Chapter ..19..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

Everything was so smooth on the other side of the life, where Yoona lived. Nothing really active her or made her life change as how her best friend's life turned within a blink of eyes. Since she didn't see Jessica for so long, she couldn't resist the urge of seeing her or delayed her request for another day.

She invited her boyfriend for sure to company her and of course the one who lives with him. and for the latter it would be obviously that his answer would be NO, but after various attempt from his right and left friends of persuading him to join the meeting, he couldn't refuse no longer.

Frankly, not because of Yoona's and siwon's attempt but it was most likely to his own desire. He misses her, and he couldn't admit it, but every inch and part of his body said so. He wants to chills up the fire of wanting to see her, to make sure she lives happily, she doesn't need anything…she doesn't need him!

And here they were, standing pressing the button of the bell waiting their missing friend to appear to them. After pressing it twice, the door opened widely with a fake smile behind it. The smile that they adore..and miss. but it didn't deceive Yoona and heechul that it held so much more than a pure smile! just the only one who believes it was siwon.

An embrace was like a word that describe how Yoona and Jessica missed each other.

"oh my god, I miss you sica!" Yoona went on as she encircled her arms around Jessica's back, resting her head on the latter shoulder.

"me too….me too" Jessica's voice faded as well as her power on holding her friend's back. She just wanted to be in that position to rest her emotion away from her. she just wants a hug…no matter who is the one she hugs.

After realizing what she was doing, Jessica broke the hug and hugged siwon lightly as well and told the two to enter her home. When it was Heechul's turn to be greeted, the stare was their only words to be spoken. She was actually didn't put in her mind that heechul would ever step in her apartment, to her surprise, her thoughts were all invalid.

She was sure, Jessica was sure that she could feel her heart skipped a beat when her eyes met heechul's. there was nothing but consideration and sadness upon it…nothing but these both feelings.

"long time no see…heechul-sshi!" she said wanted to break the awkward silence that covered their spot. Jessica flashed a smile to him wanted to break his freezing steps.

"yeah…nice to see you!" he replied and didn't hesitate to walk in, ignoring her smile.

if his feelings were playing a big role in his self right now, he couldn't deny what his mind was flashing to him at that moment and how his mind was like analyzing her eyes…just her eyes were speaking and telling that she needs someone! He couldn't do a thing over that sudden breeze and just walked in, ignoring any other analyzing!

"woaah Jessica, your apartment is amazing! So organizing!" Yoona said scanning the place around her with admirable eyes. Jessica smiled at her and sat on the couch facing siwon and heechul leaving Yoona scanning the place admiring it by her own.

When Yoona's eyes placed at the vase-that clearly holds a funny story behind- she gasped.

"I have to be sure that you will buy a vase…ugh! for god's sake, do your love for flowers contiguous to him as well?" Yoona asked unbelievingly at how her friend couldn't resist staying away from the flowers she loves.

Upon hearing what Yoona said, Jessica immediately chuckled at her friend's words. Remembering what had happened when they decided to place the vase either in the living room or in the bedroom. It was hilarious for Jessica to hold back her laughter. That was her first ever bickering with Jung su…obviously over something silly~

"what? what so funny about what Yoon said?" Siwon asked and the smile was drawing on his face. he stared at Jessica as if he wants to laugh either with her! he was anticipating her answer for god's sake!!!

"oh…oh…n-nothing really…but, I remembered the time when my mom visited us and brought this here, he was insisting on placing it in the bedroom… and we actually fought over this matter! But of course I'd win…and here we're, the vase is here!"

No one really laughed along with her, they really found it strange yet amusing at the same time. Because they wanted to pull it off, Yoona and siwon smiled an awkward smile just to not pass their awkwardness to the other around them.

Didn't smile for a bit, heechul didn't really amused over the matter that they were really in touch to degree that they had picked a fight!! A jealousy was eating him up over the thought itself. He sighed not knowing why he at first place came to Jessica's apartment. He should know that living at one place for more than 2 weeks would make such a situation between the both! He cursed himself as why he still thinks of her and why he should?!

"so…you guys are pretty close, right?" siwon, unknowingly asked, couldn't hold back his question that changed the atmosphere in Jessica's side for a bit. But she quickly draw a smile over her face that covered her disappointment.

"well…yeah! Don't worry! We are getting closer by the days…" she replied with a delightful voice and continued in her mind "watch us"

A scoff was like a reply to what Jessica said, heechul bowed his head after letting his sarcastic laugh that he couldn't control. A pinch was a gift for him from Yoona who witnessed how Jessica's expression changed over his vibe.

He didn't scoff to mock her, but to mock her still-dreaming-of-being-in-Jungsu's arms! He knows that there is more much than this smile, he thoughts that there is nothing like "they're getting closer"…he didn't or he just didn't want to believe it!

"excuse me for a bit" Jessica stood and headed to the kitchen to bring some dessert and juices for her guests….she found it a perfect time to escape the awkward moment that heechul put her and himself in it.

"YAH!" after Jessica disappeared in the kitchen, Yoona ran toward and sat near heechul, leaving him sitting in the middle between snippy and his cousin!

"how could you do that?" she turned her eyes to her boyfriend within a blink of eyes "and you! I warned you, you should never bring this matter up to her! why you both too careless for her feelings! You don't really know how she suffers while you make fun of her like that…you're her friends, you should support her instead!" Yoona said painfully trying to melt them and to warn them at the same time.

As for Yoona, she was with her for so long now, she could read her friend easily no need from Jessica to spell words to make Yoona understands her. yes it was that easy for Yoona, but there are always expectation for everything!

"when she tries to feel me and considerate how pathetic I'm…then I'll gladly exchange this care you're talking about….and, I'm not her friend, and I'll never be one!" heechul said while his eyes scanned the coffee table before him. his voice was harmless but Yoona could feel his harm someway! He was talking emotionlessly…it was clear that he wasn't heechul who spoke before couple of seconds. It was so clear that his jealousy what took over him and made him like a mindless man!

"heechul…what are you talking about?" Yoona couldn't believe that heechul reached a point where he can't even control himself on telling what in his mind…when he was barely could express himself with words, now, he speaks as if he own her, as if he own the world!

"leave this conversation that will lead to no place later, yoona!" siwon said after sensing the tension that rose between heechul and his girlfriend.

Jessica went out the kitchen holding a tray on her hands reaching to the spot where her friends filled it. she put the tray that held various of desserts on the coffee table as the sounds of gasping escaping her friends' mouths.

"did you make all of these?" Yoona intertwined her hands as if her eyes shaped like lollipop over the scene before her.

"yes! This is my first attempt though…hope it taste great!" Jessica prayed in her heart. "I wish if Jung su could taste it…" she thought.

After the three of them taste the pancake she made, they all wowed over the taste, even though it was her first try, but she really made a great job.

"it's great sica!" siwon said as he put another spoonful spoon in his mouth.

Apparently, Jessica didn't hear him. she was thinking and sinking in her own world once again. the scene that happened before couple of hours didn't evaporate from her mind yet. it was repeating through her mind again and again.

how life could be crucial on one person? How a memory could chase someone and what more, put a remark on him to make him remember that he still has painful past, still has a harsh incident!

That's why he doesn't own a car, doesn't like to go deep in his mother's death story with her; because it pained him, it takes him back to the memory that he with all his might wanted to forget, takes him back to the hateful memory that whenever he remembered; wished to back the time, wished to die over his helpless self that allowed his mother to pass on,…even though all his attempts are failed.

And that's why…he, whenever the chance in his hands, would risk his self to help who in need! Because he doesn't want the guilt to chase him, to follow him for the rest of his life…he simply doesn't want such feeling to be like a soul to him! when she saw him helped a completely strange girl when they were in high school. When she almost crashed under a speedy car, he didn't hesitate to run toward her! they might get hurt both, but he didn't give a damn to it! because if that happened, only GOD knows what might happen to this person.

this is how pathetic this person was…! Could really an incident change someone's personality? Could be that the memory that he always wanted to forget…change his attitude upside down? People aren't harsh for no reason, people aren't so nice for no reason, there must be a reason for everything that occurred in this planet, and of course what occurred in Jung su's life had a GREAT effect on his personality. Jessica always believe, everything happens for a reason…and that what led Jung su to what he is now, because of his painful past.  

"Jung su…where are you? I shouldn't open up the topic to him…even if I found out, I should keep that to myself!" Jessica zoned out and thought immensely.

"Jessica? Jessica?!" Yoona's voice cut Jessica's rope of thoughts and made her come to earth once again.

"yes?!" Jessica shook her head and stared at Yoona blankly. She was obviously not ready for any conversation. Jessica was deadly worried!

"again with this blank face!" Yoona said as she knew, blankness doesn't appear on Jessica's face unless she's in mess! But she preferred to not speak about what bothered her friend at this moment. "the pancake is tasty! You should cook even more!" Yoona said, complementing her best friend.

"do you think so? I'll try something new next time then" Jessica replied with a smile, breaking her blank reaction.

"Yoona…" Jessica asked suddenly.


"what happened to the camping? Aren't we going?" Jessica asked when Yoona's words replayed in her mind the day when they talked in the phone.

"YEAH!! I forgot to tell you about it" Yoona hit her head joyfully

"unfortunately Jessica, there isn't camping this year!" siwon interjected, scanning the one in question face.

"omg! really? Why?" Jessica nagged over the bad news.

"well, the first supervisor has to stay with his wife for her treatment…I got shock when I heard the news that she was struggling with the disease since so long!" Yoona said sadly over the news. "I hope she's fine!"

"the other supervisor couldn't make it either because he scheduled to travel overseas for some occasion! Gosh, this is the first time that they both have something at the same timeline!" Siwon completed what yoona wanted to say.

"ah….I see! I might pass my jinx for you guys" Jessica said with a sigh. She got the feeling that the cancelation of the camping was because of her jinx….she's nothing but trouble!

"stop it! you're talking as if it's your fault you idiot!" Yoona said immediately to her, wanting to erase from Jessica the bad thoughts that surrounding her.

They went on as to speak about what had happened since the last 2 weeks and how they spent it. Yoona was the most active in the hall! Didn't shut for a bit, not for a thing, but to let Jessica with them and to not let her swam in her thoughts.

After couple of minutes sharing their stories, the silence was shared by them all, nothing left to say just the voice of them chewing their foods and sipping their drinks.

Out of blue, Heechul's cell phone vibrates 2 times, led him to take out his phone from his pocket scanning the message he received. He frowned his eyebrows in disbelieve and in disquiet as well. What he read took him by surprise. Jessica was tracking his expression as well as the two sitting beside him.

"heechul, I think Tae won knows where your mother is, he told me to wait until he discovered it, but I can't hold back my words anymore…you're about to see your mother man ^^' "

All up sudden he threw his phone on the coffee table ignoring what he just read. Didn't want to damage his mood that he barely could regain! He wants to clear the thing regarding his sudden love…didn't want anything else to disturb him, even if it's for the reason that brought him to the downtown!

He could care less about it when it compared to his love "Jessica"…it seems he can't get rid off of this feeling! Well…2 weeks, 2 weeks were nothing to him but hell, they were most likely 2 days…2 hours of burning!

"heechul-sshi, is everything alright?" the words went out , wanted to know what was going on in his side, Jessica stared at him wanted just a stare back at least! Since she came from the kitchen, he could care less for scanning her face or seeing her when she speaks!

"thanks for asking, I would appreciate it if you stop acting so intimately as if you really care!" both heechul and Jessica enlarged their eyes of the harsh words he said. It wasn't him who said it, and it was clearly that Jessica hurt till her heart of his words!

Who said that? She cares for him…she cares a lot!

Heechul lowered his head of his unknowingly words that slipped from his tongue! What has gotten to him? he can't concentrate at all! What the hell did this Jessica do for this heechul?

"nothing happened…everything's fine" he said with a sigh trying to recover what he said earlier.

"glad….to hear that" Jessica said with faded voice.

The tension between these two has gotten high through seconds. They were fighting silently, through their hearts as well as their eyes. Yoona and siwon could feel the hot tempered between them which led Yoona to stand up and cut this dangerous game.

"OK! I think I need to talk to you Jessica! Some girly time…excuse us guys!" Yoona grabbed Jessica's hand and dragged her along to her room, wanting a private time with her.

"what? what's wrong?" Jessica followed Yoona blindly and asked her when they were finally at the room…solely.

"I'm the one who should ask this question sica, what's wrong?" yoona said as the both girls sat on the bed facing each other. Nothing in their eyes but worries. Yoori grabbed Jessica's hand to assure her that she is beside her.

"I'm…fine!" her voice was trembled suddenly, Jessica replied hesitantly as if she knows lying to her friend was a mistake.

"you are not! If you're as you claimed I won't be here wanting to know what has gotten to you!"

"believe me!"

"Please! Can't you see yourself? Look at your face, you're being so……miserable! Why? Did he do something to you? Did he hurt you?"

"no…he didn't!" Jessica replied quietly as she didn't dare to eye her friend who was deadly worried about her pale face.

"if I know that living with him at the same place would cause this much pain for you… I'd suggest to you to run away when you asked me to escape! I'd do that for real just to not see this face anymore!"

Yoona said and tightened her hand around Jessica's. seeing Jessica reaching to the point of not knowing her road, not knowing what to do, what happened to her…pained Yoona so much!

Jessica raised her head and stared straight into Yoona's eyes as if Yoona's words were hurting her, making her remembered more things…when her brother warned her, alarmed her of this all faked up marriage! What she should do when she already involved herself in it now? no more words…that's it!

"I wish you did that…I wish if someone kidnapped me that day so that I'd not be attached to him more than ever…I'd not be lagging and hesitant to move out from here! I become so much weaker by the day, Yoona!" Jessica said and the tears already shaped in her eyes, but she refused to let them out, to pour them down…but it hurts! It really hurts her to become this much of a girl…who cries over a guy over and over again! what kind of life is this?!

"you should stop it! you should move on…he never did single thing for you and yet you're clinging in his net, as if you're a fish wanting some mercy from the fisherman! He hurts you…he is living his life…while you…you're suffering for worthless person! Should that really happen?"

Yoona said with an overbear feeling and so much burning that covered her for what Jessica was spelling for her….what a trash!

"you know nothing Yoona! he did nothing for me, and he did not hurt me" even though she said it firmly and her voice was like defending Jung su, Jessica inside, deep inside, knows that what she said was WRONG!

But what she heard took her by surprise. It was like if the sword took off from the rock and everything placed at it normal place again.

"and that is the problem Jessica! THIS IS THE TWISTER!" yoona loud her voice, her patience was wearing thin over her friend clumsy! Siwon and Heechul could clearly hear the sudden shout in the room which stopped their little chit chat!

 GOD, could there be people like this Jessica?

"what?" Jessica asked and the fear of hearing the answer was obviously written in her eyes.

"he did nothing for you…to you! Didn't you see it strange? How could you fall in love with someone who barely gives you something? Who barely sees you as a girl? how could you still defending him while he doesn't even bother himself to do that for you?" Yoona paused for a bit and continued.

"you said to me…one day, this marriage…will end, you both will be separated. The only one who will be suffered from this divorce is YOU Jessica… he will continue his life with his still girlfriend who is hanging around with her!" she paused again when she witnessed how Jessica's eyes enlarged when the mention of Taeyoen existed her ears.

"how…." Jessica couldn't continue her question, but she fairly enough that the one word explain her following question.

"everyone knows about it Jessica! Everyone in the campus! The only people who got fooled by the fake story of you both are in love are your families! But…"

"they all think I'm the one who planned all of this to get close to him…right?" Jessica asked knowingly. She knows that they will understand it that way…and she was sure that the one who spread this rumor no other but Taeyeon herself!

Yoona sighed as a reply to her friend but she continued nevertheless…

"see…he's living his life, rumors are surrounding you…but he's careless about it! if I was you…If I was in your shoe…"

"what will you do?"

"If I was you…then I'd step over my heart, I'll move on…I'd moved on! I would choose the one who loves me over the one who I love…I'd choose the one who protect me over the one who would neglect me…I would, I'd choose the one who feel that I'm the world for him! I'd really goes for that man Jessica!"

"there is no such man Yoona, this man exist only in dreams!" Jessica said indifferently…but she was deeply touched by Yoona's words. She was feeling every bit of her words. It was like a fuel to a fire…to her heart that burned.

"If I was you…I would choose Heechul over Jung su…!"

Jessica lost in her staring that she exchanged with Yoona…there's nothing but bewilderment in it, shock, confuse…what more pain. Could Jessica be more confused? It's all complicated! All damn complicated!!

"eh!" Jessica uttered….nothing in her brain sent an understandable signal to …just this both!      

"Jessica…what am asking you for is, PLEASE! Open your eyes! Open your ears! Open them not for one person…but for the things around you! You're being not Jessica who I used to know! Open your heart…for the one who deserves to sit right there, for the one who cares!"

Yoona said firmly to her, wanted her words even if it didn't ring now to ring later, to make her return to her usual self! Even if she talks about him, she wouldn't be miserable…like someone who needs help! Like someone who's lost in the maze, lost in a dark tunnel searching for the light to find the right way!

"stop chasing him, Jessica!"

After these words, the air that surrounding them wasn't sufficient for Jessica…the shock of Yoona's choosing words were like a thunderbolt on Jessica, preventing her mind to work properly, prevent her to even blank! She was gasping…gasping for air that suddenly stopped reaching her lungs. What the…?!

"e-e-even…even you Yoona!" Jessica said separately, bowing her head in utmost shock and disbelieve.

"I swear I didn't mean it that way! I mean to stop……chasing him with your love! To stop loving him…because at the end the only one who suffers is you!" Yoona moved a little bit closer to her friend's side, holding her hand to assure her of her pure intention. But still…her choosing of words, she could describe her thoughts with better words if she watched !

"th-thank you for your concern! I appreciate it!" Jessica said and stood leaving Yoona's hand.

"let's go to them…I heard enough" Jessica completed with pissed off tone.

Yoona didn't want to argue much, she knows and god knows how Jessica wasn't in mood to hear any advises, but she couldn't handle seeing her like that at all!

They went out the room and both immediately smiled and faked it perfectly.

"I should know that girls are superior at talking, but not this much!" siwon commented with small laughter.

"I haven't seen her for awhile, I should talk to her even longer, but because of you guys…we couldn't have great chats!"

"snippy!" heechul said beneath his lips.

"I heard you Mr. Perfect!" Yoona said putting out her tongue.

"I told stop using this stupid name!" heechul said with a great amount of grim.

"calm down you both! GOD! Not here too!" siwon said to them but to no avail, they completed their bickering at Jessica's house!! This scene by itself made Jessica laugh from her bottom of her heart! She loves how Yoona knows how to handle sharp tongued people as well as heechul…they both are making perfect due- the snippy due!!

"don't forget to tell your mother what happened today either…'mom heechul did this and that, aww how awful is he, aww Jessica cooked for us and it tasted good' you biggest idiot I've ever seen!"

For some reason, Jessica felt as if this words were saying to her indirectly, he was complementing her cook indirectly! She smiled at his way of imitating Yoona's voice, and hoped what she felt was true!

"OMG!! you dare to imitate my voice you jerk!! And…you too! don't forget to drink till you become numb and makes me sleep over your place because you'd drag siwon in your war with your bottles!! AAAAHHHHHH YOU BASTARD!"     

"KO!! STOP IT!!! We should get go! It's already late!" siwon said clapping his hands, gaining the attention from Yoona and Heechul respectively.

"I'll deal with you later…PERFECT!" Yoona said pouting her lips out. Nothing was said to her but a sarcastic smile.

"nothing will happen later!" siwon said pulling yoona to his side closer as he put his arm on her shoulder.

"I promise you that next time would be better than this one!" Jessica said guilty eating her up, she felt how bored her guests were!! She couldn't help it, something happened ruined what she was already planning to do with them…plus, the appearance of the senseless guy was playing a big role in her destruction!

"sorry guys!" she said as she bid a farewell to them respectively until her eyes met heechul's.

"If I was you…I'd choose heechul over Jung su"

Yoona's words suddenly ran through her mind making her shiver.

"sorry if I bothered you" she completed, her eyes connecting with him firmly.

He nodded didn't want to open his mouth that could ruin the mood even more. The reason for coming to her still making him cursing himself!

They closed the door and disappeared behind it, but Jessica couldn't move. she heaved a sigh as how her body felt heavy suddenly, and how the incident was like tying her down to the point she couldn't move her leg…

My leg? 

She remembered how he carried her…DAMN IT, she screamed closing her ears by her hands, sliding down the wall…doesn't want to remember anything, doesn't want to recall anything good he did for her!

"she doesn't know anything…anything!!!" she screamed as she shut her eyes closed. didn't want to recall anything regarding the conversation that happened earlier…or what jung su did for her, it made her helpless too, she wants to get out his net that tying her in every possible way…but for each memory with him…she falls powerless over his hidden charms! Could that really happen to her? why is life so cruel? So cruel to the point she couldn't even explain!!

Tears were the answers for her countless questions. She couldn't fight her tears back that whenever she feels vulnerable, her tears would be like her true instrument.

"Jung su…" during her sobs…Jessica said his name, it's not like her first time, but this time was obviously holding different cause and reason. it wasn't only love in her tears…there was sadness, hurt, pain, misunderstanding and what more pity! She pitied him! the feeling that he hates the most was covering her for him!

"if I could just enter your heart…if you just let me near you spirituality, I would do my best to ease your pain….I wouldn't promise you that I'll take your pain away…but, I'll try hard to make you share it with me, so that…so that you would not handle this alone!"

Sitting closer to the door, couldn't stand up…her legs were drugged. She was powerless to the utmost limit. It seems even after what Yoona said, her thoughts were tied up to Jung su…and only Jung su.

Out of blue, the door's bell rang which made her blank…could that be Jung su? When she thinks about him, he appeared?

But…he has the keys?

Without thinking, the power in all the world gathered in her, without looking at the door's hole, she opened the door and erased her tears by her hands…but the person before her took her by surprise.

"h-h-heechul-sshi?!" she said and the sobs were preventing her to spell her words simultaneously.

A blank stare was an answer for her not sure voice. He was literally shocked but he tried to hide his reaction! What the hell made her cry?

"So…you're waiting us to leave, to pour down your tears?" heechul asked scanning her red eyes.

"what?" Jessica was understanding what he said…but to confirm it, she asked.

"I forgot my phone here…can I?" heechul diverted her attention to the coffee table where he pointed at.

"yeah…sure!" she said opening the door wide open, erasing the tears that still clung on her face.

He entered and took his cell phone and put it in his pocket. Instead of he leaving, he stood staring back at her with a worried sight.

"Jessica…" he parted his lips with a voice that could take any girl to the melting world…to the world of dreaming, where nothing but warmness.

"I told you before, I'm the one who will be for sure near you whenever you need meI already regret the word that I haven't uttered to you, the word that my heart wanted you to hear….but I can't help it now, everything is already out of control for me…so, be sure…I'm here whenever you in need"

He said as the warmness softened his face, made him looking at her only with the utmost care he ever look at someone with. He was wanting to assure her with his own words by his own way.

But what she said made him speechless to the utmost point!!

"I wasn't crying!! Please, if you took your item, then please…could you leave me alone? Because I really need self time" Jessica said firmly to him. no emotion, no feeling, nothing but stiffness.

He sighed understanding her behavior, but he couldn't deny how hurtful he was, how pathetic he was! And he hates it with all his heart.

"yeah…you weren't crying, all of the moisture on your face that dropping from your eyes is because you were washing your face…I believe it!" he said mockingly and yet the concern was all in his voice.

"please…" Jessica pleaded again, tears betrayed her and dropped over her face, making her moving her face to the other side hiding her "washing face".

"I don't know who is doing this to you, even though I could tell who exactly is… and I don't want to jump to conclusion either…but, you look so miserable in every possible way! if you see yourself in the mirror you could tell what am talking about…" heechul said scanning her profile that shed tears uncontrollably.

He moved till he reached where Jessica was standing…he wanted to erase her tears by his bare hand…but he stopped his vibe! He has nothing to do with her, when she herself didn't say a word to him, so why he puts his nose in? even though, he already doing it!

"the reason why I……." he paused. Jessica's back still facing him. he could see how trembling she was! But he went on.

"well, I shouldn't say this word to you, but…the reason why I hold this feeling for you is because, I really find myself! I really like myself when I'm around you…like there's nothing exist in this whole world, just me and you…" he paused when he heard her gasping…her shocking was preventing her from swallowing or breathing normally. Does she deserve his love? His purest and deepest one?

Her heart was beating as the blood was rushing in her veins making her shaking nonstop. His words were full of warmness which made her felt how hot the weather was! But why she was shaking? It's all conflict!! It pressured her even more how he covered her with his love…his care!

"and today…I didn't feel like I'm with the one who I used to feel I'm with! You were like another girl, making me a complete stranger! I hate it when it happens this way!"

Nothing was valid to her, did he really express himself to her? said what he wanted to say? Making her blank? What has gotten to him to make her stuck in dilemma! It's all hard on her, made her shouting for air!

She finally turned herself to see his face, to scan his expression…his warmness that she needs.


His presence made her shiver, made her froze for some reason! Made her recall what Yoona told her! made her eyes opened as well as her ears!!

 "If I was you…then I'd step over my heart, I'll move on…I'd moved on! I would choose the one who loves me over the one who I love…I'd choose the one who protect me over the one who would neglect me…I would, I'd choose the one who feel that I'm the worldfor him! I'd really goes for that man Jessica!"

These words were ringing…ringing and ringing like there's no tomorrow! Her blank stare made heechul parted his lips once again…

"I got it…..I'll leave you by yourself, but please, don't pressure yourself!" he said gently to her, leaving the place for her…heading toward the open door.

His legs suddenly glued to the ground, no more steps to go for. No more words were said…as if the world really paused at this particular moment. he lowered his head to his abdomen and to his surprise what made him stop both arms surrounding his waist tightly…tighten his waist and prevent him from moving.

Jessica ran the moment heechul was almost heading toward the door and encircled her arms around his waist as if she telling him to not go…to not leave her…her tears were leaving spots on his back. He heard her sobs and that what made the gravity under him gluing him more.

Was the person who told him to leave was the same person who is holding him? strange!

"please…I need someone…I need you…I really need you" she said saparetely as her breath with choking searching for oxygen to inhale.

"Jessica…" heechul mumbled achingly. Her voice ached him, her needs ached him, her tears pained him.

On the other hand…when the world still pausing, still searching for air to breath…to continue living…

The door closed quietly, shockingly, and most of all disbelievingly.

It seems that life is cruel…on one person! There's no way to return back, no way to return


thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />