The Bloody Reality

Blood Stained Love

Sunggyu and Dongwoo closed the door of Dongwoo’s car and walked into the cemetery. In their hands there are a bucket of lilies and white roses. They kept walking and walking until they arrived in front of two beautiful white ceramic tombstones that looked had been taken care well.

The name of Nam Woohyun and Lee Howon engraved beautifully and elegantly at the tombstones.

Both of them quickly placed the bouquet that they bought before looked at the tombstones again. Sunggyu bit his lips before turned back.

“Hyung…” Dongwoo said softly.

“Sorry…no matter what I can’t…” Sunggyu mumbled. “I will go first, I will wait at the car.” The brown-haired boy quickly ran away, with tears started to fall down his cheeks.

Dongwoo sighed before looked at Woohyun’s tomb, “Sorry Woohyun…you know Sunggyu-hyung still can’t accept your death,” said Dongwoo while smiled slightly. “But I hope you know…that he don’t forget you, he never forget you. He is still love you…no matter what.”

Then the dark blue haired boy quickly looked at Hoya’s tomb. “And you…Ho-aegi…. You know…time passed so quickly, six months since you were gone…and one year since we met for the first time. You know…even until now…I don’t regret any time that I spend with you. Loving you…is the best thing that ever happened in my life. That’s why…” Dongwoo caressed Hoya’s tombstone gently while he bit his lips. “…Please be happy there, and keep love and protect me from there. I, too, will always love you so…please always love me. One day we will meet again and I hope at that time…you still wait patiently for me….”

Dongwoo turned his head when he felt tears that started to gather at his eyes. “Okay, I must go now. I will try to come again next year, wait for me, ne? And be happy there, Ho-aegi. No matter what…please…don’t forget me. I love you Hoya…and will always be….”

Dongwoo smiled for the last time to Hoya’s tombstone before walked away from there, leaved the two tombstones again in loneliness and serenity….

Sunggyu let out a sob when he cried at the passenger seat at Dongwoo’s car. No matter what, he still couldn’t see the tombstone…Woohyun’s tombstone. He still couldn’t want to accept that Woohyun was dead. Woohyun just went somewhere! He would come back!...yes…he would come back.

But Sunggyu knew…no matter how long he waited, Woohyun would never come back. Woohyun was dead, his body may be already destroyed somewhere. Woohyun would never came beside him anymore, never kissed him anymore…never loved him anymore.

“Woohyun…Woohyun…” Sunggyu kept crying. “Why? Why must you leave me? Are you mad at me because I always mad at you, scolded you, hit you, and anything that I ever do to you? Do you hate me? Hate me so much until you suddenly leave me like this?” Sunggyu’s sobs became harder. “You do know that I love you, right? I love you, Woohyun. I love you so much!”

I love you too, Sunggyu-hyung

Sunggyu quickly raised his head and looked around him in confusion. Weird…he seemed to hear Woohyun’s voice, but…no, it was impossible. Woohyun was not beside him anymore! He already leaved him to another world where he couldn’t catch up to him. It must be just his imaginations. Yes…imaginations because he kept thinking about Woohyun so much.

“You are not here anymore, Wonnie…” Sunggyu muttered when he saw the blue sky in front of him. “And it is not easy for me to accept your death, but I will try. So…please…don’t be sad there, smile for me, kept love and see me from there…. Keep be my angel…my beloved angel that always protect me and take care of me….”

I will, hyung…always…

And Sunggyu could just closed his eyes and smiled softly when he felt that Woohyun was there, hugged him gently while whispered the vow in his ears. The warmth feeling that was purely Woohyun…even though it was just for a moment…Sunggyu felt that he was in ease.

With the most beloved person (even though it was just his imagination) kept love him…and always be near him.

Not long after, Dongwoo walked back into the car. The dark blue haired boy quickly his engine and drove away from the cemetery.

Without ever notice two pairs of eyes that looked back at the car with Dongwoo and Sunggyu inside it with sadness and love…from afar. Like they wanted to meet both of the occupants of the car…but held themselves to do so.

“I miss you too…Dongwoo-hyung…” whispered the one that sat at the trunk with a boyish sad smile formed at his lips.

“And I will always love you…Gyu-hyung…no matter what…” whispered the other while he brushed his black bangs out from his eyes and looked at the car with sad, broken stares at his deep, dark eyes.

“Always…” both of them whispered softly before disappeared completely in a quick speed, without leaving any proof that they were even there at the first place….

Myungsoo leaned heavily to the wall beside him. His face was pale, cold sweats soaked his face and body, made some of his hair stuck at his face. His hands grabbed the wall tightly, to the point it was breaking slightly.

“That’s why I always tell you to never be so stubborn, hyung…” said a voice above him. Myungsoo quickly looked at the stairs in front of him and saw a brown haired boy smirked while he walked towards the stoic black haired boy.

“It’s not your business…” Myungsoo gritted his teeth to suppress the pain that shot up his body. “…Sungjong….”

Sungjong sighed for a moment before shook his head and stood up in front of Myungsoo. The brown-haired boy caressed Myungsoo’s face, made the stoic boy looked at him. “It’s not my business but please…don’t attack person like you attack Woohyun-hyung and Hoya-hyung again. This time…I can’t guarantee that everything will be alright. Who know…maybe the next time you will attack Sungyeol-hyung and this time you will him dry….”

“I will not attack him!” Myungsoo snarled to the younger boy in front of him. “Never!”

“You can’t be so sure like that, hyung…” Sungjong whispered. “Because vampires…we are monster…that never know feelings like care, love, affection, and everything when bloodlust come. We just a monster…that move with our instinct for blood….”

Myungsoo just kept silent when he heard what Sungjong had said to him. His hands fisted tightly at his side, to the point that his nail buried deep at his palm.

“And it will always be like that…. Woohyun-hyung and Hoya-hyung already became the victims of your blood thirst, don’t make Sungyeol-hyung become the next victim…” Sungjong whispered when he walked away from Myungsoo. “Because I know…that you love Sungyeol-hyung….”

And Sungjong’s last word made Myungsoo freeze, stood at the school’s corridor without any movements at all.

Sungyeol sat at his study table in his bedroom in silence. The choding boy kept thinking about Myungsoo’s weird behavior at the class. Since that stoic boy ran away from class, he never came back again, and that made Sungyeol afraid…and suspicious. What was wrong with Myungsoo actually? Why…why he felt that there was something that Myungsoo had been hiding from him?

“Hyung?” Sungyeol quickly snapped out from his thought when he heard Sungjong’s voice came from his bedroom’s door. Sungyeol turned his head and saw Sungjong stood at the entrance of his bedroom with unreadable expression.

“What’s wrong, Joongie?” Sungyeol asked while he smiled widely. “Is there something wrong?”

“Is there something wrong with you?” Sungjong asked when he walked inside Sungyeol’s bedroom. “You just too…silent since we came back home.”

“Ani, there’s nothing…”

“Is there something happen with Myungsoo-hyung?” Sungjong asked. Yes, everybody in the house already knew about Sungyeol’s crush with Myungsoo. Dongwoo and Sungjong always told the choding boy to confess his feeling to the stoic boy already while Sunggyu just kept silent, thought that it was Sungyeol’s decision to do whatever he wanted about his crush to Myungsoo.

“It seemed…that there is something that Myungsoo had been hiding from me,” Sungyeol said softly when he turned his head slightly, made him not realize the slight change of expression at Sungjong’s face.

“I want to know…but at the same time I don’t want to know….” Sungyeol fastened his hand. “I want to help Myungsoo but with the fact that he hates me….”

“Myungsoo-hyung not hate you, hyung…” Sungjong whispered, made Sungyeol quickly looked at the youngest boy at the house. “Never hate you. Myungsoo-hyung care about you…so much that it must be hurt….”

“Sungjong…” Sungyeol muttered softly. He didn’t know why but the aura emanated from Sungjong was changing slightly, became colder…darker…and more mysterious. For a moment, Sungyeol didn’t recognize the boy that stood in front of him.

“That’s why…please believe him…” Sungjong said before he smiled sweetly to Sungyeol, came back to the Sungjong that Sungyeol always knew. “Believe him…no matter what happen. No matter what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears…don’t judge him. Believe that Myungsoo-hyung don’t have any bad intentions to you…and to all of us. Believe…that he care for you…and wish the best for you….”

Sungyeol only could nod his head when he heard Sungjong’s words. Sungjong smiled again before walked to Sungyeol and kissed his cheek. “Promise me…that you will believe Myungsoo-hyung…no matter what happen….” Sungjong whispered.

Sungyeol stunned when he heard Sungjong’s words before smiling widely. “I will, Sungjong…” he said while he ruffled the youngest’s hair.

“Okay,” chirped Sungjong happily. “Good night then, hyung~” The youngest boy quickly walked out of Sungyeol’s room, but stopped when he reached the entrance of the door. “Sungyeol-hyung….”

“Hmm?” Sungyeol said while he stood up from his seat and got ready for bed.

“Please…accept Myungsoo-hyung…whatever he is…” Sungjong said before walked out, leaved Sungyeol alone in confusion.

Myungsoo groaned when he felt his bloodlust became more severe since yesterday. He tried so hard to control his bloodthirst all day at class, made him decided to just stay at infirmary to isolate himself from so many scents of blood that invited him to drink them, especially Sungyeol’s blood. He staggered at his ways to the entrance of the school, wanted to come home quickly to rest himself.

“Myungsoo!” a voice called him, made Myungsoo groaned in pain. He turned his head and saw Sunggyu walked to him. There were music papers at his hands. “I need to talk to you about the music project at your musical....”

And at that time, Myungsoo felt that he couldn’t control himself anymore. He quickly slammed Sunggyu’s body hard to the wall, made the brown haired boy groaned in pain. He looked at Myungsoo and immediately frozen in fear and shock when he saw the crimson eyes that looked back at him.

“M…Myung…soo?” Sunggyu stammered in fear. Never in his life he ever though that something like vampires existed in this world, and so near…to be the classmate of his boyfriend.

“Sorry hyung…” Myungsoo whispered before buried his face at Sunggyu’s neck, made Sunggyu struggled to let himself go from Myungsoo, even though it was futile. “But please…give me your blood….”

And with that Myungsoo immediately buried his fangs at Sunggyu’s neck, made the latter screamed in pain.

Sungjong snapped his head when he smelt the scent of blood penetrated through the air. He looked torn for a moment before sighed and shook his head. A smile filled with sympathy and sadness formed at his lips. “Even though I already warned him he never listens to me…” Sungjong whispered. “And now it is Sunggyu-hyung’s turn…man, Woohyun-hyung surely will be pissed off when he knows about this….” The brown haired boy quicky ran, followed Sunggyu’s blood’s scent to Myungsoo.

Sungyeol looked anxious. Today, Myungsoo never showed himself at school, said that he was sick. What was happening to him actually?

“Sungyeol?” Sungyeol turned his body and saw Dongwoo ran to him. “Do you know where Sunggyu-hyung is?” the dark blue haired boy asked when he was near enough to the choding boy.

“Eh, no. I never see Sunggyu-hyung since morn---” Sungyeol’s words quickly cut off by the sound of Sunggyu’s scream, made both Sungyeol and Dongwoo looked startled.

“T…that was Sunggyu-hyung…right?” Sungyeol asked. “W…what was happening to him?”

“I…I don’t know…. W…why don’t we try to find out?” Dongwoo asked. Sungyeol quickly nodded his head when both of them ran towards the sound of Sunggyu’s scream.

But what they saw there next quickly made them frozen in fear.

Because they saw Myungsoo, with bloody mouth, crimson eyes, and fangs at his mouth, hold at Sunggyu’s unconscious body. Sunggyu’s neck was smeared with blood, from the two holes at his neck that still poured out blood.

“M…Myung…soo?” Sungyeol stammered. He already suspected it, but he never realized that it was true…that Myungsoo…was a vampire. “…W…hy?”

Myungsoo looked away from Sungyeol and Dongwoo that still stood there without any strength to find his voice, too shock with what he saw in front of his eyes. Myungsoo bit his lips…and fisted his hands tightly. “I….”

“MYUNGSOO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?!!” A voice exclaimed angrily from behind Myungsoo before Myungsoo was thrown to the front with force, right in front of Sungyeol that quickly snapped out of his schock and knelt down to hug Myungsoo. He raised his eyes to look at Myungsoo’s attacker to have his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the boy that now held Sunggyu tightly at his embrace.

Dongwoo had the same shocked expression when he saw the boy that held Sunggyu. His hand shaking slightly when he looked at the black haired boy with mouth hanged open. No, he couldn’t believe who was the one that now stood in front of him, it’s impossible.

But…it was true, right? This was real, wasn’t it?

“I…it’s impossible…” Dongwoo whispered softly. “…Woohyun….”


Okay...this a bit creepy and unexpected right? Well...for people that don't want WooYa dead...Yes, I don't make them dead. Oh please~I can't go and kill my bias like that, it will be so cruel of me XO, right? but now...what will be happen when Myungsoo already busted? And...yes, I make Joongie as a vampire because well...who is the one close enough to Myungsoo except Yeol and Sungjong? and who is the one who will not agree with me that Joongie is beautiful enough to be a vampire? seems that I make Joongie as MyungYeol matchmaker? oh well...he is the third wheel between MyungYeol anyway -getbricked-  I hope you don't mind about Joongie, guys XP

Anyway, thank you so much guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter XD I'll update soon, so please wait for it, okay?

and for the comments:

Bonnie: No, I don't separate our WooGyu/GyuWoo, it will be so cruel of me to make Sunggyu alone (he is my first bias after all XD).

cookimob: Yep, now L is busted. and Hmm...what do you think about WooYa now? Are they vampires now? X)

dragonfly18: I love you too, thank you so much for liking my story, I hope you will enjoy it XD. And yepyep, our MyungMyung love Yeollie, that's why there are MyungYeol after all XP

amanda_clarissa: I'll already update it~hope you will enjoy this chapter XD

cookiiLovely: Yep WooYa is not dead, I don't have any heart to kill them XP and yeah...Myungsoo is so obvious and now...he become too obvious.

uuleunhaecloudy: Hah, Sungyeol don't need to see Myungsoo's fangs anymore, he see him bit Sunggyu and yes...WooYa is not dead XP

LeeAnameiYukiGiKwang: Yep...Sungyeol find out~ XD What do you think what will happen to him now XPP

MikiQi18: I'll already update the next chapter here XD And it's explain slightly about what 'seemed' to happen to WooYa. I hope you enjoyed it~XD

Once more, thank you for all the subscribe and comment that I receive! I really grateful to receive all that! You guys are so kind, I love you guys XDD

Okay, like I said before I will try to update the next chapter soon, so please keep subscribing and comment okay? and please wait for the next chapter.

Okay, I love you all guys, Annyeong ^____^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/