The Bloody Night

Blood Stained Love

Seoul, South Korea….

The town looked so quiet, maybe because of the rain that fell down all day, made people became lazy to go out. It was also a nighttime…made the town became more quiet and lonely.

But there were two figures that ran through the rain in the silence of the town…. The taller one was wearing a crimson hoodie that covered his hair and face from the rain while the shorter one covered his head with his uniform shirt, made him only wore a purple t-shirt at his body.

“Woohyun, how about if we take a shelter somewhere now? The rain makes me soaked to the bone already! It’s cold!” said the shorter figure to the taller one in front of him.

The taller boy, that being called ‘Woohyun’ just sighed. “Okay, Hoya, I think it’s not good to keep walking in rain like this too, we will get sick,” he said while he held Hoya’s hand to make the shorter boy ran faster with him.

Both of the boys ran to the empty mansion near their school. They didn’t need a long time to reach the terrace of the mansion and being sheltered from the rain.

Woohyun quickly pulled down the hood of his jacket, showed his wet black hair. The handsome tall boy turned back towards Hoya that busy wiped his soaked body with a towel that he brought. “You’re alright there, Hoya?”

“Ah~I think I’m fine,” Hoya said while smiling slightly. He just leaned at the pillars beside him and closed his eyes. “Really…if I come back late again Dongwoo-hyung will be worry about me, again! The last time something like this happen, he hugged me to death and screamed at me that he was grateful that I was home since he thought that I get kidnapped and being sold at human trafficking or something as soon as I came home. Really, sometimes he is really such a mother hen!” grumbled Hoya softly.

“At least he is worry about you,” Woohyun said while he pouted slightly. “The last time I came back late Sunggyu-hyung nagged me nonstop all night and then he made me slept at the couch because, and I quote, I made him worried for nothing. Really…can’t he be more romantic for once?”

“It’s impossible,” said Hoya while he looked at the rain that still fell down heavily from the night sky. “Sunggyu-hyung is not a romantic type of a person.”

“I know that, but still…” Woohyun sighed heavily. “I will be really happy if he shows his love and care for me right in front of me…even if it just for once….”

Suddenly, their eyes caught the sight of someone that ran towards them. When the figure was near enough, both Hoya and Woohyun quickly recognized the figure. A figure with black hair, cold eagle eyes, and stoic face.

“Hey, Myungsoo,” said Woohyun cheerfully while he greeted their classmate.

Myungsoo just nodded his head slightly to respond Woohyun’s greetings.

Woohyun pouted when he saw Myungsoo ‘emotionless’ response. “Myungie, you are so rude! If someone greet you, you must greet them back!” Woohyun exclaimed.

“I don’t have any will to greet you back,” said Myungsoo coldly, made Woohyun grumbled lowly.

Suddenly, they heard a loud slamming noise from inside the mansion. Those three boys freeze and stared at the front door of the mansion.

“What’s that? I thought the mansion is empty,” said Hoya in confusion and a bit curiosity. “Is there someone inside?”

Myungsoo, without any emotions and sounds at all, walked towards the front door of the mansion. The door opened almost immediately, showed the darkness inside the mansion.

“The door is open!” Woohyun exclaimed in surprise and excitement. “So there is really someone inside? How about we check the mansion?”

The three of them quickly entered the mansion. The mansion was dark, but the thunder that clashed several times at the sky flashed the rooms sometimes.

“I will check the first floor,” said Myungsoo calmly to Woohyun and Hoya that stood right behind him. “Both of you check the upstairs.” Woohyun and Hoya nodded their heads before walked away from Myungsoo to the stairs in front of them.

Woohyun and Hoya walked along the long corridors at the second floor and after walked for several minutes, they found a room at the end of the corridor. Hoya opened the door and saw that it was a bedroom. In the right corner of the room, there was a queen sized bed with a white sheet. The furniture of the room gave the impression that the room was not being occupied for a very long time. Both Woohyun and Hoya quickly walked inside the room and closed the door softly.

“This room…I don’t know why but it makes the hair on my back stand up…” Hoya muttered while he rubbed his arms to usher away the strange cold that he felt since he walked inside the room.

“Me too…” said Woohyun while he walked towards the bed at the corner. “But…don’t you think that it is strange, Hoya?”

“What do you mean that it is strange?” asked Hoya in confusion to the older boy in front of him.

“This room looks like it don’t occupied by anyone in a very long time but…” Woohyun ran his hand at the white sheet of the bed. “There’s no dust at all in this room. It’s impossible if there’s no one that lives in here, right?”

Hoya’s face became a bit pale when he finally caught up with what Woohyun’s said to him. His body was a bit shaken in fears when he finally opened his mouth. “Y…You mean…” he said in a strained voice, too afraid to say his thought.

“Yes…” Woohyun muttered softly. “There’s someone that had been living here recently.”

When they were still busy in their thoughts, they heard sounds of someone climbed up the stairs, made Hoya and Woohyun freeze in fear. They frantically looked for a hiding place and quickly crawled under the bed when suddenly the door of the bedroom slammed open. They heard footsteps at the wooden floor of the room, the sounds that made Woohyun and Hoya felt like their hearts suddenly stopped beating.

The owner of the feet stopped right beside the bed. Woohyun and Hoya saw that the person wore a black sneakers and pants. Hoya’s body shook in fear, made him unconsciously hold Woohyun’s hand tightly in an attempt to calm himself down.

After several minutes, the person beside the bed turned back and walked away. Not long after, both of them heard the sound of the door closed. Woohyun and Hoya quickly drew a relieved sigh while they crawled out from under the bed.

“I…is he already gone?” asked Hoya, still with a shaken voice. Woohyun shook his head slowly while he walked towards the door, all the way still held Hoya’s shaken hand tightly. When they arrived at the door, Woohyun looked around to see if the person was still there. When the handsome boy didn’t see anyone there, he tried to walk out from the room.

But just when he stepped a foot out from there….

Suddenly there were something, or rather someone, attacked Woohyun, made the boy laid at his back at the floor with his attacker pinned him down. Woohyun looked at his attacker and felt his blood freeze immediately when he saw a pair of sharp fangs at the mouth of his attacker.


“WOOHYUN-HYUNG!” yelled Hoya in panic when he saw his senior and bestfriend struggled to get away from the blood- creature’s hold.

“Hoya, run!” Woohyun exclaimed when he tried to get his neck away from the vampire’s fangs that wanted to bury itself into his neck. “Find Myungsoo and run away from here!”

“B…but…” said Hoya. He was in so much fear when he saw the scene in front of him.

“Just run! Get away from here!” snapped Woohyun impatiently.

Hoya quickly turned back and ran as fast as he could. Woohyun tried hard to defend himself while tried to look for a weapon. At that time, a thunder clashed and lighter up the room, made Woohyun could see the face of his attacker clearly. The handsome boy quickly gasped sharply in shock.

“W…what…” he said softly. “Y…you….”

The figure just laughed softly and took Woohyun’s shock as an opportunity. The figures quickly bent down and buried his fangs at Woohyun’s neck sharply….

Hoya just reached the front door of the mansion when he heard Woohyun’s screams from the upstairs. The younger boy immediately froze in fear. “Woohyun-hyung…” he mumbled softly. He must help Woohyun! He couldn’t just leave Woohyun alone there!

Hoya quickly turned the mansion’s door’s handle but in his surprise he found out that the front door was locked.

“W…why…?” Hoya said while he hit the door with his fists. “Open the door! Please open it!” he yelled in panic. “I beg you…open the door….” Hoya kept hit the door with his fists, made his fists bleed a little. His eyes wide in panic and fear.

Suddenly there is a hand that touched Hoya’s shoulder, made the latter screamed. He quickly face the person behind him and saw Myungsoo that looked at him in worry.

“M…Myungsoo…” Hoya muttered softly.

“What’s wrong, Hoya?” Myungsoo asked. “Your face is pale….”

“W…Woohyun-hyung…” Hoya said. “H…he….”

“What’s happen with Woohyun?” Myungsoo asked.

“There’s a vampire that attacked him!” Hoya yelled. “When we were in the bedroom suddenly there was a vampire that attack Woohyun-hyung! He…he told me to run away and look for you but he is still up there! What’s happen with him? He…”

“Hoya, stop, you ramble too much, it don’t make any sense!” Myungsoo said, made Hoya fell silent immediately. “Let’s check Woohyun’s condition, okay?”

Both of them quickly climbed up the stairs towards the room where Woohyun was attacked. Myungsoo slowly touched the door’s handle and turned it, made the door opened.

 The rain had already stopped, made the dim moonlight lighted the room in a eery light. The place was no different at all from when Woohyun and Hoya entered it for the first time, except for one thing…

Woohyun’s body that was laid at the bed in the corner of the room, with the once white sheets now tainted with the crimson blood….

“WOOHYUN-HYUNG!” Hoya yelled while he ran to the body of his bestfriend. “Hyung, wake up! Woohyun-hyung…please…wake up....” Hoya shook Woohyun’s body frantically but Woohyun didn’t budge at all. His eyes looked so dark and empty, without any live at all inside it. No…no…it was impossible. Hoya didn’t want to believe it…he didn’t want to believe that Woohyun had already….

Myungsoo inspected Woohyun’s body and saw two small holes that still bleed a little at Woohyun’s neck, made Woohyun’s neck colored in red. Myungsoo reached his hand and looked for any pulse at Woohyun’s body. There were one, but it was weak. Myungsoo shook his head sadly, with the pulse as weak as Woohyun’s now, it was impossible to save him in time….

“Hoya, enough,” said Myungsoo softly. “It is impossible to save Woohyun now….”

Tears finally fell from Hoya’s eyes when he heard Myungsoo’s words. No, he really didn’t want to believe this. He didn’t want to believe that Woohyun was dead. Just several minutes ago, he had talked with him and now he died? Why?

“Hoya, we must go now,” said Myungsoo when he held Hoya’s hand gently. “There is no guarantee that the same will not be happen to us too now….”

Hoya slowly nodded his head and laid Woohyun’s body back at the bed and closed the handsome man’s eyelids. Really, Woohyun looked like he was just sleeping, really didn’t like that he was dead or rather…almost dead.

“I’m sorry, hyung…” Hoya muttered softly to Woohyun. “…Goodbye….”

“Why?” asked Hoya softly. “Why he must die? Woohyun-hyung….”

“There’s no one who know the end of someone’s life…” Myungsoo said emotionlessly.

“He told me…if he graduate he will propose Sunggyu-hyung…buy him a nice big house at the side of the sea that Sunggyu-hyung love the most, and marry him at the beautiful church at his hometown,” said Hoya softly. “He already planned his life with Sunggyu-hyung perfectly and now…he died…before he can fulfill all of his plan for Sunggyu-hyung….”

“We don’t know why God choose to end Woohyun’s life now…. It is a fate, so we can’t protest it...” said Myungsoo softly.

“I know that, but still….”

Suddenly Myungsoo hugged Hoya, made the latter a bit startled for a moment. Hoya then relaxed and just let it go because he thought that Myungsoo just felt as sad as him because of Woohyun’s death and needed someone to hold him. Unknown by Hoya, Myungsoo closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again, his black eyes already changed to a crimson color. A sadistic smiled formed at Myungsoo’s lips. The younger boy buried his face at Hoya’s neck, enjoyed the scent of Hoya’s body…and also the scent of his blood.

Hoya, realized Myungsoo’s acts, struggled a bit. “Myungsoo…you know that I already have a boyfriend, right?” he asked.

“Yes,” said Myungsoo calmly. “Why?”

“Yo…your face is so close to my neck. What are you doing?” asked Hoya softly.

“Hmm…I am just thinking…” said Myungsoo softly.

“T…thinking? What are you thinking?” said Hoya with a hint of nervousness at his voice.

“Yes, hyung I am thinking about….” Myungsoo moved his mouth closer to Hoya’s neck, it a bit, and sighed. “Is your blood is as delicious as Woohyun’s?”

Hoya’s eyes widened almost immediately but before he could reacted anything, Myungsoo already buried his fangs to Hoya’s neck, made the older boy screamed in pain. Hoya struggled for a bit to release himself from Myungsoo’s hold but Myungsoo was stronger than him, made Hoya couldn’t fight back and just let his blood being drunk by Myungsoo.

Not long after, Hoya’s hand laid limply beside his body and he fell unconscious because the loss of blood. Myungsoo released Hoya’s neck from his mouth and dropped the limp body to the floor while wiped the blood at his lips with his hand.

“I’m sorry, Hoya…” he said softly. “I don’t drink blood for months and both of your blood’s scent is so inviting, make me want to drink it. Please don’t hold any grudge towards me, just blame it all to the God, that made us met here tonight.”

Myungsoo walked towards the door of the mansion. He glanced back to see Hoya’s body that laid limply at the floor with blood smeared his neck. Myungsoo smirked sadistically.

“Goodbye, Woohyun, Hoya…thank you so much for the delicious meal….”

Okay, I am done with the first chapter! -throwheartsnamustyle-

So, how is it? Is it good, or is it bad? Please tell me -puppyeyes-

anyways, thank you so much for all the subscribers and comments that I receive :) really it's really make my day! I am so~happy to receive that! that's why keep subscribing and comment okay? I love you, guys!

Okay, please subscribe and comment, okay? I will try to post the next chapter soon! For now, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Okay, guys, I must go now, once more I love all you! Annyeong ^_____^

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 19: Where are you:(
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 18: You dont know how happy i am to see kyumin couple
Chapter 19: Wow how did I miss this...I like this so much...pls update when you can...
Chapter 19: update soon really like the story line
Chapter 19: wow, I just found this!
when will you update this story~~~?
you know when I read the story, it reminds me to one of my favorite manga "Vampire Knight"
it's really interesting since it's Woogyu version of vampire knight! XD
nice story though!! update soon please~! XD
Update soon please :(
hiroko_the_cutes #8
Chapter 19: please update this story soon, authornim.. this story was awesomeeee i want to read more of this story \^~^/
Chapter 19: Aahhh.. authornim this is such an awesome story! Please update soon!!!!
luvluv #10
Please update soon,author-nim!\^-^/