Attacked !

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Mei Ling's POV ) :


* Jeju Island ! Jeju Island ! Here we come ! *


I was sitting in between Lu Han Oppa, who's on my right side and Se Hun, who's on my left side. Lu Han was looking out the window while I was playing a video game with Se Hun. We were having so much fun that we couldn't stop giggling.


'' Yes ! I win again ! '' Se Hun fist pump with a huge victory smile on his face. '' 6 VS 2 ! Wanna play again ? ''


I pouted '' Aww ~ ! Why do you keep on winning ? I'm sure you're cheating ! ''


He started laughing and pretended to be offensive '' ME ? CHEATING ? Nah ah ! I just rock at this game ! ''


Lu Han turned his gaze at us looking curious. '' What's the big deal ? Is just a game ! '' He rolled his eyes.


'' Fine then Oppa you beat Se Hunnie for me ! '' I gave him my controller with a sweet smile.


He sighed '' Fine ! '' He took the controller and looked at Se Hun '' I'll totally beat you bro ''


Se Hun chuckled '' We'll see about that bro ''




'' Yeah ! Oppa you're the best ! '' I gave him a hi 5.


'' I can't believe it ! I've lost ! '' Se Hun was stunned.


At first, Se Hun did had 6 points and I had 2 but when Lu Han started playing the points just leved up ! These boys were so concentrated in the game that they completely forgot about me. In the end, Lu Han did won with a total of 12 VS 8 !


'' I totally rock at this game ! '' Lu Han fist pump with a huge victory smile on his face.


Se Hun pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.


'' Don't worry Se Hunnie, you'll win in another game '' Lu Han said and we both chuckled '' Go us ! ''




So the plane finally landed on Jeju Island. We arrived at a really beautiful, huge and expensive looking villa. This villa belongs to Chan Yeol's family and it was his idea to come here. We decided to stay for a week and spend everyday at the beach. Just having fun and relax.


Even if the villa was huge, there was a number of limited rooms so everyone had a roomie. My roomies were Kris, of course, Se Hun and Lu Han. In our room, there was 2 single beds over the left side of the room and a bunk bed over the right side of the room. The 4 of us just stood in the door's entrance quiet and looked at the beds. Oh ... I know what's gonna happen. 3,2,1 ! Kris and Se Hun immediately ran towards the single beds in fast speed. Pushing me and Lu Han from their way.


Lu Han and I walked towards the bunk bed and sighed.


'' So which one you want ? The bottom or the top ? '' He looked at me '' cause I don't mind ''


'' I'll go up ! '' I pointed to the top bed with a smile. He nodded his head and we both chuckled.


'' Hey guys c'mon ! Everyone is already outside '' Chan Yeol shouted while entering the room.




It was such a beautiful, bright and sunny day. EXO were already outside playing in the backyard. There was so many loud noises at once. I heard them laughing, shouting, the water splashing and the '' Cabi song'' from 2PM and SNSD in the background. KaiSoo, BaekYeol, Chen and Lay were playing a match of water volleyball in the pool while TaoRis, HunHan, Xiu Min and Su Ho were just relaxing on the long beach chairs.




'' Mei, come out ! What's taking you so long ?? '' Kris shouted, tired of waiting.


I finished putting my swimsuit on and yelled from the bathroom window '' COMING !! ''. I ran down the stairs, finally came out of the house, closed the door behind me and walked outside joining the others.


I had a huge bright smile on my face while seeing everyone having fun. The boys in the pool were smiling and grinning, I waved my hand towards them, they stopped playing when they noticed me and suddenly everyone's faces became from smiling to shocked and disgusted faces. ?!


I turned my head towards the others sitting on their chairs. They had the same shocked and digusted expressions on their faces. Suddenly, my smile faded away and I felt weird and unsecure about myself.


* Why is everyone looking at me like that ?? What's wrong ? *


'' EWWW ~ ! WHAT THE IS THAT ?? '' Kai shouted outrageously.


'' My eyes ! My eyes ! I think I'm blind ! '' D.O coved his eyes with his hands.


'' Seriously that is soooooooooo NOT hot ! '' Chen said with a hint of disappointment.


Tao shook his head '' Yack ~ ! ''


'' I'm your bro, Mei ... but I also agree with them '' Kris said while slightly shaking. '' Gosh ! I had shivers just now ''


I looked at each one of them. I'm confused. What's wrong with me ? Is it my hair ? My feet ?


'' W-Wh-What ?? What's wrong ? Why are you guys like this ? Please tell me !!! '' I started panicking.


'' YOUR SWIMSUIT ! '' They said in unison while pointing towards me.


I blinked my eyes and didn't understand what they meant. So I looked at my swimsuit.




'' This ? '' I pointed towards myself and looked back at them. '' This is the swimsuit from my old school. I don't have any other than this so I have no choice. Why ? What's wrong with it ? ''


'' DUH ! Is FREAKING ugly ! '' Kai stated.


I gasped and covered my mouth in shock. '' Y-Yah ! '' 


'' Please just remove that HIDEOUS thing ! '' Chan Yeol pleaded. '' A very cute girl like you wearing that hideous thing is such a SIN '' he said dramatically.


They all nodded their heads in agreement and I totally felt offensive. '' B-But ... I d- ''


That instant, Lu Han got up from his seat and walked towards me. He grabbed my hand and shouted so everyone can hear him '' Guys, we'll be back really quickly '' and he leaded the way out of the noisy complaints.


( Lu Han's POV ) :


* Gosh ! That swimsuit is really super duper extremely incredibly horrible and terrifying !!! Yack ! Eww ! Gross ! *


I shook my head to get that picture out of my brain. I was waiting for Mei Ling while she was trying on some new swimsuits in the girls changing room. And I secretly threw that horrible swimsuit into the garbage. HAHAHA !!! Gosh, I can't believe that she wore that ! Anyways, what's taking her so long ?


I knocked gently on her cabinet door '' Mei, are you alright ? Come out ! ''


'' A-A-Aniya !!! ''


'' Wae ? ''


'' B-b-because ... is embarrassing ''


I imagined her face turning red while saying that and chuckled. '' C'mon ! Is just me ! Don't you remember why we came here in the first place ? To get you a brand new swimsuit ''.


'' ... F-Fine '' Slowly, the door opened. I stepped back and waited for her to come out. Then, she finally stepped out with her head facing the ground. My eyes were wide, probably wider then D.O's in this very moment. My jaw was open and I think I kinda drooled. My heart was racing and I started feeling HOT in here. I stared at her from top to bottom probably 5 times.


* DAMN !!! She's soooooooo damn fine ! Gosh ! Freaking Y ! All this time she was hiding that y and attractive body of hers ! WOW ! Chan Yeol's right, it is a SIN to hide that ! Especially from MOI !!! *


I looked around the store. No one in sight. The employees were too busy with the customers. This was my chance. I walked closer towards her and she stepped back into the cabinet looking scared and confused at me. I locked the door behind me and pushed her against the wall. I pressed my upper body against hers, trapping her, my hands resting against the wall. Our faces were inches away. She looked directly into my eyes. OH ! Bad idea !


'' O-O-O-O-Oppaaa .... wh-wh-what ... are ... you do-doingggg ? '' Her voice was shaky ... really shaky.


'' T-T-TH-This isss ... the girlssss ... dressing roommm ... ''


I smiled innocently while I tilted my head to the right '' I know. This isn't the first time I came in ''


Once that came out, she looked stunned. She couldn't believe what I just said. I mean who would ? With this cute/handsome/sweet and innocent face no one would ever dare to doubt me. BUT ... my personnality is way DIFFERENT and DANGEROUS.


'' Mei Ling '' I lifted up her chin with one hand while the other was still resting against the wall. '' You are such a bad girl ... '' She gulped nervously. '' ... for hiding your y body especially from ME ! '' I whispered seductively and bit my bottom lip.


'' I WANT you Mei Ling '' I said without breaking the eye contact.


'' O-oppa ''


I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and hugged her tightly close to me. I kissed her neck hungrily, leaving wet kisses everywhere and then I started on her beautiful slender neck. She started with delight as she grabbed my t-shirt thightly, her legs were trembling, I felt her slowly slipping away so with with my strong arms I lifted her up from the ground. Instinctively, she wrapped her beautiful white long slender legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.


'' Ahh !! ''


The way she let out her cute scream, I chuckled and kissed her nose gently. She blushed and gave me a shy smile. I leaned closer to her right ear and whispered seductively '' I love it when you moannn '' while pushing her hair back.


I her earlobe very slowly. She flinched a bit and whimpered, I continued around it and then started nibbling it. When I finished, I saw her ear became red and I landed back on her neck. I smelled her fresh scent, both my nose and my lips were brushing against her skin. As I was her neck, she started again.


'' Music to my ears '' I breathed out.


I felt her fingers playing around in my hair, as I continued doing my job, she continued very loudly.


'' O-O ... Op-ppaaa ~ ''


I leaned her against the wall, my hands were rubbing her thighs and just going up and down. I loved touching her, feeling her, smelling her, having her body close to mine and hearing her moans. Gosh, I'm just so ! I swear that I could hear her heart beat, it was really loud, it was in sync with mines. The same rhythm. As we were both enjoying ourselves, I wanted more of her, I can't control myself anymore. Everthing was just perfect.


Then something cut us off of our ''perfect'' make out session. Unfortunately, we both heard some sort of music coming from my jeans front pocket. My ringtone ! So with a heavy sigh of disappointment, I landed her back on the floor, turned around and picked up my phone without looking at the color ID.


'' WHAT ? '' I was really pissed off and didn't control my anger voice.


'' Oppaa ~ ! Why are you screaming ? Gosh, my ears hurt ! '' A very whiny and high-pitched voice complained. WAIT ! I'd recognize that very whiny and high-pitched girly voice from anywhere. OMG !


'' Oppa ~ ! Aren't you happy to hear me ? I know you miss me so to cheer you up, you could hear my voice ! Plus, I miss you too '' She continued talking. BLA BLA BLA !


'' Oppa ~ ! Why aren't you talking ? I want to hear your beautiful voice ! '' She whined on the other line.


I facepalmed myself  '' MIN YOUNG ! '' I said while gritting my teeth '' I'm really busy right now ! ''


'' Oppa ~ ! I'm bored. Please talk to me. I-- ''


'' Mianhae Min Young but I really have to go. Bye ! ''


'' O-- '' I ended the call and put my cell back in my front pocket. I turned back facing Mei Ling. She was looking at me with different shades of emotions on her face. Confusion ? Lost ? Sad ? She was red as a tomato and avoided my gaze.


'' ......... I'll .... '' I rubbed the back of my neck feeling awkward and left the cabinet.


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


* OH.MY.FREAKING.GOD ! What just happened ? *


I was leaning my back against the wall, catching my breath and flashbacks of what just happened a couple of minutes ago were rushing in my mind. The way Lu Han's presence changed in a second and that look in his eyes. He looked like a predator hunting for his prey. I've never saw that side of him so I did felt confused and scared. So many mixed feelings were rushing in me. I was surprised by his actions. The way he kissed my neck so hungrily and it with his wet tongue. The way his voice became a very low and seductive whisper. The way his hands were rubbing on my thighs.




I shook my head '' AHHHH !!! What's going on ? ''


* Wait ..... * 


'' .................... ''


'' ......... Min Young ? Who's that ? '' I thought back when Lu Han was on the phone and mentioned the female's name.




In the end, Lu Han oppa bought me a brand new swimsuit bikini. The cute pink/white polka dot bikini I wore when he ATTACKED me in the cabinet. Aigoo ~ ! So embarrassing !


During the ride back home, we didn't dare talked to eachother after that moment so it was pretty dead quiet. I did wanted to ask him about what he did back then but just remembering about it, I felt my cheeks burning and my mouth wouldn't let out any noise.


* I'll ask him when we get back home in private *.




It was such a beautiful night. I loved watching the twinkling stars up in the night sky. That's something you can't see easily back in the city. I loved the peaceful, relaxing and tropical feel from the ocean breeze. The villa wasn't that far from the beach only a couple of blocks away. I was sitting on the veranda, looking at the boys playing in the pool.


'' Aren't you guys cold ? You've been there since this afternoon ! '' I shouted at them.


Baek Hyun smiled innocently '' Aniya ! The water is fine. I love swimming at night ! Is better. ''


I chuckled from his reply while shaking my head. Then I sensed someone's presence nearby, he was walking closer to me and I turned my head facing that person.


'' Hey, want some more chicken BBQ ? '' Se Hun was eating his chicken leg happily and offered me with his left hand another chicken leg.


I shook my head lightly while giving him a thoughtful smile '' Thanks but I'm full ''


The boys made some really delicious and juicy BBQ for supper. My stomach was full, no more place for anymore food. Se Hun sat beside me on the swinging bench.




'' Mei do you wanna go somewhere ? ''


I looked at him curiously '' Where ? ''


'' Somewhere '' He simply said with a grin.


'' Well if is somewhere where I won't be ATTACKED '' I said the last word while looking at Lu Han, who was talking with Xiu Min, Kris and Tao near the pool. They were far enough that they can't hear us. I quickly looked back at Se Hun '' ... then fine, let's go ! ''


'' Attacked ? What do you mean ? '' He asked confused.


'' ....... Nevermind. So let's go ! '' I smiled while getting up from the swinging bench.


* At least with Se Hunnie by my side, I know Lu Han oppa won't ATTACK me again *.




Chapter 15 coming soon ...

Sorry for the long wait >.< !  I've been busy with school and doing my homework and stuff.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter :) Thank you for waiting.

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice