Chapter ..8..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

"you…again?" Donghae who put his fork on the table stared at heechul with a killer sight.

"Heechul-sshi! What are you trying to do?" Jessica grabbed heechul's arm and tried to pull him away with her, but she couldn't, his legs seemed to be glued to the ground!

Heechul took Jessica's hand and pushed her to sit on the chair then he sat next to her and his face full of seriousness.

"omg! you're really irritating me!" Donghae hit the table full of anger which frightened Jessica and made her scream a bit.

'really, what am I doing? Am I losing my mind?' heechul who didn't know why he acted strangely asked himself confusedly! Jessica was staring at Heechul's eyes and she was able to read his confusion!

"I'm sorry on his behalf!" she stood then turned her body to Heechul who lost his expression! "Heechul-sshi, can we talk, please?"

He stood and didn't take much time to think about her propose.

"is he drunk? What's wrong with him?" Donghae exclaimed!

"Oppa! Please! Complete what you do!" Jessica followed Heechul to the entrance but again, they stopped when they heard someone calling heechul's name! Heechul turned his head to Hongki who seemed to be losing his mind the latter!

"YAH! Where are you going? The boss is searching for you!!!" Hongki clung on Heechul's arm and whispered to him "do you know that guy" pointing at Donghae secretly "he reported about you!! You're in trouble!"

Heechul didn't react at what he heard because he got a feeling that Donghae would do it either way! Jessica who stared at the both friends cut her gaze when Heechul's hand touched hers and they headed off the restaurant.

He didn't take her to a coffee shop or any place to talk normally at, instead, he was standing in front of his workplace waiting her to end her talking.

"what do you want? I'm busy right now, you could sense that, right?" Heechul said with a very cold and calm voice.

"I won't ask why you did what you had done! But…I want to say these two words to you!" she said properly putting her words one after one.

Heechul tended his head slightly wanting to hear her 'two words'.

"I'm sorry…NO…I'm terribly sorry! And….and….I'm so thankful to you!"

"ok! Got what you want, can I off to my work?" he asked after crossing his arms near his chest, careless of her sincere words!

She didn't know whether she has to stop him or to let him go this easily, after all, she stopped him.

"Heechul-sshi, I can't tell you everything here! Can we complete our conversation in the college?"

"haven’t you finished yet?" he asked sarcastically

"why are you acting coldly toward me?!"

"ok, see you tomorrow…!" he left her ignoring her presence! Well, he was really pissed off of her attitude that day!

Once he tried to open the door, Donghae was in front of him! Heechul Just ignored him too and completed his way to his friend, leaving Donghae boiling with anger, cursing him in his mind!

"Sica!" Donghae stopped Jessica's move and stood on her view.

"what?" she sighed

"are you sure of your decision!? You'll regret it…."

"you're exaggerating the matter! stop your silliness! I'm already late, step aside!" Jessica completed her way and ignored him!

It was her first time, truly, to talk informally to him which she felt guilty somehow of her roughness and so harsh attitude toward him! but she didn't like his way of talking at all! She thought that he isn't over his life and his love story yet…is her thinking right? Or she just exaggerating her reaction?!


The next day, when Jessica finished her breakfast she went to her father home office to take his permission to leave by herself and no need for him to drive her to the collage. For her good luck, her father accepted her propose and let her go without further investigation, which it's too oddly for her!

On her way, she met Yoona and slapped her back roughly. Yoona who didn't know who it was screamed her lung out!

"Yah! Can't you say something? I almost died from a heart attack!" Yoona scolded Jessica fearfully!

"why would I call your name while I want to scare you? Idiot!"

They walked until they reached their meant place and separated to go to their classes. After their classes finished, they met at the arena as usual to exchange their moments to each other and to share their meals together.

"Yoona" Jessica said with worried feelings.

"what?" yoona replied her while drinking a bottle of water.

"did…my brother cause trouble to you?" Jessica asked rolling her eyes avoiding yoona's. Yoona shrugged and frowned but she managed to calm herself. She just remembered how she got angry and hyper to Siwon who knows nothing! And how Donghae's touch brought her memories that she didn't want to remember or at least to recall!

"No! why would he be a burden? I'm okay, since Siwon beside me, don't worry about me at all!" she replied with a bitter smile that Jessica could feel her best friend true feelings! After all, when she felt the atmosphere between them got muddled, she decided to change the topic.

"I'm afraid yoona!" Jessica said bowing her head.

"why? Is there something wrong?"

"today the exam result will be distributed! I don't want to fail!"

"OH! YOU'RE A NERD! I thought you're thinking about something serious!"

"IT IS! What if I failed?"

"you won't! stop talking about it, because each time you wine about your scores, you'd get the highest one! Ah!"


"OH! Heechul-sshi!" Yoona cut the wondering Jessica by calling heechul which made Jessica look at the same direction as her.

Jessica couldn't smile at him when he made his way to them. She remembered how he was rude to her and to her brother, still she felt guilty at the same time. Yoona welcomed him warmly which made him smile at yoona's warm personality.

"where were you the past few days? You weren't in sight at all! I thought you'd escape!" yoona chuckled at her own image!

"am I look like one?" heechul thought for a bit and stared at yoona confusedly making her laugh. He was totally ignoring Jessica's appearance!

"come to think about it, why you didn't visit Siwon-sshi yesterday?" heechul asked.

"I was busy with my homework! I'm sorry for not making my promise!" she immediately replied him to not make Jessica felt that she missed her meeting because of Donghae! Heechul nodded to her making a thoughtful face.

"guys! Why are you seem like you had a fight?" Yoona who sat in the middle notice the awkwardness between them.

"really? There is nothing like that, right Jessica-sshi?" he tended his head so Jesscia could see him. she couldn't disagree him more, so she smiled and nodded.

"thanks God! This is the first time my sense deceive me!" yoona said.

"your first time? How ignorant are you?" heechul .

Yoona didn't pay attention to him, she couldn't handle it! suddenly she felt like she wants to be alone! The place where Donghae grabbed her hand was on her view! And hearing heechul teasing her made her remembered how sometime he did the same to her just to see her frustrating side! After all, she is not good at pretending or forgetting! The sadness on her face was obvious to the both Jessica and Heechul! Heechul thought that she isn't the type handled jokes! So he tried to apologize to her in indirect way!

"Yoona-sshi" "Yoona!"

Heechul and Jessica at the same time calling yoona which frightened her the sounds from her right and left ears!

"what's wrong? are you not feeling well?" Jessica patted her back warmly.

"yeah! I think I have to leave, sorry guys! I'll see you soon!" she stood and wore her Jacket and headed to the gate to escape their eyes and to not get caught when her tears almost fall.

And now, the awkward heechul and Jessica together without any effort! Jessica was glad because it was her opportunity to talk to him freely and totally forgot about her frustrated friend.

"heechul-sshi!" she said.

"hmmm" he was swinging his legs looking at the students yet to the sky but not at her face.

"I was at fault when I scolded you that day! I was really upset!" she stopped waiting for a response, but to no avail, he was doing the same, showing no interest in her words.

"and I've figured that you tried to help me, I'm so thankful to you! But…" she stopped hoping for a response again!

"but what?" finally, he replied to her.

"I hope you didn't get a wrong impression on me!" she said and the shyness covered her face.

"well, sorry to say that, but yes!"

She didn't reply him because she did all what she can! So she was frustrated about his self confidence!

'is he waiting me to kiss his hand too? Really, what's wrong with him?'she thought.

"I owe you apology too, I haven't acted like what I did to you and to your brother…" he let a sigh after remembering his silliness!

"glad to hear it from you!" Jessica replied to him with much comfortable feeling, after all, he is the person with an intension!

"so, we are tie, let's start our friendship, can we?" Heechul said while stretching his hand to shake hers. She didn’t hesitate to shake his hand, she was happy when she knew he wants to start again with her!

"nice to meet you, Jessica-sshi! Can you be my guide?" he acted like if he met her for the first time which made her chuckle.

They had a chat together to know each other better, but as the time goes by, Jessica felt something in her, punching her exactly in her heart!

'Why this feeling suddenly pumped to me, again?!'

she turned her head left to right to find the person who flashed in her mind, but for her bad luck, she couldn't find him!

"I have to go to my class, heechul-sshi!" she excused herself politely.

"I'll send you home, is that fine with you?" he asked her with a soft smile.

She felt upbeat but she didn't want to be idiot, so she nodded slightly like if she still thinking about his propose.

"fine then, I'll wait you at the main gate…!"


She immediately headed to her class and sent a message to her father that she will go home with her friend, which again her father showed his approval without any effort to do so!! She again ignored the so-nice behavior of her dad!

'where is that STUPID and CARELESS Jang su?' she sank in her thought and ignored the lecture, she was bored and thinking of Jang su was much better than listening to the lecture…for her point of view!


"sorry, am I late?" Jessica said while trying to catch her breath after running toward heechul. Heechul shook his head and they walked off the college together for the first time.

"is your home away from here?" heechul asked while pouting his lips looking at the buildings.

"not near and not far" she replied.

"I see."

"do you want to start our touring?" Jessica said excitedly at the idea.

"No, I have something to deal with…next time!" he said with a deep voice like if the thing he would deal with was seriously important to him.

"really! I was hoping to have a small tour! Never mind!" she said as if her all excited disappear. "oh!" she exclaimed

"what?" heechul stopped when he heard her shouting suddenly.

"I got the highest score in the class!! I was worried!" she jumped at the idea itself and squished her cheeks from the happiness. Heechul stared at her 'childish' movement and chuckled.

"how cute!" he said calmly to her which stopped her moves and made her clear ! He was staring at her for awhile which gave her unstable feelings for a bit.

"my home at the end of this road!" she point out at the meant place with a pout.

They walked until they reached her home.

"this is my home" she stood with her bright smile. "thanks for sending me here!"

"so…this is your home?!" heechul was amazed by how large her home and he didn't expect her to be so rich. He was speechless to the point that he couldn't move his eyes over her home at all!

"heechul-sshi?" Jessica cut his gaze and made him back to his sense.

"you're rich huh?!" he said like he still didn't believe his eyes.

"I can't say this by myself…but, yes!" Jessica said almost proud to have something with her that could people notice.

"I see, Ms. Richey! See you soon!" he said and waved his hand at her.

"don't call me with this name! it doesn’t sound good!" she stopped him.

"well…is Mr. Perfect fine then?" he turned his head to her with a sarcastic smile.

"well…I'll stop calling you, and stop calling me with it!" Jessica insist about clearing her name before his leaving.

He nodded to her then completed his way which made her smile ear to ear unknowingly.

'he's nice after all! Thanks…heechul-ah!' she thought and the smile still on her flawless face.

She entered the home and the happiness conquered her that she couldn't prevent herself from chuckling! But when she took off her shoe, she saw odd shoes and she immediately recall that her father had a meeting. She calmed herself before showing herself to them, but she thought they would meet in her father's home office.

When she entered the living room she saw two heads and couldn't recognize them because she saw their backs and barely saw their faces. She got a feeling that the back profile of the one of the guests, she knows it carefully, but she couldn't recall who it belongs to! after seeing her mother and father in her view she got hyper because she wanted to tell them how she managed to pass the hardest exam ever!

When her mother noticed her she draw a smile on her face and waved her hand to her.

"excuse me, but it seems that my daughter finally arrived home!" her mother excused the guests and went to bring her daughter along with her to greet them.

When she bowed to the guests and raised her head she stopped her breathing for a bit…for seriously a bit…like there is no tomorrow! Her eyes widened, her happiness disappeared, drought…and her brain stopped working!!

'this is impossible…no way to happen!'she screamed in her mind!

"Jang su-sshi?!" she exclaimed and the words escaped .


hope you liked this chapter <3

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />