Love At First Sight

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Lu Han's POV ) :


My heart broke the instant tears started falling down her eyes. At that moment, I felt pain in my chest. I knew the whole story about their past and even more now. It was just sad and really hard on them. She opened up to me, she trusted me. My poor baby. I never want to see her cry again. I don't want her to lose her precious smile.


I'm happy that she's smiling again. Her eyes are a little puffy but she's still cute. The whole time while eating our meal, I just couldn't stop staring at her. My eyes were glued to her face. I noticed all of her facial features. My smile grew wider and wider the more I looked at her.


'' Hmm ... Oppa ? '' She said nervously.


'' Yes ? ''


'' Why are you staring at me like that ? Is uncomfortable.'' She started blushing.


I chuckled '' Mianhae. I just can't stop staring at you.''


'' Wae ? D-D-Do I have something on my face ? D-Do I look weird ? Is there something in between my teeth ? '' She started panicking while touching her face.


I started giggling at her innocence and cuteness. She didn't like the way I was laughing at her so she started pouting. She turned her head away and crossed her arms over her chest.


'' Mianhae. Please look at me.'' She just ignored me.


So I leaned closer over the table and with my large hands cupped her face gently while turning her head facing me. I noticed her face became red in an instant. She just looked at me with widen eyes.


'' You.are.PERFECT ! '' I kissed her small nose, released her face gently from my hands and sat back down on my seat with a grin.


'' ......... '' She turned into a statue. She didn't talk, move and maybe breathe ? Uh oh, what have I done ?


'' I-I-I-I-I-I have tooooo go tooooo the wash-sh-roommm .... '' She got up from her seat and pratically RAN to the girl's washroom.


I let out a dreamy sigh. Aigoo ! This girl is driving me insane. Seriously, I, Xi Lu Han, had never ever fallen this hard for a girl before. I have such strong feelings for her that are inexplicable. Unimaginable. Don't get me wrong here. I've already fallen in love with plenty of girls before. I had plenty of past relationships. Some were short just for fooling around and others were pretty serious and lasted long enough. What I mean is that ... with Mei Ling is totally different. She's special ! I didn't believe of love at first sight until my eyes met hers. Yes, this is LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


* OH MY GOD ! I'm not dreaming ! Xi Lu Han did KISSED me ! Well ... my NOSE but still ! I've NEVER been kissed before. Yeah that's right. No FIRST KISS. Aigoo ! I've never met someone like Lu Han Oppa before. I'm going crazy here ! What's wrong with me ? Everytime he looks at me, everytime he touches me and everytime he says sweet and nice things to me .... I ... I ... I feel that my heart is melting from the inside ! *


''  Hmm ... excuse me ''


There was a knock on my cubicle's door. I kinda jumped out of surprise and came back to reality. The knocks became louder and rougher.


'' Excuse me but how long are you gonna stay in there ? I REALLY NEED TO GO !! ''


I gasped. OMO ! I was so shocked by the kiss that I came straight into one of the washroom's cubicles so no one can see my tomatoe face. Well I'm okay now so I opened the door and the girl ran straight in pushing me to the side.


'' Aigoo ! '' I pouted and walked away. Ready to face Lu Han Oppa.


( Se Hun's POV ) :


I was laying down on my bed just staring at the ceiling and thinking about the LOVE OF MY LIFE ! Wu Mei Ling. That gorgeous Goddess stole my heart. It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ! Yes from the first time my eyes met hers, I knew that I've fallen in love. She's perfect ! She's everything I ever wanted. I think  know that she's the ONE !


Everytime I'm around her, I feel all tingly, happy and goofy. Is like I'm seeing my life in a total different way. I feel like I'm floating in the sky. I hear bells ringing in my ears and my heart beats like crazy as if I'm having a heart attack. No girl has ever made me feel like this. Not even my EX ! I just want Mei Ling to know my feelings but ... I'm scared. Scared of being rejected, scared that someone else stole her heart and scared of my heart being broken into millions of tiny pieces.


'' Honey ! Chan Yeol and Baek Hyun are here ! '' I heard my umma shouted from downstairs.


I raised up from my bed and immediately went downstairs to see them.


* Weird, I haven't heard the door bell ring. Anyways, why are they here ? *


'' Hyungs, is nice to see you guys ... again but what are you doing here ? '' I asked them curiously while walking down the stairs and joined them standing infront of the door.


'' Maknae ! '' Yeollie hyung hugged me tightly and seriously I couldn't breathe ! '' I just came up with the most brilliant idea EVA !! '' He shouted excitedly '' You'll LOVE IT ~ ! '' He sang.


'' Yah ! Let the poor boy go, he can't breathe ! '' Bacon hyung said and thankfully he finally released me from the tight hug. I stepped away from him to catch some air.


'' What's .... your .... idea ? '' I said in between breaths.


'' Well first, you're coming with us '' Bacon hyung said with a grin. Yeollie hyung nodded his head '' Yeah, now c'mon ! '' He grabbed my wrist and Bacon hyung pushed me from behind.


'' Wait ! Wait ! Where are we going ? '' I panicked.


'' You'll see '' They simply said and dragged me away from my house but before closing the door I shouted '' Umma, I'll be back later ! ''


( Lu Han's POV ) :


'' O-Oppa ....''


'' What is it ? ''


Silence. I turned my head to the passenger's seat, looking at her with concerned. She wanted to ask me something but she was hesitating. So I grabbed her left hand and intertwined our fingers.


'' What is it ? You know you can tell me anything. So what's on your mind ? ''


She took a deep breath and slowly said '' T-The ... girl ... you like ... wouldn't she be ... jealous ? ''


She added '' Because you are being so nice to me. I mean you bought me a dress, you bought me a cellphone, you took me out and we even danced together. And we hang out often together ... '' She looked at me while bitting her bottom lip nervously.


I smiled widely. * So she's thinking about that ! She doesn't know that ''the girl'' is actually her. Hihihi :p Aigoo ! I'm giving her so many signs but she still doesn't get it ? She is innocent when it comes to love. Hmm ...*


'' Well first of all, I do like her but ... '' I looked at her with a serious look '' I'm not so sure about her feelings ''


She frowned her eyebrows and tilted her head.


'' Deep down, I feel that there's a part of her that's scared to admit that she's actually falling for me ... or either ... she still doesn't know about her feelings towards me '' I squeezed her hand '' Maybe she's scared or maybe she isn't ready. I'm not sure how she sees me. Does she see me as an older brother, friend or ... '' I leaned closer to her face very slowly, staring deeply into her eyes without letting her hand go and whispered very softly towards her lips '' ... AS A MAN ? ''


( Mei Ling's POV ) :


* AHHHHHH ! He is sooooooo CLOSE !! Too CLOSE !! Help ! Eotteoke ? What should I do ? He isn't gonna k-ki-ki-sssss me ... right ?? What about the girl he likes ?? *


He leaned closer to my face very slowly, staring into my eyes without letting go of my hand and whispered very softly towards my lips '' ... AS A MAN ? ''


I quickly looked at his soft pink lips and thought about many things. How would it feel to kiss someone ? To share a sweet and passionate kiss with someone you love ? Will I feel fireworks, butterflies or anything inside of me ?


Then I quickly looked away of his lips and saw the time on the car's stereo. It caught my attention and it was something to get rid of him !


'' AH ! '' I shouted and let go his hand and pointed to the stereo. '' Kris is gonna be mad if I don't get home in time ! ''

I looked back at Lu Han '' Oppa pali pali ! Let's go ! ''


He looked confused but shrugged it off quickly and started the car.


* Phew ! I was scared there ! *




We finally came back home, at exactly 8:58 pm ! Haha ! 2 minutes before 9 ! Anyways, I invited Lu Han over for some tea and he accepted. When we entered, I saw 10 pairs of shoes on the floor. I even heard a really loud and lively conversation in the living room so we headed to there to see what's going on.


'' OMO ! I don't know what to pack ! ''


'' We should totally bring sunglasses, sunscreen, bathing suits ...''


'' I hope there will be plenty of hot chicks ''


The living room was crowed with EXO. As soon as we entered, they turned their heads towards us and had bright smiles.


'' Finally, the two missing people are here ! '' Kai said with a smile.


'' What's going on here ? A reunion or something ? '' Lu Han asked.


Chan Yeol stood up from the sofa and lifted his arms in the air '' PACK YOUR BAGS CAUSE WE ARE GOING ON VACATION !!! '' He screamed excitedly and the rest of the boys followed him. They all jumped excitedly and grinned. I looked at Lu Han and back at the crazy boys.


'' Where are we going ? '' I asked curiously.


'' JEJU ISLAND BABY ! '' They chorused.


JEJU ISLAND ! My eyes twinkled with excitement and I started acting crazy with them.



Chapter 14 coming soon ...

OMO ! Going on vacation with EXO :D

The sun, the beach, BBQ, swimming, EXO in their swimsuits >.< and plenty of romance with Lu Han and Se Hun

What will happen during this vacation ? 

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice