Chapter 18

I Just Don't Know Anymore

{ Eunjin POV }


The bus ambled along the frosty road while I stared out the window in monotony. ‘Well, at least Ryeowook forgave me.’  He had been very kind and modest about the whole thing, which surprised me because it was near impossible to find a genuine person these days. He even asked to meet up again so I guess we were friends now. I smiled at the thought of something good happening to me; since everything else in my life right now was going to hell.


I had decided I needed a slice of cake so I stepped off the bus and hurried to the café which had now become a regular spot for me. The street was now empty and my footsteps echoed loudly. You’d think that it would be much livelier in Seoul but today it was a ghost town. The walls of the café grew in front of me and I welcomed the tinkle of the bell attached to the door. If outside was a ghost town, inside the café was deserted, not a single table was occupied. I rang the bell on the counter and some sound like boxes toppling over came from out the back. Moments later Seyoung stumbled out of the kitchen but brightened when she saw me.


“Eunjin dear! How good to see you, it’s been a while.” She gave me a hug and I couldn’t help but smile. Seyoung was like the caring granny I never had. My own grandmother was okay but she was a bit stuck up for my liking.

“Yeah, I was bored so I thought I’d drop by.” Seyoung led me to a table next to the heating grate and handed me a menu.

“I’m guessing you’re not busy today.” I asked while looking around the café again. Seyoung laughed lightly.

“It’s a weekday morning, what do you expect?”

“Good point.” I raised my eyebrows in agreement and scanned the menu. I wasn’t really hungry so I settled on a slice of lemon tart and black tea, feeling in a foreign mood today. Seyoung scribbled the order down and strolled into the kitchen. I stared out the window and saw the window become sleek with rain. At least now I’d have some time to think.


So, Minhyuk was still in love with Haesun, he uses me as a way to forget about her, I can’t stand it anymore and I may have feelings for Eunkwang whose behaviour is just as confusing as Minhyuk’s. Life. . So. Much. If I had known this whole love business was this difficult I would never have gotten myself involved in it! ‘So now what?’  Ha, that’s a damn good question. The sound of plates being set on the table brought me out of my thoughts.


“Here you are. Is there anything else I can get you?” A voice spoke from my left and I turned away from the window to see a familiar person.

“Eunkwang? You work here?” I asked in disbelief while he just scratched his head sheepishly.

“Yeah, I thought you knew.”

“No. Do you work as a waiter?”

“No, I’m the chef but seeing as it’s only Seyoung and I today, I thought I’d give her a break and serve.” He said with a laugh. So Eunkwang was the chef which meant that on my birthday… The chair opposite me slid backwards and Eunkwang took a seat.

“So, how was your birthday?” Oh yeah I had to thank him.

“Oh, thank you so much! I really love it.” I smiled at the thought of the dress. Eunkwang didn’t say anything but just smiled gently. Looking at him made my face heat up and my heart beat faster but why? Did I really have those feelings for him?

“Something’s changed. Hasn’t it?”


“I said something’s changed.” Eunkwang had a grim expression on and he looked serious. I sighed and took a sip of my tea before immediately putting it back down as it burned my tongue. I tried to sound neutral.

“I don’t think anything’s changed.”

“No, I know something has.” God, he could be persistent sometimes.

“What’s changed then, huh?” I was beginning to get irritated. He stared for a while which made me uncomfortable. Was my hair weird? Was there something stuck in my teeth? Did I smell? What was so different about me?!

“It’s about Minhyuk, isn’t it.” Crap. I gave a sigh and put my head on the table.

“How’d you guess?” It was a rhetorical question; Eunkwang could read me like a book.

“It’s written all over your face. You don’t love him, do you?” He said matter of factly while taking a bite of the tart.

“Why are you so nonchalant about it? You act like it’s nothing.” ‘How can he sit there and say that like it’s the most normal thing in the world?’  Eunkwang looked up and bored his eyes into mine; he was determined.


“He doesn’t deserve you and you don’t love him. Leave him and move on.” Are you serious?

“Don’t tell me how to run my life.” I hissed at him and stood up from my chair; I wasn’t going to sit here and have someone read me a manual on how to live. Eunkwang caught my wrist and got on his feet to tower over me.

“Don’t tell me you still have feelings for him because you don’t.” His face was only inches from mine and I had to look at my feet, feeling a mixture of both anger and embarrassment. I couldn’t keep playing these games any longer.

“I don’t know what to do. I don’t love him but…” I whispered while blinking quickly to hold back the tears that sprung up. You know those times when you just get so frustrated and angry that you start to cry? Well, I was having one of those. Eunkwang pulled me into a hug and laughed sadly.

“I swear you’re blind sometimes.” He sounded pained and hugged me tighter.

“W-what?” I hiccupped as I choked on my sobs. What was he going on about?

“I love you.” He whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear. He said he loves me? Wait, Eunkwang loves me?

“What?” God I must have sounded stupid but it was quite a shock. I had never really been told ‘I love you’ by anyone other than my family.

“I’m so confused.” I cried harder and my lungs and throat burnt with my tears. So that’s why he acts like this, because he loves me?


Eunkwang tilted my face up and stared at me with depressing eyes. My eyes were red and swollen, my face was scrunched up and I swear snot must have been dripping from my nose; I looked ugly. I tried to turn my head away, to hide my shame and ugliness, but he kept a tight hold on my cheeks. Just looking at him made my tears fall faster. Without hesitation, Eunkwang firmly pressed his lips on mine. It wasn’t one of those sweet little kisses you see at the end of a drama; it was more impatient and rough. I didn’t hesitate either and kissed him back feverishly while my tears wetted his cheeks.


I was sure now that I did have feelings for Eunkwang, but like I said before. ‘I don’t know what to do…’.

Hello everyone! Gah, I'm so sorry, I updated on Monaday but the crashes on the site deleted it! So anyway here's the chapter if you haven't already read it.

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[ I Just Don't Know Anymore ] I'm sorry for making Minhyuk the bad guy everyone! Please, trust me and hang on, soon he'll be good. Please keep reading! :D


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StayLeeForever #1
Chapter 32: OMG. What a story... I swear I don't even know how to describe how it is! Like it's not those stories that end the mainstream way but then again it doesn't end in the way you expect it too! WAOW. Purely awesome!!!
Chapter 32: Really great story!!! I'm sad I finished it. Your story is awesome!!!! :D
EpicPinkPanther #3
Chapter 32: ^^ I wonder what Eunjin's and Minhyuk's reaction would be when their daughter and son, Eunjin and Minhyuk fell in love while attending Kindy!kekeke
BeasTOB1a4 #4
Chapter 32: Aww!! That's so sweet of an ending! It's not too cliched at the end but I loved your story so much! I'm kinda sad that's it's over :( but this was such a great story I don't really care that it's over! Just happy that they both ended up happy :) well done!!!
Chapter 32: Nice endiiiiing! Huhu, too bad they didn't greet each other, so saaad but so sweet at the times to know they named their child with each other's name ㅠㅠㅠㅠ should you make a sequel? Between little Eunjin & little Minhyuk at the same kindergarden lol I'm kidding ;3

You did a great jooooob!! Thank you for making this story!!^^ Keep hwaiting!
Chapter 32: Loved the ending...this story is great.. XD
Chapter 31: Awwwh. Its gonna end already. :') I am glad Minhyuk turned better but somehow feel a little sad for him. But, all's good. :D I hope the end is good! Anticipating it! But no pressure alright. Haha. Fighting!!