Chapter 7

I Just Don't Know Anymore

{ Sungjae POV }


What really went on yesterday in the kitchen? All I knew was that Eunjin had gone in there for some reason then Jihoon left, followed by Eunkwang hyung. I thought nothing of it at the time until Minhyuk hyung left as well. That was when I started to worry about what could possibly be happening, but before I could leave as well Jihoon stumbled out of the hallway with a furious expression. He was purple in the face and his eyes were slits, he seemed to explode with anger. The hyungs, Dongho and Aron had all stopped to stare at Jihoon. I cautiously placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Dude, are you okay? What happened?” I asked quietly, not knowing what answer I should expect.

“Your sister happened.” He hissed low enough so only I could hear. ‘What does he mean by that?’. Before I could ask, Eunkwang strutted out of the hallway and threw himself down on the lounge. Ok, now things were getting really weird…


Even though it all happened yesterday I’m still confused as to what went on that day. I remember Eunjin and Minhyuk came out of the kitchen and announced they would be leaving. Eunjin’s eyes were red and her face was pale, but Minhyuk seemed unfazed by it, simply stating she was really tired. Keeping the thoughts to myself I gave Eunjin another hug and waved bye to the two. The hyungs stayed a while longer and helped to clean up the now sticky coke and glass from the floor. That whole night I lay in my bed and tried to make reason of the day’s strange events. I had seen Eunjin like that before but I could never place a reason why she was like that. Something was going on but I just didn’t know what, but maybe someday I would…


{ Minhyuk POV }


It was about eight in the morning by the time I walked through the apartment door. The place was as quiet as a grave and Eunjin was no where to be seen. Curious, I walked into the silence and spotted the photo frame still on the floor, with the addition of a bloody handprint on the wall. Sighing to myself I opened the door to the bedroom and spotted a body under the covers. It was obviously Eunjin and my mind went back to last night when I hurt her. I don’t want to hurt her, but I can’t help it. It’s like some force overpowers me then I remember the past and what I had done. I never want that to happen again.


Eunjin looked peaceful, even though her face was pale and tired. I brushed a few strands of hair from her eyes and just stared. She was everything to me, I couldn’t imagine my life without her. She stirred under my hand and slowly opened her eyes. When her sight cleared and her focus landed on me she jolted up and scrambled to the other side of the bed. She shook with fear and clutched the sheet to her face. Of course, she had to be made of stone not to be terrified of me. I crawled onto the bed and reached out to her, cupping her trembling face. She just shrunk back further and fell off the edge of the bed.


Eunjin did not seem fazed by the fall, but shot up and wrapped the sheet tightly around her. I wasn’t going to hurt her anymore but how am I meant to get that across? I may as well use my words.

“Eunjin. I’m sorry, but you mean too much to me.” I would speak the truth and only the truth.

“No, if I meant so much to you, you wouldn’t hurt me like this!” She screamed at me with fiery rage.

“But I don’t want to lose you!”

“Well then stop treating me like a punching bag! At this rate I will leave you!”


I froze where I was and stared at her with shock written all over my face. ‘Did she just say… she would… leave me?’ I thought in disbelief, the words struggling to process themselves. Eunjin looked dead serious, which was a change from her usually timid nature. I can’t be by myself I can’t deal with the loneliness again. Therefore, Eunjin would always stay by my side and, in return, I would protect her from the dangers of this world.


Standing up from the edge of the bed I quickly walked over to Eunjin and grabbed her shoulders. This time she didn’t look afraid, she looked furious. I would show her that she is mine and she would spend the rest of her life with me. Pulling her towards me I crashed my lips against hers. She struggled and pounded her fists against my chest but I wouldn’t let her escape from my grip. After so many years surely she should have opened up to me, but it was quite the opposite. It was as though she had begun to grow further and further away from me but I would keep my grip on her tight. I would never let her get away. After many minutes Eunjin finally broke off from my forceful kiss and caused me to stagger back.


Her eyes still roared with anger but were coated with unshed tears. She gasped and swiped a hand across her lips, before turning and strutting out the door. I glared at her back as she stormed down the hallway and slammed the front door behind her. I stood in the bedroom with clenched fists, seething with anger. ‘She will never leave me…’ I sprinted out of the apartment and onto the streets scanning the area for any sign of her. It was still early in the morning and people were bustling to wherever they needed to be. Deciding on a random direction I took of at an athletes speed, hoping to catch my escaped lover.


{ Eunjin POV }


‘How could he be like this?! Is he bipolar or something?’ I screamed to myself as I ran down the streets trying to weave through the crowds of people. I received weird looks from everyone as I had no shoes on and my clothes were creased and tatty from sleeping in them. I didn’t know where to go so I came to halt at a relatively empty park. I collapsed onto one of the wooden seats and tried to catch my breath. Whispers of curious passerby’s floated to my ears.

“Is she homeless?”

“Maybe she was kicked out of home.”
“Either way, it’s a disgrace to be sleeping in a park! And in those awful clothes.” Sitting up I spotted the owners of the whispers and glowered darkly at two young women, who were expensively dressed and sported snobbish expressions. They looked at me once more like I was a piece of garbage before flouncing off down the sidewalk. I closed my eyes and faced the sky, calming down my mind.


Looking around I found myself in an unfamiliar park in a part of the city I had not visited before. I was confused enough already, I don’t need this kind of treatment. Sighing heavily and groaning, which attracted the attention of an elderly couple passing by I pushed off the seat and shuffled to the street again. I had no money, no phone and no idea where I was; fan-freaking-tastic! I may as well wonder around for a while to relax a little, so I followed the crowd, ignoring the stares and taunts. I stopped and looked into the window of a clothing store and eyed a pretty beige dress. ‘If only I could afford something like that.’ I thought sadly and continued down the sidewalk until I bumped into someone. I mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ and kept walking with my head down. That was until someone called out my name.


Fearing it were Minhyuk I sped down the street knocking into several people on the way. I could hear the person calling my name again and it seemed like they were gaining on me. Stopping for a split second and looking both ways for a different path, I spotted a tight alley and sprinted into it. The alley was much quieter than the street and the ground was damp and slippery. My hip ached beyond belief and I was slowing down at a quick pace. I was never one for stamina so I couldn’t keep up this chase for much longer. Panting heavily I crouched down behind a stack of cardboard boxes that someone had left out to rot. Footsteps echoed off the walls as my pursuer came closer. Clapping a hand over my mouth I prayed to someone that they would just turn around and leave. I don’t want to be caught.


Ten minuted had passed by and my knees were screaming at me to sit down but I was too afraid to make a single movement. The person must have moved on as the only sounds to be heard were the distant noise of the street and chatter from the surrounding houses. Taking my chances, I slowly stood up from my hiding spot and stepped into the centre of the alley. No one was there. Sighing in relief I began my walk out of the alley when a hand grabbed my arm. I squealed in surprise and whirled around to the face of Eunkwang.


‘What?! It was Eunkwang following me!’ For the past fifteen minutes I had been running from him without even knowing who it was. I looked him in the face and saw he was staring back down at me with an odd expression. He looked at me from head to toe before crouching down with his back facing me. I was bewildered and stepped back in an attempt to escape the strange situation.

“Well, hop on.” Eunkwang spoke with slight impatience but with concern. I pondered my options for a moment. I could either go with Eunkwang to who knows where or I could go back to the apartment and face Minhyuk. The choice was pretty obvious as I refused to return to that hell hole any time soon. I stepped back over to Eunkwang and slid my arms around his neck and he held onto my legs as he stood up again.


Taking wide steps he strutted down the dank alley. Ignoring the obvious question of why he was here, I leaned my head on his shoulder and studied his features. He had pale skin which reflected the small amount of sunlight that streamed through the cluster of buildings. His eyes started straight ahead but I could still see their beauty, a sort of wisdom that was beyond his years. His nose and lips were perfectly straight which completed the whole handsome image. While I was studying him in a daze I didn’t notice that his eyes had focused on me until he spoke,

“Enjoying the show?” He asked in a teasing voice. I snapped out of my thoughts and felt my face heat up. Quickly averting my gaze to the alley walls I noticed something rather strange. ‘Why is it that Eunkwang always appears when I need help or when I’m sad or angry?’ This would have been the third time he turned up when things weren’t looking so good. What could this possibly mean?


Eunkwang walked in silence for a few minutes while I was completely absorbed in my thoughts. I couldn’t help but think of Minhyuk and his words, “Eunjin. I’m sorry, but you mean too much to me.”, “But I don’t want to lose you!”. How can he say that?! How can he expect me to take all the beatings and possessive attitude and still love him? Only a few days ago I really did love him like I used to, but that’s all gone up in smoke. Love isn’t meant to be about possession and jealousy, so what is it meant to be like? I just don’t know anymore…


The alley had finally ended and the streets were much quieter than before which meant it had to be sometime in the afternoon. I had been out all day not knowing where in the world I was and now I’m being carried to god knows where. Before I panicked I decided to ask just where we were going.

“Eunkwang, where are we going?” He turned his head to face me and a wide smile spread across his lips.

“To my place.” ‘His place?!’

“Wait, why?”

“Well, you are barefoot and tired, I assume, plus you were walking the streets like a lost puppy. I’ll take you to my place for now… and away from Minhyuk for a while.” He trailed off at the end but I could still hear him. That’s right, Eunkwang knew everything but could do nothing. Memories came back from the other day when I cried in his arms and let loose years of secrets. I hated how I had reeled in someone completely innocent into this mess.

“You can trust me.” Eunkwang said in a confident tone. I could trust him and I had to. Eunkwang wasn’t sneaky and he certainly was not a backstabber; I could trust him with anything now. Instead of answering him I just placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes and soon the rocking motion of his steps sent me to sleep, where I could forget about my broken life.


 Hello! Don't really know what to write here now, so yeah, enjoy!

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[ I Just Don't Know Anymore ] I'm sorry for making Minhyuk the bad guy everyone! Please, trust me and hang on, soon he'll be good. Please keep reading! :D


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StayLeeForever #1
Chapter 32: OMG. What a story... I swear I don't even know how to describe how it is! Like it's not those stories that end the mainstream way but then again it doesn't end in the way you expect it too! WAOW. Purely awesome!!!
Chapter 32: Really great story!!! I'm sad I finished it. Your story is awesome!!!! :D
EpicPinkPanther #3
Chapter 32: ^^ I wonder what Eunjin's and Minhyuk's reaction would be when their daughter and son, Eunjin and Minhyuk fell in love while attending Kindy!kekeke
BeasTOB1a4 #4
Chapter 32: Aww!! That's so sweet of an ending! It's not too cliched at the end but I loved your story so much! I'm kinda sad that's it's over :( but this was such a great story I don't really care that it's over! Just happy that they both ended up happy :) well done!!!
Chapter 32: Nice endiiiiing! Huhu, too bad they didn't greet each other, so saaad but so sweet at the times to know they named their child with each other's name ㅠㅠㅠㅠ should you make a sequel? Between little Eunjin & little Minhyuk at the same kindergarden lol I'm kidding ;3

You did a great jooooob!! Thank you for making this story!!^^ Keep hwaiting!
Chapter 32: Loved the ending...this story is great.. XD
Chapter 31: Awwwh. Its gonna end already. :') I am glad Minhyuk turned better but somehow feel a little sad for him. But, all's good. :D I hope the end is good! Anticipating it! But no pressure alright. Haha. Fighting!!