The Bloody Love

Blood Stained Love

When all of them reached Myungsoo’s mansion, Woohyun quickly ran with Sunggyu upstairs, Myungsoo sat Sungyeol down to the sofa before he himself flopped down at the sofa beside the choding boy, and Dongwoo looked at Hoya for a moment before set himself beside Sungyeol when he saw the dark haired boy smiled and nodded his head.

Sungjong sighed and brushed his hair in frustration. “I will come back to the school to try to fix any mess that you all had done,” he said. “And hope that it will be fine!”

“How about I go with you?” Hoya offered. Sungjong quickly shook his head when he heard the Busan boy’s sentence. “There’s someone that need to control Myungsoo-hyung and Woohyun-hyung now, so I ask you to keep an eye to them.”


“Besides,” Sungjong cut Hoya’s words, made the dark haired boy fell silent. “I think you too, have something to be explaining to someone, right?” said the brown haired boy while he glanced to Dongwoo for a moment. Hoya bit his lip for a moment before finally nodded his head.

“Okay,” he said. “But please call if something happen or when you need help, okay?” Hoya said to Sungjong that smiled to him and hug him for a moment.

“I will hyung…” he whispered to Hoya’s ear softly before walked out from the front door and disappeared not long after. Hoya just sighed before rubbed his head and walked to stand behind Myungsoo.

“Okay, Myungsoo, I think we need to start our session of explanations,” said Hoya in emotionless tone. “And please make it quick, because to be honest, I’m tired.”

“Sorry…” Myungsoo muttered. “You must be quite tired, you don’t drink bloods for the entire week already so….”

“BLOOD?!” Dongwoo yelled quite loudly, made Hoya and Myungsoo, in reflex, covered their ears to block Dongwoo’s sound (because of their sharp hearing). “No…Hoya…is…is that mean….”

“Well…yes…” Hoya said hesitantly when he gripped his shirt tightly and looked down. “I…I am the same as Myungsoo now…a vampire…. A blood monster…that need blood to keep living.”

Hoya quickly looked away from Dongwoo when he said that. He didn’t want Dongwoo to know about that actually. He didn’t want Dongwoo to know how much a monster he was now. He didn’t want to make Dongwoo scared of him. He didn’t want the dark blue haired boy to see him in fears.

That’s why he hid himself for these six months, no matter how much he missed the dark blue haired boy.

Yes, he missed Dongwoo so much. He missed the laugh that he always heard from the mouth of his boyfriend. He missed his hold, the taste of his lips, the warmth of his body, his happy-go-lucky attitude…he missed all of that.

But…he afraid…afraid of Dongwoo’s reaction when he knew…that he was not Hoya that he had known anymore. Lee Howon that became Dongwoo’s boyfriend all this time, the boy that he met one year ago at the dance club, the boy that Dongwoo always spoiled…all of that already died six month ago.

“W…Why?” Dongwoo forced his words out of his mouth.

“Well…actually I can take a blame for that…” Myungsoo said softly. “Because I am the one…that killed Woohyun and Hoya six months ago….”

Sungyeol freeze when he heard Myungsoo’s statement. So…all this time… the one responsible for Woohyun and Hoya’s disappearance was Myungsoo? The stoic boy was the cause of Sunggyu and Dongwoo’s misery and sadness all this time? He was the one that make both of them became like this? All of this was because Myungsoo?

“Like Sunggyu-hyung, I bit Woohyun and Hoya six months ago in a rage of blood thirst,” Myungsoo said, ignored Dongwoo’s pale face and Sungyeol’s unreadable expression. “The difference is that when I finish, they already at the verge of dead, without any ways to save them.”

Hoya sighed before walked up to the stairs. “This conversation is enough, right?” he said coldly. “Then I excuse myself, good night.” The dark haired boy quickly walked upstairs, leaved all of them in silence.

Dongwoo stood up quickly when he heard the sound of the door opened and closed. “Excuse me too, I have something to say to Hoya.” The dark haired boy quickly walked upstairs too, leaved Myungsoo and Sungyeol alone.

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo before he sighed loudly. “Will Gyu-hyung…become a vampire too?” he asked.

Myungsoo shook his head. “To make someone to become a vampire I must transfer some of my blood to their body so as long as Sunggyu-hyung not drink my blood, then he will stay human,” the stoic boy said flatly.

“Then…why…turned Woohyun-hyung and Hoya-hyung to become a vampire? I think you don’t like---”

“I do not like them,” said Myungsoo. “I just…couldn’t…be so heartless. I know both of them have someone that loves them so much. Even though I know, I make so many sins to them…kill them, tied them to the suffering of immortality, make them become a monster…I just couldn’t let them die! Because I know…they have a life that they want to fulfill with someone….”

Sungyeol’s eyes softened when he heard Myungsoo’s words. Yes…he was sure now that Myungsoo was not a monster. A monster would not feel responsible and guilt like Myungsoo did when he ‘kill’ Woohyun and Hoya and bit Sunggyu. No, Myungsoo was not a monster and so…he would never give up…his love and feelings to Myungsoo. He didn’t have any reason to just forget all his love to Myungsoo and changed that to hate. Myungsoo didn’t intentionally do all the things he did back then…so…to be honest…Sungyeol couldn’t blame him like that too…no matter how much he had said before that he would hate and (if possible) took revenge against a person that took Sunggyu and Dongwoo’s happiness by take Woohyun and Hoya away from them.

Because the person was Myungsoo…the person that he loved about anyone else in this world….

“So…all of this explain everything, right?” Myungsoo said. “Because if it is, please…from now on…forget anything…about me. Pretend that I don’t exist, Sungyeol. And better yet…please forget your feeling to me. Our world is too different and---”

“What is the difference between me and Myungie?” Sungyeol asked in a cheerful voice. “Except that Myungie have fangs and drink blood? I think that is so cool~ anyway~”

“This is not a game, Sungyeol!” Myungsoo snapped impatiently. “This is your life that is in the line! Why are you so calm about it?!! If you keep spending time with me, maybe the next time you will be the victim instead of Sunggyu-hyung and maybe I can’t save you like Woohyun or Hoya!”

“So what?” Sungyeol asked with I-don’t-care-at-all tone, made Myungsoo gaped at disbelief. “I will not run from you. So long I dream to be close to you, Myungie and now when I can…I will not let the opportunity go.”


“Even if you run away from me instead, I will chase you now…” Sungyeol said in a serious tone when he walked towards Myungsoo and trapped him at his seat, made Myungsoo looked at him with a nervous look.

“Yeol?” Myungsoo asked. Really, where was the choding boy go? Sungyeol that now stood in front of him was so…not Sungyeol at all. Serious, mysterious, but y….


“Even though God give us a twisted way to meet each other now…I will not let it waste away. I chase you for so long and now when you are this close…” Sungyeol bent down until he was face to face with Myungsoo. “I will never let you go…. After all…you don’t hate me, right? So I don’t have any reason for give up right now.”

And with that Sungyeol quickly crashed his lips to Myungsoo, made the stoic dark haired boy’s eyes widened slightly before it closed and he kissed the choding boy back softly.

Hoya stood at his wide window in silence. He saw the night sky above him with a cold stare before sighed and turned his body.

“For how long you are planning to just stand there, Dongwoo-hyung?” he asked in a cold tone. Not long after, the door of his room opened and Dongwoo walked inside with a sheepish smile.

“How do you know that I am outside?” the dark blue haired boy asked.

Hoya rolled his eyes when he heard his boyfriend’s (according to him stupid) question. “Is that a rhetorical question?” he asked and when Dongwoo shook his head, Hoya felt like he wanted to bang his head hard. “Dongwoo-hyung since I become a vampire my hearing ability increasing you know,” he said.

Dongwoo look at Hoya in surprise. “Oh? So that’s why your face is emotionless as usual.” The dark blue haired boy just wanted to walk towards Hoya when the Busan boy raised his hand to stop Dongwoo.

“Don’t come closer,” Hoya said coldly.

Dongwoo felt a stab of hurt at his heart. Why? Why Hoya was like avoiding him since they arrived at Myungsoo’s mansion? He became so cold…so…uncaring. It even felt that he didn’t like to see Dongwoo at all. Was he…not missed him anymore? He was his boyfriend, for god sake! Then…what was with the cold attitude and all.

“What is wrong with you, Hoya?” Dongwoo snapped. “Since then you are like avoiding me!”

Hoya flinched when he heard Dongwoo’s snap before looked down and gripped his shirt tightly. “I…please understand hyung….”

“No, I don’t understand!” Dongwoo said. “Why are you avoiding me?!”

“Hyung, please realize….” Hoya immediately looked at Dongwoo with sad stares. “I am not your Hoya anymore.”

And that immediately silenced Dongwoo.

“I am not Hoya that you know one year ago and become your boyfriend ten month ago,” Hoya said. “That Lee Howon already died six month ago…and now the one that stood in front of you is a monster, hyung. A monster that drink blood to live. I am different now!”

“Where is the one that different?!” Dongwoo said sternly, made the younger boy quickly silenced himself. “From what I see you are still my Ho-aegi. You still warm, you still held my hand tightly when I scared, you still shivered when I whispered at your ears…there is nothing different from Hoya that I know! You still Hoya, whatever you are now….”


“Shut up right now!” Dongwoo said when he stood up in front of Hoya and caressed the younger boy’s cheeks. “I never say that I just love the human you,” Dongwoo said. “Even if you are vampire, werewolf, hell, even if you are a fairy or something I will still love you. I don’t love the human side of you, I love the Hoya inside of you. I love Lee Howon, not ‘human’ Lee Howon.”

Hoya kept silent for a moment before embraced Dongwoo tightly, made the older boy became a bit startled. Dongwoo immediately hug Hoya back and caressed Hoya’s dark hair softly and lovingly. “I love you…no matter what are you right now, Ho-aegi…. Whatever you are…you still and always will be my Ho-aegi...” Dongwoo said while he kissed Hoya’s forehead lovingly.

“Then…I can come back…to you?” Hoya said hoarsely. Dongwoo chuckled slightly before nodded his head.

“Yes, you can…” Dongwoo said softly. “Welcome back…Hoya….”

And that’s enough for Hoya to lean closer and kiss Dongwoo’s lips lovingly before it grew more passionate and they fell themselves to Hoya’s bed…still with lips locked with each other….


Sunggyu looked around him with confusion and a bit fears at his eyes. The cute brown haired boy touched his neck when he felt a slight pain at his neck.

Oh yeah…Myungsoo bit me and drank my blood…Sunggyu thought. Then…am I die now?

Sunggyu sighed before laid himself in the middle of the darkness that enveloped him and closed his eyes slowly.

If I must die now…please God…let me see Woohyun. For the last time…let me meet Woohyun. Even if it just a dream, illusion, imagination, hallucination…whatever it is, let me feel the warmth of Woohyun’s body…let me stay in a place where I can be a spoil kid with Woohyun….

Suddenly Sunggyu felt a soft touch at his forehead. The brown haired boy opened his eyes slowly and saw Woohyun that smiled softly at him.

Woo…hyun? I really…imagine Woohyun….

“I’m sorry…” Sunggyu whispered. “For always treated you bad all your life, for always hit you, scold you, and whatever that I did to you…I’m so sorry….”

“I like when you do that Sunggyu-hyung…” Woohyun said when he caressed Sunggyu’s hair softly. “Because that means that you care about me. Please…keep doing that, keep hit me, keep scold me, keep nagging at me, and keep doing whatever that you always do to me because it is what make you become Sunggyu-hyung that I always love all my life….”

Sunggyu smiled softly. So forgiving, so warm, and so kind…really like Woohyun. Even if it was just his imaginations, he really felt that this Woohyun was real. He felt happy…really, really happy….

“Thank you so much…” Sunggyu whispered again. “Even if it is just a dream…I am happy to see you once more, Woohyun. Thank you…for give me such a beautiful dream….”

Woohyun chuckled when he bent down and kissed Sunggyu’s forehead softly, made Sunggyu closed his eyes for a moment. “It is not a dream, hyung…” he whispered against the older boy.

And that’s where Sunggyu opened his eyes to find himself at an unknown room with a IV needle stuck to a bag of blood transfusion hooked at his arm and Woohyun that held his hand tightly. Sunggyu widened his eyes slightly when he saw Woohyun’s face and hesitantly raised his arm weakly to cup Woohyun’s face, to make sure that Woohyun that sat beside him was real, that for this time it was not merely his dream or imagination but the reality.

“Welcome back…hyung…” Woohyun whispered when he gently touched Sunggyu’s hand at his cheek, made the older boy felt the warmth of Woohyun’s hand. “Do you have a nice dream?”

And felt Woohyun’s warm hand and heard that gentle voice that he always missed and dreamed about for all this six months was enough for Sunggyu to burst into tears. He slapped Woohyun’s cheek softly, made Woohyun chuckled a bit.

“Babo! Why…why you never returned all this time if you are still alive?!!” Sunggyu screamed when he kept hit Woohyun’s chest lightly. “Do you know how much sadness that I felt when I thought you are dead? How much do you think I dreamed about you every night? And now…now when you appeared again after all these six months full of sufferings, guilt, and regret…how do you think I must react?!!”

Woohyun’s eyes softened when he heard Sunggyu’s words. He knew…he knew how much his disappearance affected Sunggyu. He knew how much the brown-haired boy suffered, he knew all of that but he…was scared to come back to Sunggyu. He was scared to see the fears at Sunggyu’s eyes when he realized that Woohyun now was a monster and now when the brown haired boy got bitten by Myungsoo, maybe the fears would be increased.

But…to be honest…Woohyun was tired to hide himself too….

“Hyung…your Woohyun already died six months ago, that’s not a lie…” Woohyun whispered, made Sunggyu quickly looked at his boyfriend in confusion and disbelief. “The Woohyun that now beside you is the same with Myungsoo that attacked you just now…. A vampire that will never hesitate to drink your blood when he thinks that it is necessary.”

Sunggyu immediately frozen when he heard Woohyun’s words. Unconsciously, his hand rose to his neck and touched it, felt the two holes that still there….  Yes…it was not a dream, it was reality. Myungsoo really a vampire and when Woohyun said that he was similar like Myungsoo…then it means that Woohyun indeed was a vampire. But….

“But you are still Woohyun…” Sunggyu whispered when he tightened his hold at Woohyun’s shirt. “I don’t see and feel any difference towards your attitude to me. I don’t see any difference from your love to me. I…don’t care about whatever Hyunnie is, as long as you…still love me… so….”

“You are not afraid that the one in front of you is a vampire at all?” Woohyun raised his eyebrows to Sunggyu. Sunggyu shook his head while smiled softly.

“Because I love Woohyun. I will do anything…as long as you come back to me. Even though this bloody world scared me…I will always stay here with you…if you are here…. Call me stupid, blind, or even idiot…but I don’t see a scary vampire that will kill me in you, I just see Woohyun that I always love since eight month ago.”

And that’s the last straw for Woohyun. The handsome black haired boy quickly pulled Sunggyu into a soft, loving kiss. Both of them quickly fell down to the bed (because Sunggyu couldn’t move much with the blood transfusion) with Woohyun hovered above Sunggyu.

“I love you Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun whispered when they separated their mouths. “Love you so much….”

Sunggyu smiled in happiness and relief. “I love you too, Woohyun…whatever you are…” he whispered. “But…Isn’t it considered a sin for a vampire to love a human?”

 “You read too many stupid vampire books, Gyu-hyung,” Woohyun said when he chuckled slightly, made Sunggyu pouted. “Well, call it a sin if you like, but I will call that my happiness,” he whispered against Sunggyu’s lips. “And if it is our fate to get sinned, we will be sinned together. Let we be together at hell…as long as we are together I don’t fear anything else….”

“Still so greasy, Hyunnie…” Sunggyu grumbed. “And here I thought that when you become a vampire you will be more elegant instead of greasy….”

And Woohyun could only laugh loudly before kissed Sunggyu again, more passionately this time….

That night, maybe for the first time the mansion filled with love and warmth rather than cold and darkness. Three pairs that happy with each other…. One story that seemed to begin and two story that started again after being reunited with each other.

But they didn’t realize the cold eyes of the eagle that looked at their mansion, promised the dark clouds of storms. The eagle flew away to a dark, hidden mansion and landed at the hand of a brown haired smiling boy.

“Kim Myungsoo, I see he really have a nerve,” the brown haired boy said. “Run away from the clan with Lee Sungjong…turn two humans into vampires, and now fall in love with a human….”

“Wow” said another tall boy that stood behind the chair where the brown haired boy sat while he whistled loudly. “Never think that our ice prince is such a rule breaker.”

“What can you say? He is grow up surely~” said the black haired boy with a boyish smile at his lips when he walked to the room and embraced the brown haired boy in a way like a spoiled younger brother hugged his older brother. “But…not the growth that is so good, right hyung?” he said while he looked at another black haired but (seemingly) older boy (actually he is the oldest).

The one that the black haired boy called ‘hyung’ just sighed when he closed the book that he read and put it back to the shelf in front of him. “No, it’s not but…we don’t have any authority to stop him now. He doesn’t do anything that can be considered bad,” he said.

“But I think we can keep an eye of him, right?” said another voice when he drank his tea and played with his cup. “Just to make sure anything will be fine.”

“So…we will go there?” said the last voice there, a boyish, childish voice that seemed a bit eerie to hear in the dark, mysterious mansion. “To the warm world where Kim Myungsoo lives all this time?”

The oldest black haired boy just sighed before turned back to face all his ‘brothers’ at the room. “Yes…” he said sternly. “Because Myungsoo is still one of us, and we can’t let him taint the dark world of us more than this!”

At the same time thunder rumbled loudly at the sky, promised storm.

The storm of war and blood….


Okay, now I present all of you the three lovely couples all in one chapter! I hope you will like it guys XD sorry, if it is not satisfying enough though, I will try to work harder for the next chapter to make the more romantic scene X) seems I like Yeollie as the more dominant one in here? Hell, how can I make Myungie, with his insecurity and fear to hurt Yeollie, become the more agressive one right now XD? That's why I make Yeollie as the agressive one for once! Don't worry guys, I promise Myungie will have his own time to be agressive toward Yeollie ( least when he can calm himself enough and trust Yeollie a bit more) so please wait for it patiently, okay? XD

And for the comment:

dragonfly18: Now I give you all the three couples' story in one, do you like it XD I hope you do XDD well...thank you for comment :)

uuleunhaecloudy: Well I don't have any plan to turn Sunggyu but with the development of my story, do you wish for Sunggyu to being one too XD? I don't mind to make him become one, really ^__^ thank you for your comment : D

MikiQi18: Thank you for love this story, I hope you will like this chapter also XD thank you for the comment :)

LeeAnameiYukiGiKwang: Well...then is the three scenes of these MyungYeol, WooGyu, and YaDong make you cry? -getbricked- Well...I hope you will like this chapter XD thank you for the comment XDD

kpop_craze15: Thank you so much for love my story, please keep love it, okay XD? I hope you will like this chapter too, and thank you for your comment XDD

cookiiLovely: Well...yeah I have a plan to make all of them have their own powers (blame EXO-Mama for that, since I see their mv I just kept thinking about supernatural power that suit Infinite members well XP) I hope you like the three couples in this chapter! thank you for your comment XDD

and you see I added 'bad guys' for Myungsoo and the others? Who do you think they are? Please comment and let me know whether we have the same thought about the 'bad guys' for Infinite -gethit-

Well...anyway, thank you for all the subscribers and comments that I receive! And please keep subscribe and comment since it will make me so happy! You are so kind guys, I love you ^____^

Okay, I'll try to update the next chapter soon, so please wait for it patiently okay? Once more I love you guys, Annyeong! ^_____^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/