The Bloody Warning

Blood Stained Love


“For the last time, Lee Sungyeol! Stop calling me that stupid nickname and stop clinging at me!” Myungsoo said emotionlessly but sternly while he looked at Sungyeol that just hugged his arm tightly without any intention to let go.

“Nuh uh, don’t want to~” Sungyeol said in a sing-song tone. “Because Myungie will run away if I do so.”

Sungjong just sighed when he saw the stupid flirting bickering between Myungsoo and Sungyeol when he walked behind them towards the school. Today, there was just three of them because the others decided to skip school for so many (according to Sungjong ‘stupid’ again) reasons. Well… Sunggyu, said that he didn’t fit enough to go (with both Myungsoo and Woohyun drank his blood, it actually understandable), made Sungjong called him ‘grandpa’ right away (and earned himself a smack at the head from Sunggyu). Really, how could Sunggyu smacked him that hard if he was sick anyway? Woohyun, said he wanted to take care of Sunggyu, yeah…take care, Sungjong scoffed, maybe d Sunggyu here and there was more suitable to say for Woohyun’s sentences, Well…he was not that innocent to not understand the hidden meaning of Woohyun’s sentences (at least Woohyun’s smirk like screamed his real intention anyway). Hoya…he didn’t want to go to school, period. This made Sungjong wanted to smack Hoya’s face too because he said such a stupid reason with such a blank, emotionless expression. And Dongwoo…said he was just too lazy to go to school. Really, if all of them weren’t older than him, and if he didn’t remember that he loved all of them he would lashed out to all of him there and at that second as painfully as possible.

So here he was, felt like being a third-wheel to that stupid MyungYeol couple when they bickered all of the way to their school. Seriously, this two stupid people here too, bickered like old married couple when they said they didn’t go dating! Maybe Sungjong should consider got Myungsoo a wedding service and honeymoon ticket for him and Sungyeol for his birthday so he didn’t need to see all the between them.

“As much I want to see you being so ‘lovey-dovey’ with each other, please remember there is still innocent people like me here,” Sungjong said to Sungyeol and Myungsoo, made both of the older boys looked at him like they just realized that he was there. “So Sungyeol-hyung please stop clinging like a leech to Myungsoo-hyung right away, and that’s a bit funny analogy too since leech blood…and Myungsoo-hyung, if you love Sungyeol-hyung clinging to you, no need to deny it! You just make my head hurt with all this ‘I-want-you-to-hug-me-but-too-shy-to-say-so’ acts of yours! Hell, both of you are older than me! Can’t both of you take care of your relationship like a mature person rather than a stupid two childish elementary school?!!” Sungjong yelled.

“See, Myungie! You like me to hug you!” Sungyeol yelled in triumphant. “No need to be so shy, MyungMyung~I will give you my hug as much as you want if you ask me to~”

“Who is the one that like your hug?” Myungsoo yelled angrily, but the blush that smeared all over his face said the opposite. “No, I don’t like your hug, and never will! If I like your hug it will be the end of the world!”

Sungjong sighed loudly again before decided to walk ahead and left that MyungYeol couple alone. He was afraid he would lose his sanity if he decided to walk with both of that idiot.

‘If fall in love really make you become a stupid person like that, I swear…I will not fall in love with anyone for all my life’ Sungjong wondered hopelessly while he reached the gate of his school. ‘I still love my sanity to join that falling in love fools…’

Awed whispers heard all along the student when three pairs of feet stepped into the schoo’s yard. Boys looked at the people in awe, jealousy stares while girls looked at them with cute, flirty gazes.

“This is what I hate from human world,” the tall brown haired boy grumbled. “They just so whipped when they see us! Please~ we are a wild blood thirsty monster, not a cute adorable plushies! Don’t see us with such a love fool gazes, it make me sick!”

“Chanyeol-hyung, you just need to their blood and they will stop threw their body to you,” said the black haired boy coldly while he ruffled his hair. “Or…maybe not. Seeing that they like a supernatural story when we fall in love with them and all, maybe they will…be more aggressive to chase you.”

“Yeah, Kai, I know that. I’m not practically stupid too,” said Chanyeol. “But really~ can they just stop their bull imagination that we will fall in love with a weak people like them? They maybe will break an arm or two with just a hug from us and they want us to make love with them?!! Really~ human is just fools!”

“Shut up both of you!” said another brown haired boy that walked in front of them. “We not come here to play around! Not only them that make me sick, both of you make me sick too!”

“Woah scary~” said Kai with a smirk at his handsome, boyish face. “Sorry, Baekhyun-hyung, forget you are not a morning person.”

Baekhyun just huffed before stomped his feet toward the school building before took a turn toward the school’s park. “Whatever! I will calm myself first!” he growled and disappeared nowhere in the quick speed.

“Really~ he is a vampire and have low blood pressure at morning,” said Kai while chuckled slightly. “You are not chasing him, Chanyeol-hyung? He is your boyfriend.”

Chanyeol just shook his head. “When Hyunnie is like that I know that he will lash out to the first unfortunate soul that gets in his way to ‘calm down’, “said Chanyeol. “And as much as I love him, sorry~ I don’t want to be that unfortunate person today~”

And Chanyeol’s answer just make Kai laughed louder.

Myungsoo sat at his seat with a cold expression as usual while Sungyeol sat beside him with his head leaned on Myungsoo’s shoulder. Myungsoo looked to the window beside him again. He didn’t know why…but felt something unusual. He felt something bad would happen soon. Something would come…to end the happiness and life that he always felt all this time.

Sungyeol glanced at Myungsoo again when he saw the stoic black haired boy looked to the window again. He didn’t know why but he felt that Myungsoo seemed…worried? Like he was uneasy about something, scared about something….


“Myungie~” Sungyeol said while the choding boy tugged Myungsoo’s uniform’s sleeve a bit, made the stoic black haired boy looked at him. “What’s wrong? You look strange, did something happen?” he asked.

Myungsoo shook his head. “No…nothing…” said the younger black haired boy. “Maybe it just my imagination.”

Not long after the teacher came into the class, made all the students scrambled to their seat immediately.

“Before we start our lesson, there is something that I need to tell to you all,” said the teacher to the (now) quiet class. “Today we got two new students at our class. I hope you all can get along with them, okay?” the teacher immediately looked to the classroom’s door and asked for the new student to come in. Not long after the classroom’s door was open and all the students, including Myungsoo and Sungyeol, looked at the classroom’s door to see who the new students were.

And Myungsoo’s eyes immediately widened when he recognized the two new students that now stood in front of the class. His eyes and their eyes met for a second and a smirk formed immediately at the taller brown haired boy, and mockingly nodded his head to greet the stoic black haired boy.

“Hello, I’m Park Chanyeol, please take care of me. I hope we can get along with each other,” he said in a arrogant, cool, voice. Made many girls immediately whispering to each other about his bad- attitude and started to make them crush on him.

“I’m Byun Baekhyun, nice to meet you all and please take care of me,” the shorter brown haired boy that stood beside Chanyeol said in a cold, emotionless tone. Sungyeol frowned when he heard the boy’s tone. Really? This boy seemed so…sinister and quiet? Another copy of Myungsoo? Was Myungsoo not enough to make a gloomy atmosphere at the class anyway?

“Okay, please both of you take the seat at the back,” said the teacher while she smiled kindly and pointed to the (only) empty chairs at the back of the class. Both of them walked to their seat and while they passed Myungsoo’s seat.

“Nice to meet you, Myungsoo-ssi,” said Chanyeol while smirked cynically to the stoic black haired boy that also looked at him with blank, cold stares. Baekhyun just glanced at Myungsoo for a moment before looked away and walked to their seat with Chanyeol.

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo with confusion. “Myungie~ you know them?” asked Sungyeol in a low voice. Myungsoo just kept silent for several minutes before opened his mouth.

“Yeah, they are old friends…” whispered Myungsoo while he unconsciously held Sungyeol’s hand tighter under his table. “That I am not wish to see anymore….”

In Sungjong’s class, the youngest brown-haired boy had the same exact surprised expression as Myungsoo. He even rubbed his eyes several times to make sure that who he saw stood in front of his class is real, not some hallucination, or something absurd.

“I’m Kim Jongin, nice to meet you,” said the handsome black haired boy while smiled sweetly, made him became cute and handsome at the same time. “I hope we will get along together, so please treat me well.”

Alright…this is real, not something absurd and not his imagination at all….

“Okay, Jongin-ssi, please take a seat beside Sungjong. Sungjong please raise your hand,” said the teacher. Sungjong just cursed his bad luck for a moment before raised his hand hesitantly, all the time kept looking away from the stares that  Kai was always directed to him.

Kai immediately sat beside Sungjong. “Nice to meet you, Sungjong-ssi,” he said while smiled innocently, that just got a suspicious glare from Sungjong as the reply.

“Why are you here?!!” Sungjong hissed lowly when the teacher started the lesson and everyone focused to the lesson or other things, made he and Kai could take freely.

“Well…to keep an eye for you and Myungsoo, of course,” said Kai. “Since he bit two human, vampires’ senate already thought that they need to be wary of Myungsoo.”

Sungjong cursed again. He knew it! As soon as vampire senate knew about Woohyun and Hoya, they would sent someone, or maybe in this case several people, to keep an eye for them, but sent Suho’s clan, one of the most strongest and highest clan in the senate….

“It’s not only keep an eye, right?” Sungjong whispered. “If they sent you and other people in Suho-hyung’s clan, surely it means...that they give you permission to kill.”

 “Of course, Sungjong. Who do you think we are? We are blood thirsty monster that like to kill, not some adorable fluffy bunnies,” said Kai simply and glanced at Sungjong that looked down to his laps, seemed so much in deep thought. “But it’s alright, senate still not think that you all deserve death sentence yet,” Kai whispered softly, made Sungjong glanced to the black haired man for a moment. “But…please, try to be more civil and not make any ruckus that make us must take an action. You know us, Sungjong,” A smile at his lips changed into a sadistic smile. “I think you know it so well that when we kill, we will be as ruthless and sadist as the other three sadistic and cold blooded clans in senate. So…please be careful from now…. ”

And saw the sadistic smirk and gazes at Kai’s faces…Sungjong knew…that he didn’t joke at all. They…especially Myungsoo…must be careful from now because if not, not only them, Sungyeol, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo’s life would be in danger too.


Yep, guys~ the bad villain is EXO-K~ is there anyone who disappointed about it? Well...I hope no XDD actually I want to put SHINee or B2ST but...B2ST just so...not fit the image of high school's student anymore (except Kikwang and Yoseob maybe) and SHINee no, just no, I can't think Onew as a bad villain, he just too...pure in my imagination so, that's why I choose EXO, most of EXO's members have bad- attitude image and aura after all -getkicked-

And so sorry if this chapter a bit...weird? I have a bit of difficutly to descibe their meetings so it come in a lame and strange way like this! I hope you don't mind, guys, and if you do mind, I am really sorry from the bottom of my heart -bow-

anyway, for the comments:

uuleunhaecloudy: Heh...Myungie will be ? I think he is enough already just too shy to admit it! And yeah...if Yeol keep being agressive he will be eaten by a kitty Myungie in no time~ XD thank you for your comment XD I hope you like this chapter X)

mitsuchan: Of course, for me WooGyu is the sweetest couple in Infinite, MyungYeol is the most playful, and YaDong...they are the wildest! XDD really suit my description when they share blood? I hope so XDD okay, thank you for comment, I hope you like this chapter X))

GuffyFish: Yeol ate Myungie? Well...he had Myungie whipped anyway... well, if Yeol ate him, I will just pray for Myungie then -getbricked- okay, thank you for your comment XDD I hope you like this chapter X)

As usual, thank you for all the subscribes and comments that I receive! It really make me happy, and I'm really appreciate it, guys! You guys are so kind, thank you very much -bowagain-

okay, I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! So, please wait for it patiently okay? Please keep subscribe and comment, since it will make me happy and all too, guys! Okay guys, I love you! Annyeong ^______^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/