The Bloody Curiosity

Blood Stained Love

Sunggyu frowned when he felt the sunlight that streamed into his bedroom. The cute brown-haired boy quickly threw the cover up to his head, in order to at least, prevented the sunlight to wake him up and disturbed his sleep. Really, today he was so lazy to get up from his bed. He just wanted to sleep and forget everything.

Not only because today was the first day of the new semester in his school, today was also a day when….

Sunggyu quickly shook his head. No, he didn’t want to think about that anymore. No matter how much he wished, everything would not be come back like he wanted it to be. Now, he only could received it, accepted it, and let it go, but still…it was so hard to do.

Unfortunately for Sunggyu, the peaceful atmosphere at his bedroom quickly destroyed by his flat mates, a small kid…wait, let him rephrased that, a giant choding, named Lee Sungyeol that burst into his room in his usual cheerful crazy antics.


“SHUT UP!” Sunggyu yelled when he decided to throw the cover off his body and sat up to glare at Sungyeol that looked back at him with innocent, childish stares. No matter how much he wanted to throw Sungyeol from his room at the third floor and wished him a painful death, he couldn’t do that. As the oldest at the house, he must gave the others a good moral to be followed, so unfortunately, he could only let anything that Sungyeol did now go without any hard feelings at all.

“Good morning to you too, hyung~” Sungyeol chirped happily, too dense to realize, or just decided to ignore, Sunggyu’s murderous glare that being directed to him. “Please make breakfast for all of us while I involve myself in a war against Sungjong and Dongwoo-hyung to wake them up~” and with that Sungyeol already ran to the other’s bedroom while shouted loudly (that made Sunggyu even wondered why no one bother to shut the choding up). Sunggyu just sighed loudly before walked out from his bed and walked to the kitchen but not before looked at a photo frame beside his bed and smiled sadly.

“Good morning to you, Woohyun…” Sunggyu muttered softly. “I hope you have a nice dream there….”

It didn’t need a long time before Sungyeol walked back happily and cheerfully into the kitchen, followed by a rather annoyed Sungjong and a sleepy looking Dongwoo like two chicks followed their mother. Sunggyu just glanced at them before continued cooking and prepared breakfast for all of them.

“And breakfast~ and where is my coffee too~ I need my coffee!” whined Sungyeol.

“Can you shut up, hyung?” asked Sungjong while he rubbed his forehead. “It’s still morning and you already make me want to hang you down so you will shut up!” but of course, Sungjong’s sentence just being ignored by Sungyeol.

Not long after, the breakfast was ready and four of them just ate in silence, or at least for several minutes….

“Sunggyu-hyung…” Dongwoo muttered softly, made the brown-haired boy raised his head slightly. “You…will come with me today, right?”

Sunggyu’s body stiffened when he heard Dongwoo’s words. “Today, I….”

“Hyung, please…” Dongwoo said softly but sternly. “This is already six month since Woohyun is dead! Don’t make Woohyun sad there just because you are act like he doesn’t exist like this! Even though Woohyun and Hoya is already dead they still our boyfriend, hyung! Woohyun and Hoya will be sad if you just erased them from your memories like this!”

Sungyeol who heard both his oldest hyung at the house’s conversations just kept silent but his eyes glanced at Sunggyu’s and Dongwoo’s sad face. It’s already one year…time was passed quickly but did so many changes for his two oldest hyung.

Especially since Woohyun and Hoya, both of their boyfriends’ disappearance six month ago. Both of the boys came late from school because of school projects but never came home anymore. Police already did some investigations to look for them but they never found out anything until they finally decided that the two was already dead.

And that…changed everything.

Because of Woohyun and Hoya’s disappearance, Dongwoo and Sunggyu just like became…cold. They really like closed their hearts and let it frozen. Their smiles also were not as freely and sweet as before. Sungyeol knew…that deep in their hearts, both Sunggyu and Dongwoo feared to let another person entered their life, in fears that they will be leaved alone again, like this time.

And really… if Sungyeol could make a wish, he would ask God to return Woohyun and Hoya back to them.

He wanted to go back…to the time when Woohyun always teased Sunggyu with his famous greasiness and Sunggyu protested it, even thought with a blushing face, or when Sungjong and Woohyun fought for Sunggyu’s attention only to be ignored by the cute hamster (because Sungjong also close enough with Sunggyu), or when Sungjong would dramatically complaint that they ruined his innocence everytime he saw Hoya and Dongwoo making out, while the couple just ignored him to continue their ‘activity’ (made Sungjong quickly ran out from the room to complain to Sunggyu instead), or when Dongwoo doing something romantic for Hoya (that is so rare) and make the Busan boy stunned before smiling happily….and the time Sungyeol still saw sweet, happy smiles in all their faces. The time when they still happy with each other….

He missed that time…really wanted that time back….

“What are you doing, Yeol? Eat your breakfast!” Sunggyu’s voice quickly snapped Sungyeol out of his musings and ate his breakfast quickly (made him choked after that).

“Don’t eat too fast, you choding!” Sunggyu nagged Sungyeol while he patted Sungyeol’s back.

“Geez~really you not change at all, Yeol! At least try to be more mature now!” Dongwoo said in a teasing tone, “Me and Sunggyu-hyung can’t be here forever to babysit you, you know!”

Sungyeol quickly looked at Sunggyu and Dongwoo. ‘Yes, I don’t change at all but both of you change…and become worse. Can’t you two back? Back at the time when you two still happy together with Woohyun-hyung and Hoya-hyung? I missed both of you…both of your old self that died with Woohyun-hyung and Hoya-hyung…’ thought Sungyeol sadly. He quickly shook his head and finished his breakfast, put his plates at the sink, and followed the three other boys to walk to their school.

It didn’t need a long time for them to reach Infinite High School, their school. They quickly separated themselves to go to their each own class. Sungyeol quickly walked to his class, since his class was the farthest from the gate of the school.

When Sungyeol quickly walked along the corridors, he saw a stoic boy with black hair and sharp eagle eyes. His face always looked so emotionless, without any smile or even any emotions in his handsome face.

“Myungie!” Sungyeol greeted the stoic boy cheerfully. He didn’t know since when, but it was already became a habit for Sungyeol to call the stoic boy ‘Myungie’ or ‘MyungMyung’ instead of ‘Myungsoo’.

Myungsoo just kept silent, not talked anything at all to the choding boy in front of him like usual. Myungsoo always avoided Sungyeol, whenever he could. He rarely talked to the choding (except if it was really necessary). It felt like the stoic boy really didn’t want the choding to exist in his world.

Sometimes, Myungsoo’s acts really made Sungyeol curious. Why the handsome boy always avoided him? Even like thought that he never existed at all? What had he done to Myungsoo to make the stoic boy to hate him so much like that? The question always left unanswered because it always answered with silence by Myungsoo.

Maybe it was not really important but to be honest, Myunsoo’s cold and ignorant behavior to him like this made Sungyeol’s heart hurt, because he loved the handsome boy, so much. That’s why the fact that Myungsoo hated him so much like this to the point that he never thought that Sungyeol exist really made Sungyeol hurt.

But it was not the problem now….

Both of them kept walking until finally they passed each other. At the time when they passed each other like that…something happened.

When Sungyeol walked passed Myungsoo, the choding boy smelt something from the stoic boy. The smell that even thought it was faint, it still smelt clearly by Sungyeol. The smell that actually was a bit strange and unusual to be at Myungsoo’s body like that.

The faint smell of blood….

Sungyeol immediately stopped walking and stared at Myungsoo’s back that walked away from him to the other way. Why…there was a smell of blood from Myungsoo’s body? Was he hurt? But he seemed to be healthy, and cold like usual, so he seemed to be fine. So…why there was a smell of blood at Myungsoo?

Sungyeol just shrugged it off and continued to walk to his class and sat there until the lesson was started and Myungsoo sat beside him. When Sungyeol smelt the scent of the stoic boy’s body, the smell of the blood was not there anymore, made Sungyeol become confused whether the smell of blood that he smelt earlier was just his imagination.

Unknown by Sungyeol…that day was the turning point of his life. The day where he started to realize and knew the dark secret that Myungsoo had been hiding….


Thank you so much for the comment~it's really make me happy! i will try to answer it, since I think people will love to see their comments be answered:

@ Bonnie: Yep, I also like vampire thingy, especially if it as hot as Myungsoo XD. I already update, hope you will like it

@LeeAnameiYukiGiKwang: I also imagine Myungsoo as the y vampire ^v^ I think in Infinite the one suit to be a vampire the most will be Myungsoo

@MikiQi18: Wooya is dead? Maybe...since I ship WooGyu and YaDong, maybe I will make them alive but maybe not, I will explain about what happen with them soon so just wait at the next chapter patiently, okay XD

@mitsuchan: Yep, Myungsoo as a vampire just HAWT, I also love him to be a vampire!really suit him LOL

@amanda_clarissa: I will explain about what happen to WooYa soon so please wait patiently okay? ^__^ don't worry, I don't have any heart to kill two of my bias...maybe -getbricked- I hope you love this update now, okay?

Once more thank you so much for the comments and subscribers XD You are really make my day! Please keep comment and subscribe okay

Okay, I will try to update the next chapter soon, so please wait for it patiently, okay? I love you guys ^____^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/