Horrific Nightmare

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Se Hun's POV ) :


I hate this feeling. The feeling of jealousy. Especially towards my best friend.


*** Flashback ***


What a beautiful day ! The sun was out and the weather was just right. No clouds were covering the big blue sky. The light breeze was fresh and there was many butterflies flying around in the air. Mei Ling and I were holding hands while walking around a beautiful field of colorful flowers. She was laughing wholeheartedly at all my jokes even the lame ones.  Aigoo ~ Her laugh is so contagious that I find myself laughing as well.


My princess looked simply gorgeous wearing her large light brown straw hat tied with a big cute bow.




Her casual flowy summer yellow dress fitted perfectly with her body.






 After walking for quite some time, we sat down on a nice spot on top of the hill and watched the sunset.


* This is perfect ! Just the two of us ! Watching the sunset together ! *


I grinned to myself as I mentally laughed. Then, Mei Ling rested her head on my left shoulder and sighed.


'' Omo ! Se Hunnie, isn't it simply beautiful ~ ? '' She asked in a dreamy voice.


Even though she wasn't looking at me, I nodded my head and couldn't help but smile back at her. I tilted my head slightly to the left and looked at her. Her eyes were glowing as she looked in awed at the view. A radiating smile appeared on her angelic face.


At that moment, my heart began to beat rapidly with both nervousness and excitement. My hands were trembling and getting sweaty. I felt my temperature rising, my blood was boiling !


* Oh Se Hun, is now or never ! You gotta tell her ! Fighting ! *


 I gulped nervously and decided that this was my chance ! So I took a very deep breath and relaxed myself. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale.


'' You are 100 times more beautiful ... '' I said confidently.


'' Huh ? '' She straighten herself up and looked at me with questioning eyes. '' What did you j-- ''


The moment I turned facing her, our eyes instantly locked into eachothers. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my chest, letting her feel my beating heart.


'' I love you, Wu Mei Ling ! I'm crazily in love with you ! '' I finally confessed.


Her eyes widen as wide as an owl's as she stared at me with shock.


'' Can you feel my heart beat ? '' I wasn't scared anymore in confessing my love for her. All my worries and doubts had vanished away as courage and confidence took over me. I want to show her my love. I want her to feel my love for her. My one and only.


'' My heart only beats for you ... '' I couldn't hear my voice as it became a very soft and low whisper.


I cupped her small face in between my large hands and kissed her soft pink lips.


'' ... ''


As I slowly pulled away from her lips, I grinned like a huge idiot feeling happy that I finally got to do that. She was blushing like madly. She looked confused like a lost puppy. So cute !


'' ... S-Se H-Hun ... ''


She shook her head and then ....


Tears started falling from her eyes.


'' M-Mei Ling ? Why you're crying ? Did I hurt you ? Did I-- '' I started panicking and rested my hands on her shoulders as the tears fell.


* Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her ...... *


She slowly wiped her tears away and giggled lightly.


'' Se Hun, .... '' She shook her head and surprisingly leaned her face closer towards mines while smiling. Our faces were only inches apart !  '' These are happy tears.''


'' I'm happy because I do love you too, Oh Se Hun ! '' She confessed cheerfully while blushing.


She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me more closer to her and our lips crashed into eachothers again. 


At first, the kisses were light, sweet and soft but then it became passionate, rough and steamily hot.


A super hot make out session had begun.


'' Hmm ~ S-Se Hunnn ~ '' She moaned as I kissed her neck roughly while rubbing her inner thighs from underneath her yellow dress.


She was trapped underneath me, laying on the soft green grass and the flowers surrounding us. The moonlight shining down on us with the millions of stars lightening the dark sky above us. The fireflies flying around in the air were glowing beautifully. This totally feels like a magical dream !


'' I love you, princess ! '' I said huskily while caressing her cheek.


'' I love you too, my prince ! '' She quickly peeked my lips and giggled.


'' Wu Mei Ling, will you marry me ? '' I asked seriously while staring into her dark obs with so much love, desire, passion and lust.


'' ... '' A huge grin appeared on her face as she shouted. '' Yes ! Yes ! Yes, I will marry you ! '' She said excitedly while nodding her head non-stop.


We started laughing like little kids and I slowly leaned down towards her while closing my eyes.


'' Saranghae ! '' I kissed my one and only love while picturing our future together happily.




Today's the big day !


Our wedding !


I was checking myself one last time on the mirror before leaving when suddenly someone came in the waiting room.


'' Hey dude ! '' I turned around with a huge smile on my face since I recognized the voice.


'' Hyung ! ''


Lu Han stood in front of the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest while smiling at me. He checked me from head to toe at least twice. '' You look great, man ! I can't believe my dongsaeng is finally getting married ! ''


'' Thanks '' I rubbed the back of my neck feeling happy, excited and proud. '' I can't believe I'm getting married before you ! Hahahaha ~ '' I .


He furrowed his eyebrows and fake laughed. '' Ha.Ha.Ha ! Not funny ! ''


He quickly shook his head and turned serious but still smiled.'' Anyways, it's time ! You gotta go, now ! Everyone is waiting ! ''


I nodded my head and walked out the waiting room with Lu Han walking beside me. I couldn't wait to finally get married with the love of my life, Mei Ling.


Before going in, we stopped in front of the ceremony's wooden doors. Lu Han rested his hands on my shoulders and let out a big sigh before looking straight into my eyes with a small smile.


'' Oh Se Hun, I am honored to be your best friend, your brother and your best man. Before walking inside and getting married, ............ '' He paused for a quick second while looking on the ground but quickly looked back in my eyes. '' I wish you all the best, dude ! Good luck ! Live well and be happy ! ''


He patted my shoulders with a warmth smile and disappeared into the church's ceremony leaving me alone.


* Thanks alot, hyung ! You're the best ! *


I slowly inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm myself down before walking in.


'' Let's get on with it ! '' I finally opened the old wooden doors and slowly walked inside the ceremony hall with a big happy smile.


The very first thing I saw while walking in was .......


My gorgeous bride Mei Ling wearing her puffy white ball gown standing on the altar, her back facing me.


My heart was beating uncontrollably fast. I felt that my heart was gonna rip out of my ribcage sometime soon. My eyes never left her back facing me until ...... they slowly drifted towards a figure standing beside her.


A tall and perfectly fitted man was standing beside her.


I furrowed my eyebrows feeling confused and weird out. What the hell is he doing there ? That's my spot ! I then looked towards our guests sitting on the wodden benches from both sides, they were all looking at the couple in front with huge smiles.


I finally stopped walking and reached Mei Ling with the mysterious guy on the altar.


'' Do you Wu Mei Ling take---'' The priest looked at my bride with a warmth smile while holding the bible.


'' Excuse me, Father. Not to be rude but this man isn't the groom. I am. He--- '' He cut me off and continued while ignoring me !


'' I do '' Mei Ling's sweet voice said without hesitation. I heared the happiness and love in her voice.


I couldn't help but smile knowing that she was inpatient.'' Mei Ling, honey, wait ! Father, wait ! This man standing isn't the groom but me. Oh S---- '' I tried explaining myself to the priest but he continued on. I tried getting his attention, even Mei Ling's but .... is like ..... I don't exists ! Is like I am invisible !


'' Hey ! Yah ! Yah ! Father ! Mei Ling ! Yo ! Stop it ! ''


* What the is going on here ? This is our wedding ! Me and Mei Ling ! Not Mei Ling and Mr. Mysterious ! *


'' Hello !!!!! Stop ignoring me will you ! I am right here ! Look at m--- '' I shouted feeling pissed off and totally irritated with this weird situation. Everyone wasn't even paying attention to me ! All eyes were staring at the couple standing in front of me.


'' I do '' The fake groom said.


I stopped shouting when I finally heard his voice and quickly looked at him.


* Th-th-that voice ! ..... W-Who the hell .... *


'' I proudly present you in front of all your family, friends and God as husband and wife ! You may now kiss your lovely bride ! '' The priest cheered while lifting his arms in the air. At that moment, the guests got up from their seats and started cheering as well.


'' YAH ! WAIT A MINUTE ! STOP, DON'T EVEN TH---- '' I took a step furward and instantly frooze on the spot with my mouth and eyes opened wide.


* ........... N-N-NO, NO, NO, NO, NO ! I-It-It can't be ...... How ? I don't understand ! L-- *


I knew that I recognized that voice.


My ears and eyes didn't deceive me.


Tall and fitted. Handome. Young. Chocolate deer like eyes. Soft and fluffy blondish brown hair. White skin.  






'' A-aniya ! '' I couldn't hear myself. '' Aniya, jebal ...... ''


Lu Han and Mei Ling were holding hands while facing eachother with huge smiles. I just stood there in shock. I couldn't feel my body anymore neither could I hear my own voice. Then, Lu Han's gaze slowly looked at me, staring straight into my eyes. His facial expression totally changed into something dangerous, manly, dark and creepy. It totally scared me.


He gave me an evil smile and whispered deep and huskily for only me to hear. '' Remember what I told you before. I wish you all the best, dude ! Good luck ! Live well and be happy ! ''


His gaze turned back to Mei Ling with a loving and gentle smile. He cupped her small face and slowly tilted his head while closing his eyes. As their faces closed the distance, their lips finally touched ! T-They ..... kissed !








'' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ~ '' I yelled in pain while opening my eyes and sitting down on my bed.


My heart was beating rapidly. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. My throat hurted badly. My body was trembling. I clenched my fists tightly as the tears continued running down my sweaty red face.


'' W-Wae ?? L-L-Lu Han .... and ... M-M-Mei Ling ....... '' I shook my head. '' No ! It-it's only a dre-eamm ~ ''


I looked at my alarm clock that was standing on my nightdesk on my right side. It was 3:45 am !


I lightly slapped my cheeks while shaking my head, grabbed my tissue box and blew my nose. I took a deep breath and exhaled. After a couple of minutes, I finally relaxed and felt .... calm.


'' W-What the was that dream ? W-What the it means ? .......... Does L-L-Lu Han ...... like ..... love .... her ??? Does she like .... love .... him back ??? Doesn't she like ..... love ... me ..... back ??? ''


That wasn't a magical dream ! That was a horrific nightmare ! *


*** End of flashback ***



Ta dah ! Chapter 22 ! Yayyyy ~ Sooooooooo please give me some feedback dear readers :D

Tell me what you think by leaving your comments. It helps me alot by reading and seeing your comments/reactions :) 

Anyways, hope everyone enjoyed reading this long chapter because I have no clue when I'll update :/

Hopefully very soon so stay tuned for the next chapter :) Love ya all xoxo

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice