The Bloody Order

Blood Stained Love

The room was dark with an oval glass table was placed in the middle of the room. At the table, sat several people. All of them looked like they were discussed something seriously.

“So…all of them already remember?” said the oldest man at the room. “It will be troublesome.”

“True, we still not find their parents yet and they remember everything. Their parents already bad and troublesome enough and now added with their children, it will be more~harder to kill all of them,” said a beautiful young woman in the room while hide her face with a fan that she held at her slim hands.

“They are the strongest vampire’s clan in our world and actually the true leader of the vampire’s world,” a young man said while he put his hands under his chin. “If they decide to take these position back it will humiliate us.”

“True, that’s why we can’t let it to be happen,” said the old man in the room. “We already work so hard to try to take it this position from them and I am not willing to give it back to them! This is the highest position in our society, it give us power, money, respect, everything! I will not give it back to them that will just waste it away because they think purebloods like us are similar to lowly vampires that their statuses are right under us!”

“How about we try to kill their children first?” said the young man while smirked sadistically. “Because they just remember everything about themselves, their powers maybe not evolve fully yet. If we kill them we will dispose the stupid weakling vampires’ children and maybe they will be sad, so much until it will make them weak and we can kill them easily. So it is like hit two birds with one stone.”

Silence feel around the room for several moments before the similar sadistic smirk formed at each of all the vampires around the room. It wasn’t long before a mad laugh and chuckle heard echoed at the dark room.

“I like your idea,” said the young lady at the room. “How about we just ask Suho-ssi to try to kill them? If they can’t it will make our jobs easier but if they can’t…well, they just useless then.”

“I agree,” said the oldest man in the room once more. “Tell Suho immediately about this,” he said before closed his eyes and opened it again. “I will not let them get this position as our leader back! At least not without any fight!”

And the thunder cracked the sky once more as the symbol of the start of the war….

Suho looked at each of the books at Myungsoo’s family’s library once more, tried to look for any information about Myungsoo and the other people that he had been said at his diary. He looked at the last page at the book that he had been holding when he looked at a piece of paper that had been folded there. Suho immediately picked the letter and put the book at its previous place before looked at the letter in curiosity and confusion.

It looks like that it was a letter to someone at Myungsoo’s family...or maybe not. Suho realized after read it that it actually was a page of diary that had been written by someone. The young black haired boy opened Myungsoo’s diary and tried to compare the handwritings before shook his head.

“The handwriting is different…it must be another person…” he muttered softly. “But there is unknown who write this piece of diary….”

Suho immediately flopped himself at one of the couch at the library’s room before read the piece of paper that he had been found out earlier.

Recently Myungsoo had been so cold to me. He becomes so ignorant, so…heartless. It is like he doesn’t care about me anymore. Or…maybe it is already true? That he doesn’t love me anymore?

Like yesterday…I just asked him where he had been and he slapped my cheek so hard until it became red and my lips became bloody. It stung…it felt hurt but the hurt that I felt at my cheek was nothing…if it was compared by the pain that I felt at my heart when I saw his cold, heartless, uncaring gazes. He looks like he just see a stranger at my face , like he doesn’t know me at all.

I am…I am his boyfriend! His fiancé even! So why…why he looks at me with such gazes?

I really love Myungsoo…maybe since the first time that I know him.  He is the one that always be together with me even since I am a child. Well…he always an emotionless and seems to bring a cold aura around him, like Kibum-ahjumma, his mother.

But I know…that Myungsoo always have a warm and kind heart. He is a person that will not hesitate to do anything for anyone closes to him and the people that he thinks as something important. He never afraid to get hurt, even risks his life, if he can see other people smiles.

Yes…maybe it kinda selfless, even though he always said that he is not as selfless as me. Haha, it looks like selfless people attract each other, right? But I must admit, his selflessness is the one who make me love him until this time, like what I always said to him everytime he says how annoying my selfless tendencies to other people.

…And to see Myungsoo’s blushing face after I said that is always something I enjoys to see, since it is so cute….

Suho smiled slightly while he saw the last statement that he heard. Whoever the writer of this diary, he must be really love Myungsoo so much. Even he, that never knew who the writer, could feel the warmth and love that the writer felt to Myungsoo.

But…maybe…it is already end.

I never see the warm Myungsoo anymore, his kind shy smile to me already disappears too. He becomes so cold, so suddenly. He even…threatened to kill me several times.

But…I will always love him. His threat to kill me…I will never think about it seriously. He is not a cold, uncaring person like that, I believe him. He is always be the warm and kind person that will never hesitate to do anything to protect the people that important to him, I believe that.

Because the smile and affection that he gives me all this time since we are children is not a lie….

Suho frowned when he reached the end of the paper. The black haired boy looked at the back of the paper, but didn’t see anything that could give him any information about the writer of the paper. He sighed and folded the paper back before threw it on the table beside him. Suho closed his eyes for a moment before opened his eyes again. He sighed while he looked around the library.

The black haired boy laid at the couch before grabbed the paper and read it once more. “Can it be…that the one who write this…letter is Lee Sungyeol? But the date of this letter…is so old, around sixty years old or so. So…if that Lee Sungyeol is the one who write this he surely is a vampire. But if he is a vampire then why Baekhyun and Chanyeol keep saying that he is human? I think both of them can recognize vampire aura better than anyone else.”

Suddenly the black haired boy heard the knock at the library’s door. Suho folded back the paper before saved it at the book nearest to him. After he done, he looked at the door and said, “Come in!”

The door opened, revealed Kai that brought a letter in his head, sealed with the symbol of the vampire senate. The younger black haired boy walked until he arrived in front of Suho and gave the letter to him. “A letter from senate for you, Suho-hyung,” Kai said hesitantly. “And…it says urgent.”

“Again?” Suho groaned. “I just come back from the meetings of all the clan’s leader and I meet them there last week and now they calls me again?”

Kai smiled before knelt down in front of Suho and held the older black haired boy’s hand. “I think they not call you anymore. This is a mission…for all of us.”

Suho raised his eyebrows when he heard the younger boy’s sentences. “How do you know?” he asked hesitantly. Kai chuckled for a bit before winked.

“Intuition,” Kai said with a smirk formed at his lips. “After all for what this letter become urgent if they never said anything to you last week? And I think any of us didn’t do anything bad too this past week, at least I don’t. So I will say that there is no reason to make you come to senate immediately for now full with confidence. Because we all, especially us, is the kindest people around the vampire’s world.”

Suho thought about what the younger black haired boy had been said to him before laughed softly and ruffled Kai’s hair. “Such a cocky boy! How can you say you are the kindest person in the vampire’s world? You are the one that always make problems, you know! The one who make me get headache the most.”

“So mean!” Kai said while he pouted slightly. “I’m not that bad…” he exclaimed before his face looked like that he was lost in thought for a moment before fisted his shirt and looked down in shame. “…Recently….”

Suho laughed when he heard the younger black haired boy’s answers. “Yep, at least you admit it, and understand how troublesome you are when I first take you in,” he said while slapped Kai’s cheek softly, made Kai pouted again. Suho took the letter from Kai’s hand and smiled. “But at least now you grow up to be more mature and kinder so thank you,” he said before opened it. The older black haired boy read the letter before his expression changed right away. Kai that still stood in front of Suho while read a book that he saw at the table beside the couch frowned when he saw the older boy’s expression.

“What’s wrong, Suho-hyung?” Kai said in confusion. “Do that letter really ask you to come to senate because one of us do something wrong? Or is it something bad?”

Suho shook his head while he folded the letter from the senate at his hands. He looked at Kai with sharp gazes that made Kai became silent immediately. “Ask everyone to gather together at the living room,” he said softly while he showed the letter at his hand to the younger black haired boy in front of. “I have something to say.”

Not long after all the occupants of the mansion already gathered at the living room. Kai snuggled to Kyungsoo at one of the sofa in the living room while Kyungsoo ruffled the younger black haired boy’s hair, the older black haired boy busy taught the younger boy about the homework that he got from school. Sehun busy went chatting with Luhan that already went back to China through his laptop. Baekhyun browsed something at his tablet PC while Chanyeol that sat beside him busy played his PSP. Suho looked to all the boys that scattered around the room and sighed, immediately attracted the attention from all the boys in the room.

“So, what do you want to say about the letter from senate, Suho-hyung?” Kai asked while he writing something at his homework.

“From senate?” asked Chanyeol while he paused his game. “What for the senate sent a letter to you? I am sure me and Hyunnie don’t do anything bad! Especially with you ask us to keep an eye to that stupid Myungsoo and Lee Sungyeol….”

“And that is the reason why the senate sent this letter,” Suho said while he held the letter that he received from the senate in front of his face. “The senate asks us to confront…and if possible to kill, all people that have close relationship with Myungsoo and Lee Sungjong, including that Lee Sungyeol.”

And when they heard that sentences, all the occupants of the room immediately stopped their activities and looked at Suho in shock.

“Why?” Baekhyun exclaimed, the surprise was clearly evident at his voice. “I am prettily sure that Lee Sungyeol is human, 100 %! Isn’t killing human is considered as something forbidden?! Why so suddenly….”

“And why so suddenly the order change so drastically?” Kyungsoo asked hesitantly. “At first didn’t they just asked us to observe and keep an eye to them? Why now so suddenly the order change to kill them?!!”

“I don’t know the reason,” Suho said while he shrugged and saved the letter once more. “But human or not, that’s the order from the senate. It’s a direct order too, not something to be taken lightly.”

All the occupants of the room became silent immediately. All of them looked like that they was so deep in thought about the order that the senate had been given to them.

“Well…since it is a direct order from the senate, I will not have any choice except to accept it but to do anything to other people without know the real reason is something that I will not do without any hesitation. So…before we know the real reason why they are being targeted by senate, just keep an eye to them…and try to look for any information about the reason why they are being targeted, especially that three people, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, and Lee Sungjong,” Suho said. “That is the best decision that I can think about for now. So, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai, I’m sorry but it looks like the job for you three become harder for now.”

The three boys that had been heard what Suho had said to them only could sighed and nodded their heads.

Suho smiled while he saw the responses from those three boys in front of him. “Okay, I think it is enough for now. Just go to your room and rest, tomorrow is a hard day for all of us. Good night, everybody,” he said before walked out from the living room and walked back to the library. He took out the letter from the senate and frowned.

“Too much coincidence that involved that Lee Sungyeol and his ‘relationship’ with Myungsoo. All this…is must be connected to him.” the black haired boy looked outside the window beside him and saw the moon that shone dimly at the sky, started to be covered by the dark clouds. “Who are you really…Lee Sungyeol?”

Kai walked out of the mansion while looked at the dark sky above him. he sighed while he looked at the moon that started to be covered by dark clouds. He sighed before climbed to a tree around the mansion and laid himself at one of the big branch of the tree and closed his eyes, enjoyed the feeling of the night wind that caressed his faces.

“So everything start to begin, huh?” he muttered softly while he opened his eyes again. “And because senate order us to do something like that, it must be means that Myungsoo-hyung already restored Sungyeol-hyung’s memories, huh…? Well…no other choice then, I must tell Sungjong about this, then….”

The black haired boy immediately pulled out his cellphone and called Sungjong’s number before brought the cellphone to his ear. It didn’t need a long time before there was someone who picked it up from the other line. “Hello, Sungjong? Well…I’m sorry but it looks like I have to tell you a bad news…about Sungyeol-hyung….”

Sungyeol just sat himself at Myungsoo’s bed. his hair tousled and messy because of sleep. He looked at the dark sky from the glass balcony’s door at Myungsoo’s bedroom. His eyes looked so empty while the brown haired boy looked like that he was so much deep in thought. He even didn’t realize that Myungsoo walked into the room after talked to Sungjong about Sungyeol.

“Yeollie…?” Myungsoo called the older brown haired boy hesitantly. Sungyeol, that heard that Myungsoo called his name just looked to the black haired boy’s direction.

“What?” Sungyeol said.

“This is already midnight,” Myungsoo said while he climbed onto the bed and sat beside Sungyeol. “Don’t you need to go to your room and sleep there?”

Sungyeol became silent for several minutes before shook his head. “I don’t want to,” he said softly made Myungsoo looked at the older boy immediately. “I still want to be here.”

“Hyung, my condition is not really good to be with you,” Myungsoo said. “After I returned your memories, our blood bond become awake too. Your blood now become really delicious for me. If I can’t control myself I will hurt you! I don’t want to hurt you and become hate me more!”

“Just throw out your control then,” Sungyeol said nonchalantly while he looked outside the glass balcony’s door once more. “I will be grateful if you will realize that I will not hate you for something so stupid and something that become instinct for us! Really, Myungie when you are a child you are so stupid!”

Myungsoo was taken aback by Sungyeol’s words, made he became silent immediately. “What’s the meaning of that?!!” he exclaimed while he regain back his sense.

“It is right, isn’t it?!” Sungyeol retorted back to Myungsoo. “It’s instinct for a vampire to want blood, including me as well! Why I will hate you because you drink my blood while I doing something similar with you?!! And you always afraid that I will hate you because of so many stupid bull?!!” The older brown haired man immediately pinned Myungsoo to the bed, made Myungsoo laid at his bed and looked at the taller older brown haired boy with shocked gazes while Sungyeol hovering above him. “Let me guess something…until now you still can’t forgive yourself, right? Always thinking that I will hate you…because you act violent to me, sometimes a bit too much too, and kept threatening that you will kill me before I lost my memories, when in reality the senate is the one that force you to do that to me to break us up…. You can’t forgive yourself for hurt me…when in reality…you are forced to do that….”

 Author note:

Well...I am finally finish the next chapter XD So sorry if it is messed up or something. I will make a (hopefully) good chapter next! For now, I hope you like it XDD

Okay, since it is almost midnight, I am tired and sleepy, so for now I will just say thank you for all the subscribes and comments that I receive! It really makes me happy, and I'm really appreciating it, guys! You guys are so kind, thank you very much. Thank you for always support me because without help from all of you me and my story will be nothing -bows-

Okay, as usual too I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! So, please wait for it patiently okay? Please keep subscribe and comment, since it will make me happy and make my days, guys! Okay everyone, I love you! ^______^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/