The Bloody Memories

Blood Stained Love


Dongwoo sighed loudly when he finished his work and prepared to go home. He just stood up and grabbed his bag when he saw the basketball field from the window in front of him.

And for a moment, the dark blue haired boy like saw a black haired Busan boy with a wide smile played basketball while danced happily when he succeed to toss the ball into the ring. He bit his lip when he seemed to see the Busan boy smiled to him and waved him hands happily like he usually did.


To be honest, until now, like Sunggyu, Dongwoo still couldn’t believe that his boyfriend was already dead. He didn’t want to admit that Hoya was not beside him anymore, that he couldn’t see the black haired boy’s smile and heard his laugh anymore. He still couldn’t believe…that the boy that he loved for the most in this world already disappeared…without said anything…and without any omens for him to make him prepared himself to let the younger boy go.

Dongwoo and Hoya met each other when the black haired boy joined to the dance club where Dongwoo became the head of the club. At that time, Dongwoo was a junior when Hoya was a sophomore. Even until now Dongwoo still could remember their first meeting like it had just happened yesterday.


Dongwoo still danced gracefully at the dance floor, followed the rhythm of the music that beat along the room. His body and feet moved in sync in music when a smile formed at his lips. The blonde boy just stopped danced when he heard the sound of the door being opened by someone.

 And what he saw there, made his heart beat loudly.

He saw a short black haired boy stood at the entrance of the door. The boy had a sharp eyes and perfect body. The boy had a manly aura but still had a sense of innocence at him. The boy looked at him curiously before smiled happily, made Dongwoo’s heart beat more faster.

“Excuse me, this is the dance club, right? Can I meet the head of the club?” he said. Dongwoo cursed in his head when he heard the boy’s voice! Even his voice was perfect! Really, all the boy’s movements and appearance really screamed perfection!

“Ah…um…ah…I…I am the head of the club! My name is Jang Dongwoo…” Dongwoo said. He felt blush rose at his face, embarrassed that he was stuttered when he talked to the gorgeous boy in front of him. Really, what was wrong with him?

“Ah, really? I’m Lee Howon but you can call me Hoya. I’m the new student at the sport department this year! I want to ask your permission to join this club!” he said cheerfully. Dongwoo looked at the boy. Well…his body was suit for dance actually.

“Well…it’s not only me that had to see your dance qualification first,” said Dongwoo. “Come again tomorrow and we will see how good your dance is.”

Hoya smiled when he nodded his head enthusiastically. “Trust me Dongwoo-hyung, you will not regret it to give me permission to join this club later!” he said.


And true, he didn’t regret it at all. Hoya’s dance was so perfect, so beautiful, graceful, and seducing. It looked like he was born to dance. With Hoya joined the club, both of them became closer and closer, bound with their passion to dance. Their friendship became too much close until it grew up became love, and it didn’t need a long time for both of them to confess their love with each other and became lover.

And really until now…Dongwoo didn’t regret to ask Hoya to be his boyfriend. He loved the younger boy so much, to the point of willing to do anything for him. That’s why…it was so hard for him to accept the fact that Hoya was already dead. He didn’t want to believe that! But he knew…no matter how much he wished that it was just a dream, this was reality. Hoya was dead and never returned to him anymore. He would never see the boy’s smile anymore, he would never feel the younger boy’s love for him anymore…he couldn’t kiss and hug the younger boy anymore! It’s the end of their relationship, without any way to begin it once more.

Dongwoo closed his eyes and let a tear fell from his eyes before he opened them again. He quickly walked out of the class and went to the music room, knew that Sunggyu would be there.

Sunggyu played the piano in front of him beautifully. The beautiful serene melody flowed gracefully from the piano keys when the brown-haired boy’s hands touched it gently. Sunggyu closed his eyes to concentrate to his play before ended it with a graceful tone.

Sunggyu looked around his private music room (all the music department’s student got a private music room for practice and everything in private to practice their ability to the fullest) for a moment when he finally finished his play. He was alone, without anyone except him there. It was the first time for Sunggyu to feel the emptiness and loneliness when he was alone at the big music room without anyone to accompany him played at this room.

Because usually Woohyun was always there with him, accompanied him with a gentle, loving smile while he listened intently to Sunggyu’s play before kissed him tenderly to show his praises toward the older boy.

“Woohyun…” Sunggyu muttered softly when he saw a guitar at the corner of the music room. “…I miss you….”

He and Woohyun joined the same music club at the school. Woohyun was one year younger than him, made him actually wasn’t Sunggyu type (Sunggyu never bother to go out with younger boys or girls since he thought that they are annoying) but Woohyun’s beautiful voice and kindness quickly entranced Sunggyu, made him became curious with Woohyun and made them slowly became friend with each other. They quickly became closer and closer, until Sunggyu realized…that he had been falling in love with Woohyun. No matter how much he denied that he couldn’t look away from Woohyun. The younger boy already captured his heart and didn’t intend to let it go.

And until now…Sunggyu still cherished the moment when Woohyun asked him to be his boyfriend….


“Sunggyu-hyung are you here?!!” yelled Woohyun when he barged into the music room, made Sunggyu almost dropped the guitar that he held in surprise.

“YAH, Nam Woohyun! Can you come in quietly? You almost gave me a heart attack!” Sunggyu snapped when he rubbed his chest to calm down his heart that almost jumped out of his ribs when he heard Woohyun’s yell.

“Mianhae, hyung~” said Woohyun while he smiled inncocently. “I want you to hear my song that I just written now!” he said when the handsome boy grabbed the guitar from Sunggyu’s hands and started to strum it.

“New song?” asked Sunggyu when he sat in front of the piano, as usual. “Why so suddenly?”

“Because I want to ask someone out!” Woohyun said in excitement when kept strumming the guitar. “And I hope that he will want to accept my love confession when I sing this song for him.”

Heard Woohyun’s words Sunggyu quickly held his chest. He suddenly felt pain, from jealousy and envy. He was jealous that there was someone that Woohyun love.

Because he loved the younger boy. He loved Woohyun so much, to the point that he only want Woohyun to see him, to smile for him, to kiss him, to hug him, and to love him. Woohyun was his! And he didn’t want anybody else took Woohyun away from him.

But now…when Woohyun itself was the one that said that he loved someone…. Was he must gave up? Because now Woohyun surely would not fall in love with him…right?

When Woohyun sang the song that he written Sunggyu felt his heart became more hurt. Woohyun’s voice and words really showed that he loved the person he mentioned in his song so much. Sunggyu could felt the admiration, affection, and love that Woohyun felt to that person. It is a proof that Woohyun really loved that person.

So…there was nothing that Sunggyu could do except gave up. Woohyun didn’t love him and now…never would be….

“So, Sunggyu-hyung how is my song?” Woohyun asked cheerfully when he finished his song. Sunggyu bit his lips for a moment before forced a smile and nodded his head.

“It is so beautiful, Hyunnie. I can feel that you really love the person in this song. Whoever that person…he must be sure that you really love him and he is really a lucky person,” said Sunggyu.

“So, what is your answer about it?” Woohyun asked suddenly, his smile quickly disappeared and changed into a serious expression. “Do you accept it?”

“Huh?” Sunggyu asked in confusion. Wasn’t Woohyun wrote that song for the person he loved? Then…why asked his answer? Shouldn’t he answer that person he loved for that?

Woohyun sighed before stood up and walked towards Sunggyu. He quickly pulled Sunggyu up so now they stood up while looked at each other. “The one I love in this song…the one I love for the most in this world is only one person…” Woohyun whispered softly against Sunggyu’s face. “And that person is you…Sunggyu-hyung.”

Sunggyu stunned, couldn’t believe that Woohyun would say something like that to him. Woohyun…love him? He? Kim Sunggyu?

“So, what is your answer, Gyu-hyung?” Woohyun asked. “Do you love me too?”

Sunggyu found his voice stuck at his throat because happiness, surprise, anxiousness, and confusion mixed together, made him became mute all of a sudden. He just only could nod slowly, confirmed Woohyun’s question that he too loved Woohyun.

And the nod was enough for Woohyun to smile brightly and captured Sunggyu’s lips in a tender, loving kiss.


At that time Sunggyu felt so happy. Woohyun really treated him with so much love and care, made he felt so lucky to have Woohyun as his boyfriend. And now…suddenly all of that ended. Woohyun disappeared completely, leaved him in numb feeling of loneliness and darkness.

Why? Why suddenly God separated them? What had he done? What was his fault to make God took Woohyun away from him like this so suddenly? Was it his punishment because he always took Woohyun for granted? Was it his punishment for always be so harsh towards Woohyun? Hurt him? Was all of this was his punishment because he tied Woohyun tightly without even care about the younger boy’s feelings for once?

“Sorry Woohyun…” Sunggyu whispered softly when a sob finally slipped out from his moth. “I am sorry because I always hurt you when you always love me….”

“Sunggyu-hyung….” A voice quickly snapped Sunggyu from all his regrets and guilts that he felt for Woohyun. He turned his head to see Dongwoo that stood at the entrance of the music room with a sad expression. Sunggyu quickly wiped his tears away before grabbed his bag and walked out from the room with Dongwoo and locked the door of the music room.

Locked all the happy memories and love that he always shared with Woohyun at that room for his and his alone. Only that room…the only thing that connected him with Woohyun’s soul and he wouldn’t…couldn’t let it disappear now.

Because now…that was the only things he had from Woohyun…a reminder of the happy, loving past with the one person that he loved for the most….

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo when the stoic boy busy read his script (both of them join the drama club). The choding boy felt that there was something different from Myungsoo today…but he didn’t know what. Sungyeol kept looked at Myungsoo and when he looked at Myungsoo’s eyes, he startled.

Myungsoo’s eyes changed color from black to crimson!

Sungyeol rubbed his eyes for a moment and looked at Myungsoo’s eyes once more. He let out a relieved sigh when he saw that the stoic boy’s eyes still black. Sungyeol sighed and rubbed his forehead in frustration. Really, what was wrong with him? At the morning he smelt the scent of blood from Myungsoo and now he saw Myungsoo’s eyes became crimson, maybe next he would imagine that Myungsoo had fangs like a vampire!

But…that was impossible, right? No, it must be just his imagination! Vampire didn’t exist…right?

Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol when the stoic black haired boy realized that the older boy was looking at him. “What?” Myungsoo asked. “Why you keep looking at me?”

Sungyeol startled when he heard Myungsoo’s y (according to him) anime voice. Was it a dream? Myungsoo talked to him? Oh God, thank you for give Myungsoo his voice back and became talkative to him rather than became a mute statue all day. “You talk to me, Myungie!” said Sungyeol cheerily.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes when he heard Sungyeol’s answer. “No, I’m dancing with you, of course I am talking to you!” he said with sarcasm dripped over his words.

Sungyeol chuckled when he heard Myungsoo’s answer. “No, nothing. I just think that maybe I must consider to have my eyes got checked, because I kept imagine things,” he said.

“Huh?” Myungsoo asked in confusion.

“I just saw your eyes became crimson, if I believe in ghost, I will think that you are a vampire, Myungie,” said Sungyeol while he laughed lightly.

Silence fell between the two of them. Sungyeol quickly silenced himself and looked at Myungsoo, saw the stoic boy frozen in fear with a pale face. Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo in confusion. “Myungie?” he asked softly.

Without any warning, Myungsoo quickly stood up, quickly made his chair fell and ran out of the room quickly. Sungyeol that became confused with Myungsoo’s weird behavior just looked at him confusedly.

What was happening with Myungsoo? Until so suddenly became so panic like that?

Okay, I managed to update the next chapter! I hope you will like it, guys XD

thank you so much for the comment that I receive~I love all of you guys xd

@LeeAnameiYukiGiKwang: Yep, really Myungie have no emotion at all, really suit the image of dark, mysterious vampire, right? XD Kekeke...that's why I make him one ^v^

@pripri: I will explain about what happen with WooYa soon so please wait for it patiently, okay XD

@MikiQi18: No, Yeol don't know Myungie's secret yet, but he start to feel suspicious~I will make him know about Myungie's secret soon, so please wait for it later!

Once more, thank you for all the subscribe and comment that I receive! I really grateful to receive all that! You guys are so kind, I love you guys XDD

Okay, I will try to update the next chapter soon, so please keep subscribing and comment okay? and please wait for the next chapter.

Okay, I love you all guys, Annyeong ^____^





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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/