The Bloody Hesitation To The Past

Blood Stained Love

Sungyeol opened his eyes slowly. The tall brown haired boy looked at the ceiling for a moment in his sleep muddled mind. After several minutes, he immediately sat up and felt the softness beneath him, and the warmth at his hand.

The brown haired boy looked toward the source of the warmth at his hand and his face felt hotter and blushed immediately when he saw Myungsoo’s sleeping face while held his hand tightly, like the black haired boy never wanted to let him go.

Or at least…that was Sungyeol hoped Myungsoo did to him now.

Because really…he felt warm. Myungsoo must be held his hand for a long time now because his warmth still lingered at his hand now and also the fact that Myungsoo fell asleep at his side, it must be mean that…Myungsoo already at his side for a long time now.

Sungyeol smiled and raised his other hand that wasn’t held by Myungsoo to caress the black boy’s hair. The tall boy’s hair felt the smoothness of the Myungsoo’s hair and bent down to kiss Myungsoo’s forehead tenderly.

“I love you so much Myungie…” Sungyeol muttered softly. “Past lovers…or not. Even though I don’t remember you now…I still think you as someone important for me. I still will always love you.” Sungyeol tilted his head again and kissed Myungsoo’s lips. “No matter who are you for me at my past….”

Sungyeol smiled before laid back down to the bed and closed his eyes. Didn’t need a long time for the tall brown haired boy before fell asleep again.

Several minutes after Sungyeol fell back asleep Myungsoo opened his eyes and blinked slowly with sleepy eyes. Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol’s sleeping face. The black haired boy let out a small smile at his lips. He didn’t know why but he just dreaming a sweet dream in a long time. He dreamed…that Sungyeol kissed him and said that he loved him…no matter about their past.

Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol before suddenly his phone went off. Myungsoo immediately grabbed his phone and answered the call.

“Yes?” Myungsoo answered softly while moved away from his seat. He didn’t want to wake Sungyeol up.

“Where are you, hyung?” Sungjong whined from the other line. “I already wait for you at the school gate for almost one hour already!”

Myungsoo glanced at the watch at his wrist and saw that it was already 5 p.m. Myungsoo sighed and looked at Sungyeol. “I will come with Yeol soon, for now, please come to my class and take our bags there, okay?”

“Why?” Sungjong said with a bit confusion at his voice. “Did something happen with Sungyeol-hyung?”

“He fainted,” Myungsoo said nonchalantly. “I don’t know why…but I suspect…that it was because his seal of memory started to break and his body couldn't take it.”

For several moments there was just a silence from Sungjong. Myungsoo raised his eyebrows when he heard Sungjong’s response. “Sungjong? Joongie, are you alright? Joongie?” Myungsoo called the feminine youngest boy.

“I…I understand…” Sungjong stammered. “I…will go to your class…after make several call. Goodbye~” After that Sungjong immediately ended the call, made Myungsoo just sighed. Well…the opposite from Sungjong’s age, Sungjong was really mature and wise for his age, but it didn’t mean that Sungjong couldn’t be childish sometimes. He was the youngest of all of them anyway. So Myungsoo knew…and understood perfectly that…this news about the broke seal of memories from Sungyeol made Sungjong a bit happy. A rare chance that Sungjong let out his childish side.

Because…he knew that Sungjong were really close to them, each one of them.

And really…for Sungjong it would be mean that the past where Sungjong could be spoiled by all of them…would be returned. The past that Sungjong always wanted all along…all this time.

“Sorry…for be selfish to you too when you are the only one that understand me all along this time, Joongie…” Myungsoo muttered. “You are the one who suffered the most because you must run away and hide yourself with me…separates yourself from your family in the young age and all…but you never complain about it. I know you want to come back to the past life but you never object when I always afraid about my past and keep support me. Sorry…okay?”

“Myungie?” a voice muttered from the bed behind him. Myungsoo turned around and saw Sungyeol that sat up at the bed and now rubbed his eyes sleepily. Myungsoo immediately closed his phone off and walked to Sungyeol’s bed. The black haired boy immediately came to him and caressed Sungyeol’s hair softly.

“Are you alright?” Myungsoo whispered to Sungyeol. Sungyeol just blinked his eyes sleepily and nodded his head slowly. Myungsoo smiled and held Sungyeol’s forehead, like he wanted to check his temperature.

“Why…I am here?” Sungyeol asked sleepily.

“You are fainted at the classroom so I bring you here,” Myungsoo said while he held Sungyeol’s hand. “Do you…know why you fainted?”

Sungyeol looked down to the blanket that covered the bottom part of his body. He bit his lip in worry.

How could he tell Myungsoo that he fainted because he saw dream about Myungsoo promised to marry him? How could he say that in front of Myungsoo? It would be so embarrassing! And how Myungsoo’s reaction to him if he said something so embarrassing like that in front of the stoic black haired boy? He would get so humiliated!

Well…that if Myungsoo not hate him so suddenly because his weird dreams made Myungsoo thought that he had crazy fantasy to marry Myungsoo one day…even though it would be a very, very big lie at his side if he said he didn’t want to marry Myungsoo but to hear Myungsoo proposed to him first? It wouldn’t be happen!!! Never ever!

“Sungyeol?” Myungsoo said while he saw the weird response and silence from the taller brown haired boy. Sungyeol looked away and fidgeted slightly at the bed before looked at Myungsoo with a wide smile.

“Sorry, I don’t remember,” Sungyeol said in a cheerful tone. “Maybe just because I’m tired.”

Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol with confused gazes when he heard Sungyeol’s words, like he was thought whether something happened in the brown haired boy’s head to make him slight amnesia or something, because he surely, not believe anything that went out for the taller boy’s mind with the lame excuse like that.

“You know something Sungyeol,” said Myungsoo when his hand that gripped Sungyeol’s hand got tighter, made Sungyeol flinched slightly. “You are too…childish and naïve to lie. How can I believe you are tired when you don’t do anything today? And you are so hyperactive I doubt you can get tired.”

 Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo’s eyes with surprised gazes before cursed softly at his heart. He forgot Myungsoo was really a logical guy that couldn’t be take something unexplainable as a reason for something.

“Okay…I see something strange!” Sungyeol yelled to the younger black haired boy while he immediately looked down again with a blushing face. “I see you propose to me when I…not sure when honestly…sixteen or something…. Okay, you can laugh at me now!”

But there was only silence that greeted him, made Sungyeol became confused and raised his face to Myungsoo. The tall brown haired boy became more confused when he saw that now the younger boy looked at him in shock, and…hurt?

“You…saw me…propose you?” Myungsoo said in a slight…shaking voice? “Propose you?”

“Why you are looking like have such a hard time to believe it?!!” Sungyeol exclaimed in an annoyed tone. “Okay, it is impossible to happen but I can dream about it, right? I know you never met me before so it is just really my stupid dreams to see you propose me at sixteen and think that we are fiancé right now! I understand that! But don’t need to be so shock!”

“Why are you so sure about it anyway?!!” Myungsoo snapped back to Sungyeol, made the older boy startled for a moment before looked at the black haired boy in shock. “You can’t be so sure about it! I prettily sure you don’t remember your life at your sixteen anyway! You forget everything in your childhood, how can you say that it is stupid?!!”

Sungyeol widened his eyes when he saw Myungsoo’s sentences. How…Myungsoo could know that? How that black haired boy could knew that he…forgot many things at his childhood?

True, Sungyeol didn’t remember much of his childhood past. He always remembers that he was being raised at a big mansion that seems a bit secluded with two…men that he called ‘appa’ and ‘umma’. He remembered that he was being raised in a beautiful place, with happy family but anything else from his childhood…he didn’t remember that. He even didn’t remember his parents’ faces. He just knew that his parents now are his parents because his photo with them but he never knew them. They said he fell down from third floor from his house when he was seventeen because his balcony broke down and get a severe head wound and it caused several memories being forgotten by him.

But…he never told anyone about that…especially Myungsoo….

“How…do you know that?” Sungyeol muttered, his tone of voice became sharp and demanding. “How do you know I lose my memories? I never told you anything about that, Myungie!”

 Myungsoo immediately looked like he was being busted. The black haired boy tried to scramble away but Sungyeol immediately held Myungsoo’s hand tightly, made the younger boy couldn’t move at all. Myungsoo bit his lip in anxiety, in fear of what the older boy would say to him now.

“Since yesterday you being so strange, Myungie!” Sungyeol screamed, didn’t care at all that Myungsoo flinched slightly because Sungyeol’s scream (that was heard louder by him because of his sharp hearing). “It really looks like you know me! Tell me the truth, are we really know each other since child? Are you one of so many people that I forget?!! Tell me! Don’t hide the truth from me!”

Suddenly Sungyeol felt that his eyesight became blurry once more. He fell down at Myungsoo’s arms, and fell unconscious once more. Myungsoo sighed while he caressed Sungyeol’s hair. “It’s not the time…you remember it yet. Maybe soon, very soon even, but please…not now. I’m not ready…to tell you yet,” Myungsoo whispered softly.

“When you will ready to tell him?” a voice heard behind them. Myungsoo glanced for a moment and saw Sungjong stood behind him. “You will never ready because you always haunt by your past. Please…stop run away! I don’t remember when…maybe it is already two or three years…since the last time I am happy with everyone. I really…want to get back to that time. If that is so selfish of me….”

“You’re not selfish,” Myungsoo said while he looked at Sungyeol once more. “I want to go back to the time when I am happy too…with everyone that I cherish and love. I want to go back…to my parents, to the life when I was happy with Yeol, and everything but still…that life….”

Sungjong walked toward the black haired boy and held Myungsoo’s hand tightly. Myungsoo looked at the younger brown haired boy and saw the smile at Sungjong’s lips. “I promise it, hyung…I will always support you. I will help you as much as I can. No matter how much you fear or scared, I will make sure that fear go away with help you. So please…no matter how much you afraid to return Sungyeol-hyung’s vampire side, believe me that he will be strong to accept it! He isn’t…a childish person that will cower in fears anymore! Or if he is…I will protect him too, I will risk my life for him too! I will protect him with all my power too! So please…”

Myungsoo smiled and laid Sungyeol at the bed before turned around and ruffled Sungjong’s hair. “Thank you and…sorry…” Myungsoo muttered softly while wiped a tear that unconsciously fell from the youngest boy’s eyes. Sungjong raised his head and looked at Myungsoo that now smiled sadly to him. “I am the selfish one here…. I just always thinking about myself because of my anxiety and fears to lose Yeollie again and in return…I hurt you too. You sacrificed so much for me, lose so much things for me…but you willingly do it for me. Once again I’m sorry…really sorry. I’m such a bad brother to you, never willing to hear your hope but always want you to hear me. I’m….”

“Stop right there, it’s not suit you at all, Myungsoo-hyung,” Sungjong said softly. “I am sorry too…I know you hurt so much already but just thinking about my happiness. I just really want to be the spoiled kid once more by Sunggyu-hyung, Hoya-hyung, and Sungyeol-hyung once more. I am here to help you, not to demand something that burdens you.”

“No, it’s alright,” Myungsoo said while he smiled softly. “Wait for me…just for a little more, okay? I will return Yeollie’s memories and tell him everything soon. I will grant you your wish soon, Joongie. I will return you…and all of us, well actually it is if Dongwoo-hyung and Woohyun want to, to the life when we always happy and laugh together all this time, okay? Just wait a little more, okay?”

Sungjong smiled widely to Myungsoo while he nodded his head enthusiastically. “Yes,” Sungjong said cheerfully. “I will wait for it~”

Myungsoo nodded his head. “Okay, let’s go home,” said the black haired boy while he picked Sungyeol that still unconscious and put him at his shoulder. Sungjong nodded and walked beside Myungsoo out of the infirmary.

“So…Sunggyu-hyung starts to remember?” Dongwoo said while looked at Woohyun that sat behind him at the dining room while clutched a mug filled with hot chocolate. Woohyun bit his lip and nodded his head softly.

“He saw blood and all…and a bit severe too…. I think it only means that…his vampire side starts to awake and ask for blood,” Woohyun muttered. “I can’t hide it for him any longer. It’s not something normal to see blood constantly every day. Soon, Sunggyu-hyung will start to suspect thing or himself because please~ who normal people will see blood every day?”

“Well…Hoya starts to suspect me too because he keeps saw flashbacks about our past relationship too…” Dongwoo said while he rubbed his neck. “Maybe my blood got an effect to him too? Because he drank my blood, it formed a crack at his seal.”

“The reason…could be anything. The most important thing is…Sunggyu-hyung’s vampire side start to wake up. He…He is different with Hoya that already being a vampire and doesn’t have any problem at all if his memories awaken! Hoya… he remembers his past or not, is still will be a vampire but Sunggyu-hyung is human now! Return his memories mean I must turn him to a vampire!”

“Correction Woohyun, you not turn him to a vampire,” said Dongwoo calmly. “He is already a vampire since the start. His memories and vampire side is just sealed…until now.”

“Okay sorry, I’m wrong,” said Woohyun sarcastically. “But still…he is a human now! Not a vampire! Still different with Hoya that already being a vampire, but…why Hoya still forgets his past when he already turned into a vampire? He turned the same day with me and I am already remembering everything.”

“That’s because your seal of memories is weak since the start,” Dongwoo said. “Your family isn’t the family that have so much influential at vampire world and make vampire senate keep an eye to them, different with Sunggyu-hyung, Sungyeol, and Hoya’s family. So…actually your family doesn’t have the reason to hide you because of the senate, same with me, Myungsoo, and Sungjong. Your ‘mother’ just paranoid and decided to seal your memories, but the seal will break right away if a vampire bit you. Sunggyu-hyung, Sungyeol, and Hoya’s seal is stronger, we, as his mate, needed to bit them and transfer our blood to them if want their seal to break.”

“But Hoya’s ‘mother’ is the brother of my father!” Woohyun said. “He is my cousin, our family is connected, isn’t if vampire senate keeps an eye to Hoya’s family then my family too….”

“If it is about blood relationship, my father is brother with Sungyeol’s ‘mother’ too!” Dongwoo retorted while he drank his water. “Sunggyu-hyung’s ‘father’ is brother with Myungsoo’s ‘mother’, Hoya’s ‘father’…”

“Okay, I understand, we are all cousin with each other!” said Woohyun with a blushing face. “I’m just curious….”

“To be honest our family all influential in vampire’s world,” Dongwoo muttered softly. “It just...Sunggyu-hyung’s ‘mother’ is considered the leader between all of our family and…as ridiculous as it is, Hoya’s ‘mother’ and Sungyeol’s ‘father’ is the people that vampires never dare to against them because…they’re scary and so much of evilness, so they become more influential than our parents.”

Woohyun chuckled when he heard Dongwoo’s statement. “Okay, okay, I’m understand,” said Woohyun. “I will not say anything about it. The question now…what we must do about them now?”

“Well…just look at the condition now,” said Dongwoo while he put his empty glass at the dining table. “If we saw Sunggyu-hyung and Hoya’s condition, maybe it means the same thing also happened with Sungyeol. If Myungsoo…decided to return Sungyeol’s vampire side and memories maybe we can do the same thing with both of them. So…we can only wait for Myungsoo, maybe it is the best solution for us now.”

Suho sighed while he put the book that he had been read back to the shelf before grabbed another book. As a vampire, a pureblood vampire to be exact, he already had too much time to waste away with reading all this books actually but he…didn’t know how to get away from such boring life and all.

Unconsciously, he pulled the book he held harder than he intended, made the other books around it also pulled out from the shelf and fell down to the floor. The black haired boy cursed before bent down to collect it.

But his movement immediately stopped when he saw a strange pocket book that he never knew before. He picked it and started to inspect it. It looked like a usual leather book, not different at all with a journal that humans always used to write anything about their past experiences that the women like to call diary, except that it was dusty because it was hidden in this bookshelf for god knew how long. Suho opened the first page and his eyes widened when he saw the owner name of the journal.

Kim Myungsoo.

Well…he didn’t surprise at all to find Myungsoo’s belongings at their mansion actually. This was Myungsoo’s family house, so of course actually all the things here was theirs but why…Myungsoo hide his journal at such hidden place like library like this? Did he want to hide it through time in hope to be found by someone? Or did he just…want to bury this journal in here because he knew that he would never come to this mansion anymore?

Suho started to read the book carefully because the pages already wrinkled and worn out by age, that made him wonder how long the journal already kept hidden there. From what he wrote, Suho concluded that Myungsoo wrote about his life when he was at this mansion. But when the black haired boy reached the last page he surprised about what he read.

I don’t know what is wrong with us. Why must they hunted us? We never do anything wrong, I don’t want to live in this hide-and-seek play.

I just want to live happily with Sungyeol, just that. Is it so many things to ask?

I want to live happily with my parents, with the person that I love, with brothers and families that I always fond of. Why it must be destroyed? Why the vampire senate must end it all?

I didn’t want to kill…vampires or humans…. But now I lost everyone…I must separates myself from my parents and uncles. I lose my beloved brothers that I always loved and the most important of all…I lose Yeollie, the one person that I always love, no matter how many time passed.

I didn’t want to lose him. I promise myself…I will be happy with him once more, even if I must killed all the vampires in this world (well…except my families).

That’s why…I leave this journal here with my start to end this life. I don’t want this cold house without any Sungyeol’s love warmth here to accompany me. Maybe it need a long time, but at the time I come back to this mansion…I will come back with laugh and with people that I always love.

Suho raised his eyebrows, “Sungyeol? Where I heard this name before?” Suho muttered. “His name sound familiar too….” Several minutes later, the black haired boy’s brain finally clicked and he ran all the way to Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s bedroom.

“What~?” Chanyeol said while he looked up from his laptop and Baekhyun, that sat beside Chanyeol while looked up from his books, when they saw Suho barged in to his room. Suho looked at both of them and sighed.

“You…ever said someone with the name of Lee Sungyeol, right?” Suho said to the two boys. “Who…is he?”

“He is the classmate of Myungsoo,” said Baekhyun calmly. “And it looks like he have crush on Myungsoo.”

“And vice versa~” said Chanyeol excitedly. “I think Myungsoo likes him too.”

Suho looked to both of them before looked to the book at his hand. “I have something to ask,” he muttered, made the two boy looked at him intently because of the seriousness tone at the older boy's voice. “I want you to keep an eye to him more intently…from now on.”

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked surprised when they heard Suho’s demand. “Why?” Baekhyun said softly. “He is just a human.”

“Maybe…we make a mistake,” Suho muttered softly. “Maybe…all this time we make a mistake to think that all of them fall in love with usual humans all this time.”


Author note:

Okay, I already said anything about all the couples in here~ -rollaround-. Yep, they all vampires~ and I hope no one will mind with this stupid twist of the story of mine^v^;; I hope you like this chapter, guys~ and sorry if it is not satisfy you. As usual, I will try harder to make better chapter next, so I hope you will still like my story and read it, guys ^___^

And for the comments:

dragonfly18: Well...don't need to be actual prince actually, I just want to say that Myungsoo's family is influential, to be the target of the conflict, that's all ^___^; Thank you for your comment and I hope you will love this chapter XD

go_haneul: Thank you for like this twisted story of mine XDD! It's really make me happy :D Thank you so much for the comment and I hope you love this chapter X)

LenaMarrie: Thank you so much for love my story, it really make my day XD! and thank you so much for the comment and I hope you will love this chapter :)

mitsuchan: And here I already said that Sunggyu too, is a vampire XP I will say everything about their past, after I return their memories :D so please wait for it, okay? thank you so much for your comment and I hope you will love this chapter XD

As usual, thank you for all the subscribes and comments that I receive! It really make me happy, and I'm really appreciate it, guys! You guys are so kind, thank you very much -bow-

okay, as usual too I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! So, please wait for it patiently okay? Please keep subscribe and comment, since it will make me happy and make my days, guys! Okay everyone,  I love you! ^______^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/