Saved me

Dating my baby sister....Oh HELL NO !!!

( Mei Ling's POV ) : 


This morning I woke up pretty early since at 4 am there was a so called '' '' that broke in my house. But this '' '' was actually Kris' friend called Lu Han. Isn't it funny ? * Aish ! I can't believe Kris would ask his friend to check up on me. Really ? I'm not a baby ! I can look after myself. What does he think I'll do during night ? SLEEP , DUH !! *

I'm really mad at Kris right now. He tried explaining to me but I didn't want to hear him. So I locked myself in my room and laid on my bed. Kris was knocking on my door for several times and calling my name. Then finally decided to go back to his room. I felt tired because of this unexpected situation and it took me an hour before finally falling asleep.


So when I woke up again ( for good this time ) it was 10:25 am. I heard someone in the kitchen and smelled something delicious. 

I went to the kitchen and saw plenty of delicious food on the table.



'' WOW ~ !! '' I looked at the food with huge eyes and felt my mouth starting to water up.

'' Hey ! Morning ! '' Kris looked at me with a bright smile.

'' I made breakfast for you, my dear little baby sister. Now c'mon eat up.''

'' Omg ! Y- You made all this ? For me ? '' I pointed at myself, wide eyed.

I sat down on a chair and kept on staring at the food. * Looks DELICIOUS !! But wait a minute ! *

I looked at Kris whom was sitting facing me and crossed my arms.

'' I know your game. You did all this so that I can forgive you and forget about what happened this morning.'' 

'' Okay, yeah. You got me. Please Mei ~  forgive your loving brother ? '' He continued on. '' I only care about you and tried asking Lu Han to check and leave. I promise I will never do it again.''

'' Hmm ...... well if you will never do it again OKAY. I forgive you Kris.'' I smiled happily and started eating my pancake.

He chuckled and started eating as well.

* I can't never be mad at Kris for that long. * I felt really happy now.

'' Oh and today I got everything planned out.''

'' Really ? Cool ! Where are we going ? What were gonna do ? W- '' I was too excited and Kris cut me off.

'' First finish eating and then I'll guide you the way.'' He started eating his bacon and eggs.





So after we finished eating breakfast and took our showers and got dressed, we finally left the house and went to the mall. Kris told me that we would hang out and have fun. * Yeah ! Nothing can ruin this day ! * So we were walking around the mall and Kris suddenly had to go to the washroom.

'' I'll be right back, don't move.'' He ran off quickly.

So I sat down on a bench and quickly got bored. I pouted. I looked around the food court and saw many people eating or talking. While I was ALONE waiting for my brother.There was one table that had 3 guys and I noticed they were looking at me from afar. Since they saw me looking back at them they turned their heads away. * Weird ?*

* While I'm waiting I could play Super Junior's Shake but no ........................... cause I DON'T HAVE A PHONE.''  I sighed.

'' Hey there cutie ! ''

* Huh ? *  I raised my head up and saw infront of me the 3 guys that were watching me from afar.

'' Why a cute girl like you is doing here alone ? '' The red haired guy in the middle was smiling.

I looked to my right and left sides and saw no one. Then I looked back at them and then realized he was talking to me.* OH ! *

'' You look bored. '' The black haired guy said. The other guy wearing a cap was nodding his head in agreement.

'' Well I am bored of waiting.'' I simply said.

'' Oh ! You're waiting for your boyfriend ~ ? '' The red haired asked while raising an eyebrow.

The guy wearing the cap started smiling and asked. '' Why don't you hang out with us instead ? ''

I started to feel a little bit worried and maybe panicking. The 3 boys kept on asking me to hang out with them and asking me my name ,etc. I kept on saying no but they weren't giving up. I kept on looking around for Kris but no sight of him. Then I got up from my sit and bowed to them. 

'' Mianhae.'' I raised up '' But I got to go.''

'' Oh c'mon ! Why are you leaving ? '' The black haired stopped me while grabbing my wrist.

'' Yeah ! Hang out with your Oppas and forget about your boyfriend.'' The guy wearing the cap said cheerfully but his face had a different expression.

'' We won't hurt you.'' The red haired smiled creepily. '' I promise, we don't bite.'' He chuckled.

* OMG !! Kris where are you ? Please save me ! I'm scared ! * 

'' Please let go of me ! '' I asked whiningly and tried to get free.

Finally, I removed my wrist from his grab. The 3 guys looked pissed off and scary looking. 

'' You are playing hard to get I see.'' The red haired smirked playfully.

They started to walk towards me slowly and I was slowly walking backwards. * Please just leave me alone.*  I continued walking backwards and suddenly bumped into someone. * Ouch ! *  I quickly turned around facing the person and to my surprise it was ..............















* LU HAN !!?? *


( Lu Han's POV ) :


I felt someone bumped into my back and I turned around quickly and saw Mei Ling. * Mei Ling !!?? *

She looked shocked to see me and well I felt shocked as well since what happened this morning. 

'' Euh-- '' 

I didn't know what to say or what to do. We just stood there awkwardly while looking at eachother. Then her eyes got my attention. I noticed that she looked scared, worried and had teary eyes. * Uh Oh !  I - I - I didn't do anything !!! * 

I looked at her and looked at the 3 guys who were behind watching at us. * What are they looking at ? ..... Wait ! Could it be .... ? *

'' Yah ! You guys ! '' I yelled at them and they jumped by surprise. '' Did you made her cry ? ''

'' Mwuh ? '' They said in chorus. 

'' We were just playing around with her.'' The black haired dude said.

'' Yeah ~ ! What's your problem ? '' The guy wearing a cap yelled back.

The red haired looked pissed off and added '' C'mon give her back to us. SHE's not yours.''

I smirked evilly. * OH ~ ! REALLY ? *  I looked down at Mei Ling and put my hands on her shoulders.

'' Mianhae Jagi ~ !! '' I smiled at her and she looked confused. At least she stopped crying and I played my roll.

'' I've been looking everywhere for you. I'm so so soooo ~ sorry JAGI ! You can punish me later on.'' I touched her hair gently and kept on smiling at her.

'' JAGI ?! '' They said in unison.

Then I glared at the 3 guys. My mood changed.

'' Tsk ! You damn bastards. What do you mean by '' playing around '' and '' not yours '' ? Don't you know ? SHE's my GIRLFRIEND ! ''

Mei Ling stared wide eyed at me and I winked at her. Back to the guys.

'' You guys dared to make her cry ?! '' I raised my eyebrow and shook my head. '' Tsk Tsk Tsk. ''

I walked towards them while giving them my death glare. '' I NEVER let anyone ALIVE if they hurt my jagi ! ''  and punching my fist into the palm of my hand.

'' Yah ~ ! '' The black haired started to walk backwards. '' W- W- We were just j-j joking.''

The red haired looked scared and nervous. '' know I - I - I told them to leave her alone.''

The 2 other guys looked at him in a disgusted way and the guy wearing a cap yelled. '' I'M SORRY !! '' He ran off.

'' Don't KILL me ! I'm sorry ! '' The black haired ran off as well and the red haired bowed down '' I'M SORRY ! It will never happen again ! ''

He ran off screaming like a little girl.

'' Tsk. Bunch of . '' I murmured to myself and turned back to check on Mei Ling.

I didn't know she was standing beside me and I jumped. '' Oh, are you okay ? Did they hurt you ? Don't worry, they're gone now.''

She bowed down. '' T- T- Thank y- you ! ''

She continued looking down at the floor. '' T - Thank y- you ! I - I - I ..... '' 

I grabbed her hands and she raised up. Now, we were facing eachother. '' You don't need to bow down. Plus no need to thank me either.''

She looked at me and back down. Then I saw her face turning red. She was looking at something and I followed her eyes. * Oh right ! * So I let go of her hands and I let out a cough.

'' So ... what you doing here ? Where's Kris ? '' 

'' I don't know.'' She said while looking down at the floor.

At that moment, my phone rang and I checked the ID number. '' Well, speaking of the devil.'' I answered the phone.

After talking on the phone for like 30 seconds I hanged up and looked at Mei Ling.

'' Your brother is worried. C'mon, he told us to meet him at Music Melody.''

'' O- Okay.''


( Mei Ling's POV ) :

* W- what just happened here ? *  I can't believe that Lu Han helped me get rid of those guys ! By pretending to be my '' Boyfriend ''. I- I- I don't know how to thank him.

I've never been in that situation before. It was weird but how Lu Han called me '' Jagi '' and '' Girlfriend '' ................ I think my heart skipped a beat ... or two. And when he touched my hair and when he smiled. * Aww ~ * Just thinking of that moment I felt my lips started to curve up. * Anyways somehow I got to do something to repay him.* I shook my head and we headed to Music Melody.

* He saved me.* I just couldn't help but smile like an idiot.



OMG ! Lu Han to the rescue xD. Awww .... that was so sweet of him to pretend to be your boyfriend hihihi :p

Chapter 4 coming soon ...  

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 22: awwwww :( poor Sehun ㅠㅠ
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 22: Yay! An update...ooh poor sehun...seem the dream is coming true haha bcoz mei ling and luhan love each other...aigoo hope sehun will be fine.
kuromi_hanami91 #3
Please update soon authornim!
hanrix10513 #4
Chapter 13: Mei Ling and Luhannnnnn~!
suhween #5
Chapter 20: im sorry but i because of you i can't like luhan anymore. but don't be, it's my fault i read it right?
kuromi_hanami91 #6
Chapter 21: Yay an update!
kuromi_hanami91 #7
Chapter 20: update soon ~
kuromi_hanami91 #8
Chapter 20: Still laughing at the ugly swimsuit scene! Eww haha all Exo reaction so damn funny!
kuromi_hanami91 #9
Chapter 20: Kyaa >////< nice story but kinda embarass with scene...aigoo i thought it will be innocent and pure love story haha but its okay i guess?
pinkypn #10
Chapter 20: Why is it that sure still doesn't know how to kiss back when she almost had with him twice