Final chapter...part 2...

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


Final chapter

Part 2


After like one month from the incident

Heechulwent back to his hometown with his best friend that shared with him the hardships-hong ki. He made a promise to Yoona that if he got a time, he will definitely go there to meet her…and probably to say "hi" to his mother.

He will work harder for his father sake, he will pay off for the years and the days that he wasn't there for him, he will show him that he finally…and after a long time, knew that his father deserves the best and only the best! No matter what happened in the past…the future in our hand, in our grasp! He will go on with this motor…he will build up his life that he wasted….he will start on…for him. he will no longer live differently from his father's, he will live as one world…and he will find the right girl who will support him, it's just about time…and time will pave his right road…finally

Yoona, on the other hand, organized her thoughts, and will no longer be affected by her past…her mother, no matter how big her mistake was, she will be beside her to ease her pain. No matter how she yearn for the first love of her life, she will stop it…and will drive her whole attention, her whole emotions to the guy who stood there for her…siwon!

But for our couple

"so many bad things happened to us…" Jung su said as he leaned his back to the couch.

"but we controlled it! and…I think, happy things will happen to us…… the near future" Jessica replied as her hand encircled it around Jung su's rough palm.

"I went to see him today too…" he said, sorrow was in his voice, his sight was aiming it to the coffee table before him. the meeting that occurred before couple of hours replayed in his mind like a flash.

"is he better now?" she asked as her hand encircled it even more around his hand.

"yeah…much better, I went to your dad too…am really thankful to him!" he paused then stared at her after collecting his strength along with his courage then added

"your father said that he dropped the case because of us…even though he knew carefully that my father should get in jail, and it's his first time that his heart found place in this kind of circumstances" he let out a sigh after displaying the conversation.

Jessica's father dropped the case after what happened to Hyung mi. Jung su's father was like slowly losing his mind when he figured out that his company and all his wealth will be gone within a blink of eyes, but Tae san thought about it twice, he thought about Jung su's condition as well as his wife as known as his daughter! So he kindly replaced everything to its normal places and forgot everything regarding Hyung mi's plans and revenge.

This is how sometime people seems like…rough outside, but soft inside

"I'm really glad to know that my father still think about us after all….I hope your father will be fine by the days, don't worry"

"I hope so….I….." he shushed when he felt like there is no need to say what in his mind. It was annoying to Jessica to know that Jung su was holding some negative thoughts again and he was holding it back because he doesn't want to bother her!!

"what….tell me what is in your mind" she said softly and smoothly to him, trying to sit closer to him and to break every possible wall will prevent him from talking to her.

He let out a sigh then lowered his head as he was still not want to talk, but after the insist in Jessica's hands and eyes….he said,

"despite the fact that I really dislike the way my father living his life on….but I'm afraid to lose him too……the thought itself just kills me!" he paused then bit his lips furiously.

"I can't believe he gave me his company…I feel like he is doing this because he'll leave me soon!"

"jung su…jung su! Look at me baby!" Jessica raised her both hands and cupped Jung su's cheeks trying to divert his attention to her in her own delicate way….

"you promised me that those negative thoughts won't come across your mind again! stop thinking badly about your father's condition, he will be fine! he was just in trauma…maybe he felt how he was in a big mistake to live his life in a circle of revenge!" she paused and gazed him while flashing a smile to him assuring him more by her soft vibes. She dropped her hands and encircled them around his smoothly.

"Maybe he wants to apologize to you indirectly by giving his properties to you! Who knows how your father is thinking?! but I'm sure he will be fine! I'm sure of that! Since you didn't left him alone, since you showed him how you care about him no matter how bad he was to you! he will be fine…you can run the company so well, cause you're there for him, I'm here for you!"

A sigh of relief escaped both Jessica and Jung su's lips after the comforting words from the so kind wife~ when Jessica felt the heavy mood that conquered the place, she wanted to change it by teasing Jung su a little bit…

"I can't forget how you suddenly jumped on heechul and hugged him that day! it was SO unlike you!"

"how cheesy can you be?!" he cupped her cheeks then added "I think it's because of you…you're the one who pulled out the true Jung su out of me…you're the one who helped me indirectly, it's just…like that!"

"so~ I think I need a present then!" she continued on the teasing while raising an eyebrow, even though, her heart was beating like mad inner her over the happy fact he displayed! She has a great power…her love to him.

"a present or……a punishment?" he teased back, leaning forward to catch his treasure lips…

"I think there's no differences in your vocabulary…they are both gift to me~" Jessica thought to herself while closing her eyes waiting her snack as well….this girl can be cheesy as ever!


Out of blue, their door bell rang which made jung su cut his about-to-kiss-move.

"ugh! who's coming now?!" Jung su said furiously as his moment was completely ruined. He instead printed a kiss on her forehead then went to open the door following it Jessica who was witnessing the visitor.

The surprise was….

"Oppa?!......OPPA!!!!" Jessica who was standing away from the door, witnessed her Oppa's face clearly and with a blink of eyes she ran toward the door to greet him by herself leaving Jung su stunned at his place.

She hugged him powerfully, expressed her missing by her embrace…oh god! Where the hell was her brother all this time?!

"come in!" Jessica said as she pulled him in. her bright up personality made Jung su smiled unknowingly! Did really Jessica made him smile just as simple like that?! This is love~

"this is your home?" Donghae said pouting his lips as he witnessed the place around him.

"and this is Jung su, Oppa!" Jessica surrounded her arm around Jung su's and pushed him toward her brother….proudly?! well yeah~

Donghae gave Jung su a look that didn't please Jessica neither Jung su himself but he preferred to shush and witness what will come more from this mysterious brother!

"when will you divorce her?" donghae asked, firmness was filling his voice and his gaze.

"what are you talking about?" Jessica asked, disbelieve in her voice.

"Isn't he the one who messed up your life?"

"where were you when all of that happened?! you were in nowhere! You were disappeared! And now, when you suddenly showed up…you're asking him divorce out of concern to me?!"

"Jessica…you know my condition the best!"

"no…I don't know it, you promised me that you'll be there whenever I need you! but you didn't keep that promise!"

"and I'm seriously sorry for that! I was arranging myself and my life! I want to depend more on myself! And now I'm here because I want to settle everything back normally!"


"Jessica…it's ok, let's drink coffee first!" Jung su said and cut Jessica's words off, holding Jessica's hand warmly and dragged her to sit on the couch.

"nice to see you….her oppa!" Jung su said with a warm smile, trying to cool up the mood between them! He still doesn't know his name!!

"I'm not here for drinking, I'm here because….I missed her and I want to be sure that she's living her life as it should be" donghae said looking at the vase, escaping their views.

"I know, and she probably knows that….but she likes to reproach the one she loves, don't blame her….she missed you too" Jung su said. He stretched his hand out as a sign to donghae to sit on the couch. After biting his lips, donghae finally sat next to Jessica.

"you can really express your concern in a better way, oppa! I'm living really well with him, and he isn't messing up my life!" she said pouting over how her brother was acting so rude to her husband which she felt offended to it somehow….and it was seriously like their first time meeting!

Why he can't be approachable like how the others are?! She thought aggressively.

"before I came to you, my dad calls me..." Donghae said, breaking the silence which made Jessica raising her head all at once to see him…she was shocked and pleased at the same time….

YES, it's definitely the good news are coming to us bit by bit!

"I guess…I'll leave you guys talking privately, take care of yourself Jessica" Jung su said as he stood and left the place for them.

Donghae was really appreciate how Jung su left them politely and how he was totally patient over his rude manner before couple of minutes but he couldn't describe that to him…

"what did he say?" Jessica asked, scanning her brother's face carefully.

"he said….that whenever I feel like I want to get back home, he will gladly accept it….he will welcome me!! I don't know if he's joking, but his voice was serious to my ears!"

"he changed Oppa! A lot of things happened and it changed him! he means it by his heart! He wants you to return, believe me!"

"do you think so?"


"do you love him? are you living happily with him?" out of blue, donghae asked softly wanted to know about her life.

"do you know how it feels like when you finally find something missing?"

"what kind of feeling is this?!" he chuckled over the thought, he couldn’t even imagine it! what kind of comparison was this?

"maybe the word love isn't enough to me… you wouldn't believe me if I say I can't live without him! he'smy world…how can you live without a world, oppa?"

"wow…just wow sica! You're really in love to say words like a poetry! What kind of a guy is he?"

"You're asking too much! Describing him in 1 minute isn't enough for me….I'll leave that to you to discover him like how the others did!"

"O~K…" he patted her hair. He was happy to hear by her own mouth that she lives the life she wanted to…he was pleased to know that he will get back home, he will be surrounded by his parent…and his sister once again!!

"I think…I'll introduce you to my girlfriend soon~" he said as he stood up to leave her.


"Sunye~ she's so kind, I think you will love her…as how I, without warning, fell in love with her!"

"OPPA!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Jessica stood facing him, trying to read his expression if he was telling a lie or not….but he wasn't!

"congratulation! You finally….!" She hugged him slightly as how seriously her life started to be brightened not bit by bit…but step by step!

"don't make me regret telling you that! Don't overact!" he warned her but amusement in his voice.

Out of blue, Jessica felt dizzy and sat on the couch holding her head while biting her lips. She felt that her legs were drugged and her sight was blurred.

"Jessica…what's wrong?"

"nothing…am fine"

"no you aren't! your face is started to pale!" Dongahe knelt down to be at her level to scan her face clearly, and indeed her face was paling by seconds!

"I…I want Jung su!"

"are you out of your mind? I'll send you to the hospital, why are you waiting him?"

"I don't want to go…I'm fine, I need him…I need to…….tell him something!"

"give me his contact number! How stubborn!"

After giving him the number, donghae immediately called Jung su. While he was speaking, Jessica immediately ran to her room…or specifically to the bathroom.

"Jessica!" donghae shouted at her when he saw how she ran suddenly!

What has gotten to her?!

After like exactly 7 minutes, Jung su entered the apartment frightfully and gasping for air from the running, looking right to left searching for Jessica, but she wasn't in sight!

"how fast!" Donghae whispered to himself.

"where's she?" Jung su ignored donghae's remark and asked him firmly.

"in the bathroom I guess" then he whispered to himself when he saw how Jung su was like running to his bedroom "I think good news is coming to your way man!"

Without saying anymore words, he broke the bedroom and knocked twice at the bathroom door calling her name out continuously.

"Jessica…honey, open the door! Jessica…what happened? are you ok? Can you hear me? Jessica!"

After his nonstop words, Jessica paused him when she opened the door quietly, revealing her pale face slowly.

"Jessica! Look at you! are you ok?!"

"it's ok…don't worry!"

"are you feeling unwell? Let's go check on you!"

"no no! I'm fine believe me!"

He raised his hands and cupped her cheeks softly…

"let's go to the hospital…you can't stay here while you're in pain! I can't leave you like that!"

She raised her hands up while holding a white small tool, showing it to jung su which made him dropping his hands in bewilderment…he was in his utmost confusion!

"what is this?"

"don't you…know it?"

"seriously don't panic me….what is this?!" he was slowly losing his patience when he witnessed how the tool was showing 2 rows respectively. He was worried like there was no tomorrow!

"Pregnancy test…….Jung su, I'm pregnant!" she said then lowered her head, hopefully this piece of news would ease his worries and kick it to the corner!

But his reaction was….Poker face!

"you're…what?" he said narrowing his eyes into hers, trying to read her mind…trying to understand her words literally!

"I'm….pregnant!" she bit her lips as the worries started to eat her up, she thought that Jung su wasn't ready for this, his reaction wasn't as if he was pleased by the news….at all! Oh god! Let it end peacefully!

He sighed…sigh after sigh, then he walked back and forth leaving her standing aimlessly contemplating his reaction. She was deadly worried! She wasn't expecting this to happen…!

"you're……what?" again…same question with same tone and same action-holding his head by his both hands. His expression was stiff…so stiff!

"Jung su…why are you acting like this?" she said while biting her lips and stiffened her jaw, almost dropping the tool from her hand. But he wasn't even paying attention to her words. He went out of the room, heading to the living room…..

what made her raising her head at once that she heard a scream!!

Jung su went to the living room and screamed! What a weird guy!


"jung su!" she whispered to herself, as a whole mountain was released from her chest, her heart was beating faster by the time….she couldn't describe how her world was brightened to her…how the life was clapping it hands to her….how her view after being blurred turned out to be so colorful!God….love is really powerful!

Jung su and donghae came to the room with their smiles drawing on their faces! Jung su couldn't waste any time, he came near her and carried her while spinning her like a madman! He was smiling like an idiot if there is any good description for that!!

"stop it! stop it!" Jessica said while surrounded her arms around his neck strongly.

He stopped then stared at her eyes…his eyes were telling one thing, he really cares for her, he really loves her!

"when did you know it? Why you didn't tell me earlier?!" he said as his hand was moving it on her hair, the other hand encircled it around her waist pulling her closer to him.

"yesterday, I went to the hospital by myself…you were really stressed I couldn't ask you to send me to the hospital! And when I knew about it…I couldn't tell you because there wasn't any good time!"

"you took so much time to share this with me!"


He pulled her to an embrace still couldn't believe it! their lives started to brighten…. stride by stride.

"ehm ehm….so, I'm going to be an uncle?! How great this is sound!" dongahe said. He was happy for them, he was happy for them by his heart! His little sister….is growing up now!

Jung su moved his hand after breaking the hug on her abdomen, trying to feel the baby inside her.

"it's too early to feel him!"

"is the baby a boy?"

"how could I know? It's still either too early to know the baby's gender!"

Jung su couldn't close his mouth, his lips were curving up despite his own willing. He looked at Jessica with so much love, so much care that exploded in his sparkling eyes!

"I think~ I should get go~" donghae said then left when they nodded to him, they were seriously not even concern if he stays or leaves! They were already in their own world!!!

"I….I want to name the baby!" Jung su added the moment donghae left them

"if she's a girl…I want to name her, Hae jin!"

"Hae jin? Why?" Jessica was pouting unknowingly, but deep in her mind, this name was familiar to her ear but she couldn't recall!

"my mother's name….I want to name her Hae jin!" Jung su explained and killed every worried within Jessica before it started to increase.

"oh! Yeah…sure! But…what if the baby is a boy?"

"then…I'll leave that to you!"

She smiled at him while thinking about a name…


"juje? What is this?"

"jung us and Jessica! Juje!"

"you can't name him that!"

"I think that too….what about hmmmm, Jongwoon?"

"it's quite….nice!"

"by the way baby, my brother's name is Donghae…DONG HAE, not "her oppa"! Why are you so weird!" she said teasing him.

"how could I know his name when you are only calling him… oppa …oppa?!"

"fine! You know it now!"

"I think this news is like a turning point to our lives…everyone will be pleased by this news! from our families to our friends! can't wait to see their reactions!" Jung su said while printing a kiss on Jessica's forehead, giving her the warm and the safety feelings she needed the most at this moment.


"I love youJessica!"

""more than anything in this worldJung su


Satisfied was all in their sigh and relief was all in their breath.




first of all, I really enjoyed writing this fic till the last letter of this story...I was able to continue writing it because of your supports and your encourgement words

so thank you to whoever reads it, to the people who always commenting <3333 ...for the people who subscribe to the story 

 ^^I hope this journey wasn't really heavy and tense...well at least for the final chapter...I hope the final was satisfying to your imagination 

I hope too that the messages that I want to delivering it through this whole story is dilevered successfully ^_^ 


finally, I'm about to write a new fiction , just I'm planning the plot and the outline~ I don't know the details but what I'm sure about that it's a comedy-romance =D


so, I hope I'll see your support in the near future <3


thank you guys, you're the BEST

we can't change the past, but we can change our future

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />