The Bloody Suspicion

Blood Stained Love

Sungjong just sighed while he flopped down at his seat at the class before closed his eyes in tiredness.

After Sungyeol fainted again yesterday, he didn’t open his eyes anymore until this morning. Actually the brown haired’s boy knew that was because Sungyeol’s brain went a bit overboard because he was thinking so much about his memories. Not only that, when they came home Dongwoo and Woohyun came and reported to them about Sunggyu and Hoya that started to remember everything. Myungsoo just sighed while he heard that and just said to both of the older boy that he let them did anything they wanted, wanted to resurrect their memories or not, it was up to them.

And as much happiness he got for now…he couldn't help himself to felt that it just a calm before a storm.

Suddenly there was a loud voice at his side, made the brown haired boy startled and raised his head. He turned his head and saw Kai slammed his hand to the table beside him with a pale face.

“What’s wrong with that face?” said Sungjong nonchalantly to the younger black haired boy. “A face like that in the morning make you looks ugly, you know?”

“Now it’s not the time to joke around!” yelled Kai angrily to the brown haired boy. “I suggest you go warn Myungsoo-hyung and whoever else at your mansion now to be more careful!”

“Why?” Sungjong said. “If it is about their vampires-humans relationship you know that….”

“The problem is Suho-hyung find out Myungsoo-hyung’s journal and see Sungyeol-hyung’s name there!” Kai cut Sungjong off angrily. “He starts to suspect that there is something strange with them and asked all of us to keep an eye to all of you more intently from now on!”

Sungjong’s eyes widened immediately. He looked at the black haired boy in front of him and just sat at his seat dumbfounded and silent.

“You know that Suho-hyung is smart,” said Kai while he put his bag and sat beside Sungjong. “He will know that Sungyeol-hyung is a vampire soon and if he find out about their past with the senate and about your parents not only it will affect you and busted your parents but maybe he…will order us to kill you too. You know that your family now is at the vampire senate’s blacklist that was ordered to kill as soon as we saw them.”

Sunjong cursed Myungsoo’s stupidity to let his journal out loud. He knew that all of Suho-hyung’s clan must be lived in one of their unused house now because senate wanted them to find any informations about their parents that now was in hide in an unknown place. With such risky family’s position like that, how could Myungsoo be so careless to left his belongings that contain an important information like that at their house?

“Actually Myungsoo-hyung hide it well, Suho-hyung found the journal in coincidence too,” Kai said softly. “Well…there’s nothing that you can do now except be careful for now. Suho-hyung just find Sungyeol-hyung’s name there so he only ask Baekhyun-hyung and Chanyeol-hyung to keep an eye more intently to him not to anyone else, like Sunggyu-hyung for example. But still be careful, okay? We come here for vampire’s senate order so if Suho-hyung find out the real facts about them, and I am sure it will happen soon, he will order us to kill or at least to capture you.”

Sungjong only could nod his head in agreement while bit his bottom lip in worry towards the younger black haired boy.

“And when Suho-hyung asked us to keep an eye to them, that stupid couples doesn't show up!” Chanyeol yelled in frustrations towards Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s empty chairs.

“Don’t you think that it is strange?” Baekhyun mumbled while he played with his pen at his hand.

“What is strange?” Chanyeol asked while he turned his head towards the older but shorter brown haired boy.

“Why ask us to keep an eye to a human? If he ask us to keep an eye to Myungsoo, I can understand since…he is a pureblood vampire and suddenly disappeared from vampire’s society, along with his family but why that Lee Sungyeol? He surely a human, his smell, his aura, all of him screamed out loud that he is a human. There’s nothing that we can do for that lousy human, no matter if he is Myungsoo’s crush or not,” Baekhyun said. “There’s something hide in the dark about them…or Suho-hyung just too paranoid about something.”

Chanyeol looked at the short brown haired boy for a moment before chuckled and embraced Baekhyun, buried the boy at his chest. Baekhyun looked stunned for a moment when he felt the warmth from the taller brown haired boy. “Ch…Channie?” said Baekhyun softly.

“There’s nothing we can do about it now, okay? Just believe that Suho-hyung have his own reason to ask him that. Suho-hyung…is something we always look for since he saved our life. We only can believe Suho-hyung to repay him for our life now. After all…all this time Suho-hyung never ask us to do something illegal or bad, right? So, it’s okay. We only can do what he ask for now and the reason…we will know about it through time,” Chanyeol said while he ruffle Baekhyun’s brown hair lovingly.

Baekhyun just kept silent before nodded his head. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. “Thank you…for make me better. You always know…to make my worry go away.”

Chanyeol looked to Baekhyun for a moment before smiled widely and kissed the shorter boy’s lips. “Anything for you, Baekhyunnie~” he said in a sing song voice. “And now~ since that Myungsoo and Lee Sungyeol is not here, how about we go and spent the day in a date?”

Baekhyun looked like he was in thought for a moment before a smirk formed at his lips. “It’s a good idea, Yeollie,” he said while he wrapped his arms at the taller boy’s arm. “Come on, let’s go! I want to eat the chocolate ice cream at the new ice cream parlor near the station!”

Chanyeol just laughed while he saw the shorter brown haired boy’s excitement. He immediately took their bags and walked out of the class with Baekhyun before called Kai and told the younger boy about their plan.

…And was replied by a tantrum that was thrown by the younger black haired boy to both of them.

Suho walked along the bookshelves at the vampire senate’s library. Since he read Sungyeol’s name at Myungsoo’s journal he found something strange about that journal.

Because…how long that journal was hidden at the mansion already? Suho knew for sure that mansion was left unused and empty for at least fifty years old before they came here to live there. If that Lee Sungyeol’s name was there surely it meant that he and Myungsoo at least knew each other when Myungsoo live there, right?

So, it meant that they knew each other for at least fifty years…. And if that Lee sungyeol was human, it meant that he already being a grandpa, but Baekhyun said he was Myungsoo’s classmate, that meant that he just around seventeen or eighteen.

Did that mean…that Lee Sungyeol’s growth was slow? Like them that live long time already and still seemed young in appearance? If that was the case…then Suho could make sure…that he wasn’t a human.

So…who was this Lee Sungyeol actually?

“If he was a vampire, isn’t it supposed that his identity was here?” Suho muttered while he grabbed a thick book and opened the pages carefully. “But no…there is nothing…. Does his identity is hidden by someone?”

Suho sighed and just skimmed the book without interest because he didn’t find anything that he looked for while he realized something when he just wanted to close the book. He got a look at the book once more before looked at the book with unsure gazes.

“Why…Myungsoo and Lee Sungjong’s family identities also aren’t here?” Suho muttered. “He is a pureblood, it is impossible that his identity and family history never written. No, I am sure I ever read it before, especially since their family is one of the influential pureblood…. Does it also…get hidden?”

Suho’s eyes narrowed for a moment. “It’s too…much coincidence for two of the pureblood vampire’s royalty to disappear so suddenly. It’s must be something that they hide. For Myungsoo to hide his family’s history, and also the other pureblood royalties, and their families also disappeared too now…. There is something suspicious hidden by them. And maybe…it is also connected with that Lee Sungyeol.”

Suho looked at the thick book once more. “And if that’s true…then that Lee Sungyeol is really…a vampire. No doubt about that.”

“Are you sure that you want to resurrect their memories?” Dongwoo muttered while he sat with Woohyun and Myungsoo while sipped his warm tea. “Well…I don’t object that because I miss Hoya but our parents….”

“I already tell them,” Myungsoo said emotionlessly. “They say we already old enough to decide anything best for us. They say as long as we can responsible for our choice then it’s fine. After all…how can we hide anything from them when they already suspected us? Well…except Sunggyu-hyung, but Sunggyu-hyung’s case is worse than Sungyeol and Hoya. If we don’t resurrect Sunggyu-hyung’s memories as soon as possible his vampire instinct will destroy him from the inside and he will go crazy.”

Woohyun bit his lip. “So…it mean I must resurrect his memories…tonight?” he whispered softly.

“It’s up to you when you want to do it,” Myungsoo said. “But please…don’t do it too late, okay? He is my beloved cousin you know, I can’t bear to see him suffer too much.”

Woohyun just sighed. “It’s easy for you to say that, you’re not the one that will end his ‘human life’ tonight or so,” he muttered softly while he stood up from the table. “You’re not the one that maybe will see his tears of fears because of fears to get bitten again and all…and maybe will get hate from him.”

“I will get the same reaction…” said Myungsoo while he raised his hand and looked blankly at it. “From Yeollie…tonight too or soon at least. It’s hurt…but we don’t have a choice. It’s either we are the one that hurt or they that will get hurt.”

Dongwoo looked at the two younger boys in front of him when silence took over the room where they were sat. Dongwoo sighed loudly made the two younger boys in front of looked at him. “Stupid,” Dongwoo said. “Why are you two really like to only see the dark side of the choice that you’re taking?”

Both Woohyun and Myungsoo looked to the older boy with surprised gazes.

“You know, every choice have bright and dark side, why not try to see the bright side rather than the dark?!!” Dongwoo exclaimed. “If every people in this world just want to see the dark side of their choices, there will not be someone that try to do anything because of fears!”

Woohyun and Myungsoo just heard the older dark blue haired boy in silence.

“It’s true that there is a possibility that Hoya will hate me and let me tell you, his hatred to me maybe is the deepest among that three because he will feel deceived by my identity as vampire! He will feel I lied to him because I never say anything about that fact and I will be lied if I said I don’t afraid about that but do you know why I always never hesitant and always ready to bring back his memories?!” Dongwoo said loudly and angrily to the two younger black haired boys in front of him. “Because I know and always believe that Hoya loves me and always ready to forgive me no matter what! Can you both do the same thing with Sungyeol and Sunggyu-hyung?!”

“They are the person that you love and they said they love you,” Dongwoo continued. “Don’t you feel the need to believe the person that you always say you love? I know I will always believe everything Hoya does to me, even if other people call it betrayal, because I believe that he will never hurt me! Do the same thing with Sunggyu-hyung and Sungyeol, especially because Sunggyu-hyung and Sungyeol is kinder and more understanding than Hoya. They will understand you, can’t you two believe that?!! They are your mate, right? Then treat them as someone that worth the title ‘mate’ from yours! Believe them, just as simple as that!”

Woohyun and Myungsoo just kept being silent for several minutes again before a smile formed at their lips.

“Yeah, you’re right Dongwoo-hyung,” said Woohyun while he laughed slightly. “It will be fine…because our blood is not something to break easily.” The black haired boy smiled and walked out. “Thank you to give me the confidence! I love you, hyung~ even though sure it’s not as much as I love Sunggyu-hyung~”

Myungsoo also stood up from his seat and walked out from the room but he stopped himself when he reached the entrance of the door and looked at Dongwoo. “Thank you…to give me the confidence…” his smile looked faltered for a moment before a sad smile formed at his lips. “To do something unforgivable.”

Dongwoo looked to Myungsoo’s retreating back before sighed once more. “Really Myungsoo sometimes I don’t understand your stupidity and idiocy anymore. I understand that you feel guilt because the last looks that Yeol give you is looks of fears and all that night, but can’t you forgive yourself? He is not a kid that always needs you to protect him anymore, vampire or not. Why can’t you see that he already grow up to be a mature boy and not a kid and his way to see the world is already change?”

“But I…Woohyun…all of us…maybe do the same thing too…” Dongwoo muttered while he looked at the white luxurious ceilings of Myungsoo’s mansion’s living room. “Don’t worry Myungsoo, we will do something unforgivable together tonight…all of us….”

Myungsoo walked into Sungyeol’s room after knocked his doors several times. “Yeol, I go inside, okay?” he said while he opened the door and walked into the older brown haired boy.

The black haired boy immediately saw Sungyeol that stood beside the wide window at his bedroom and looked at the scenery of the garden that could be seen from his window. Myungsoo unconsciously gulped when he saw sharp glares that Sungyeol directed at the shorter black haired boy that just walked into his bedroom.

“Ye…Yeol?” Myungsoo said softly. Sungyeol just pulled the curtain at his window, made the room became dim. But even in dim light like that Myungsoo could see it.

The fears, rage, uncertainty, and lodgings that were at Sungyeol’s eyes.

“I think so much in the time I sleep and awake today,” Sungyeol muttered softly while he walked towards Myungsoo. “And I reached the conclusion about myself…about you....” The taller brown haired boy looked at Myungsoo with gazes full of confidence and a smile at his lips. “And about us….”

Myungsoo’s body went rigid when the black haired boy heard Sungyeol’s words and saw the looks at the taller brown haired boy. The looks that held so much confidence and belief to him.

Not different at all from Sungyeol that he always remembered at his life.

“I don’t remember you at all at my past so I can’t say that it is right for me to think so high of myself to dream as far as you propose me and such,” Sungyeol said. “So I will just think of it as my dream and think of it never happened. I’m sorry that I….”

“If it is not a dream…” Myungsoo muttered softly and made Sungyeol immediately looked at the younger black haired boy. “If it is really happened and I am the one responsible for you not remember it at all….”

“Will you forgive me?”

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo with surprised gazes but he kept remained emotionless. Myungsoo, that looked at the older boy’s reaction just sighed and now walked towards the motionless’ boy. The younger black haired boy’s raised his hand and cupped the taller boy’s cheeks, made Sungyeol snapped out of his thought.

“Will you?” Myungsoo said softly. “Forgive me? For everything that I had done to you?”

“So…that dream is true?” Sungyeol said shakily while he cupped Myungsoo’s hand tightly. “Am I really…know you? Get your love even? Even become your lover? Is all that true?”

Myungsoo smiled when he heard the taller brown haired boy’s sentences. “Yes,” he muttered softly. “I do know you…and quite close too.”

Sungyeol’s eyes started to tear up when he heard the black haired boy’s words. “Really? Then why?” he said while shaken voice. “Why you hide everything from me? Why you... were never saying anything to me?”

 “If you want to I will tell you everything you want to know about your past,” Myungsoo said while he wiped a tear that fell down from the taller brown haired boy's eyes. “But you must know…your past is not something beautiful and pretty to remember. Your past…I must say…is quite gloomy and full of sad things and blood. Do you still…want to hear it, Yeollie? I….”

“Yes, I do,” said Sungyeol with a stern tone full of confidence. “No matter how much bloody my past is I will be alright…” he continued with held Myungsoo’s hand tighter. “As long as I have Myungie in my side, I will be fine with anything that come to me.”

Myungsoo smiled before embraced the taller brown haired boy and held him tightly at his arms. “Alright if you are really sure about it,” said Myungsoo while he looked at the Sungyeol’s eyes. “I will tell you everything that you forget from your past…tonight.”

‘And return you…to the bloody world where you supposed to be…’ added Myungsoo in his thought.


Author note:

And this is when I decided to call it a day~~~ -getbricked- Oh well, everything will be clear from next chapter...maybe? -gethit- I hope you all will like this chapter guys, sorry if it is not satisfying you.

And for the comments:

mitsuchan: least Kai make it a bit smoothly with tell Sungjong first? I don't know why but I love make Kai became a bit kinder in this fic. For me, he is the most adorable but at the same time cocky boy in EXO-K for now so I think he is the only one who will get safe from his hyungdeul with doing something that can be considered as 'little betrayal' because he can get out with his sweet talk and all :P well anyway thank you for your comments and I hope you will love this chapter XDD

LenaMarrie: It's alright, I will end all their sufferings at the next chapter so I hope you will wait for it XD thank you so much for your comments and I hope you will love this chapter

As usual, thank you for all the subscribes and comments that I receive! It really make me happy, and I'm really appreciate it, guys! You guys are so kind, thank you very much. Thank you for always support me because without help from all of you me and my story will be nothing -bows-

okay, as usual too I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! So, please wait for it patiently okay? Please keep subscribe and comment, since it will make me happy and make my days, guys! Okay everyone,  I love you! ^______^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/