The Bloody Fight

Blood Stained Love

Sehun sighed loudly before a smirk formed at his lips. “Actually yes, we have a business with both of you,” he said while suddenly winds around them blew harder. “But seeing your expression I don’t think we can talk in a civil way now, at least…not until I break your arms,” he said nonchalantly. “So…really, I’m sorry, but I think I must hurt both of you…a bit….”

Woohyun’s eyes narrowed when he heard Sehun’s statement. “You? Want to break our arms? Don’t you are so full of himself?” he hissed when he pushed Hoya behind him, made the younger boy looked at him immediately.

“Why? Don’t believe it?” Sehun smirked when he walked toward Woohyun. “I am not a weak newborn like you.”

Woohyun growled for a moment before disappeared and moved behind Sehun. He raised his hand to hit the other boy but the brown haired boy immediately moved away, made Woohyun held nothing but air. Sehun’s eyes changed color to crimson before a wind hit Woohyun’s body, made the black haired boy slammed hard into the trees behind him.

“Woohyun!” Hoya yelled when he saw the older boy get slammed to the trees. The black haired boy just wanted to run to Woohyun to help the older boy before suddenly a wall of ground formed in front of him. He turned around and saw Kyungsoo looked at him with an emotionless expression.

“I can’t let you go there now,” said Kyungsoo. “Because it looks like Sehun have fun there,”

Hoya gritted his teeth before charged to Kyungsoo with his lightning power, but Kyungsoo just dodged it, made Hoya’s power just hit the tree behind him. Kyungsoo huffed loudly when he appeared behind Hoya.

“I think it’s better if you stop fighting me now,” Kyungsoo said. “Not like Sehun, I don’t have so much fun to hurt any of you. So…I suggest you to stop. I don’t want to fight you.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Hoya hissed when he turned around to Kyungsoo. “I am the one who will have fun to hurt you.”

But before both of them could fight each other, a wall of water formed between them, stopped both of them at their track.

“I suggest you stop now,” said a voice between them. They looked at the sound of the voice and saw a black haired man that looked back at them with concerned gazes, but looked at his aura, Hoya could tell that he was angry. “There are civilians here! Don’t make us got busted just because you’re fighting in a public place like this! Don’t involve innocent humans in this useless fight!”

“Sorry, Suho-hyung…” said Kyungsoo softly while he bowed slightly to greet the older boy and also to ask for forgiveness.

Suho just shook his heads while he looked at Hoya. “I think…you are more understanding and smarter to understand the situation than your friends that Sehun got fighting now,” he said softly to the black haired boy. “So…can you stop now? I don’t want we got troubles because some humans see us fight. After all…I think your boyfriend is at the house? You don’t want them to get hurt because of us now, right? I will say, I will not hesitant to kill them if they found out about this fight at this moment.”

Though of Dongwoo and Sunggyu that indeed was at the house at the moment get killed, Hoya just could only bit his lips and nodded his head. He immediately made his lightning disappeared and just stood in silence.

“Good boy,” said Suho while he smiled slightly when he saw Hoya’s obedience to his words. “Thank you very much for your understanding”

Sehun walked to Woohyun and giggled childishly when he saw that Woohyun coughed blood a bit because of the impact of Sehun’s attack.

“Sorry, does it hurt~” Sehun asked in a mocking tone. “But for your information, that’s the weakest of my wind.”

Woohyun growled before he moved his hands and some of the trees that fallen around him moved and slammed to Sehun. Sehun that looked at it, immediately used his winds to cut all the trees, but without he knew, Woohyun immediately moved toward him and kicked the brown haired boy at the stomach, send Sehun sprawled to the ground.

“And you better not underestimate me too,” Woohyun said while he wiped the blood at his mouth. “For your information, my fighting abilities higher than Myungsoo, you know….”

Sehun smirked sadistically while he woke up from the ground. “I see, so you can be considered as the strongest fighter at Myungsoo’s clan, ne? But still….” Sehun moved in a quick speed, and before Woohyun could react, Sehun already slammed him into the tree, with his hand wrapped tightly around Woohyun’s neck. “You are weak.” He said coldly. “Don’t ever think…that you are equal with me!”

Woohyun coughed a bit when he felt Sehun tightened his hold at his neck, made him felt difficult to breath. The black haired man desperately tried to pry Sehun’s hand off from his neck, to give his lungs air that he needed right now.

“A weak vampire like you is just a piece of cake for me to kill,” Sehun said while he tightened his hold at Woohyun’s neck more, to the point that the older boy’s neck bruised a bit. “Do you want me to prove it to you by kill you here and there?”

Suddenly, there was a power that threw Sehun back, released his hold at Woohyun. Woohyun coughed when he tried his best to regain breath. He flinched a bit when he rubbed his sore neck and felt the bruises that formed there.

Sehun startled a bit before turned toward the source of the power. His eyes widened slightly while he saw a cute brown haired boy walked calmly towards him with a smile at his face. “Lu…Luhan-hyung?” Sehun said softly. “W…why?”

“Suho-hyung asks me to come with him to stop you,” Luhan said while he stood beside Sehun and held the younger boy’s hand tightly. “Suho-hyung said…that beside Kai, I am the only one that you will listen to while you are angry.”

Sehun just kept silent while Luhan looked at Woohyun that now looked at both of them with sharp, hateful glares. “Well…I am so sorry for Sehun’s rude behavior,” Luhan said. “We don’t have any bad intentions to all of you, so…I’m sorry for your wounds too. We just here to keep an eye to both of you since newborns usually considered as dangerous.”

Woohyun just kept silent when he heard Luhan’s statement. He knew from Myungsoo that newborns was considered as dangerous because usually their bloodlust couldn’t be controlled and would make them attacked anyone brutally to get blood. That’s why he knew how dangerous their existence.

To be honest…that was one reason why he hid himself from Sunggyu for six month too. He hid himself because he didn’t want to attack Sunggyu in bloodlust and him dry.

“We will excuse ourselves for today,” Luhan said. “Please don’t think badly of us. We don’t have any intention to kill you whatsoever. We…just want to keep an eye, just that. We can’t let ourselves get busted to humans because you attack human in an obvious way to expose us.”

Woohyun just nodded his head. “I understand,” he said. “But don’t think that this is already over. I don’t fight you seriously now because Sunggyu-hyung is here, but other time….”

“Other time I will kill you for sure,” Sehun said coldly, earned himself a smack from Luhan. Sehun pouted for a bit while he rubbed his head before huffed childishly and looked at Woohyun once more. “Okay, next time I will try to be more considerate but I can’t guarantee you that I will be nice.”

Woohyun smiled. “No need for that,” he said. “Because I will not guarantee myself that I will be nice to you too.”

Sehun just smirked. “Glad to hear that,” he said. “I hope we have a nice, serious fight next time we meet,” he said again in a challenged tone before disappeared with Luhan somewhere, left Woohyun alone. Woohyun just sighed before walked back to the mansion, while Hoya stood at the front door, looked so serious. Looked at Hoya’s expression, he knew instantly.

Their calm life started to over, being changed to a storm of war that came towards them slowly but surely.

And they must prepare themselves for the war, or they would die. Or worse, Sunggyu and Dongwoo would die too.

Sehun walked in silence behind Luhan while he still held the older boy’s hand tightly. Since both of them left Myungsoo’s mansion, none of them uttered a word. “Luhan-hyung, the problem about they fall in love with humans…I really….”

“I don’t see any reasons to separate them too, honestly,” Luhan said softly, made Sehun looked at the older but shorter boy in front of him. “But…their love story…is just a bittersweet lie…. Better stop them when they still can be stopped, before they make a choice that they will regret.”

“Luhan-hyung, their love story is not a lie!” Sehun said. “Because our story is not a lie too!”

“I consider it a lie…” Luhan said while he tightened his hold at Sehun’s hand. “Because I don’t feel happy…all I feel is just anxiousness…and fears….”

Sehun froze immediately when he heard the older boy’s sentences.

“You…always felt so far when I was still a human,” Luhan muttered. “I always knew that I would rotten one day against age, and…die. I always felt insecure when I see you…knew that one day…I couldn’t be with you…couldn’t be someone suit to be with you…. I was afraid, Sehun! Even though deep down I always happy because you choose me, I am afraid! I always afraid that one day, you would leave me with someone as young and handsome as you, when I grow old and weak alone without you!”

Sehun just kept silent, but he walked towards the shorter boy until he stood behind Luhan and wrapped the shorter boy in his hugs.

“I…one side of my heart actually felt happy when Kris-gege changed me to become a vampire when I almost died at those car accidents,” Luhan said. “I felt that now…I can be with you forever, I can love you forever, such a sweet world and perfect dream become real for me. But then I realize…we…this immortality…is a curse! This bound of blood, this monster that I become…all become a curse that suffocated me! I don’t want anyone felt this fears! Especially for a stupid reason as love like me! I just sick with this stupid humans keeps dreaming and thinking that ‘to keep living forever is something perfect for love, because it means that our love will be eternal’. No! It’s not! Love…is become sweeter because we know that it has an end! Love becomes precious because we know that it will be over one day. With time, immortal love will become dull and boring, and the one remains is just sadness and regret”

“You…are you regret to become a vampire?” Sehun whispered toward Luhan’s ear in a soft, broken voice. “Regret to become my mate and live in this curse of immortality…with me?”

Luhan shook his head before turned around and caressed Sehun’s cheeks with his hand. “I am one of the lucky vampires in this world…because I got you. For you…I never want my love to you end, Sehunnie.” Luhan said while he smiled slightly. “I don’t want our love to end. If it is with you, forever is such a short time to live. Everyday…I love you more and more, always happy because I got you.” He wrapped his hands around Sehun’s neck and pecked the younger boy’s lips. “I never regret to become a vampire…as long as I can love you…and held you like this forever. As long as you love me…I think I can find my blessing in this curse of blood of a vampire. My true happiness in this cursed immortal life…is to love and be loved by you, Sehunnie.”

Sehun just smiled before he bent down and kissed Luhan’s lips in a loving, tender kiss. They stayed in the kiss for several moments before they pulled away and looked at each other with a looks full of love and warmth.

“But still…it’s enough. Our immortal love is not a sweet story that has a happy ending where the prince lives happily with his princess. Our life is a bloody gloomy tale full of violence and angst. We must blood to keep living, like a beast.” Luhan said sofly while he gripped Sehun’s shirt. “Curse of blood that tied us not a red string of fate. Happiness is so rare to find at our life now, so…I don’t want anyone else…to feel this…curse.”

“Because no matter what…vampires and humans can’t be together. No matter how much they want it to be….”


Okay guys, this chapter is...boring, right? I am not good to make a fighting scene that's why this chapter is so boring and my friends say will it be weird if they fight but Sunggyu and Dongwoo not realize anything (that I admit is true XP silly me for not realize it until they mention it) so, I don't make a brutal bloody fighting scene now, but...well...anyway...I wonder why I add HunHan there? -getbricked- Oh well, I am regret nothing! I hope you like this boring chapter guys XD I will try harder to make a good chapter for the next so please keep read this fic, okay XDD

Oh, I forgot something, I know Kris is actually younger than Luhan, but in this story I make him older because usually in a clan of a vampire, the one that changed people to become a vampire is considered older, so since Kris is the one that make Luhan become a vampire, technically in the term of a vampire age Kris is older than LuhanXDD

and for the comments:

dragonfly18: Well...I add a bit HunHan there, right? I hope you like it XD well...maybe fighting is not the right word because well...all of them is not serious! I will try harder to make a fighting scene later XP so thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

uuleunhaecloudy: Well...still think EXO is not a bad guy after Sehun hurt Woohyun? but...don't hate Sehun, okay? he just too cute XP well anyway, thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

mitsuchan: No, Kyungsoo not fight at all. I don't know why but I feel like not the type to fight and hurt people? (except maybe if Kai is involved XDD) so I threw Woohyun to fight Sehun -getbricked- XP thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

coolburritos: well...thank you for your comment XD I hope you will like this chapter too! I add a bit HunHan here, but...since I don't know why I put them here, maybe it feel slightly...forced? I hope you don't mind XP thank you for your comment, and I hope you like this chapter X) I love you ^____^

ainBuBBly90: want to kill Sehun now because he hurt Woohyun? But...but Sehunnie is adorable, don't kill him -getbricked- Well, thank you for your comment, and I hope you like this chapter XDD I love you ^____^

As usual, thank you for all the subscribes and comments that I receive! It really make me happy, and I'm really appreciate it, guys! You guys are so kind, thank you very much -bow-

okay, I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! So, please wait for it patiently okay? Please keep subscribe and comment, since it will make me happy and all too, guys! Okay guys, I love you! Annyeong ^______^


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/