Drunken Bravery


Pairing: Kyungsoo/Jongin with hints of Kris/Tao and Minseok/Luhan.

Rating: PG? Idk there's kissing and implied other things... but that's it

Genre: Romance, non-AU

Description: Jongin's not legal yet, but that doesn't stop him from wondering what he's like when he's drunk. And who is Kyungsoo to refuse those puppy dog eyes?


A/N: So... this was kind of a random story that came out of no where. But I live in America and the legal drinking age is 21. Since I'm in college now, a lot of my friends are old enough to drink but I'm not even 20 yet. I wanted to write a kaisoo story for a long time so I thought this would be fun to write with Jongin being in my spot. 

I also wanted to make this a non-AU so to fit the EXO timeline, it had to be set in between the announcement of their group and their actual debut (because that was the year where Kyungsoo was legal but Jongin wasn't yet). 

For those that don't know how the legal drinking age in Korea works, its a little confusing. Basically you need to be eighteen when the New Year hits and then you're legal for that year. E.g. Jongin turned eighteen in 2011 so when Jan 1, 2012 hit, that's when he became legal. And since jongin and kyungsoo both have early birthdays, they have to wait an entire year after turning 18, to be able to drink. 


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Unicornspoo #1
Chapter 1: I just picture kyungsoo as the drunk, i like drunk kyungsoo e.e
nyathaly #2
Chapter 1: lol this is nice, it's funny for me bc I'm from Venezuela and here people are really open minded about that and since I'm 15 I drink with my friends and they get drunk and it's really funny seeing them like that lol, I could totally picture EXO drunk haha. there's always the drunk, the sleepy, the noisy, the one who starts throwing up and the sober one XD