Chapter ..13..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

"Jung su" "son" "Jung su…" the sound of the mysterious man was ringing in Jung su's head. It bothered him and prevented him to take a peaceful sleep.

The bloody body with a wounds and bruises in her face and her upper body was drawing to Jung su's dream. It was so painful to keep dreaming the same dream over and over again…




"Omma!" Jung su, the 7 years old boy, shouted from afar as his mother's body was lying on the stretcher after getting a horrific car accident which led the car to roll 3 times. The glasses were all over the road, and the people inside the car were all injured badly as the car totally smashed.

Jung su, who hooked up in the car at the back seat, which the damaged door was pushed in and surrounded him, and the back glasses were over his body which made it perfectly wounded and bleeding. But he kept his eyes half open as he saw his mother wounded even seriously than him lying away from the car with her eyes closed. He was trying to call her out again, but his faded voice didn't reach anyone.

As he tried to call her again and again, one of the policemen tried to open and pull out the door which caged the boy inside. 2 doctors then tried to carry Jung su and lied him on the stretcher on his side. As he almost lost his power, he took the last glance of his mother where they covered her up with a white sheet and carried her away to other ambulance.

"Omma…save her please! Please! Am begging you! Take that sheet off! Save hershe's fine" he was fighting to keep his eyes wide open and to speak properly, but everything went out his hands and he was most likely stammering and mumbling to himself. While he was closing his eyes, there was a deep voice assuring him by calling his name frequently, even though, the latter was deeply injured. "Jung su…son…sorry"

2 weeks later from the accident…

Jung su was in a coma almost 2 weeks because of his fragile body that couldn't resist the injury which included his head, leg and serious injury in his lower back. It was quite a shock to him after gaining his conscious to hear that his mother will be no longer around him.   

"she promised me that she will go with me to the park…but she left me behind!" Jung su stopped and his tears made it way out his eyes when the news of his mother's death exist his ears"I…I didn't… help her! I was…useless… I'll do anything just give me back my mom! please!" he screamed with all his might to his father who couldn't do anything to him just patting his head and tight his fist around Jung su's small hand.

He went through a serious bad condition regarding his mental and physical health. Watching his mother passed away in front of his eyes especially when he was in that age, made him wish to die! he couldn't handle it by himself, it was a nightmare following him each night. He depends on his sedatives to reduce his thoughts and to be able to continue his life after a long time of rehabilitation! His father was beside him to help him when no one was there to stay beside him!

To add more bad incidents to his memory, when he reached his year 19 -during the summer vacation to his first year in the university- he had experienced another crucial car accident which made his condition more unstable, and his lower back pain is more fragile and sensitive to any beat and crush.

"he is such a lucky to survive twice from a deadly accidents!" The doctor who cured him said and added to Jung su's father "he has to be more careful, his body isn't as before…he must quit any hard activities for his health sake regarding sports, beside, I know he involved in too much brawling, he must stop his teenage behavior! It's your turn to counsel him hyung mi-sshi"

Until now, the 24 year Jung su, still facing the pain over and over again whenever the date of his mother's death will be near!


{End of the flashback}


Jung su opened his eyes fearfully from what his mind flashed to him and prevented him to sleep comfortably. He wiped the sweats on his forehead by his sleeve and straight his back exhaustedly. It had been a routine to him to wake up at the middle of the night with the sweats covering his whole face from the repeated nightmare he used to have!

When he turned his head, he found his dad was sitting near him sighing. His father knows how much it hurts and how Jung su in pain, he sighed because he couldn't do anything to help him.

"what …are you doing here?" Jung su asked frustrated remembering the conversation that happened with his father earlier.

"same scenes, same dream, right?" hyung mi said with a calm manner and soft voice.

Jung su chuckled in anger and bit his lips for a bit.

"take the medicine, here" hyung mi handed the pills with a bottle of water to Jung su to calm him down since the sweats were nonstop dropping on his forehead, and his chest was swelling up and down furiously, were all evident that he needs sedatives.

"no need, am fine" Jung su turned his face and didn't pay his father much attention. He hates the idea of taking these pills whenever he finds himself in unstable condition. It had been his real friend since his childhood!

"well, your face is against what you said! Don't be stubborn over something silly!"

"if it's, then I won't take it! just let me be!"

"jung su," hyung me exclaimed strictly, he didn't like how his son acted childishly sometimes! "the doctor was here checking you…he said you are way too careless, your health isn't that serious but by your stubbornness and your neglecting, you would cause more trouble to yourself!" he added firmly.

Jung su sighed then took the pills from his father's hand, as usual he found it difficult to swallow it.

"the doctor treated your back, your scar was bleeding! what were you thinking off when you involved yourself in that brawl! Didn't I tell you to stop hurting yourself?" Hyung mi said emphasizing each word he said. He sighed then continued. "you're already at age that let you know the right from wrong, jung su!"

"oh yeah, and this is not applying to me only…you've to know what you're saying, it's so funny to hear it from you!" Jung su attacked his father with a careless manner and putting on his smirk.

"yeah…that's right, you got a point!" hyung mi backed to his calm sense and kept staring at his son for awhile with leer.

"if you're in such a mad relationship with Tae san, then face it as man to man! You don't have to involve me nor her in all your mess!" Jung su suddenly opened the topic again and faced his father with a serious expression.

The silence covered up the place which frustrated Jung su somehow. Hyung mi was gazing Jung su and smiled at him which angered the latter even more. He didn't reply him but instead, he was staring aimlessly at his son.

"you preferred to listen rather than talking?! FINE! can you leave me?"

"didn't you hear this quote somewhere before? The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting!" Jung su's father said softly.

"waiting what?"

"you're asking too much, let the time answers your questions bit by bit…it's all about patient, son"

Jung su's confused face was obvious to the point he smiled blankly at his father's obscure words.

"I wish…I really wish if these lectures you gave were about something useful! You're such a good role model!" Jung su said mockingly.

"whatever, since am already into it, what are you waiting from me? I doubt it's a pure marriage though…or….do you want me to bring you the latest news from their company?" Jung su said mocking the entire situation he put himself in once again.

Hyung mi smiled widely at Jung su's words and leaned his palm beneath his chin and the smile turned to be a smirk.

"well…I have my source for bringing me the worth news I need" he said then changed his position and leaned his back to the chair and gave Jung su the look he hates the most.

"you don't need to do much, just…act naturally!" hyung mi said, and his words were padded which made jung su confused even more.

"what are you trying to say?"

"son, even if you didn't tell me anything related to you, or related to your private life, I would know the slightest moves you make…"

"look, your way of talking make me doubt that you're my father! What is your aim?" Jung su said didn't like his father's way of talking nor his tone and facial expression. his face was like someone who had deep hatred!

"ok, to make it clearer, I know what kind of relationship that combined you and that innocent girl…love versus hate, isn't it?"

"what the….are you kidding me? so what? all the campus aware of that!"

"to make it easier for you… you won't put much effort to my plan, since everything will go smoothly as I want…"

Jung su widened his eyes in shock as if he knew what his father was aiming to, nevertheless, he wanted to be sure of his feeling and thought.

"so…you…" jung su was cut off by Hyung mi who his face was more calm and comfortable when telling his plan!

"yeah…that's right! you're already haven't had any feeling toward her, it would be difficult on her since she has deep feelings to you…which will cause a depression to her! that's all what am asking you to"

Jung su trembled of the thought itself and how his father was heartless on saying his plans. He didn't know why his heart was beating fast and his throat drought, but him, causing this much trouble to a person he barely knows was something he couldn't get! He knows that sometime he's acting harshly to her, but at least there wasn't any meaning behind it! that was part of his personality after all. And now, if he does anything to her, it will be more trouble and regretting than ever to him!

Before letting Jung su saying another words, hyung mi stood and said his last sentence before leaving the room.

"I just want him to taste what I have tasted awhile ago…" he paused then added "see, whenever I need you, you'll be beside me whether you like it or not! You're helping me naturally, don't be so complex, son!"

"I can't….what the hell is he talking about?! Is his heart made of stone?"  


The day of the basketball competition


"I wonder why he didn't fight back? He can fight I know that! But…heechul-sshi was scary! What am I thinking off? Screw jung su and heechul!!!" Jessica was fighting with herself still thinking about what had happened days ago.

It had been days since that incident happened between heechul and Jung su and whenever Jessica met heechul in the campus, she would be so formal to him and would cut off the conversation by bringing up fake excuses!

Jung su, the latter, was absent for several days regarding his health problem and how he couldn't manage to sit properly because of his back injury that occurred again. his doctor was pissed off of his careless attitude and ordered him to take at least short break and look for himself a little bit just for once. his father brought the medical paper for the advising unit as an excuse for his respective absences. And of course, Jessica was out of it!

Yoona and Jessica were cleaning the court after finishing the basketball match competition by siwon's team victory. They were part of the organization staffs which demanded them to take care of the court before and after the match with some other girls too. Nevertheless, the victory didn't let yoona much happier, she was gloomed and obviously pissed off of something!

Whenever Jessica wanted to make a move toward Yoona, the latter would avoid her and tried to not make an eye-contact with her. Jessica was stunned at how her friend was upset but she couldn't tell why all up sudden!

It was exhausted to them since there were lots of things to deal with, but they managed to finish the work on time by distributed the work evenly.

When Jessica put her hand on one of the balls, she remembered how Jung su was playing professionally which made her smile ear to ear and blushed from the scene itself! She recalled how he helped her when she was almost falling on her face…it was embarrassing but yet she couldn't help but to blush even more!   

Suddenly, she dropped the ball of her hands and remembered the most important thing that she had to think about more than anything else!

"HOLY MOLY!!! NOO WAY!! NEXT MONTH?!" she screamed which made her colleagues stopped of her sudden shout!

"yoona! it's all serious! I'm going to die!" Jessica ran to yoona and grabbed her hands tightly and dragged her along with her at far corner of the court.

"really?" Yoona surprisingly talked to her carelessly which it was seriously odd to Jessica.

"yoona, why are you like that? Listen, I've been noticing that you're trying to avoid me lately…what's wrong?"

"nothing" yoona simply answered with her emotionless face.

"OMG! This is really scary, don't scare me too…I really need you! Yah, please be friendly just for once" Jessica pouted her lips and almost cried while doing her puppy eyes to gain a little bit mercy from the latter.

"since you opened the topic…I'll tell WHY I'M FREAKING PISSED OFF AT YOU!!" Yoona pointed her index finger at Jessica's face which made the latter shocked and froze. The other girls were all surprised by the sudden shout at the far corner and couldn't tell what the fuss all about so they decided to leave them alone!


"oh yeah, claim stupidity now! TELL ME NOW WITHOUT ANY FURTHER ACTING…WHAT'S THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH THE VAIN JUNG SU THAT DAY?!! HUH!!" Yoona let out her temper and breathed in and out after finishing her words and her shouting.

"you…mean…ah! You saw us?"

"what a question!"

"sit down, I don't like others seeing your so look like grandma face"


"fortunately, there's no one here~ I was about to tell you, why are you in hurry?! I haven't hide anything from you, you have to trust me!"

"I do! But it had been days and you didn't open your mouth yet!"

"it isn't the right time…" Jessica was interrupted by frustrated yoona.

"This excuse is no longer available here! Now…I want to hear everything HERE!"

Jessica sighed and turning her head left to right scanning the place.

"listen, let's go to a safer place!"

"OMG! is it really that secretive?! …. Jessica, I would be more than glad to slap you for keeping me in dark all this time!"

"just follow me!"

They went behind the basketball club where no one was there just the two of them.


"m-m- you're….going to m-marry?!" Yoona tried to control her shout and her shock but unfortunately couldn't at all!

Jessica heaved a sigh and sat on the ground leaning her back to the wall behind her. yoona then sat beside her with pity eyes and mixed emotions, should she be happy, or sad?!

"I-I sincerely don't know what to do, is that alright, sica?" Yoona said putting her hand on her friend's and held them tightly.

"I don't know! It all happened so fast! Am still confused!"

"DAMN IT! you're going to marry that useless and so all-know-it-all guy! No way! Why? You should've been rejected the proposal why is your fa…" Yoona shut when she remembered who she was talking about, Tae san is absolutely a person with a heart of stone when it comes to his business.

"I didn't want to talk about the matter to you when they visited us, thought that my father would reject the proposal since there is some kind of argument between the both companies" Jessica after letting yoona pull out her thoughts, clarified herself then completed "no need to worry, it's just a matter of time!" Jessica said with a sad smile.

"but…it's not what you want!" Yoona tried to persuade Jessica on giving up the idea, but to no avail.

"we already decided the date, yoona! it's by next month! I can't do anything anymore!" Jessica said and the sad smile still on her pale face.

"n-next month? Why so quick? Sica, I could tell what you're feeling!"

"it's ok…I guess!"

Yoona immediately pulled Jessica to a tight hug trying to show how she was with her in her hardest time…as usual. Jessica hugged her back and rested her head on Yoona's shoulder. she felt how she shouldn't be happy over something might change her life upside down which made the tears to gather in her eyes but tried to keep them in!

"nevertheless, you ought to come to your friend big day~" Jessica said tighten her hug and let a sad chuckle which made the latter beat her head jokingly.


It was already 8 pm, they finished everything and made sure to switch off the lights before leaving. When they headed out, siwon was waiting Yoona sitting on the bench with someone.

Yoona harried and closed siwon's eyes joyfully by her hand ignoring the one who was sitting with him. but siwon pulled her hand quickly and dragged her head to meet his and kissed her softly on her lips.

"ewww!" Jessica mocked them and made an expression as if she was disgusted.

"why you took so much time to finish? The other girls went home before you!" siwon commented after holding Yoona's hand and curled his hands around them.

"well, there was something we forgot to deal with…am I late?"

"hello! I'm here! Nobody cares anymore!" heechul commented sarcastically.

"ah!" both girls exclaimed when they finally noticed the body was sitting near Yoona's boyfriend.

"ok ok! We've got to go!" Siwon clapped his hands to cut any other speech would make it way to burn up another conversation!

They all followed him to the gate and heechul's eyes were between period and another scanning Jessica's thoughtful face. it made him wonder…

"why such a pretty face is….sad ?"

He widened his eyes when he heard her exclaimed… 


The group stopped their moves when Donghae's face appeared in front of them. He was focusing his attention to no one but to Jessica!

"I have to talk to you, NOW!" donghae grabbed Jessica's hand and tried to pull her after him but she stopped him with all her might.

Yoona was stunned as how he appeared suddenly. She couldn't put her nose in since it was between siblings! Heechul and siwon were either helpless but shocked at why her brother was grimed.

"what's wrong with you?" she didn't want to be rude to him in front of her friends, but she didn't want to follow him too!

"yah! Why are you so reckless? It's about your life you idiot!" donghae screamed at her, didn't care of her friends, he just spoke his mind.

Jessica looked at yoona who her face was evidently showing no other than pitying to her friend since she already knew the matter. She knows how donghae would be unstoppable to make sure of his sister safety.

"thanks for your caring! I made my decision…" she said hesitantly then tried to make her way out of her frustrated brother who lost his patient at his senseless sister.

"it's all because of him! you have to speak out what you truly want! Don't destroy your life as how I did before because of that man!" he said what he wanted to say in the middle of the campus. Jessica stopped and the shock was all over her face.

After saying his words, he stared back at yoona who bowed her head and his words brought her back again and made her yearn more to their days together!

When siwon felt how donghae connected his eyes with yoona, he immediately caught yoona's hands "sorry, we will go before you" siwon said as he made his way out and disappeared with her. Yoona took a glance at her friend and she wished if she could help her.  

"please…donghae! I know what is suitable for my life! And am really thankful to you!"

"you won't change!" donghae said with a sympathy that showing in his eyes.

"sorry…" Jessica mumbled and felt how her brother embarrassed her when he had to talk about this matter privately not publically!

Heechul, the only one who was standing behind them and knows nothing was seriously blank at how the conversation between them were sharp and had deepen meaning that he couldn't figure, so he kept listening carefully to all their words!

"please…" donghae shouted. "I'm not here to stop your life…I'm here to help you"

"I'll keep that in mind" Jessica said then walked quickly from her brother's view, she suddenly ran to be alone at that moment. "everything's going against me!" she thought.

Donghae then noticed heechul and the anger started to spread all over him.

"I told you…stay away from her!" donghae pointed at heechul with rudeness but heechul didn't do anything nor reply to him. he was just gazing donghae in so curious manner.

"wait" heechul stopped donghae when he turned his body to leave the place. heechul walked until he was in the latter view.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't ask this question, but is there something wrong with your sister?" heechul tried to be polite as much as possible.

"since you already knew you shouldn't, why are you putting your nose in? stay away, that's all what I want" donghae said teasing the one in front of him.

"if it's really a secretive thing between you guys, why you kept screaming here? Don't you know about a private conversation? You seriously embarrassed her! what a bro are you?" heechul got annoyed of donghae's immature attitude… and he meant each word he said.

"what? don't get on my nerve!" donghae shouted at him and felt how the guy's words were true, but he couldn't control himself since he knows carefully there's no way to contact her nor see her other than the university!

"talking to you is worthless" Heechul left him and ran to find Jessica without letting the latter to say other words!


 "WAIT!" heechul exclaimed as soon as he witness her. he caught Jessica's hand to stop her steps.

"what?" Jessica asked innocently as she tried to act normally as nothing happened to her. she was somehow didn't want to be alone with him, remembering how he acted harshly when he fought with jung su again made her shiver.

"are you ok?" heechul asked after scanning her face and knew that she was trying her best to cover her true feelings.

"yeah! Why I wouldn't be? Am already late, I've to go!" she tried to make an excuse to escape the wave of questions that would come from heechul's mouth.

"are you afraid…of me?" heechul sensed that she was avoiding looking at him when she met him, and his sense proofed when she ran and didn't wait him earlier!

"w-why? What's wrong, heechul-sshi?"

"I'm s-s-sorry, if I scared you that night… I was upset of lots of things"

"it's fine! Really!"

"I could tell if someone is perfectly fine or not…and you seem like you're running out of air?!"


Heechul stared at her and smiled absentmindedly which led her to smile either stupidly.

"do you trust me?" heechul asked all up sudden and his eyes filled with lots of emotions.

Jessica couldn't reply, she was shocked and didn't know whether she truly trust him or not yet! She took some time to reply him, but her eyes was staring back at heechul's and there was something prevent her to move away!

"is that a 'no'?"



"NO…I mean, I do trust you!"

Heechul gazed her for a bit then caught her hand and tight his fist around it. She froze because of his cold hand that spread the coldness to her whole body! She stared at his hand as she was asking what are you doing? But she again stared back at his eyes helplessly.

"Jessica-sshi…" heechul said and walked a little bit closer to her and tighten his fist even more which made her confused yet stunned.

"I don't know what you're in, but what I know that I'm here whenever you need me…"

Jessica's heart was beating faster as each word escaped heechul's mouth that reached her ears. Her eyes went wide open when his last words rang in her head. She couldn't tell why she suddenly felt that there was a hot breeze slapping her cheeks and made them bright red!!

Heechul smiled at her blank reaction which made the situation worse for her. he came closer to her which they could tell the details of each other's faces. darken eyes, soft and flawless face, silky hair, sharp gaze that what Jessica was telling herself when she scanned his face. 

All what she was trying to do is to move a little bit away, but…she couldn't! she was glued to the ground, staring at heechul's face that was inches away from her was all she did!

He intended his head and slowly came near her lips, Jessica could feel how his breath, opposite of his hand, was as hot as her cheeks! As heechul's lips stuck with hers, the only thing she did is opening her eyes widely, the time stopped at that moment for her!

He didn't let off of her hand, instead, he was pressing it tighter. He enjoyed the moment by closing his eyes and sank away with her. she didn't resist him but standing helplessly at how the thing went on!

He broke the kiss and stared at her teary and shocking eyes with a soft smile. She couldn't stop her heart from beating violently in her chest nor saying anything…everything was messed at her view! She, without controlling of herself, dropped a river of tears on her face which surprised the latter. She didn't know why she was crying, but she knew that she really needs someone! Someone who will love her back sincerely!

He let off of her hand and stood a bit away from her and witnessed how she was blank, couldn't control her emotion that blast in her whole body!

"what…." Jessica tried to ask but her words ran out!

"I could tell you're in pain to the point you need someone to release it from you…" heechul said softly to her. she looked at him and the surprise was obviously written on her face.

"what are you doing? Who do you think you are?" she said with a shaky voice after gaining her sense back, wiping her tears furiously from her face.

"I'm the one who will be for sure near you whenever you need me…Jessica-sshi" he paused then added "I won't be nosy by asking you what happened…but be sure of one thing, I'll do anything for you"

"heechul-sshi!" Jessica was speechless, she felt that he was sincere, she wanted someone to stand with at that moment, she wanted someone who she could rely on no matter what…could that person be heechul?

It might be the reason she didn't move a bit from him and didn't overreact to his sudden action! She needs these warm feelings to surround her and to chase her! but there was something obscure, whether her heart knocked again because of love or because of need?!

"do you know what is really painful? having words in your heart that you can't utter" heechul commented to her then raised his hand and put it on her shoulder.

"and I don't want to regret anything nor feel this pain from now on…" he paused again and stared at her sad eyes. He raised his hand to her face once again and erased the tears that covered her pretty face.

"I don't care whether you have the same feeling or not, I need to say it before anyone else…Jessica…" he paused and scanned her pale face.

"don't say it!" Jessica interrupted him and her tears escaped from her eyes. Heechul gazed her wonderingly and deep inside his body, the small part in his chest was beating faster than usual…

"you're already late…I really appreciate you…but I'm sorry! Please! Am just sorry!" Jessica said and found it difficult to spell these words to him!

Heechul, that all what she was looking for, the love! And she sincerely felt it through his face and his words! She was sorry for herself, cause when she finally met the guy, she was already taken away!

"I think…I'm in love with you" heechul said the words when Jessica already disappeared from his sight…he was hoping to say the most precious words to him delightfully, but the way he said it was a bit regretful and gloomily.



The summer vacation was on the doorsteps, there were some final exams to be taken and the university would close its doors. As the time went so fast, the date of Jessica's wedding was near with each minute passing by. She couldn't smile as she knew how this marriage was seriously wrong but she couldn't go against her father's willing!

She loves him and she knew he doesn't have any feeling to her and that was killing her. living with him under one roof was too much to her thoughts!

"I'm sorry Jessica…" Yoona texted her friend umpteenth time and for each time she didn't get a reply from Jessica either!

"ah! I hope she's fine! 2 more days to her big day!" Yoona complained to siwon who was eating an apple in the living room in his home.

"don't worry too much, she's strong, she can handle it!" siwon said as he bit another piece of his apple, seemed like he wasn't into the conversation.

"it's not about strength! It's so complicated, you know how that guy is so full of himself! I don't want sica to get hurt anymore!"

"what's wrong snippy?" heechul came in to their conversation after coming back from his part-time job. He immediately took an apple from the basket and ate it with one bite.

"You came early today, are you running away again?" siwon asked mischievously. 

"yah! Tell me you aren’t worry about me but about your leisure time you'd spend it with snippy" heechul said teasing him but he found a box of tissue and eaten apple flew to him as gifts of his mocking.

"anyway, Mr. perfect!" Yoona said teasing him more. "you'll attend Jessica's wedding, right? we have to be with her!"

Heechul unaware of his hand but he loosen his tight and dropped the apple he was almost eating to the floor. His face changed upside down which started to pale. He stared at Yoona with a serious and deepen expression.

"what's wrong, heechul?" Siwon asked after noticing the changes on his friend's face.

"who's wedding?" heechul asked again.

"J-Jessica…my friend!" Yoona replied hesitantly.

"she's going to marry?" he paused then added trying to compose himself. "Who is the miserable luck that will tied the knot?" he tried to smirk at his mocking but couldn't, all his talking were serious to their ears.

"I think you know him…better than me heechul" siwon commented and made the latter more curious and boiling with anger.

"WHO IS HE?" he shouted which scared Yoona and made her reply quickly.

"He's…J-Jung su-sshi, Park Jung su!"

Hearing his name made him blank for one second. He bowed his head and still in shock of the news! he suddenly remembered what Jessica replied to him when he confessed his love to her…

"I'm sorry…I appreciate you, but you're already late!"

"it will be in 2 days…" Yoona completed which made him walked out the home furiously, didn't give them the time to explain more to him.

"what's wrong with him?" yoona said stunned of his sudden behavior.

"then…why she responded to my kiss if she was already engaged to him? this marriage…it's not because of love! I'm sure of it" heechul thought. "wait….is that what donghae was talking about? Ruining her life?! Jung su!! BASTARD!"


Jessica flipped open her cell phone after getting a txt message. She opened her eyes widely at the sender which made her reading the text again twice!

"hi Jessica-sshi, how are you? I want to see you at the backyard of our campus today at 9 PM, if that's possible…it's quite emergency - Jung su"

"he got my phone number? Why he wants to see me badly? What happened?"

and the story begins....when hyung mi's revenge started...!



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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />