Baby don't cry

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Lu Han's POV ) :


After half an hour of hanging out together, Se Hun and Kai went back to work. Se Hun looked sad, I know that he didn't want to leave and Kai just cursed as usual, he didn't want to leave either. So it was the 6 of us left, but Su Ho and Lay wanted to go back home and so they did leave. Okay it was the 4 of us left.


While we were walking, I noticed that Chan Yeol grabbed Baek Hyun's wrist and whispered something into his ear. The shorter one was nodding his head and smiled.


They stopped and turned faced us. '' Guys sorry but we got things to do, see ya later ! '' Baek Hyun said with a huge grin on his face while waving his hand and left running with Chan Yeol.


* What the hell ? What are they up to now ? *


I turned to Mei '' Okay so is just the 2 of us.''


She nodded her head. I rubbed the back of my neck and thought of something. '' Hey ! That reminds me ... '' I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked back at her '' What's your number ? ''


She gave me her number and I looked at it. It was already registered in my phone. Huh ? ... Oh !


'' That's your home number. I already have it.'' I chuckled '' I was talking about your cell number, silly ! ''


'' Oh ! Sorry Oppa but I don't have a cell.'' She simply said.


'' What ? Really ? How come a young teen girl doesn't have a cell in the 21st century ? '' I laughed.


'' Because Kris doesn't want me to have one. He thinks that boys will text and call me 24/7.'' She sighed and looked at my phone with envy. '' WOW ! Your phone is really pretty ! I saw your phone in a drama once.''


I smiled at her cuteness and can't believe Kris doesn't allow his sis to have a phone. I mean everyone has one even OLD people like my grandma !


I held her hand and intertwined our fingers together and leaded her the way to Electro Shop.


We arrived at Electro Shop, we were looking at all the phones and she looked at me confused. '' Oppa, why are we here ? ''


I continued looking at the phones and just smiled at her. She shrugged her shoulders and continued looking at the phones. Her eyes were huge as D.O's and it was shining with excitement. She looked like a little kid in a candy shop.


* Kyeopta :3 !!! She is so CUTE, PRETTY, LOVELY and BEAUTIFUL !!!  Aish ! I'm going crazy ! Just looking at her, my heart keeps pounding. Hearing her sweet voice I get shivers. Looking into her eyes I see something very special. She is something special. Totally not like that crazy two face Min Young.*


'' WOW ! Oppa come ! '' She was signaling at me to come and I walked towards her.


'' Look ! Is the same phone as yours ! '' She was pointing at the pink phone.


'' Do you like it ? '' 


She nodded her head '' Of course ! Is really cute and is pink ! '' She was pouting cutely. I ruffled her hair and smiled.


'' Arasseo ! Excuse me Ahjussi ! I will buy this pink phone.''


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


I looked at Oppa confused '' Why are you buying a 2nd phone ? ''


He pinched my cheeks while smiling '' Silly, is for YOU ! '' My eyes widen in surprised and he added with a smirk on his face '' Why would I buy myself a PINK phone ? '' 


* OMO ! I can't believe he is buying me a CELL PHONE ! Not just any cell phone but the SAME EXACT phone as his only in different color. COUPLE PHONES ! < 3 *


'' Isn't that cute ! Couple phones for the cute young couple.'' The ahjussi said and handed me the pink phone.


I bowed shyly and thanked Lu Han Oppa while we left the store. He was giggling and asked me for my number again except this time it was my CELL number.




So we were in Lu Han Oppa's car. He was driving while I was sitting on the passenger sit next to him. He said that before going home, he'll bring me out for diner. Well I was getting hungry and I told him that I need to be back before 9 pm.


'' Don't worry. We'll be back before 9 pm.'' He kept on laughing since I told him about Kris' curfew.


I pouted '' Is not fair ! Why does he treat me like a kid. I'm 16 not 6 ! Soon I'll be 17 ! ''


Lu Han had a warm smile on his face '' Well you do act like a kid.''


I gasped. '' Oppa ! '' He was smiling and shook his head. '' Mianhae but it is true.''


I looked out the window. The sky was cloudy and dark and it was raining. I sighed. '' You know ... ever since I was young, he has been always there for me. Ever since I was 5, he cooked for me, he cleaned the house, he helped me with my homework and school projects, he picked me up after school. He raised me like a parent should have. ''


I continued on '' Dad was never at home. He was always working at his office or going overseas. He was so busy that the maids and the butlers took care of us. He would rarely call. And he only visited us once or twice a year for Christmas or New Year. He would always send us plenty of gifts, money and clothes thinking that those things can replace his absence.''


I started to get teary by remembering those past memories. '' It did work ... for a while. When I turned 13, I finally knew the truth. He will never come back and give up on us.''


Lu Han Oppa finally stopped the car. He turned to look at me. I was already crying my eyes out.


'' One day, I asked Kris '' why dad isn't coming home anymore ? '' and he told me with teary eyes '' Because you look like mom. Everytime when dad looks at you, he'll only remember the past and it kills him . '' That's how I knewww ~.''


I was sobbing, I couldn't control myself anymore. My eyes were filled with water, my tears were falling down non-stop like the Niagara Falls. I was hiding my face from Oppa, I didn't want him to see me in this state. Suddenly, I felt two strong arms wrapped around me, giving me a really warm hug and I felt a chin resting on top of my head. My face was covered into his chest. I was grabbing into his shirt and it was already soaking wet.


He was touching my hair gently and surprised me cause he began singing.


'' Baby don't cry, tonight ~ ''


I stopped sobbing and cried quietly. I couldn't speak. I was too emotional and surprise but happy by Oppa's reaction. He began singing in mandarin with the most beautiful, sweet, angelic and soft voice I have ever heard.


'' Baby don’t cry, tonight

   Dāng hēi yè zài xián liàng qǐ lái
   Baby don’t cry, tonight
   Jiù dàng zuò méi fā shēng guò yī yàng

   Nǐ yǒng yuǎn dōu bù huì huà shēn xiàng pào mò yī yàng
   Nán dào nǐ bù zhī dào ma
   So baby don’t cry, cry
   Wǒ de ài shǒu hù nǐ bù fàng kāi ~


Oppa was singing non-stop his beautiful song until I stopped crying. When I finally stopped, he looked at me and wipe my tears away gently with his thumb. Then he kissed my forehead, I closed my eyes and he kissed both of my eyelids.


Our foreheads were touching, our noses were touching and his eyes were staring into mine. His large hands cupped my face gently and my cheeks started to blush.


'' Baby don't cry '' He whispered very softly that it was almost unheard.



Chapter 13 coming soon ... 

Love progress between Lu Han and You :D ! OMO ! Couple phones <3 

Lu Han singing Baby don't cry :D <3  

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice