At the beach

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Lu Han's POV ) :


Everyone was pretty drunk last night except for me. The boys were crazy and out of their minds, good thing that Mei Ling wasn't here to see it. But I have to admit that it was pretty fun. I smiled just thinking about it and then finally realized something. Speaking of her, I remember watching her talking with Se Hun on the swinging bench and then they left. I asked Chan Yeol if he had any idea where they were going and he said that Se Hun was taking her to the beach carnival. Yeah, I was kind of jealous but shrugged it off before any of the boys noticed. Anyways, hours passed and they still didn't come back so I went to our room and laid down on my bed. Just when I was gonna sleep, I heard voices and the door opening, revealing ... Mei Ling and Se Hun ! I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Funny, it was quiet, I only heard them say '' good night '' and then ... well that's it.


I was eating my bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal on the swinging bench, outside in the backyard. Clearly, I wasn't gonna eat in the dirty living room with those sleeping pigs. Of course, I was the first one to wake up and I think that I am still the only one awake. I sighed and continued eating. Then I heard the glass door opening and lifted my head to see who came in. 


'' Oh ! O-o-oppa ! '' She looked surprised seeying me here.


I smiled and greeted her with my spoon '' Morning sunshine ''


'' Morning ! I didn't know that you were awake.'' She sat down next to me with that gorgeous smile on her face that makes my heart beat like crazy.


'' ... So ... I heard that you guys went to ... the beach carnival last night. You've must had alot of fun that you didn't want to come back home.'' I faked laughed.


'' ... Yeah it was super fun ! But ... '' She started blushing but shook her head quickly. '' I see that you guys had a blast last night ! ''


I chuckled '' Haha ... yeah ... you can say that. Hey, want some cereal ? '' 


'' Say AH ~ '' She opened wide and said the most cutest '' ah '' ever. 


touched my spoon. So cute ! She finished chewing and said '' ah '' again happily.


'' You want more ? Hm ... then do aegyo for oppa ! ''


She pouted when hearing the word '' aegyo '' and I smiled back at her. '' You don't want ? Arasseo then I'll finish it.'' I was gonna put the spoon in my mouth when she sighed. She cutely glared at me.


'' You are gonna regret this ! I'm warning you, oppa. I'm the master of doing aegyo, everyone calls me '' The aegyo princess '' because I'm the cutest thing that they have ever seen.'' She took a deep breath and counted to 3. Then she did the most popular cute act in Korea : Buing Buing. 


* Ahhhh ~ Kyeopta <3 Totally fanboying right now ! *


'' Aigoo, why is my sunshine soooooo cute ! '' I pinched her cheeks and stared into her eyes. '' You are so cute that I can just eat you up ''.


Slowly my eyes looked down to her lips. Her soft beautiful pink lips.  * Ahhh ~ So irresistible .... I-I-I-- * 


I leaned my head closer to her's while closing my eyes and waited for our lips to touch ...


'' Ahhhh ~ '' I heard a loud voice whining and then yawning lazily so I instantly released my hands from Mei Ling's face and turned facing the person standing infront of the doorway.


Kim Jong In.


'' Man, my head hurts.'' His hand was rested on his forehead, he looked in pain. '' Hey morning you two ! '' He quickly removed his hand from his forehead and waved at us. Mei Ling waved back while I nodded my head. He looked at us with a suspicious expression. '' What are you two doing ? Was I interrupting something ? '' He lifted an eyebrow.


'' What ? Nah ! Pff ... of course not ! '' I faked smile. * Kai, you er ! * I mentally cursed at him. I got up from the swing and pushed Kai's shoulder lightly while walking back in the house. '' C'mon, is time to clean up the huge mess ! ''


Kai stumbled to the side, all most falling down but UNFORTUNATELY managed to keep his balance. His eyes widen by my sudden action towards him and I heard him mumble to himself. '' What was that for ? ''




( Mei Ling's POV ) :


* I-I-I can't get that image out of my head ! Those eyes ... those lips ... his head leaning closer to mine ... his lips all most touching mine ! Ahhh ! Oh my gosh ! I wasn't dreaming, right ? L-Lu-Lu H-H-hhhhhannnn was gonna KISS me back then ! Oh my gosh ! To think that my FIRST kiss was gonna be stolen just like that ... from not any random guy BUT from LU HAN !!! .... Omo, even now my heart isn't beating normally.*


'' Mei, you okay ? Your face is slightly red. You're not sick, are you ? ''


Kris had a worried look on his face and I noticed so did Se Hun and Lu Han oppa. I immediately shook my head and reassured him while smiling. '' Aniya ... I'm okay. Don't worry, big bro.''


I continued eating my bowl of kimchi soup happily. The others did as well and Kris was the last one to finally eat again. While eating, I felt something strange as if someone was watching me from around the table. I quickly lifted my head up to check but everyone was eating and talking. No one was paying attention to me. I shrugged my shoulders and continued eating.


'' Guys let's go to the beach today ! Is so beautiful and sunny outside ! '' Chen said happily and everyone agreed.


'' Good idea ! Let's go right NOW ! '' Xiu Min said while running out of the kitchen and going up the stairs.


The boys followed him and ran up the stairs except for me, Kris, Se Hun and Lu Han oppa. We got in our room and started packing our bags.  Once everyone was ready, we headed down to the beach.




Chan Yeol, Baek Hyun, Su Ho, Lay, D.O and Xiu Min were playing beach volleyball not too far away. The boys were having fun. I heard Chan Yeol's really loud laughs and the boys screaming. In a different corner of the beach, I saw Kai and Chen talking or rather flirting with a bunch of girls in bikinis. I sighed and shook my head. As usual, Tao and Kris were together. They were swimming and having fun in the water.


'' Don't you want to go swim ? '' Lu Han oppa asked while laying down on the towel next to me.


'' Nah ... I'll pass.'' Even though I had a new swimsuit or bikini that Lu Han bougth me, there was no way that I was gonna wear it. I was too shy and didn't want to show so much of my skin especially here.


'' So what do you wanna do ? ''


'' ...... ''


'' Hey guys ! ''


We both looked up and saw Se Hun coming towards us with 3 bubble teas. He handed Lu Han a banana bubble tea and handed me my favorite, mango bubble tea ! Miam ! While he had strawberry.


The 3 of us just enjoyed the view and talked about everything and nothing. I liked this. From time to time, Kris and Tao or one of the volleyball players would come and stay with us then leave.


We finished our bubble teas and Se Hun decided to throw them away since he needed to go to the washroom. When he left, Lu Han finally got up and stretched his arms. Then, just like that, he removed his v-neck and ....... AHHHHHHH ~!!!! The sunlight was shining brightly on his beautiful slightly build chest ! WOW ~ !


* Lu Han oppa looks soooooo H.O.T ~ !!! I didn't know he worked out ! WOW ! He looks like a greek god ! *


I was still staring at him from head to toe and probably had some drool dripping down from my mouth ! B-But I can't take my eyes away from him !!!




( Lu Han's POV ) :


* I know Mei Ling is checking me out. Is pretty obvious since her eyes are sparkling and glued to me. And is wide open. I see some drool dripping. HAHAHA !!! So kyeopta ! *


'' Take a picture. It last way longer then just staring.'' I smirked ily at her and winked.


She knew she got caught. Her face changed to 50 different shades of red. She quickly looked away and tried defending herself. '' I-I-I-I ... wasn't staring at y-y-youuu ! .... B-But at ....... that ! '' She pointed somewhere up in the sky and I shook my head.


'' Okay if you say so ! '' I smirked evilly. '' But answer me this. Why would you drool over some sky ? Did it affect you that much to make you drool ? ''


Her eyes widen wide as D.O's by my question. She couldn't manage to say anything and I left her dumbfounded.


* HAHAHAHA !!! Wu Mei Ling, you can't lie to me. Hmm ... I wonder if she has already fallen for me ? *

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice