Chapter ..1..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


"hey! Sica!!" Yoona waved at her friend after seeing her sitting alone in the café. "you aren't waiting anyone, right? Or…ARE YOU Dating someone???" Jessica moved her hand beneath her chin with widened eyes.

"what? HELL NO!"

"why? Why?" yoona nagged on her with a cute pout!

"why are you talking like it's something in my hand? It's just like that!" Jessica replied furiously at her best friend.

"am just kidding! No one here deserve you!" yoona said with a mischievous smile.

"what with this smile? I can smell something horrible!" Jessica said.

"nothing, but I have to ask you…are you still in love with him? That's why you don't want to date anyone?!" yoona asked with a worried tone that made Jessica somehow uneasy with it!

It's been two years since he graduated from high school, and he completed his way by entering the same college as her. even though, he is elder than her by 2 years, and this space of time and years didn't prevent her from forgetting him or moving up to her own life!

she took some time to reply to her, but she didn't find the courage to spell the words out of her own mouth because in deep her heart she knows what she will say absolutely not true!

"NO! it's been… so… long now! AND…why ….are you asking all up sudden?!" she couldn't connect her eyes with her friend's. she looked to the other side and pretend to see the people who passed  by her.

Yoona stared at her quite awhile before she says anything. She knew Jessica better than Jessica herself! But she decided not to talk more about this matter from now on.

"I saw him before couple of minutes, but…there's nothing really…well, what's your plan for today though?" yoona asked.

"nothing specially…I'm quite bored these days, as my parent currently busy till their toes! And you're busy with your BOYFRIEND!" she stressed the word boyfriend to let yoona knows how she neglected her so often recently!

"I KNOW! I KNOW! You don't have to be so pissed off! And OK, I'M SORRY! I'll pay you the days that I weren't with you, is that sounds  good to you?" yoona couldn't take a breath nor let Jessica understand her words! Which made the both of them cracking with laughter.

"no, actually, I'm happy for you! You don't need to do that! By the way, where is he?" Jessica asked in wonder as she moved her head right to left to find yoona's lover.

"YAH! Don't ever think to look at him!" yoona bit her lips furiously and looked at Jessica with a devil look.

"CALM DOWN! You're really a green monster! I'm just wondering!"

"kidding you pig!"


The silence covered the place between them and they just kept staring at the surrounding things. Yoona couldn't deny her worry toward her friend who her face looked so gloomy that day! she couldn't help but asking her about the matters disturbing her. she thought maybe something happened between her parent or she didn't pass the exam?!

"Jessica?" yoona asked with a deep voice evidently showing her worry.


"is there something wrong? tell me, I don't like seeing you passing out like this! This is so un-you!"

Jessica gave yoona a hesitate look which turned to be soon an obvious remark that she didn't sleep well the day before.

"I don't know…." Finally she opened with so much pain!

"tell me! don't leave me in dark! Is there something wrong with your parent?"

"NO!...but…this feeling just disturbing me yesterday! And even prevent me from sleeping!" she sounded so frustrated to not knowing what's going on with her mind.

"maybe you exhausted yourself too much recently…right?"

"yeah…maybe! And I hope there won't be another reason…"

"YOONA!" a thick voice cut their conversation which led the both girls to look at the source of it.

"oh! OPPA!" yoona stood and waved her hand to her man while Jessica adjusting her sit and smiled at the couple in front of her.

Siwon came closer to the table then gave a tight hug to yoona who hugged him back.

"how are you today?" siwon asked yoona.

"fine! Glad to see you, oppa!"

"I'm sorry because I weren't in touch with you yesterday!"

'just one day? and he apologizes to her? how romantic this guy! Or, is he really in love with her that much?'Jessica kept thinking about the couple in front of her with a dreamy smile.

"Jessica-sshi, how are you?" siwon asked. Jessica nodded hesitantly at him because she herself doesn't know wither she was really fine.

"yoona, I need to talk to you! I have so many things to share with you!" siwon said excitedly.

"sica! I'll see you later, ok?" yoona excused and before she gets the permission from Jessica she left with her hand around siwon's waist.

"how cheesy this girl!"

Jessica kept rolling the spoon in her cup, didn't drink the coffee yet. Something inside her punched her so badly that she herself doesn't know why this feeling kept following her this morning either!

Suddenly, she raised her head and cut her bad thoughts to let her eyes met with the person that she really doesn't want to see! She got shock when she saw him just in the table in front of her. her eyes widened two times and her heart knocking so badly in her chest! Though he wasn't really paying attention to her at all and didn't raise his head to see her face.

His elbow on the table, and his hand beneath his chin looking at the tray in front of him, zoning out thinking about lots of things and didn't touch his food yet.


Jessica cut her gaze when she heard a feminine voice crossing her ears. And this voice is near the table where the person in front of her on it.

"why didn't you call me these past few days? I was waiting you! Don't tell me you're starting to ignore me to…."

"yah! What's wrong? I forget!"


"ok! I forget!"

"Do you want to end our relationship? Do you want to end it that way?"

"yah! Are you crazy or what? Because I didn't call you two days, that's mean I want to break up with you? Is that make sense?"

"recently, I don't know what's wrong with you! You didn't bother yourself to talk to me or to pick up your phone when I called you! sometime, I really can't understand you at all!"

"please Taeyeon! I'm not on mood today! So skip your speech just for once!"

"I'm sorry! It's really seems that my appearance distracted you!" she stood and before she leaves she said to him. "don't forget, eat your launch, it seems that your mind really somewhere else!"

He covered his face with his hands and closed his eyes trying to control himself! But he swore inside, if she didn't disappear right at this moment, he could do something that she would regret it for the rest of her life!!!

He wasn't really on mood to hear anything even from his girlfriend. When he moved his hands, she wasn't in sight which he thanks god for, but when he looked forward, his gaze placed at Jessica who shrugged in her drinking and kept her vision away from him in fear and embarrassment!

she tried to peak at him if he still staring at her, and he was still, which made her surprise somehow! This is the longest stare he gave her in her whole life!! Should she be happy about something silly like that?

she couldn't move her eyes this time as much as she wants to leave, but she couldn't even look away! He gave her a smirk then stood and walked until he reached her table. Just the shadow of him being near her made her froze till her toes. She couldn't control her feelings at all, this is not her whole fault actually, this is her heart which forced her brain to listen to it!

he stood near and put his right hand on the table and leaned aside. His smirk didn't disappear but it’s getting growing for each second! She didn't raise her head nor did a single move, her breathing was getting difficulty separated!

"I don't know why I still couldn't forget the day when we were in high school and you gave me such a dirty letter! Ugh! Should I really have to remember this?" he put a sharp gaze and a mischievous smile.

Her eyes blinked three times as the memory passed through her eyes within a second. Her heart refused to stop it pounding. It was just so heartbreaking to recall that bad day…actually that horrible day when he rejected her in front of the students!

She pitied herself to death, and felt the shame covering her whole body for a whole month! No one was beside her, just Yoona! Everyone was mocking her and making fun of her! she just bear with it and push her limits to get through it! but the question is…

why he is remembering it? moreover, telling her about something happened in the past?

'Why he brings this up?'

She managed to remain silent and to keep calm! But he refused to let her like that…

"hmmm, yeah, I remember when you gave me a present for my birthday! It was so lame…and really funny! Huh! Was it a box of chocolates?" he said it deliberately to her.

She bit her lips when she remembered all those horrible memories that she shared it with him! She wanted to burst out crying but she managed to control herself more! Even though, there wasn't really anything that could make her patient any longer!

"stop it!" finally, the word escaped with lots of power!

"what?" he asked derisively.

She took a deep breath to regain her strength again.

'what's wrong with him? is he trying to make fun of me? is he trying to break me down again?' she thought.

"are you still in love with me?" he asked confidently, like if he knows the answer already!

She stood and pushed her chair away angrily as he ! She didn't think he would do that now! she thought he would grow up after entering the college life! But she was wrong! totally wrong!

"why? Aren't you?" he still insist to hear the answer from her own mouth!

She didn't know what made him 'evil' like that suddenly! Even if they see each other like daily and it started to be a routine, they won't even say 'hi' or smile! But, here, at this moment, something in him let him be so evil to her!

She stared at him then printed a slap on his face! She wasn't sure if it was really her hand that touched his cheek.

'Who order this hand to raise and to slap?'

She got shock herself from her sudden action!


She managed to escape this entire incident while all the people in the café stared at the both Jang su and Jessica. She didn't know from where this courage came from! Her feet were running outside the café to avoid any further staring.

Jang su, the other, couldn't move from his place! the slap was something unpredictably to him…moreover, from a girl who truly he dislikes …or actually hate her!!

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" he shouted at the table next to him and made his way out of the café to escape the stares as well!


She sat on the bench in the arena refused to shed one single tear. She fought with herself to get through this whole mess that suddenly happened to her.

'so that's why my heart aching me this whole day?! because Jang su would mess around?'

She thought and her face looks paler for each time she mentioned him in her mind. As that moment, she wanted someone to rest her head on. She thought to call yoona, but she backed at the last second when she remembered how siwon wanted to sit with her.

'I want to skip my last class…I don't want to stay here longer! How rude he was!'

As the thought come and go, she heard mumbled behind her back with a group of girls gossiping and talking actually 'nonsense'.

"didn't you hear about the rumor?"

"what? What rumor?"

"Jessica-sshi slapped Jang su-sshi because he wants to date her?"

"wasn't she the one who followed him? Why did she react like that?"

'what? Following him??'Jessica thought shockingly of what the students took a wrong impression on her.

"I don't know either!"

"but…isn't he in relationship with Taeyeon?"

"OMG! That's true! Is he wanting a double date? Is he for real?"

"shut the hell your mouth…"

Taeyeon interrupted them with a frowned face and gloomy mood. She couldn't handle what they were saying. Moreover, they were saying 'trash' about her and her boyfriend! While Jessica remained calm and silent hearing each word they said. 


chapter 1 isn't this long, it's actually longer T_T but somehow the browser just messed with me ahhh!!! so I'll end it up here

what do you think so far? about the characters' personality? 

your comments are always <3

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />