Chapter ..18..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


"Taeyeon…you came already?" Jung su flashed a smile when Taeyeon was standing in between Jung su and Jessica…. Apparently not amused by the scene before her.

"woah! Really impressive!" Taeyeon retreat impatiently clapping her hands. She was gazing Jung su with so much aggressiveness that he could feel with her unblinking eyes.

"you can have a seat here, don't misunderstood the situation, baby" Jung su stood and grabbed her shoulder to make her sit beside him. but she pushed him and took off his hands angrily.

"what are you doing eating your launch with her? what about our date? What are you thinking off?" Taeyeon shouted at him, her grim with pushing to the edge.

Jung su didn't like how she reacted, though he understand what she felt at that moment.

"Taeyeon, I will explain everything to you…just sit down now…people are watching!" Jung su said firmly, his patience was wearing thin through each second passing by.

"huh! Watching? I don't care! And…why can't you complete your date with her….because I'm no longer in your life…your pro…" she paused dreadfully when she felt Jung su's firm gaze was aiming at her. she was sure he was now no longer in his usual-self with this gaze!

"I said…sit down!" Jung su said through gritted teeth, trying to compose himself.

Jessica could feel the hard mood that swayed between them. So without further hesitation, she carried her hand bag and her black coat then stood excusing them to leave, leaving them bickering alone.

Taeyeon stared at her with so much hate that Jessica could sense immediately.

"you sure you're happy, what you're aiming to is happening now…right? don't act so cool Jessica…I'm leaving! Continue your date with him because I don't want to disturb your plan by drifting him away from me you little wanton!" she said while her eyes on Jessica's who felt Taeyeon's words as knives aimed directly at her heart.


"DON'T….JUST…don't talk to me!!" Taeyeon interrupted Jung su, she was possessive and aggressive to the point she couldn't control herself! She couldn't handle seeing Jessica sitting with Jung su…at all!!

Taeyeon left with her strong steps that showed how she was pissed off. Jung su followed her trying to stop her from moving by grabbing her wrist but again, she took off her hand with her impatient face.

"Please Jung su…leave me alone! This isn't the first time you forgot something regarding me! so please…leave ME!" she paused while bowing her head trying to hold her harsh words back, plus remembering how Jung su seems to neglect her. when she organized her thoughts cautiously she added firmly to him.

"you promised me…that even after this fake marriage you won't leave me and you won't break up with me! you promised me….. that you'll try hard to be with me, and no one will be in between us…but….but why am I hearing something and seeing something different?!" Taeyeon said with a sad tone, Jung su was speechless, couldn't say anything to her! "please Jung su…let me be!"  

"ugh!" Jung su sighed as he let her walk on her own while standing helplessly behind her. he couldn't stop her because he didn't know what to say to her, how to bring up an excuse for his act. He preferred to see her shadow faded away.

when he returned to the table where Jessica was standing shockingly- still affected by Taeyeon's words- he looked at her face that paled and apparently zoning out.

"are you done?" Jung su asked while standing beside her trying to divert her attention.

He was trying to refresh himself, but it seems everything isn't so good since he saw…Jessica sleeping on the coach with her tears, his father and his words that always ringing in his mind, and finally frustrated Taeyeon because of his usual forgetfulness!

She nodded to him absentmindedly, her eyes placed at the table before her from the shock…she still confused yet in shock. When Taeyeon attacked her, Heechul immediately ran through her mind, remembering that day when he defended her. she felt so much warm upon remembering this part, she felt so much warm that she couldn't explain why this feeling was so strong…She needs him!!

"let's go then" Jung su replied to her with expressionless face leading her to the gate to walk out the restaurant.

After couple of minutes of walking mutely…

"walking on feet is much better than riding a car…isn't it?" Jung su said, trying to find any topic to talk about while they were heading to their apartment. He felt how Jessica was feeling, he felt how Taeyeon's words were really harsh to her…but, he couldn’t defend her…he must stuck with the plans…he has to desperate her….this plan was so harsh to him!!

a silence was a reply to him. after a few seconds…

"don't you have a car? Walking too much isn't too good too! Don't you know?" Jessica after kicking out her thoughts, she felt that her leg started to be heavy which is a sign for her to limp..! she felt so stressed to walk in such way with Jung su! Even though, she did before but she didn't give that much attention since she thought that he didn't observe it.

"No, I don't" Jung su replied firmly to her, making her feel how his words were strict for no reason in her point of view!

"why he sometimes acts so strict over something silly?! Lily…car…what a jerk!" Jessica thought.

After the twice car accidents that happened to him, he gave up riding a car. It was a trauma for him to sit and drive, he still not over the nightmare and the ghost of his past yet. whenever he needs a ride, he just calls a taxi or tells his father for a short journey…but that rarely happens anyway.

He felt a bit imperfect when Jessica asked him that, even though, little did she know. He hates the idea of him being imperfect…but after all, he kicked the so caring thought of him being the perfect-man in the other's eyes…or specially in Jessica's eyes! 

"you're already old enough to have one!" she stopped her steps not to argue with him, but to take a break from walking, her leg was literally heavy from this continuous walking. She gasped for air and felt the pain spreading her leg all up sudden. She bowed her head to hide her pain expression from him.

"I'm unique, that's why! why should I have one? If I need anything…" Jung su stopped his lameness when he witnessed how Jessica's expression changed within second. He tracked her bit by bit and couldn't hide his curious at all.

"what's wrong?"

She raised up her head immediately when his worries existed her, and shook her head to deny it. she inhaled and exhaled then smiled to him, nevertheless, he was doubtful of her reply but he continues his walking. Suddenly, she parted her lips and said something confused Jung su extremely.

"what kind of boyfriend are you? How could you leave her when she was in her worst condition…when she needs you? Huh!" Jessica said trying to compose herself and her words. She was trying hard to act really cool but somehow, the tone she used was obviously like jealous and irritating at the same time.

Jung su peeked a little at her while smirking at her words.

"what kind of a lover are you? Trying to push the one you love away? HUH!" he said mockingly copying her way of talking yet there's a test in his tone.

"HUUUH! Lover? Whose lover? Oh please! Don't make me laugh!" she poked his arm jokingly, it seems she took this habit "the pinching" from her best friend…Yoona.

Jung su stunned for seconds over her so free acting with him but he continued walking to not make the mood between them awkward more than it should be….but he was smiling, yes…he smiled a little for her vibe!

"but seriously…" Jessica said while pouting her lips thinking about what had happened minutes ago. "how could you leave her…you promised her…you're not the type whose breaking his promises, right?" she said almost talking to herself, her tone was low and she was looking at the road before her, not daring to look at him.

she sure heard the conversation between them back there and that what made her shock…to know what Jung su promised Taeyeon and how he really in love with her as how she detailed it.

"yes I'm…." he simply, without further thinking replied to her. Jessica's shocked expression was covering her face for his plain reply, she widened her eyes not believing how fast his answer was! WHAT?

"you have to rip off the image you took about me…I'm not that kind, I'm not that faithful, I'm not that handsome and reliable guy…anymore" Jung su said while focusing his dark eyes on hers. She felt the goosepumps all over her skin, the breeze was cold yet it paused and melt from her shocked face. the stare between them was like endless.

Jung su's words were said in purpose, he wants really to break the image she took about him. he feels sorry for her, he didn't want to break her down all at once! He still…thinks about her feelings after all.

"why are you saying this? You're not bad…no…YES…I mean YOU'RE BAD…but not THAT BAD!" Jessica unknowingly finding herself defending him, more likely trying to convince herself than him. she felt embarrassed, but she has to say what she feels!

Jung su smiled at her words and her reaction. He just didn't want to talk about this matter much longer so he favored gazing at her and her blank face.

"let's go" Jung su grabbed her wrist and walked down the street.

Seconds and minutes passed by and the silence was the only thing they shared. Jessica was from time to time sneak a peek on him, scanning his profile…but this time, she was walking while admiring him, thinking about him…

he's handsome…yes…he's that handsome! I'm sure he's that kind too…why he tried to distort his image?! What is he thinking off? NO… he's that faithful and kind! YES HE'S!!!

she moved her stare away from his profile and stunned over her thinking when Jung su noticed how Jessica's eyes stuck on his face. she raised her hand and put it on her heart, this pounding won't stop no matter how she tried…moreover it increases whenever he existed her mind! He's near her! how could she deal with thinking and the existing of the person himself with her?! this is really…really SO hard for her to handle!

Love…is a strong word, with a strong wave of emotions, trying to kill this love or kick it simply useless! What should I do? Despite of what he said and did…I always excused him…could something like that happened? Am I blind?  Am I deaf? Don't want to see what he does nor hear what he says…just I want to live high in the sky with my dreams…ugh!

 Out of blue, with her train of thoughts…she froze till her toes, everything was freezing so freaking much. Her thoughts and her steps froze when she witnessed in her view a creature she hates the most. Everything around her was blur except this creature!

Jung su didn't notice Jessica's pause until when he turned his head to his left he didn't see anyone which led him to turn back and to see a dread person trembling nonstop circling her arms around her upper body. He quickly moved his legs back toward her. he put his hands on her shoulders shaking her trying to make her gain her consciousness.

"Jessica…Jessica! What's wrong? Jessica"

There wasn't a plain reply from the latter. But what she could do is kneeling down on her knees from her frightfulness. She put her both hands on her ears shaking nonstop, her tears found an escape to run out like a river on her red cheeks.

Jung su, the one who was blindly following her moves didn't know what just happened! He felt paranoid over her sudden tears and her trembling. he raised his hands on her head but didn't know why he was hesitate to put it on…he was trembling the latter too!

"what's wrong?" he asked her once again with a gentle tone.

When the tears and the shaking were the only reply to him, he pulled her to his chest, hugging her to pull off from her the sudden fear that conquered her. even though, this hug didn't do a favor to her at all, however, she clung on him and surrounded her arms around his arm as if she told him to protect her…to not leave her here.

When he felt her arms around his, he gasped and wanted to break the hug but something inside him told him to stay closer to her, and don't leave her! he moved his eyes left to right patting her back hesitantly.

Does this really happened?! Does…does…this really happened?he thought while enlarging his eyes with stunning feelings. What is he talking about?

When the dog barked and made it way to them she clung even more onto him which led him immediately to understand what kind of situation she was in! he took of her arms and turned to the dog's direction.

She circled herself and closed her eyes strongly while her tears still running down nonstop.

He saw the dog and his owner, he politely stepped forward to the lady and told her to move away from here since his wife has some kind of disease regarding animals, specially dogs. The lady didn't argue much and smiled at Jung su for his care then walked her dog a little bit away.

Jung su quickly returned to where Jessica was sitting and patted her head with a warm smile.

"don't worry….don't worry" he paused when he noticed that she opened her eyes slowly and looked at him. "he's no longer here! Don't worry! Now, stand up" he stood and stretch out his hand to help her standing. she bowed her head and erased her tears roughly from her cheeks. She was still shivering and couldn’t reply him.

"take my hand" he said warmly to her when she didn't reply him yet. as if he wants to remind her that he's still with her.

"I-I….I can't walk" she said searching for air, her arms surrounding her upper body tightly. She swallowed hardly over the fact she displayed.

"W-WHAT?" his shock was evidently in his voice, he knelt down at her level to catch a good view of her face.

"I…I'm sorry, but I'll try to stand" she leaned on the wall to stand but she couldn't from her shivering and the pain was increasing whenever she tries to.

Tracking her vibes with a shocking face, Jung su raised his hand and stopped her failing trails of standing by grabbing her wrist.

"stop…." he said to her. he took off his Jacket then put it on her shoulder trying to warm her more and to stop her trembling then piggy-backed her immediately without further hesitation. Putting his both hands beneath her legs.

Upon doing all of this, Jessica couldn't believe it at all…her heart was beating and hitting Jung su's back from the powerful pounding! Her eyes was holding a clear evidence of her –still-not-believing-that-jung su-did-that-to-me!

He's thatkind!        

She buried her head on his shoulder with a grin and encircled her arms around his neck, she wants to feel his warm, to feel his kindness, indeed, she felt it!

"are you fine now?" Jung su asked cutting her rope of thoughts after a distance of walking.

She nodded happily and buried her head even more.

"I see…." he ended it here, he was seriously speechless! upon walking, he bit his lips remembering how her tears were running down! He wanted to ask her what all this about? Why she couldn't walk? Couldn't walk!!

"when I was 7 years…." She parted her lips wanted to open her heart to him…she wants!

When he heard her voice existed his ears, he paused his steps which made her raising her head from her relaxing position. He peeked at her for a bit then focusing his attention on the road before him again and walked.

She pouted for a bit then buried her head on his shoulder once again, wanted to complete her slice of life…her story that she would share with him and to break the silence.

"there's that man who lived next door, he had a cute dog…I used to play with him like daily! My parent warned me because…they hate animals, and I don't really listen to what they lecture me! moreover, My Oppa…when he finished playing with his friends, sometime he joins me and the three of us played like forever…" she paused when she didn't find any hint of reply from the person who was carrying her. but she knows he like to listen till the end then if he has a comment…he will say whatever in his mind. He's THAT straightforward.

"one day, when I went to play with Jero…I mean the dog, he was so wild that day! I couldn't tell because I was still a kid who doesn’t recognize things from it first sight. when I came near him…."

"he bit you…" Jung su interjected, he showed how instantly he was into what she was saying till that moment. so what Jessica was thinking and analyzing about his personality was true…was right!

She nodded to him with a satisfied smile. he did listen to her and didn't ignore her.

"I seek treatment, but a week after that incident, whenever I feel tired or if I exhausted myself, I'll limp uncontrollably…that's why I'm not participating any sports classes nor any activities in my whole life…well, almost my whole life..hehehe" she encircled her arms even more and buried her head as if the incident was replaying in her mind.

After that day she had a simple-phobia from dogs. Whenever she sees dogs, she wouldn't be able to move, the adrenaline will increase rapidly and the shaking would be at it peeks. This fear increases day by day till this certain moment.

Jung su walked in the hallways to escape the noise a little bit to listen to her words clearly, also to take a traverse to their apartment since carrying her started to drug his arms.

"so… Didn't you treat yourself after you found out that your condition got worse?" Jung su asked as if he was calculating all her story and trying to understand her words bit by bit.

"I did…I did surgery, but each time nothing positive happened, the same condition it didn't get better…" she said with a sad tone.


She nodded to him then added

"my father took me to a natural health center to have a massage 3 times in a week…it did give me a good result but not for a long time…so he gave up taking me to that center, and even to any doctor"

"what do you have to do when your leg limped? How do you treat it?" Jung su didn't feel it, but later after spelling his words, he found out that his curious was lord it over him, he wants to know more!

"…they said there's a nerve in my leg it causes all of this mess, beside, there are some contaminated cells that multiply whenever I stressed myself and disturbed the usual work of my leg's nerves, that's why the surgery didn't work…UGH! I don't really know the details, but what I know is my condition still the same! I just avoid any tiring work…"

Jung su paused when he heard her story, she sure was suffering too…she suffers a lot! He didn't know why he glued to the ground all up sudden, is he felt sorry for her? maybe! What he knows at that certain moment…he was far too hesitant to hurt her! the pity was eating him up for her! but quickly he kicked his thoughts and walked once again.

She paused too when she noticed how Jung su was like a blank person didn't know where to walk or what to say. When he walked, she continued talking…

"when I first did my surgery, my father didn't have the wealth he has now…so it was really hard for him to send me to a good hospital, but now…I told them that I'm fine, I don't want to go under knife again….whenever I feel tired, I sleep and relax myself…sometime, if the pain was terribly disturbing me, I took a certain pills, but not always!" she said with a sigh.

She peeked at his profile waiting any reply or any change in his facial expression over her so sad story! But he kept his silence for a bit. It kills her to know he ignores her after the intimate conversation between them!

"what kind of person are you!!??" she screamed her mind when she didn't find a reply from the latter.

She unknowingly encircled her arms tightly around his neck from her disappointment in him. He coughed a little and stopped.

He bit his lips trying to hide his anger then turned his head to catch her half face with a firm stare which frightened her.

"You're SO heavy! And you dare to choke me like that?"

"what? I mean…WHAT? Heavy? ME?"

"why? Didn't anyone before told you that you're one?"

"NO! even if I'm REALLY heavy…how can you say it straightforward like that! What a mean!" she turned her head the opposite direction to avoid looking at his glare.

"I told you…I'm mean…not KIND! And please let's return safety or otherwise I'll drop you here!"

"IF YOU HAVE A CAR THEN WE WON'T BE SUFFERING! GOSH!" she paused then added using the same tone Jung su used couple of seconds before "don't threat me!"

"why are you bringing this matter over and over again?"

"because it's true…you're stingy!"

"WHAT? do you want me to throw you down?"

"why?" Jessica said with low tone diverted Jung su's whole attention to her

"what…why?" he blanked over her voice.

"your body's trembling!"

Jung su didn't notice it until Jessica point it out to him, his power indeed was wearing thin. it didn't happen because of her weight, but because of the distance and the load he carried all this time.

He breathed in and out and ignored her remark then walked but she stopped him with fear.

"wait! Am I….really fat? I can walk now, really…no need to carry me any longer" her cheeks turned bright red from the confession!

"you started to annoy me, can you shush till we reach home?"

He said it firmly which made her closed frightfully. he walked without giving her much attention.

All the way to their apartment the silence was the only thing they shared. When they reached their building and before they rode the elevator, Jung su parted his lips…

"are you sure you don't want to go to check up yourself?"

"uh! No! I'm fine! Thank you!" she said with a warm voice, exchanging the warm from his voice earlier. "after having a nap, I'll be much better"

He nodded to her thoughtfully then he pushed the button to light, waiting the elevator's door to open. They rode it and again he pushed the 11th button, when the elevator started to move up, Jung su suddenly felt dazed. He leaned his hand leaving Jessica's right thigh to hold the pole that settled on the corners of the elevator. Jessica lost her balance and fell from his back, but she still could manage to stand on her right leg. Jessica, also leaned herself to one of the poles but her eyes placed at the dazed Jung su.

"are you ok?" Jessica asked and the worry was covering her up. Her heart started to beat rapidly.

"…….am fine! I'll carry you….."

"no…it's…it's ok! I'm fine now"

Jung su sighed a bit and waited till the elevator door open, they walked out, Jung su's arms surrounded Jessica's to help her walking instead of carrying her. she scanned his face a bit and it really bothered her to feel that she caused him trouble…little did she know.

When they entered the apartment, they directly went to their room and he helped her laying on the bed.

"I'm sorry, I caused so much trouble to you" Jessica confessed to him. she was worrying about his sudden pale face.

He nodded to her with a small smile leaving her in the room after making sure that she would be comfortably sleeping with the sheet covering her body and warming her.

"thank you" her words stopped him for a bit, but she said it powerlessly as her eyelids shut the light that existed her eyes and drifted her away to the dreamland.

Out of blue, Jessica opened her eyes when she felt that someone was touching her, especially her leg-the limped one! She turned around frightfully to check who was the one who was bothering her peaceful dream!

"OMMA!!" she shouted unknowingly and straight her back. When she did that, her eyes placed at no other but the person who shares with her the room. He was massaging her leg gently…!

She turned her head to the bedside table to look at the clock. It was indicating at 3 AM! "DID I SLEEP ALL THE DAY???!!!!" She screamed unconsciouslythen returned her sight to Jung su's face who his hands still on her leg with a worried look.

"did I…wake you up?" he asked unsure if he had to say those words to her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she screamed at him when she saw his hands on her leg!

"NOTHING OF COURSE! I'm massaging your leg!! Seriously…did you think that I'm going to you?! HUH?"

"WHAT! NO! NO! OF COURSE NOT! but…" from the touching scene before her, she was still amazed at how he sacrificed his sleeping in order to help her! was that really Jung su? The one who isn't that kind? Isn't that faithful?

"I'm really fine…why didn't you sleep? I'm sorry if I bothered you!"

"how could I sleep? You were groaning from the pain all the night! that's why am massaging your leg!"

"OMG! really sorry!"

"Stop apologizing……how do you feel?" his voice changed from frustrated to warm.

"much better…and much relief…." she said to him then flashed a smile…a grin. "to know that you're beside me when I need someone" she continue in her mind.

"glad to know" he ended and stopped his massaging with a satisfied smile.


5 days passed by after the day they ate the launch and each one told his own short story, no one get near the other at all, unless it's a bed time! There was something awkward after that open heart session they took…even though Jessica the one who let out the cats from the bags and that what made her more awkward than the latter.

And during their sleeping time, nothing serious happened, just sleeping and waking up at certain time!! Doing their usual activities, either by calling their relatives or friends or even meeting them. Nothing more, nothing less!

At this day in particular, Yoona decided to pay Jessica a visit, they fixed an appointment to meet each other and to reunite with her friends.

Sure Jessica would be proud and happy for this meeting, moreover that will happen in her home! It's such a pleasure. because Jessica barely sees Jung su in the past few days, it was hard from her to inform him about her meeting with her friends. She just wants to inform him whether he will ignore her or make fun of her!!

Preparing everything for the guests from the food to a comfortable sitting in the living room. She organized her room quickly too then have a shower and dressed up a short skirt with a sleeveless black shirt. She was just stunning with a simple look.

Sitting in the living room, Jessica was waiting the guests to come, but it seems too early to wait them now. she was sure happy to welcome them in her apartment. she smiled at her stupidity for her overexcitement. 

Out of blue, someone opened the door and closed it.

"Jung su!" she thought immediately with a huge smile. it seems like a month, but it was only few days since she last saw his face in details!

He entered quietly, when he saw Jessica with her stunning appearance…he paused uncontrollably! It seems that the gravity was pulling him down and made his feet glued to the ground despite his willing. His face was telling it all…he was thunderstruck!

It happens again Jung su thought…

"hey!" Jessica said with a smile that made him coughing clearing his throat for some reason.

"fine, I'll take a shower…" he said it quickly and skipped the conversation to go to his room without hearing any other comments from the latter. Strange!

"wai-….what's wrong with him?" she thought loudly.

After like quarter an hour, she felt like she has to lock him in the room to spell the words he needs to listen…it always useless things she fights for anyway!

She opened the door slowly and tried to not make a noise with the doorknob. She was trying to be sure that he finished showering to not make her seems like she was sneaking for something- like his body for example!

All up sudden, her eyes enlarged and hanged open with her choppy breathing….it was like a rock falling on her, shattering her!

"Jung su!" she uttered.

What she saw really froze her, made her forget the reason why she in the first place opened the door slightly!

She gasped for air when she witnessed a shirtless Jung su standing admiring his face in the mirror plus, his back! The long and the huge scar on his back what made drought and her heart forgets how to beat normally anymore.

"what…is…that?" she uttered with her shaking hand that covered her trembling lips.

Jung su take out an ointment from the dressing table's to wipe it on his scar. He used to put it on his wound to heal it –since his careless self make it looks worse and to make it less effect on his back, this what his doctor said to him when he lost his hope in curing the hard-core Jung su.

Wearing his gray shirt, Jung su played with his hair a little bit then took his cell phone and headed out the room. Once his hand on the doorknob, he was surprised to see Jessica still standing with her unusual face. he scanned her face a little bit, then walked away from her sight. She was standing before him as if she was soulless! Everything was playing in her mind, recalling the conversation between them in the diner…

"I was…helpless…I wished if I died…nothing really matters to me after that day!"

His words replayed and his voice was echoed as each word was emphasized to make her collecting the incidents and to make a conclusion for each one! She remembered Hyung mi's words and how they were so out of it when she mentioned Jung su's mother.

"but be sure to never bring this matter to him again…at least these days!"

it wasn't because she died in a car accident. it was clearly not because of this reason, but there was something much bigger behind it. she bit her lips furiously at her dumb side, why she figured this only, why she didn't feel it since the begging?

"it can't be true!" she thought dreadfully as her eyes caught his in so much agony.   

Once his appearance faded away from her sight, she turned around to stop him.

"the car accident…" Jessica said, her words made Jung su stopped over his own willing. Everything regarding the name of the car accident would freeze him up.

She stepped two steps forward to his direction.

"you were with her right? you were with your mother ….right?"

He unknowingly found himself turning himself to face her. he was frowning.


"that's why you said you wished to die! you were helpless!"

His eyes for each word Jessica said were widened! His lips were like naturally glued, couldn't say anything. And the most ironic part was…his heart, it was beating and beating powerfully!

Jessica's eyes were holding a sea in them, she tried hard to hold back her emotions, she tried hard to reach for the conclusion…was she right or wrong in her final conclusion?

"that's why you didn't reply me…when I asked you, what did you do when they informed you……because you were already with her, you saw her!!!! am I right?"

"so what? if I say yes you're right! what's your point? What will you do?" his blood was rushing in his veins speedily over the fact, the grim was eating him up. It was confused to him, why suddenly this girl rushed to him to tell him a piece of fact he already knew! He already try to find a way to escape from it!

He breathed in and out then continued his walking to the door to cut this conversation off before it took another curve!

She scrambled as if she was still…wants to know! Why he always tries to hide everything?! When he grabbed the doorknob of the apartment's door…she again stopped him.

"it must be really painful…" she said warmly to him which her voice softened his face automatically!

"your scar…it…it must cause you a lot of pain!" she continued. Couldn't shut at all, couldn't handle the fact that Jung su saw his mother died in front of his own eyes. Her tears after spelling these words, fell down like a downpour!

"scar…" he repeated after her thoughtfully. Now, everything's clear in his mind. That's how she concluded it, she saw it! he heard her sobbing but couldn't or he hasn't had the courage to see her tears…

"it's not a big deal…it was in the past" he said and rushed his hand to open the door and disappeared within second!

"Jung su…how long are you manage to stay still like this?" Jessica thought as her tears still pouring on her cheeks damaging her makeup. She wants him to open his heart to her….but no matter how she tries, it all failed!


hope this chapter is worth the waiting T_T

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />