Chapter 21

Taking Back What I Said

When I rang Hyukkie's doorbell I was greeted by his smiling mother. As soon as she saw me she pulled me into a huge hug.

"Oh my gosh sweetie! Your mom told me all about it. I'm so happy for the both of you," she said excitedly.

"Mom let go of her. Can't you tell that you are suffocating her?" Hyukkie asked as he walked up to the both of us.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Hyukkie's mom said as she pulled away and gave me an apologetic smile.

"So how was your guy's dinner?" I asked her as Hyukkie pulled me to his side. It was a little embarrassing right in front of his mom but neither of them seemed to mind.

"It was great. Your parents are so much fun to go out with. Thanks for asking," his mom said smiling. "Now I will leave you two lovebirds alone," she said and walking into the kitchen.

"So you ready to go?" Hyukkie asked smiling.

"Yeah let's go!" I said as I grabbed his hand and led him to my car excitedly.

Once inside the car Hyukkie was chuckling a little and I looked at him confused. He saw this and said, "It's just that it's been a while since I've been in your car."

"That's because my parents think you are a better driver than me. So they always ask if you can drive," I said pouting.

"Can I really trust you driving then?" he asked clearly teasing me.

"Of course! I'm a great driver," I said.

"Sure, sure," Hyukkie said smiling widely.

The rest of the car ride passed like that with small conversations and soon we arrived at the restaurant.

Once Hyukkie saw where we were I saw his face light up. I guess I did choose a good restaurant then.

"I always wanted to try eating here! Have you tried it before Hae?" he asked me.

"No but it did look good so I thought I would try it with you," I explained.

"Well let's go in. I'm starving," he said as he took my hand and we walked in.

There were actually a lot of people our age here and this did look like a good place to come and just hang out with friends.

It was a fairly simple restaurant so their menu wasn't very extravigant either. I ended up ordering a simple soup and salad while Hyukkie got a hamburger.

Even though it was only a salad, the food was really good!

"Hyukkie, my salad is really good! How is your food?" I asked him.

"Mine is really good too. We should definitely come back here later," he suggested.

"Yeah we should," I said sending him a smile.

Dinner was more or less uneventful and now it's time for the fireworks. We walked over to the park but we still had some time before they would go off so we were kind of just walking around aimlessly.

I spotted a cart where someone was selling crepes! I excitedly pulled Hyukkie over and bought two strawberry crepes for the both of us.

It was getting closer and closer to nine so I started leading Hyukkie to the tree I found earlier that day.

When we reached the spot I told Hyukkie to wait and I reached into my backpack to pull out the blanket I put in there earlier. After spreading it out I told Hyukkie that he could sit now.

It was nearly nine and I had just finished my crepe. I was snuggled up again Hyukkie and I kept looking at my phone to see if it was nine yet.

Almost immediatly after the clock hit nine the fireworks were lighting up the sky.

"Whoa~ Doesn't this look cool Hyukkie??" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said smiling. "Fireworks are so awesome."

We just continued to sit and watch the fireworks and after about five minutes we could tell the finale was coming.

All of a sudden the sky was lit with firework hearts and there were some words spelled out with the fireworks.

'Hae loves Hyuk'

I blushed seeing that. It must have all been Jae's doing and I bet she is having a big kick out of it.

"Awh Hae I love you too," Hyukkie said as he pulled me into a soft kiss. The kiss was sweet and I could taste the crepe from earlier.

When we pulled back, both of us had smiles on our faces.

Before I forget, I pulled the phone charms out of my bag.

"Here you go Hyukkie. A volleyball phone charm," I said handing it to him. "And I have a matching soccer one," I showed him my phone charm which I was already attatcing to my phone.

"Thanks Hae. Here, why don't we switch the charms on each of ours and it would be even more special," he suggested.

"That's a great idea!" I said and we quickly switched the charms.

"Thanks for tonight Hae," he said. "It was really fun." Then he leaned in and pecked my lips again. I don't think I can ever get enough of his kisses.


A/N: Yay more and more fluff. Haha I hope I didn't disappoint xD

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Chapter 22 has been updated with an actual chapter! Make sure to check it out :D


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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 25: So cute! Hyuk so sweet with Hae! Omo!
Chapter 24: LOL he forgot to invite Hae xDD
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 24: Wowww, yay you're back! And i just found this story, it's good and i love how Hyukkie always make Hae feel protected ^^
Chapter 23: awww so cute! he saved her!!
Oooowww.... Cute~ <3
SHOOOOO COOT~~~ ;A; I seriously just want to hug EunHae right now ;~~;
eunhaeimnida #7
stick with the fluff :))
eunhaeimnida #8
stick with the fluff :))