The Bloody Truth

Blood Stained Love

Dongwoo just could stand up in shock, all of this was too much to be understand by his brain. First, found out that Myungsoo was a vampire and now…Woohyun stood in front of them, seemed to be healthy, after declared dead for six months? The fact that Woohyun held Sunggyu protectively in his embrace now meant that he recognized Sunggyu…so…surely the Woohyun that stood in front of them now wasn’t another person that didn’t know them, and he didn’t get lost memories or something. But then…why…if he was alive why he never returned? Didn’t he know that Sunggyu always cried for his death? Didn’t he understand that Sunggyu was suffered by Woohyun’s disappearance and the one more important was….

If Woohyun was still alive…would Hoya still alive too? Was his boyfriend actually still alive somewhere? Still breathing? Still…walked in this world?

Myungsoo averted his gazes from Woohyun’s piercing glares. He wiped Sunggyu’s blood at his mouth with his hands, and unconsciously he held Sungyeol’s hand that hugged him tightly, made Sungyeol quickly looked at him and he saw…Myungsoo’s eyes that seemed looked at him with sadness and…fears.

“Myungie?” Sungyeol muttered softly. He admitted that he was in shock. Hell…how could you not be when you found out that your crush was a vampire? Wasn’t that scary but….

“Please…accept Myungsoo-hyung…whatever he is….”

Sungjong’s words echoed at his thought. Was Sungjong…actually already knew about Myungsoo? Was he knew what Myungsoo actually was and said that to Sungyeol because he knew something like this would be happen? And Sungjong’s words at that night to him…. Yes, he promised the youngest that he would always accept Myungsoo…believed Myungsoo no matter what had happened and after all….

He couldn’t hate the person that still held his heart tightly at his hand…. He couldn’t and wouldn’t hate the person that he loved so much…no matter even if he was a blood monster like what he saw in front of him now….

Woohyun, on the other hand, looked at Myungsoo with a glare full of hatred and rage. His hold at Sunggyu’s unconscious body tightened when he heard the cute hamster groaned softly from pain. Woohyun’s gritted his teeth when he felt Sunggyu’s blood that still dripped out from his neck to the floor.

“Actually I don’t want to believe when Sungjong told me that you would attack someone because your blood thirst…and that made me not take it seriously when he told me to keep an eye on you,” Woohyun muttered, made Sungyeol and Dongwoo looked at the handsome black haired boy again. “I don’t want to believe that you will bit someone, especially someone at the school, and someone close to you again, but then Sungjong call me and told me that you did bit someone, and that someone is Sunggyu-hyung and  now…when I arrived here I smell Sunggyu-hyung’s blood! What the hell, Myungsoo?!! How dare you! How can you…how can you be so heartless? I already told you to don’t ever attack Sunggyu-hyung! I don’t care if you bit all the people in the world, except Sunggyu-hyung, and now you…you….”

Myungsoo flinched like Woohyun’s words slapped him hard. He quickly looked down in shame and fears. “I’m sorry….”

“Sorry don’t solve anything, Myungsoo!” Woohyun snapped at the black haired boy. “Did your sorry will give back Sunggyu-hyung’s tears when he cried in fears because of you?! Did it will heal my guilt because I ignored Sungjong’s warning and in return made Sunggyu-hyung became your victim? Did it will give back all the blood that you drank from Sunggyu-hyung?! No, Myungsoo, it isn’t! You are so cruel!”

And when Woohyun said that, his rage made his power seemed to lost control, made he broke the windows around them and scratched the walls with his telekinesis power, made Myungsoo, in reflex, shielded Sungyeol by hugged him tightly (and to be honest made the choding boy blushed too) and made Dongwoo stepped back in fear.

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo and realized that it was the first time since he knew Myungsoo that he saw the boy was at the verge of tears because of Woohyun’s words. Sungyeol sighed and looked at Woohyun and for the first time since then seemed to find his voice. The choding boy just opened his mouth to try to calm Woohyun down when suddenly….

“That’s enough, hyung! It’s not the time to be mad at Myungsoo! You must concern about Sunggyu-hyung first!” A voice behind Woohyun heard, at the same time with a hand tapped Woohyun’s shoulder lightly, tried to calm the handsome black haired boy.

And what, or rather who, was the one that Dongwoo saw stood behind Woohyun and tried to calm the greasy tree made his mouth, if it was possible, hanged open wider. He even rubbed his eyes frantically for a moment to make sure that he was not hallucinating or anything.

 Because he saw a black haired boy that was a bit shorter than Woohyun stood there with a worried expression at his handsome, boyish face. The boy that he always missed…always dreamed every night, always loved…and he thought was already dead, now stood healthy in front of him. Dongwoo’s hand was shaking when he unconsciously grabbed his uniform’s shirt to keep himself from lose control and did something that he would regret to the black haired boy…to his boyfriend.

“Hoya…” Dongwoo said softly, called the name of his ‘dead’ boyfriend so softly that he thought that the black haired boy didn’t hear at all.

Hoya immediately looked at Dongwoo when Dongwoo said his name, like he heard what the dark blue haired boy had said. Hoya looked at Dongwoo with an emotionless gaze before his looks changed to a sad, broken stares and he tightened his hand at Woohyun’s shoulder, made the taller, older boy flinched in a slight pain. Hoya quickly looked away from Dongwoo’s stares, made Dongwoo felt a pang of hurt when he saw his boyfriend’s cold behavior.

Silence quickly fell at the corridor, made the atmosphere there became uncomfortable and tense. Luckily, not long after, they heard the sound of footsteps and they saw Sungjong ran to them in a quick speed. He stopped to see the condition and shook his head.

“I know that this will be happen, but I never think that it will be Sunggyu-hyung this time…” Sungjong muttered softly before he sighed loudly and rubbed his forehead. “Whatever, just bring Sunggyu-hyung at our house, I think we still have Sunggyu-hyung’s blood type at our blood supply.” He also looked at Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Dongwoo with sharp glares, made three of them flinched slightly in fear. “And I think…you have something to explain, Myungsoo-hyung….”

Myungsoo quickly sighed and stood up before walked ahead, dragged Sungyeol with him while Woohyun already disappeared (still with Sunggyu at his clutch). Hoya also wanted to leave the place when he realized Dongwoo that still frozen at his feet, didn’t want, or rather couldn’t, move his feet at all. Hoya sighed before walked to his boyfriend and stood in front of him.

“Come on hyung…. We must go now before…” Hoya’s words were cut off when Dongwoo suddenly hugged him tightly. At first, the Busan boy wanted to struggle himself but decided to against it when he felt tears soaked his shirt. Hoya quickly silenced himself when he realized that Dongwoo was crying at his shoulder.

“You’re here…” Dongwoo said between his sobs. “You’re really here…. Why you never come back to me if you are still alive? Why…?”

Hoya’s eyes softened for a moment before he hugged Dongwoo back softly. They stayed at that position for several moments before Hoya pushed Dongwoo away slightly when he shook his head softly.

“Not now, hyung, now we must go…” Hoya whispered. The Busan boy quickly put his finger at Dongwoo’s lips when he saw that the dark blue haired boy opened his mouth to say something. “I will explain everything later…when we got back to Myungsoo’s house, so for now…just follow me there, okay?”

Dongwoo just nodded his head before held Hoya’s hand tightly, like he afraid that if let go of the hand Hoya would disappear once more. Hoya just sighed before turned back and walked ahead to the entrance of the school, followed by Dongwoo.

“Hyung…” Hoya whispered softly, that being answered by a hum from Dongwoo. “Sorry…for just disappear like that without said anything to you….”

Dongwoo shook his head and wrapped his other hand (that not held Hoya’s hand) around the younger boy’s waist, made the younger’s back pressed against his chest. “It’s alright, I don’t mind at all…” Dongwoo whispered softly at Hoya’s ear, made the younger boy slightly shivered. “…As long as you come back to me….”

Hoya smiled warmly when he kept walking with Dongwoo towards the others that already gathered at the entrance gate of the school and went together to Myungsoo’s house, leaved their school in its darkness, creepiness, and mysterious atmosphere of the night.


Author note:

And I finish the next chapter xD I hope you all like this chapter guys!

Okay, like you see, I think the couple that get more interaction here is YaDong, right?'s because I felt that they became left out XP so I just decided to give more portion of their story! Don't worry at the next chapter I am sure will add MyungYeol and WooGyu too, so please wait for it patiently, okay? and I hope you okay with this chapter too guys!

and for the comment:

kpop_craze15: well thank you so much for your comment, it's really make me happy XD I hope you will like this chapter too XDD and if L hold out a bit longer WooYa will never appeared, right?  XP

uuleunhaecloudy: Yep, WooYa is back XDD I hope you will like it XP thank you for the comment!

dragonfly18: Well...the Sungyeol hugging Myungsoo thingy...I don't know I just think that it is something that Yeol will do to calm Myungie ^v^ and yep WooYa is alive and don't worry I will not kill Sunggyu XD He is my first bias so I don't have a heart to kill the hamster XP Thank you, I hope you like this chapter

amanda_clarissa: What will happen to Gyu? Well...I will write it at the next chapter so wait for it okay XD And thank you for your comment XDD

mitsuchan: YepYep WooGyu is reunited~but hey~Sunggyu still not see Woohyun yet, right? He is still unconscious so let's save the celebration for WooGyu for the next chapter XDD Okay, thank you for comment, I hope you will like this chapter XP

MikiQi18: WooYa are vampires now, and don't worry as MyungYeol shipper I will make sure they are together at this fic XDD thank you for comment XDD

Bonnie: Thank you for liking my story XD I hope you will like this chapter too XDD thank you for comment

noramaia: Well...yes WooYa is make their vampire debut now -throwconfetti- don't worry there will not be any tomb visiting part anymore~ (what for if WooYa are alive and well now XP?) and thank you for your comment! I hope you will like this chapter XD

LeeAnameiYukiGiKwang: Yepyep, WooYa are back~I don't have any heart to kill them XP Well...thank you for comment, I hope you will like this chapter XD

As usual, thank you so much for all the comments and subcribes that I receive! It really make me happy ^___^ . You're so kind to me, I love you all, guys -thowheatsWoohyunstyle- I will try to update the next chapter soon, so please keep subsribe and comment okay? and please, wait for the next chapter and I hope you will like this and all the chapter that I write before and after this chapter XDD

Okay, once more I say I love you all guys! Annyeong ^_____^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/