The Bloody Broken Memories

Blood Stained Love

“What can we do about them now?” Myungsoo said while he looked blankly to the window beside him, saw all the students walked out of the schoolyard while chatter happily with their friends or did any activities.

“What can we do? Kai said at least one month…or anytime until senate finds out about us…just that long…” Sungjong said while he stood at the table beside Myungsoo. “Until we can fix everything…and make any decision. To bring their memories back or just return them to normal life before they know us.”

“If it is just for us it will be easy,” said Myungsoo. “But Woohyun and Hoya…both of them already remember of what they are. Well…maybe Hoya still forgets many things about his previous life….”

“That’s because Dongwoo-hyung still not break the seal at Hoya-hyung’s memories yet. To break the seal of memories someone needs the blood from someone that tied blood bond with you…your mate and Hoya-hyung’s mate…is Dongwoo-hyung,” said Sungjong. “But Dongwoo-hyung will not hesitant to bring Hoya-hyung’s memories back because he misses him. Woohyun-hyung…he will do anything that he think is the best for Sunggyu-hyung and because you already bit him, undoubtedly some of his instinct will be awaken soon, but you and Sungyeol-hyung….”

“I don’t want Yeollie to go back at that life!” Myungsoo said with a shaking voice. “The life full of sadness, fears, and darkness like our life…. Yeollie….”

“It’s alright if you don’t want Sungyeol-hyung to remember,” said Sungjong. “But…you can’t hope he will forget forever. One day…there is a time when you must stop run away from everything and face the reality. Believe me hyung…Sungyeol-hyung is not weak, he will be strong enough to face the world…as long as he was with you.”


“Hyung, who are you anyway?” Sungjong said while he flicked Myungsoo’s forehead. “You are Kim Myungsoo, one of the youngest pureblood princes in the world. Pureblood vampire! A real vampire in vampire’s world! Vampire between vampire and you chickened out like this! You have power! You can protect Sungyeol-hyung from any dangers out there, well…that’s if he even needs your help to protect him.”

Myungsoo just being silent when he heard Sungjong’s words before nodded his head and stood up from his seat. “I will…try to think about it,” he muttered softly. “I will go now.”

Sungjong sighed when he sat at the edge of his table and looked at the ceiling of his class. “Just make sure…to not regret anything. But then again…your love all this time…is not a lie, right? So everything…must be alright.”

Woohyun looked blankly to the jar of red rose that he held tightly at his hands. The red rose looked so stunning since the red of the rose looked so beautiful. Woohyun the little jar carefully while he looked at the jar with sad stares.

He remembered…remembered everything.

About who he was…at his previous life.

He was Nam Woohyun, the only child of his family…one of the purebloods families at the vampire world. He was never be a human, before or after Myungsoo turned him. He…he was a vampire since the start. He was a monster since the start…and always would be. His parents sealed his memories…because problems with vampire senate that threatened them. After that they gave him to one of the humans that worked at their company to be his ‘human parents’ until the right time to resurrect his memories.

And as a vampire that lived for a long time already he had a mate that he chosen himself since he was a child. Someone he loved so much, someone he cherished…long time ago, now, and at the future.

Ironically…he loved his mate…even when he was a human. Even when both of them lived as a human, they still loved each other so much. Was it fate? Or just…stupid blood bond between them that never let them get separated no matter how many times passed?

Suddenly he felt something moved beside him. Woohyun looked to his side and saw Sunggyu snuggled up to him while he muttered his name softly. Woohyun smiled and hugged the brown haired boy’s body tightly while he kissed his forehead.

“Vampire or not…I love you Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun whispered to the sleeping male beside him. “No matter you remember our previous relationship or not…I will always love you.” Woohyun bent down and kissed Sunggyu’s lips softly. “Because…we have a bond that can’t be broken easily.”

Dongwoo looked to sleeping Hoya at his lap while sometimes his hair. He looked intently to Hoya, or more exactly to Hoya’s neck.

Dongwoo caressed the younger boy’s neck softly and slowly, felt the pulse of blood beneath the black haired boy’s neck. Hoya moaned softly when he felt Dongwoo’s hand’s movement at his neck and unconsciously made him exposed his neck more to Dongwoo’s eyes.

“You…is your blood tastes the same as long, long time ago?” Dongwoo muttered before his eyes widened immediately when he realized what he had been said just then. The dark blue haired boy immediately moved himself away quickly but still carefully so he would not make Hoya’s head at his lap fell and disturbed the younger boy’s sleep. When he finished put Hoya’s body at the sofa the dark blue haired boy left the room and walked outside the mansion while clutched his throat.

“Stupid! Why must I feel this bloodlust when he still forget me?!!” Dongwoo screamed out loud but immediately silenced himself when he remembered about the vampire’s sharp hearing. The dark blue haired boy bit his lip and sighed.

“My vampire instinct still…not fully waken up too but still…his blood…alluring me,” Dongwoo sighed. “But I am…not a human too, not even the start, no matter how much I want it to be…. I am one of the purebloods…and…” Dongwoo looked to the gold rings at his necklace. “Ho-aegi’s mate too….”

Yes…Dongwoo’s remembered his relationship with Hoya…before everything became like this. Now…his family was one of the vampire families that hide themselves between human since the ‘accident’ at the senate. Through time…they being used to the life of human and hide their vampire side and made them forget that they were vampires, not humans. His parents really enjoyed themselves as humans, and never say anything about their real identity. His vampire instinct never fully woken up for him to realize something strange with his body…. He also never knew that he was a vampire. His family never gives him blood directly but mixed it in a small dose with his drink or food so he never knew his lust for blood. He just thought it as usual hunger for food as humans did.

That was until Sungjong and his parents told him everything…not long ago.

But now…when he realized what he was all this time, his bloodlust started appeared again, especially…when he was near Hoya. Well…it understandable actually…for vampire they would find their mate’s blood very alluring and seducing, made them became really lustful to drink their blood when they went into bloodlust.

And he…was not an exception. Hoya’s blood really made him felt lust to drink it. He really wanted to drink the younger boy’s blood, felt the red liquid trickled down his throat but….

“No…I can’t. At least not now,” Dongwoo muttered softly. “At least not until…he remembers me.” The dark blue haired boy clutched the rings at his hands tightly. “And remember his place at my heart.”

Hoya flipped the pages at the book he held open before threw it to the table and grabbed another book. He sighed in frustrations when he still didn’t find what he looked for. He grabbed another books at Myungsoo’s library.

“Where is Myungsoo’s family archives?!!” he shouted loudly when he still tried to look for the information that Myungsoo saved. “I’m sure it is around here the last time I visited the library.”

Myungsoo was a pureblood family so he was sure that at least Myungsoo knew many information about other vampire families and high class human families so maybe…he knew something about his family…or Dongwoo.

And maybe Myungsoo knew something about what his relationships with Dongwoo too….

“Ah, this is it!” Hoya yelled in triumphant when he finally found out the book that he had been looking for. He immediately opened the book and read each pages of the book intently.

“Looking for my memories…it looks like I know Dongwoo ten years ago. Ten years ago…” Hoya muttered softly while he looked at the content of the book. He flipped the pages until he found out the pages around ten years ago.

But when he reached the pages that he wanted to read suddenly the pages was in fire and started to burn. Hoya’s eyes widened and he dropped the book in shock. He looked to the burning pages in front of him with scared gazes.

“Hoya, what happen?!! I smell something burn!” Dongwoo said while he ran into the library but he surprised when he saw Hoya ran to him and embraced him tightly.

“Hoya…what happen?” Dongwoo said while he realized that Hoya’s body had been shaking slightly. Dongwoo became more confused when he realized that Hoya clung to him tightly.

“T…that…” Hoya said while he pointed to the book in front of him. Dongwoo looked at it and saw the burning pages of the book. He raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw that.

“What was that?” Dongwoo asked.

“I…I try to search something…at Myungsoo’s family archives about me…or my family but…but when I tried to read the pages the page started to burn!” Hoya screamed. “What happen with it?!!”

‘Of course it will burn…’ Dongwoo thought when he caressed Hoya’s hair. ‘Anything connected with your memories…as long as I don’t break your curses will be destroyed. Because of all that things…was supposedly being forgotten by you.’

“I’m scared,” Hoya whispered softly, made Dongwoo looked to his boyfriends again. “Recently…I’m like lost my mind and memories! Like something being forgotten by me! I don’t know what was wrong by me…I’m scared!”

“What do you mean by forgot something?” Dongwoo asked. “Is there something wrong with your memories recently?”

“Why…I kept seeing myself being close to you? I kept seeing myself being close with you, to the point to you ask me to marry you and stuff! I’m seriously never remember that I know you before that’s why I try to look for it but suddenly the page….”

Dongwoo’s body stiffened immediately when he heard that. Seeing himself with him? Was Hoya…started to regain his memories? But if he started to remember then…it meant…his seal started to break, even though just slightly….

“No, it’s alright you don’t need to worry,” Dongwoo said softly. “I know you or not…it will not change your feeling to me, right? You will still…love me right?”

Hoya just nodded his head softly, made Dongwoo smiled in happiness. “That’s why…don’t worry about it. We knew each other or not…it will be fine. I will always love you and vice versa so anything will be fine. Your will remember your forgotten memories through time so it’s alright, don’t worry.”

“But Dongwoo-hyung…” Hoya whispered softly. “Do we…really know each other since we were a child?”

Dongwoo immediately lost his words when he heard Hoya’s question to him. He didn’t know what he must answer to the black haired boy. If he said that they did knew each other at child it will gave Dongwoo no choice except broke the seal to Hoya’s memories but if he said they didn’t…surely Hoya would be suspicious to him or himself, because how could he explained about the memories about him and Hoya together when they were a child to Hoya?

“Hyung?” Hoya called the dark blue haired boy while shook his body slightly. “Hyung, answer me!”

Dongwoo looked at Hoya for several moments, made the younger black haired boy looked at him in confusion, before shook his heads slightly. “Sorry…I don’t remember much about my childhood, you know how I am, I forgot things easily!” he said while laughing slightly. Hoya just looked at Dongwoo with blank stares before shook his head.

“I am an idiot to ask such things like that to you, hyung,” he muttered with a bit hint of anger in his voice. “It will be useless anyway!”

Dongwoo chuckled softly when he heard Hoya’s words before embraced the younger boy once more. “Well…I’m sorry to forget you when we were a child now, but the important thing is…you are with me now. It’s not that the child you is not important for me but you are now…is far more important for me because now you are my boyfriend. So I don’t really care much we know each other since child or not.”

Hoya looked at the book that still burned down a bit before shrugged and smile. “I guess…” he said slightly. “Sorry…I am just curious but you are right, hyung. Know each other since childhood or not…the important thing is that you are here with me now….” The black haired boy pecked Dongwoo’s cheek tenderly. “And that is the most important thing for me.”

Dongwoo looked surprised with Hoya’s act before a wide grin broke at his face and he embraced Hoya’s tightly, to the point Hoya flailed around for a bit because he has difficulty to breath. Dongwoo loosened his hug for a bit before kissed Hoya’s tenderly. “Thank you Ho-aegi~ I love you…so, so much~” Dongwoo said loudly to Hoya. Hoya blushed a deep shade of red when he heard that before chuckled softly.

“I love you too, hyung. Very, very much,” said Hoya softly to Dongwoo while he bent down slightly and buried his face at the dark blue haired boy’s neck.

Sunggyu opened his eyes softly. He groaned while rubbed his (a bit) sore neck and sat up at the bed. The brown haired boy still tried to process his half asleep mind when he felt a cold hand touched his face. The brown haired boy immediately looked up and saw half Woohyun with droplets of water fell from his soaked hair, face, and upper body. Sunggyu blinked several times and looked at Woohyun’s body up and down for several moments before his face turned red and he yelped while scooted away from Woohyun that obviously just got out from the shower.

Woohyun smirked when he saw Sunggyu’s adorable actions when he saw him (even though it was delayed for a bit) before laughed loudly. “Gyu-hyung, you are so funny! I know I am y but to make you have delayed reactions like this~I really love you~”

“Shut up!” Sunggyu yelled loudly while he slapped his chubby cheeks several times to snap him out of his muddled mind. “I am not stunned with your y body and all! I am just sleepy!”

“So you are agree that my body is y?” Woohyun smirked when he heard Sunggyu’s words. Sunggyu clamped his mouth shut when he realized he busted himself. The cute brown haired boy immediately looked to the ceilings when he saw Woohyun crawled to him from the edge of his eyes.

“Gyu-hyung~” Woohyun cooed sweetly before slung a slight wet towel at Sunggyu’s shoulder, made the older boy looked at him in confusion. “Just go take a bath now, okay? Maybe it will fresh you up a bit. I already fill the bathtub so enjoy your bath~”

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun for a moment before nodded his head shyly and walked into Woohyun’s bathroom. Inside there, he immediately stripped himself off and the shower. Sunggyu felt relieved for a bit when he felt the warm water to ease his tense muscles before turned it off and walked in to the bathroom.

Sunggyu sighed when he leaned his head at the bathtub when he felt the warm water at his body. He looked blankly to the warm water when he thought about his dreams.

A strange dream…about a person who seemed like Woohyun. He…felt so close with that ‘Woohyunnie’ person, felt so warm…so kind…. He felt so loved by that person, so protected…so safe….

“Who…was he?” Sunggyu said softly. “Is he…really Woohyun? But…then it means I already knew Woohyun for such a long time, right? Am I…such a forgetful person to forget such important person like Woohyun? Such a bad boyfriend…like that?”

“But then again…why I forget him at the first place? I must remember it! Remember who Woohyun and what his relationship with me was at the past….”

“Gyu-hyung…” suddenly he heard a knock at the bathroom door. Sunggyu glanced at it and saw Woohyun’s silhouette through the glass door. “Why such a long time at the bathroom? Are you thinking about me there?”

“Shut up, narcissist tree!”  Sunggyu yelled. “I will come out soon!”

“Okay!” Woohyun said while he laughed. “I will wait for you at the kitchen and then we will have lunch! I already left your clothes that being brought by Sungjong at my bed!”

“Okay~” Sunggyu said softly. The brown haired boy immediately walked out from the bathtub and grabbed the towel at the bathroom. He opened the bathroom door slightly and looked around, checked whether Woohyun really already left or not. When he was really sure that Woohyun already gone, Sunggyu immediately walked with only a towel covered his bottom part to the bed and grabbed his clothes. Sunggyu wore the clothes and studied his reflections at the mirror.

“Remember who you are and what Woohyun meant to you, Kim Sunggyu…” Sunggyu muttered softly while he leaned his head at the glass surface of the mirror. “If you know Woohyun since a long time ago you must remember him!” Sunggyu immediately lifted his head and saw the mirror once more.

But he immediately froze in fear when he looked to the mirror in front of him.


Sunggyu still looked at himself at the mirror but his face, his clothes, everything…became red. He saw everything around him covered in blood. Sunggyu’s body shaking slightly while he looked behind him and saw no blood at all around him but the mirror in front of him…said otherwise. The mirror still showed the scenery of blood everywhere, from roof to floor, everything became red because of the blood.

Sunggyu’s body shaken more and more before let out a scream of fright out of his mouth. He walked back and back, tried to be as far as possible from the mirror that reflected the bloody scenery to his eyes, until his back hit the bedroom’s wall. He immediately fell to the floor and gripped his hair tightly.


Sunggyu really scared to see the blood. All of that felt so…real, like it was really there. Even Sunggyu felt that he really could smelt the metallic smell of blood at his hand, face, and clothes. No matter how much he tried to convince himself that it was an illusion.

“Sunggyu-hyung, what happen?” Woohyun said in a panic voice when he arrived after ran to his bedroom all the way from the kitchen when he heard the brown haired boy’s scream. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Sunggyu’s huddled form at the floor in the corner of his room. The handsome black haired boy immediately ran to Sunggyu and embraced the brown haired boy.

“Blood…” Sunggyu whispered softly, made Woohyun raised his eyebrows in confusion. “E…everywhere is red, there’s so many blood! Help me…please help me!”

Woohyun’s eyes widened when he heard Sunggyu sentences. Blood? Why Sunggyu saw blood? Was his instinct…started to awaken? Was it because of Myungsoo that bit him and made his seal of memories started to break?

“Help…” Sunggyu muttered softly. “I’m scared…. Make this blood go away, please…. I’m scared.”

Woohyun’s eyes softened when he heard Sunggyu’s plea. He immediately tightened his embrace at Sunggyu’s body and rubbed his back in comforting manner. Woohyun kissed Sunggyu’s forehead tenderly. “Don’t worry hyung…I will protect you, don’t be afraid hyung. I will always be here. Just please…don’t be afraid.”

Sunggyu still shaken slightly but slowly but surely he started to calm down. The brown haired boy gripped Woohyun’s shirt tightly. “Yes…” he answered with a slightly shaken voice. “…Thank you…Woohyun….”

Woohyun smiled while he caressed Sunggyu’s face and hair softly. “Anytime, hyung…” said Woohyun cheerfully before stood up. “Come on, I already cooked lunch for you.” The handsome black haired boy just started to walk but Sunggyu gripped the edge of Woohyun’s shirt, made the younger boy looked at the older boy immediately.

“Don’t go…” Sunggyu muttered softly and shyly. “Please stay here with me…for a bit longer….”

Woohyun looked at Sunggyu for several moments before smiled and knelt down in front of Sunggyu. “Alright…” said Woohyun while he gripped Sunggyu’s hand tightly and intertwined their fingers together. “I will always be here beside you…as long as you want me to be.”

Myungsoo walked to his classroom with emotionless expression. He sighed loudly and prepared himself to hear Sungyeol’s wrath to him for took such a long time to talk to Sungjong.

But his eyes widened almost immediately when he saw Sungyeol unconscious form that laid at the classroom’s floor. Myungsoo ran to the brown haired boy immediately and started to inspect his condition.

“Sungyeol, Yeol!” Myungsoo yelled while he slapped Sungyeol’s cheeks softly to try to wake the taller boy up but there was no response. Myungsoo went into panic and just wanted to run to Sungjong’s class or even called ambulance or anything but a glint at Sungyeol’s hand attracted his attention. He opened the taller boy’s hand and saw the white gold ring that was still clutched by Sungyeol.

“This is…mine, right?” Myungsoo said while picked the ring from Sungyeol’s hand and gripped it tightly. “Well…this is Yeollie’s actually….”

Without said anything, Myungsoo immediately lifted Sungyeol body bridal style and brought him to their school infirmary and laid Sungyeol at one bed there. After several minutes, Sungyeol started stirred awake and opened his eyes slowly.

“Myungie…” Sungyeol whispered softly, made the black haired boy immediately looked at him with relieved gazes.

“You already awake?” Myungsoo asked softly. “How is your condition? Are you hurt somewhere?”

Sungyeol just looked at Myungsoo, or more exactly at Myungsoo’s neck. The brown haired boy lifted his hand and caressed Myungsoo’s neck, made the younger boy looked at him in confusion. “Yeol?” Myungsoo whispered softly.

“I don’t know why…but your blood seems…so delicious…. Wonder how is the taste?” Sungyeol muttered sleepily before fell asleep once more, left Myungsoo in anxiety and fears.

What did Sungyeol means with his blood? Did he…started to awake? Did his real side started to resurrect? Did it mean…that his seal of memories started to break?

“So you start to remember me…” Myungsoo whispered softly while he caressed Sungyeol’s sleeping face. “So now …you will remember…all the bloody and dark world you once lived in…no matter how much I don’t want you to remember about all things about that world.”


Author note:

So~I think all of you will understand what happen to them, right? Why they forget their memories and such? Do you like it guys XD?  Well I hope so XD As usual, I will try harder to make better chapter for the next so I hope you all will love this chapter and keep reading my fanfic, guys.

And for the comments:

cookiemob: Thank you so much for reading and like my story, I really felt thankful to you -bow- Thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

pripri: At least now you understand why they forget each other, right? :P but the reason why they must forget each other...I will not say it yet so I hope you will still read my fanfic XD Thank you so much for your comment and I hope you will like this chapter :)

noramaia: Then...congratulation, you're right! -throwconfetti- I planned to make Yeollie as a vampire too since vampire and human is almost impossible to be unite when they already taboo and all. I think it is almost impossible (at least for me) to make a realistic story and ending for vampire human love if the story is because men usually thinking more logically than emotionally, So...if they know their love is taboo why still continue risking their life to make their love happen? (I know people say love beat everything but I think in the way of thinking of men, love still be thought as something logical) I think they will just run away together and starts new life somewhere, turned the human into vampire, or kill themselves, just that. At least that's what I thinking anyway, such a stupid way of thinking, right ^____^;;; that's me ^__^'' Well...anyway thank you for your comments and I hope you will love this chapter XD

uuleunhaecloudy: At least now you know the reason why they forget each other, but what actually happened to make them forget, I will not say it yet :P thank you so much for the comment, and I hope you will love this chapter XD

dragonfly18: Well...I will not say what happened at their past to make them forget each other but I think in this chapter you will know why they forget each other XD thank you so much for your comment and I hope you will love this chapter X)

mitsuchan: Actually...since WooGyu and MyungYeol is already teenagers at the flashback I put (around fourteen-seventeen) I think I can make them a lil bit mature...-innocentface- -getbricked- . You will know why they forget each other now but what actually happened at their past, sorry will not say anything about it now XD thank you so much for your comments and I hope you like this chapter XDD

As usual, thank you for all the subscribes and comments that I receive! It really make me happy, and I'm really appreciate it, guys! You guys are so kind, thank you very much -bow-

okay, as usual too I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! So, please wait for it patiently okay? Please keep subscribe and comment, since it will make me happy and make my days, guys! Okay everyone,  I love you! ^______^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/