When I saw her cute reaction, her eyes glowing of excitement, her huge grin and the way she jumped and pointed to everything we passed by. Who wouldn't like to come here and have fun ?


I just wanted to spend some time with her ... alone. Without the rest of EXO. Just me and her. So bringing her to the carnival was a great idea. Earlier today, I kinda got jealous when Lu Han hyung and Mei Ling went out and he bought her a new swim suit. I know that Lu Han hyung and her got really close and they get along well. Everytime they're together I get a tiny bit jealous. Well not only when she's with Lu Han hyung but also with the rest of the guys. Okay gosh with any guy around her I get jealous ! I mean he is my best friend but seeing him with the girl I love ... I'm not gonna lie but ... it kinda makes me feel uneasy.


Lu Han hyung is perfect. He has the face, the body, the background, the talent and a great personnality. He is everything that a girl wants and is looking for in a guy. So many girls falls head over heels for him and many guys get jealous of him. I wouldn't lie. If I, myself was a GIRL, I would also fall for him. B-B-Butttt anyways ... He is my hyung. I trust him. I know that if something is going on he will tell me.


So I shook my head and pushed those thoughts away and just enjoyed the moment with Mei Ling. We went on so many rides and played a few games here and there and ate some cotton candy. I was grinning like an idiot the whole time that we were walking cause we were holding hands. Like a couple ! It felt nice. Her skin is so smooth and soft. I don't ever want to let go of her hand.


I would secretly look at her gorgeous side profile from time to time when she isn't looking (of course :p) and look down at our hands. So as we walked, Mei Ling got all excited as she spotted a huge purple tent with golden stars and crescent moons. There was a banner written '' Miss Crystal's Fortune Telling '' on it. She pulled my hand and we walked closer to the tent but suddenly I had a weird feeling in my stomach. So I stopped and she looked back at me with a questionning look.


'' C'mon ! I wanna know how will be my future. Don't you ? ''


'' Euh ... not really but you go ! I gotta go to the washroom first. Wait for me here ! Don't move, arasseo ? ''


She nodded her head '' Arasseo, I'll wait here ! ''


I smiled and ran quick to the washroom.


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


When Se Hunnie left to the washroom, I went in the tent. The place was dark but there was alot of candels around to lighten the place. In the middle, there was a round table with a purple tablecloth with golden stars and crescent moons. And there was a crystal ball in the middle of the table ! Cool !


'' Come over child ! ''


I heard a female voice spoke out of nowhere. I jumped out of surprise and looked around the not so big place. I saw a woman came out of dark blue curtains and she smiled at me. She then sat down on her chair and made the come here motion with her hand.


'' Please take a seat ''


I nodded my head and sat down on the chair facing her and the crystal ball. I took a good look at her. The woman must be in her late 20's or early 30's. She is beautiful with her long dark curly hair, long eyelashes and cherry red lips. She smiled at me and started to do the things fortune tellers do with the crystal ball. Moving their hands around it and stuffs.


'' What is your name miss ? ''


'' Mei Ling. Wu Mei Ling ''


'' Ahhh you're chinese ? But you understand korean pretty well.'' She continued smiling '' That's a really beautiful name ! ''


'' Kamsahamnida ! Well is been already 4 years that I live in Korea.''


She continued moving her hands around the crystal ball while nodding her head. Then she had a serious expression on her face. '' Mei Ling, I sense that something is troubling you. The aura around you .... is .... unstable ''


'' Have you met an old friend or probably ..... someone new in your life recently ? ''


'' An old friend ? Aniya. But I did meet new people like my brother's friends. EXO ! W-Waeyo ? '' I asked getting curious.


'' Hmmm ... I sense that you are really well loved and protected by your new friends ........ '' Then her eyes widen and she smiled. '' Mei Ling, you are one very lucky girl. I see not only are you loved and protected by them but they consider you as their sister.''


I blushed while hearing those words and felt really happy. I know it isn't long since I've met them but I really got close with them. They became my friends, my family. I love them really much.


'' Well well well ... this is quiet interesting.''


'' Hmm ? What is it ? ''


'' Mei Ling, listen to me very well.'' The woman became serious '' I see that there are 2 young men that are very important in your life. These 2 have a very special and strong bond with you ... a bond that you don't have with the others. They are 2 complete opposites from eachother but they do get along very well. They are best friends, they treat eachother like brothers.........'' She looked closely into the crystal ball and continued '' Is such a strong and beautiful friendship but something very terrible can change it in a second.''


'' What's that ? '' I asked feeling scared.


'' ... Love ! '' She looked directly into my eyes. '' These 2 brothers are in a dangerous situation. Not only are they different but they do have one thing in common ...... '' I took a deep breath and she continued very slowly and emphasised each word '' .... they have both fallen in love with YOU ! ''


WH-WH-WH-WHAT ??? My eyes widen in shock. I stayed quiet, nothing came out of my mouth, nothing at all.


'' I see that their love for you is beautiful and pure.'' She smiled gently '' I see that both of the young men are really great in their own ways ...'' The woman sighed sadly and shook her head '' ... But in the end, only one will capture your heart while the other ........... will live in despair.''


She stopped moving her hands from above the crystal ball and crossed her arms over her chest. She leaned her face a little closer to mine, now we were in the same eye level.


'' Miss Mei Ling, please choose very wisely. Love it isn't a game. A person's heart isn't something to play with. Think very carefully before making a decision.''


'' ..... B-But ... H-How ... will I-I know the right one ? '' I stuttered feeling uneasy.


The fortune teller smiled gently and simply said '' Listen to your heart ''.




I still couldn't get off of my mind what the fortune teller said 20 minutes ago. 


* Who exactely are the 2 guys who are in love with me ?? ..................................... I have no clue ! *


'' Wu Mei Ling, in the future, you will marry a very handsome korean man. You will have many children and live happily ever after in a huge mansion ''. That's what she said, right ? Right ? '' Se Hun nodded his eyebrow while chuckling.


'' .... Ahhh ... haha ! Y-Yeah ... '' I felt weird. I didn't want to tell him what exactly happened so I just agreed with him.


We were walking side by side on the sidewalk, heading home since it was pretty late and dark now. As we walked further away, the loud music, voices of people laughing and singing and the smell of delicious foods became distant. I turned my head to the side and looked at the beach. It was beautiful ! The place was deserted since everyone was either at home or at the carnival. I watched the waves moving back and forth from the sand.


'' You wanna go swim ? '' Se Hun asked with a hint of curiousity.


I nodded my head. '' Actually ... yes ! ''


After hearing my answer, his hand grabbed mine and we intertwined our fingers together and ran. As we ran down to the beach, we started laughing out of nowhere and finally stopped before touching the water. Se Hun removed his shoes and so did I.


He even removed his t-shirt and throw it on the sand with his shoes. I looked back at the ocean- .... OMO ! Wait ! Did I just say he REMOVED his t-shirt ? I looked back at him and my eyes widen by the sight. I stared at his nice slightly built chest and upper arms.


* OMO ! OMO ! Se Hunnie actually has a great body ! I didn't know that was hiding underneath the whole time ! OMO, Mei Ling stop staring at him or else he'll think that you're a ert ! *


Se Hun chuckled while looking at me. '' Like what you see, missy ? '' He wiggled his eyebrows.


I quickly covered my eyes with my hands. '' I-I wasn't lo-looking at y-you ! ''


'' Liar ! I saw how you were looking at me ! '' He sticked out his tongue playfully and lifted me off from the sand. He carried me bridal style in his arms while waking in the water.


'' YAH ~ ! Oh Se Hun, let me down ! ''


'' Are you sure about that ? ''


I nodded my head quickly. '' Nae ! ''


He sighed. '' Arasseo '' Slowly I felt his arms slipping away and I saw the water from beneath. I panicked and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. '' ANIYO ! Don't let me go ! ''


He chuckled and took this advantage to tease me. '' Oh, so now you don't want me to let you go ? Are you really sure ? But what happens if I do let go ? ''


'' If you let me go then ... '' I thought hard for a minute. '' .... I'll tell Kris ! ''


He laughed and shook his head. '' Wow, that's really lame.''


I puffed my cheeks and glared at him. He smiled back and started spinning me, I felt dizzy and told him to stop and when he finally did, he throw me into the water. Oh no, he didn't ! I quickly came back to the surface and yelled '' OH SEHUN, YOU ARE SO DEAD ! ''


I swam after him. I started chasing after him when we finally reached the land. He runs pretty fast but I managed to keep up. He turned his head and sticked out his tongue '' Merong ! ''


Then, just when I finally got hold of him, I lost my balance and fell on the sand. It happened real quick. I felt the hot sand underneath my back and something heavy on top of me. It was none other then the shirtless Oh Se Hun ! Our eyes were locked into eachother's, our heatbeats were beating quickly and our breathing became uneven and breathless.


I felt my face ... no ... my whole body burning from the close skinship.


( Se Hun's POV ) :


* Gosh, I can't breathe ! She's so ... so ... BREATHAKING !! I can't take my eyes off of her ! *


My eyes looked from her angelic face down to her , I bit my bottom lip , down to her ...


I felt my face burning up, good thing is the middle of the night so she can't see it.


Her t-shirt was wet and it tighten around her body, showing her curves and giving much attention to her voluptuous  !!! AIGOO !!! Unconsciously, I felt my hand rubbing up and down on her inner thigh. Her skin is so smooth. Aish ! I-I-I ... can't stop my hands ...... my fingers started to run down on her stomach , I can't help it.


'' ... S-S-Se Hunnn ... w-w-hat are y-y-ou doinggg ? Jebal ... stop it ! '' Her voice was shaking , her body was shaking from my touch and I wanted more of her.


I leaned closer to her face and bend down to smell her neck. '' You know what ? You smell good.'' I whispered deeply into her ear and she shivered. '' And you look really cute that I could just eat you up '' I chuckled while caressing her cheek softly.


* Mei Ling, I have to have YOU ! All to myself ! I want YOU and nobody else but YOU ! *


''  Se Hun, you are f-freaking me out ! Please get off of me ! '' 


'' Fine ... but answer me this first then I'll let you go ''


She nodded her head but kept on struggling to be release. My hands were finally rested on the sand, just above from her head, she finally stopped realising that no matter what she does, she knows that she's trapped. I smiled and finally asked my question confidently.


'' Tomorrow, will you go on a date with me ? ''


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


* D-D-D-D-ATEEEEEEE ??? WH-H-HAT ??? ..................... If I say '' yes '' he'll let me go BUT if I say '' no '' , what will happen ? Aish ! Anyway, I can't think clearly with him staring at me with his body on top of me ! *


'' Nae ''


His eyes widen and his smile grew wider. I rolled my eyes feeling embarrassed, tired and annoyed. '' Now, will you please get off ? '' 




By the time we got home at 2:45 am, the living room was a TOTAL mess ! There was stained coke and beer on the carpet, beer bottles laying everywhere, chip bags and pizza boxes on the floor and on the sofa, the TV was still open playing a drama, the windows were open and the EXO boys sleeping loudly.


Kris, Lay, Tao, Baek Hyun, Chan Yeol and Chen were sleeping on the sofa.Their mouths were widely open and some saliva was dripping on their shirts. Gross ! I shook my head with disgust and looked at the couple on the floor. Kai and D.O were sleeping on the floor, hugging eachother ! Kai wrapped his arms around D.O and D.O wrapped his leg on top of Kai's. I laughed and Se Hun took a nice picture with his cellphone. So Xiu Min was sleeping on the dinner table with an unfinished pizza on top of him ! Aigoo ! Su Ho was sleeping on a chair with his arms crossed over his chest and his head kept on tilting.


We decided to let them be plus we were really tired. So we finally came in to our room, Se Hun fell on his bed and I climbed on top of mine. I noticed while climbing the ladder, that Lu Han oppa was asleep on his bed, looking so peacefully. I smiled just thinking about his sleeping face.


'' Good night '' Se Hun whispered.


'' Good night '' I whispered back and fell asleep.


( Se Hun's POV ) :


* Good night my angel. Sweet dreams. Don't let the bed bugs bite. I can't wait for our date tomorrow ! Wu Mei Ling, you will definitely fall for me or else my name isn't Oh Se Hun ! Aigoo ! Why ? Why are you making me feel this way ? *


I rested my hand on my chest, feeling my beating heart and smiled.


'' If Kris finds out I'll be so screwed ... '' I closed my eyes shut and started to slowly fall into dreamland.


'' But I can't help falling in love with you ... ''




Merry Christmas everyone ( i'm late sorry :p ) and Happy New Year :D !!!

Did anyone watched the 3 days of the Gayo Daejun 2012 ? OMO, loved it <3 Totally yelled like a mad woman when EXO appeared hihi :p

Anyways, finally updated this story :D YEAH ! 

Don't know when I'll update again T.T ... but please stay tunned and find out what's gonna happen next :)

Love ya guys :) 

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice