Breaking in

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Mei Ling's POV ) :

I was waiting for my brother in the Incheon airport. I'm so happy that I finally arrived in Seoul. Is been already 4 years that I live in Korea. During these 4 years I lived in the country side and went to an all girls school. It was my brother's idea to put me in an all girls school while he lived here in the city. Because of my father's compagny we kept on moving back and forth from Canada to China. When his compagny became really popular and demanding here in Korea he decided that we should live here. Well since he's always busy and traveling the world  I really don't know where he is ? 

I sighed.  * What's taking Kris so long ? *

I looked down on the floor and closed my eyes.

* Dad, wherever you are ... please just be careful of your health. And don't worry about me and Kris. Were doing just fine.*

'' Mei Ling !!! ''

* Huh ? *  I raised my head and opened my eyes. 

Standing in the middle of a crowd there was this very tall and good looking guy. He was looking at my direction with a huge smile on his face. I'd recognize that giant anywhere.

'' Kris !!! '' I shouted joyfully and ran up to him.

I gave him a really tight hug and giggled. He hugged me back and we stood like this for a long moment. The last time we saw each other was during winter vacation. So long ago.

'' Omg !! I missed you so much. You don't know how much I was waiting patienly for you to come. '' I said and pouted.

'' I missed you too Mei.'' He patted my head and chuckled. '' Sorry I was busy finishing some stuffs but now that your big brother is here let's go home and eat some delicious food.''

'' Yeah !! '' I raised my arms in the air and added '' I'm really hungry.''

He took my luggages and we left the airport heading home.




'' Finally back home.'' I shouted happily while entering the kitchen.

During these 4 years since we lived in different cities I would always come in Seoul to visit Kris during either winter or summer vacation. I couldn't stand being away from him. He's my only family. (Except dad but he's not around). Ever since my mom died when I was only 5, Kris was the one who took care of me. He's the only one I can count on.

'' So what do you want to eat sis ? ''

'' Hmm ... I know ! I want pizza ! '' 

'' Sure.''

He chuckled and ordered some pizza. I went to my room and unpacked my luggages. 

* He must of been lonely living alone in this big house. Anyways I'm here now.*

A couple a hours later, we finishied eating and just talked about school and friends and I finished fixing my room. It was getting late and I did felt sleepy but I wanted to stay with Kris and catch up things I missed.

I was watching tv in the living room while Kris was in his room.

'' C'mon Kris ! Let's watch Flower boy ramyun shop ! '' I shouted.

'' Ahh !! I just love watching this drama ! '' I squealed in delight.

* Ahh ~ ! Jung Il Woo is so dreaming ! *

As I was watching the drama with so much attention I totally forgot about Kris. Well almost forgot until he appeared out of nowhere.

'' Move Kris ! I can't see.'' I whined.

'' Ok listen Mei this is really important.'' He said while covering the tv infront of me.

'' What is it ? '' I asked curiously while trying to move on the further side of the couch.

'' Please concentrate for 2 minutes here.'' He said and rolled his eyes.

I nodded and closed the tv. I looked up at him and said '' Go on. I'm listening.''

'' I have to go to my part-time job now and I will come back home tomorrow morning.'' He said.

'' What ? Seriously ! '' I said in shock. '' But - ''

'' I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you alone either but I can't be late.'' He said while looking at his watch. '' Anyways tomorrow I'm not working so we'll hang out all day long.''

'' You promise ? '' I asked while showing him my pinky.

He smiled and said '' I promise '' and we pinky sweared.

So we hugged and waved bye. I closed the door and went back to the living room. I sighed. 

* Ah ! What should I do ? *  I looked up at the ceiling. * I hate being alone. I think I'll go to sleep.*

I was in my room and I did felt a little cold. I closed the balcony's door and noticed the balcony from the house infront. 

* It would be cool if I had a friend living there then we could send messages to each other.*

So I closed the light and laid down on my bed and fell asleep quickly hoping for morning to come quickly.




It was 4 am and I woke up cause I felt a fresh breeze. A breeze ? I kept on turning on my bed trying to ignore it but I felt too cold. So I opened my eyes and looked at the balcony door. Wait a minute ! 

* I know that I closed the door.*

I jumped up from my bed and blinked 5 times. OMG !! The door was open !! 

* Someone came in ! A burglar ? *

Now I felt really scared and panicked. I swallowed hard. I went out on the balcony and looked if someone was there.

* No one.*

I looked down on the garden but found nothing. So I returned in my room and closed the balcony door AGAIN.

* Maybe.....I dreamed that I closed the door ?* 

I took a deep breath. The lights weren't open so my eyes had some difficulty to ajust to the dark. Then just when I thought that I was ALONE in my room I noticed SOMEONE standing infront of my door. I still couldn't see well but I heard the foot steps of that person coming towards me.

* OMG !!! OMG !!! A !!! *

He was coming closer and I saw his hand grabbing something from his pocket. I was already crying and felt totally scared. I couldn't think of anything except to scream.

'' AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH ~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''



Ok so this is the first chapter of my new fanfic. What do you guys think ? Please leave your comments and don't forget to subscribe . Thank you :)

OMG ! Who the hell is this person breaking in the house ?? What will happen to Mei Ling ?? Will Kris come to the rescue ??

Chapter 2 coming soon ...

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice