Chapter 24

Taking Back What I Said

Omg guys!! It's almost been 4 months!! I'm so sorry. I have excuses, apologies and explanations in the A/N but for now, enjoy this (little bit extended) special chapter from Eunhyuk's POV. And I know I missed Donghae's birthday by a lot but hey. It's fiction. 



Just one more week until Hae's birthday and I don't even know what to do for her. I decided to go talk to Yunho and Jaejoong since Jaejoong knows everything about Hae. 

"So you don't know what to do for her birthday?" Yunho questioned me. 

"I have no idea anymore! Obviously I want it to be special but I can't think of what to do for her or what to give to her," I explained. 

"Well think about what her favorite things are, like food. Or fish. Or music. And try to combine them all," Jaejoong suggested. 

"That's an excellent idea! You're a genius!!" I yelled, excitedly pulling Jaejoong into a hug. Only to get yanked back by my collar by Yunho. 

"Hands off," he said. "You have your own girlfriend now."

"Oh my. Seems like our little Yunnie is jealous~"

"Stop teasing him Eunhyuk. I think it's cute," Jaejoong said as she gave him a peck on the cheek. 

"Okay well I will take my leave now. Thanks for your help," I said. 

As I was driving home I had so many ideas running through my head. I hope everything works out because I think Hae would really like it. But now that I had an idea of what I wanted to do for her. Now I need to decide what to get her.

The day before Hae's birthday I decided to talk with some other friends besides Jaejoong and Yunho since I asked them about the event already. Luckily they weren't busy and I met Kris, Luhan, Suhun and Kai at the mall so we could all shop for a present for Hae. 

The day after I left Jaejoong's house, she texted me asking what I was going to get Hae as a present. When I told her that I was planning on getting Hae an outfit, she instructed me on what size Hae is and where to get everything. Apparently I had to get her shoes at a different place than her dress and everything else. Do girls always deal with this when shopping??

It was really awkward walking into stores like Forever XXI with four other guys but I figured it was better than going by myself. So far my idea was to get an outfit for Hae to wear tonight on our date. Luckily I saved a lot of money because I wanted to get her really nice things and since our families were already close, my parents agreed to pay for our date. 

But after I finished shopping I still felt broke. I don't regret it though because as long as Hae is happy, then everything will be worth it. 

When I was finished with my shopping, we walked around to get the presents from the other boys. Apparently they are all really rich. I found out that Kris and Luhan came from China because Kris' dad is the Chinese ambassador to Korea and Luhan's dad is his best friend and major business partner. As for Kai and Sehun, Kai's mom is a famous fashion designer and both of Sehun's parents are famous patissiers. I guess Hae really knows how to pick her friends. 

Since the other boys haven't known Hae for too long, I helped them pick out what to get and I tried to make sure we covered everything because they had so much money they could spend. 

First stop was the Sanrio store. Luhan would be buying his present here. He practically cleaned out the whole store and would have cleaned out my wallet if I was paying. He thought the Hello Kitty x Tokidoki collection was cute so I think he literally bought everything they had and more. He also got her a Hello Kitty backpack and other school supplies like notebooks and pens and pencils. If he had that much money to spend on a friend's birhday present, I wondered how much his parents made. 

It turns out that the other three were just as rich though. Next stop was the Nike store. Kai's favorite type of clothing were winter clothes. It was perfect since we are just entering the season. He bought a new sports jacket for her soccer training and then decided he also wanted to get her some winter coats too. So we made our way to H&M and he started looking for coats he thought Hae would like. 

It was then that I realized that all of them had a really good sense of style. They could all afford good clothes but that wasn't what made them look good. They really knew how to put clothes together. I was personally amazed and had to remember to ask them for some tips later. 

After H&M, we ended up at Best Buy. I know that sounds boring but Kris wanted to buy Hae a pair of headphones. 

"Yo Eunhyuk," he called me over. "What's Donghae's favorite color?"

"Hmm... She likes blue. Like the ocean... Where the fish live" I tried explaining but ended up just rambling. 

"Okay blue it is then," he quickly picked a pair of headphones and we were out of there quickly. That had to be the shortest stop of the day. 

For Sehun's present we ended up leaving the mall. He wanted to get Hae a birthday cake and other sweets from his parents' shop.

When we walked in I was shocked by the interior. I didn't even know that that many shades of beige existed. The store itself had very little to no color. The only color I could find was on the pastries themselves. But that made their beauty shine even more. 

Sehun's mom had come up to us and I hadn't even realized she was there since I was so facinated with the entire shop. When I did realize she was though, I felt really awkward since everyone else was so friendly around each other and I had just met this woman for the first time. She was stunningly beautiful though and it was very obvious where Sehun got his good looks from.

His parents gave us all a cream puff on the house and it was the best thing I had ever tasted. I was definitely coming back here again. As we all finished, Sehun took us to the back of the store.

"I think we should make Donghae's cake as special as we can. And what better way is there than to make it ourselves and personalizing it?" Sehun announced.

"I never though about that! But I have no idea how to make or decorate a cake," I told him.

"Don't worry about it. Sehun has been making cakes since before he could walk and he taught all of us at one point or another," Kai said.

"Yeah! We could teach you too," Luhan said excitedly.

And with that we started making our cake. Since I'm not super creative Kris, Kai and I made the actual cake. Luhan and Sehun decorated it after we were done. There was so much to put on. One tier was like a fish tank while the next was a soccer field. The top tier was white with many polka dots of different colors. At the very top we wrote Happy Birthday in Korean, Japanese, English and Chinese. (We had to look up the Japanese one but I hope we wrote it so she can read it >_<).

I felt relieved once everything was finished and all five of us were heading to the restraunt we would meet Hae at. As we set everything up in the restraunt I realized that I forgot one very crucial thing...

I forgot to invite Hae!!


A/N: So first off, you guys have no idea how sorry I am for leaving completely unannounced for almost four months!! I don't know if you noticed but I left right around the time that school started and really once school started I barely had any time to write or post. And since I'm a senior I'm actually in the middle of college applications but my friend reminded me about this story and I felt so guilty that I made sure I had time to write and post this chapter as soon as I got halfway through my college apps. 

I know these are all just excuses and what-not but really I am sorry. The story is almost done by the way and I hope to finish it before the New Year but no promises xP If anything hopefully by the end of my break. 

And for those of you who have tumblrs and want some new blogs to follow. Check out mine: ky-kai and my best friend's: everydayimhaehyuking

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Chapter 22 has been updated with an actual chapter! Make sure to check it out :D


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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 25: So cute! Hyuk so sweet with Hae! Omo!
Chapter 24: LOL he forgot to invite Hae xDD
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 24: Wowww, yay you're back! And i just found this story, it's good and i love how Hyukkie always make Hae feel protected ^^
Chapter 23: awww so cute! he saved her!!
Oooowww.... Cute~ <3
SHOOOOO COOT~~~ ;A; I seriously just want to hug EunHae right now ;~~;
eunhaeimnida #7
stick with the fluff :))
eunhaeimnida #8
stick with the fluff :))