Chapter 7

Taking Back What I Said

The concert was in a week and I couldn’t even think straight. The only thing I could think to do was call Jae and vent everything out to her. I always felt better after I did that.

So I ended up calling Jae and she told me that we should talk in person. Which was totally true and I have only seen her a few times since summer started and this would be a good opportunity for us to hang out.

That night I met her at our favorite cafe so I could rant to her and she could give me her awesome advice like always. I got my favorite caramel milk tea and she got her usual, a chocolate snow. I think it’s like a chocolate milkshake but I’m not even sure xD

Knowing that something was bothering me Jae asked, “So Hae. How come you wanted to talk to me?”

“Well you know how a while ago Hyukkie confessed to me?” I asked her.

She only nodded her head in acknowledgment, letting me continue.

“Umm... I think I might like him now,” I explained timidly.

“That’s great!” Jae almost shouted in excitement. “That’s a good thing right? Why do you look unhappy?” she asked looking concerned.

I didn’t even know where to start. There were so many things that I was worrying over right now.

“Well first, I don’t even know if I actually like him Jae! What if I am just convincing myself that I like him because it has been so long since I have had a boyfriend and I know he already liked me. It could just be an assurance thing for me. I don’t even know if he still likes me! He could have gotten over me a long time ago. It’s been two years, things definitely change,” I blurted out while Jae just sat there looking at me amused.

“Was that all you were worried about?” she asked me.

I had to think about it for a moment. “Hmm.. I guess so.” And honestly I felt a lot better just getting it off my chest.

“I think you are overthinking this. Besides, even if he doesn’t like you anymore, what’s the worst that would happen? You guys already survived one failed confession,” she said cooly.

That was something I hadn’t thought of before. Wow. Jae always knew how to make me feel better. I guess I really am going to go through with this.


A/N: Sorry TT^TT This was more of a filler chapter so Donghae and Eunhyuk aren't the ONLY characters in the entire story. But I like Jaejoong's character ^-^ It's based off of my best friend so I hope she likes this too~

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Chapter 22 has been updated with an actual chapter! Make sure to check it out :D


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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 25: So cute! Hyuk so sweet with Hae! Omo!
Chapter 24: LOL he forgot to invite Hae xDD
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 24: Wowww, yay you're back! And i just found this story, it's good and i love how Hyukkie always make Hae feel protected ^^
Chapter 23: awww so cute! he saved her!!
Oooowww.... Cute~ <3
SHOOOOO COOT~~~ ;A; I seriously just want to hug EunHae right now ;~~;
eunhaeimnida #7
stick with the fluff :))
eunhaeimnida #8
stick with the fluff :))