A normal day at the mall ?

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Mei Ling's POV ) :


I was hugging Lu Han and he hugged me back while grinning. We stayed like this for a moment, EXO were staring at us while the crowd continued dancing. I looked up at Lu Han, I felt my cheeks starting to blush and he continued grinning.


'' C'mon let's dance ! '' He reached for my hand and leaded the way to the dance floor.


The DJ put on a slow and romantic song for couples. Then the dance floor was packed with slow dancing couples including us. Lu Han wrapped his long arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We were looking into each other eyes while smiling. We were slow dancing in the middle of the crowd under the moon light sky.


* He is soooooo handsome with that angelic smile of his. His hair looks so soft and fluffy. I can't believe I'm dancing with him ! Lu Han Oppa >.< !! *


I felt my cheeks started to blush. He was still staring at me. I don't think he blinked once. '' Why are you so smiley ? ''


He chuckled '' Because you called me Oppa ! ''


'' Oh ~ ! '' I looked away and he added '' You should call me Oppa from now on since I am older than you.''


'' How old are you ? '' I asked while lifting an eyebrow.


He continued smiling '' Guess ! ''


* Hmm ........ well Kris said that Kai and Se Hun would be in my class. We will be the same age since my birthday is coming soon. Lu Han oppa does look young maybe ....*


'' 18 ? '' I guessed.


He chuckled and didn't say anything. '' Am I right ? '' I asked.


'' How old is Kris ? '' He asked me changing the subject. I looked at him weirdly '' 22, why ? ''


'' Well believe it or not but I'm the same age as him.'' He spinned me around 2 times and I came back to my position.


I looked at him in disbelief. '' You're 22 ?! Jin ja ? '' Lu Han nodded his head while laughing. '' You look so so young ! ''


He continued laughing '' Maybe I can pretend to be a student at SM Academy. If I can trick you than I can surely trick the teachers.'' He winked and I chuckled.


( Se Hun's POV ) :


I was looking at Lu Han hyung slow dancing with Mei Ling. They looked really happy together. I'm sure they are having a great time while I'm here standing and just looking at them. Aish ! I can't stop thinking about the way her eyes were shining when Lu Han hyung was dancing. The way she hugged him and called him oppa ! Those two really got close with each other. I can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous.


'' Oh Se Hun, why are you sulking ? This is a party, you should go have fun and be happy ! '' Chan Yeol hyung was nudging me.


'' I'm not SULKING ! '' I raised my voice a little to high while glaring at him to stop and he back away slowly.


'' Woah ... chill chingu ! ''


At that moment, Kris hyung and Tao arrived. They looked warned out as if they ran a marathon or something. They were sweaty and kept on panting.


'' What's wrong with you guys ? '' Su Ho hyung asked them.


'' Did you escape your crazy fan girls ~ ? '' Bacon hyung asked while giggling with Yeollie hyung.


Both of them drank some water, sat down on the stool bars with us and Kris hyung was the first to speak.


'' Those crazy girls wouldn't leave us alone ! They followed us everywhere ! Two girls even tried to follow me in the bathroom ! ''


We laughed at them while they both told us the story about hiding from the crazy girls.


* Good thing girls don't chase me around.* I sighed and finished my bottle of soju. The hyungs were talking about random things and I couldn't pay any attention since I was distracted from Mei Ling and Lu Han hyung. * But there is one girl I'm ready to chase after no matter what ! *


I walked straight towards them and touched hyung's shoulder '' I think is my turn ''. He turned to me and looked surprised, I grabbed Mei Ling's hand and started dancing with her. Lu Han hyung was just standing there wide eyed and finally left. I smirked while watching him leave.


( Lu Han's POV ) :


* Is it me or I thought I saw Se Hun smirking at me while leaving ? Weird ? Did I do something ? Aish ! Just when I was having a great time with her. SE HUN had to come and stop everything. Anyways ... I'll go check on the others in the meantime.*


So it was really late, I did felt tired and so was everyone else. We left the party, everyone parted different ways to go home and I said good night to Mei Ling before she went in her house.


I was laying down on my bed and couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful she looked tonight. I was really happy that I got to dance with her, we talked and just had fun. All I can think about is her. The way she smiles, laughs and being so cute and innocent. Aww ! My heart was beating fast and it didn't slow down.


* Wu Mei Ling you are driving me crazy ! * 


'' You got a message ! You got a message ! ''


I took my phone from my night desk and saw that I got a text message.


Lu Han Oppa >.< !! How r u my love ? I can't wait 2 come back 2 Korea n see u !!!

I heard there was a party 2day, you weren't looking at any other girls, right ?

Or else I'll totally beat them up !! HAHAHAHA !! ... Just joking :p 

Anyways, don't feel lonely ! I'll be back soon my love <3 !

From : Ur sweet n lovely Min Young :)


I facepalmed myself and sighed.


* How did she get my phone number ?! Aish ! This crazy Min Young won't stop texting me everynight ! Why do you call me '' love '' ? I'm not your FREAKING boyfriend !!!!! *


'' Crazy ! '' I deleted her message and put back my phone on the night desk. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.


'' Mei Ling, I'll see you tomorrow ... '' That was the last thing I said before falling asleep.


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


Today, I went to the mall ALONE. I didn't want Kris to come along because I wanted to spend some time alone. After arguing with him for almost an hour, he finally gave up but in one condition. He gave me a CURFEW ! Seriously ?! He said that I need to be home at 9pm before he leaves for work. It was that or 8pm so I accepted his condition.


I was walking around and spotted one store that I really wanted to go to. Music Melody. I wonder if Se Hun is there ?


I walked in, headed straight to the k-pop section and saw all the albums.




'' Awww ~ ! There's no more Big Bang's album ! '' I pouted.


'' So you like Big Bang ? ''


I turned around by surprise and squealed. My hand was on my chest and I looked at him with wide eyes. '' You scared me ! ''


He chuckled '' Mianhae. I saw you walked in and wanted to say hi ! '' He waved his hand while smiling cutely.


He added '' So other than Big Bang, who else do you like ? ''


'' I really like Teen Top ! '' I smiled and grabbed their album. '' L.Joe oppa is so handsome ~ ! '' I sang the last part.


Se Hun rolled his eyes and mimicked me with a really high pitch girl voice '' L.Joe oppa is so handsome ~ ! '' He batted his eyelashes and did the heart shape with his hands.


'' Yah ! '' I giggled and hit his arm playfully '' I don't act like that ! ''


He giggled '' No you're right ! All girls do ! '' He continued laughing.


'' And what about you guys ! '' I imitated a guy's voice '' Oh Yoona noona is so beautiful ~ ! '' I made kissing sounds and saw Se Hun's face blushing like a red tomato.


'' Y-Yah ! I don't do that ! Maybe the hyungs but not me ! '' He looks kinda embarrassed.


I laughed at him and shook my head. He grabbed the album from my hands '' C'mon ! ''


We walked up to the counter and saw Kai reading a magazine, looking quite bored. He looked up at us, then suddenly his mood changed from boring to happy. He had a huge smile on his face and threw the magazine away '' Hey is my girl ! '' 


'' Tsk ! '' Se Hun rolled his eyes.


'' Hi Kai ! I didn't know you worked here too.''


'' Well he does. '' Se Hun answered then handed me a cute pink plastic bag. '' This is for you ! '' He smiled.


I looked inside and it was Teen Top's album. I looked back at Se Hun and shook my head '' No I -- ''


'' I'm giving it to you as a gift. Please take it ! '' He winked.


'' B-but ... are you sure ? ''


'' Of course ! You're my friend and this is my gift to you ! '' He smiled.


'' Gomawo Se Hun ! '' I thanked him shyly and bowed my head.


'' Okay ... '' Kai looked at us weirdly and checked his watch '' Yes ! Is lunch time ! C'mon let's go eat, I'm starving ! ''


Kai  put his arm around my shoulder '' What you want to eat ? ''


'' .... Hmm ... Ah ! Dukbokki ! '' 


'' Excellent choice ! '' He turned his head to Se Hun '' Yo maknae ! You're paying ! ''


Kai and I walked out of the store while laughing and Se Hun ran to catch up with us yelling '' Why me ? Not fair ! ''


( Lu Han's POV ) :


I was hanging out with Chan Yeol, Baek Hyun, Lay and Su Ho at the mall. Kris said that Mei Ling was at the mall as well and she didn't want him to accompany her so he stayed home. Feeling bad for him, Tao, Chen and Xiu Min stayed with Kris while we left.


'' Let's go to Music Melody, I'm sure she's with Se Hun and Kai. '' Baek Hyun suggested and we nodded our heads in unison.


So we arrived at Music Melody but they weren't there ! Uncle Oh told us they went to eat lunch. We bowed down, thanked him and left the store.


When we arrived at the food court it was already packed. Great !


I sighed and tapped Yeollie's back '' Giant, can you spot them ? ''


'' Why are you asking me ? '' He looked confused.


I rolled my eyes '' Cause among these shorties '' I pointed to Baek, Lay and Su Ho. '' You are the tallest ! '' I looked back at him. He hit his forehead and finally realized what I was talking about '' Oh ! Right ! ''


So Chan Yeol was scanning the food court and then something caught his attention '' Oh ! I see them ! Over there ! '' His was poiting to their seats and was jumping pretty excitedly. Su Ho smacked the giant's head '' Then lead the way ! ''


So we walked pass by a couple of tables and finally stopped at the trio's table. Mei Ling lifted her head up looking at us and instantly smiled '' Hey guys ! '' She waved her hand and the guys did the same.


'' Hyungs ! '' The two maknaes looked surprised. Especially Se Hunnie.  * Hmm ... ? *


So after lunch, we all finished eating and we walked around the mall. Kai was busy texting, probably some new chick he found online, Lay was drinking his bubble tea and probably lost in his own world, Su Ho was looking around the stores we passed by, Se Hun was walking beside me, BaekYeol were arguing on '' who does the cutest pounding face '' while Mei Ling was the judge.


'' So dongsaeng, why so quiet ? '' I asked Se Hun. Is strange that he was so quiet. Usually, he always talks.


'' H-Hmm .... Nothing really ... just tired from last night's party.'' 


'' Se Hun ... are you m-mad at me or something ? ''


He looked up at me and looked confused. '' Why would I be mad at you ? '' He lifted up his eyebrow and continued '' Hyung are you okay ? ''


I shook my head and chuckled '' Never mind then. If you're not mad then I'm happy.''


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


'' SOOOOO ~ ???? ''


'' Hmm ... '' I was thinking but couldn't choose. '' Mianhae ... but I can't choose. Both of you are just too cute ! '' I smiled sweetly and pinched Baek Hyun's cheek with one hand and the other I pinched Chan Yeol's cheek.


I let them go and giggled at their cute pink faces. Then Chan Yeol hugged me tightly '' AWWW ~ ! Kris' hyung's sister is so KYEOPTA !!! ''


Baek Hyun gave him a glare and backhugged me tightly '' AWW ~ ! Mei, are you sure you are related to Kris hyung ? ''


* OMO ! I'm stuck in between Chan Yeol and Baek Hyun !! They are squishing me alive ! *


'' YAH ! Living sandwich over there ! Let go of the girl, she can't breathe ! '' Lu Han yelled and looked pretty pissed.


Se Hun and Kai looked pissed as well and Su Ho facepalmed himself '' Yah ! Guys, how are you gonna explain to Kris when he sees his sister's body squished as a TOOTHPICK ?? ''


At that comment, they finally let go and I catched my breath. * Thank You Su Ho ! *


Lu Han pushed the guys away and came closer to me. He touched my cheek softly and had a concern look on his face '' Are you okay ? ''


'' Yes, I'm fine ! '' I felt my cheeks started to blush just by the touch of his hand on my cheek and his beautiful deer like eyes looking at me. '' You d-d-don't have t-t-to worry ab-about me ...'' I looked down too shy to look at him.


'' Well that's too bad cause I love worrying about YOU ! '' He KILLED me with his RADIANT SMILE !




Chapter 12 coming soon ...

A normal day at the mall ? With EXO ? NO OF COURSE NOT ! :P 

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice