Chapter ..16..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

"what are you doing here?" when he noticed that he would be in absolute mess, Jung su diverted the question with another one for his own advantage.

Hearing the question by Jung su's mouth made Jessica wondered a little bit of why he was holding her cell phone at first place. however, she preferred to answer his question, since if she will answer his question by another question, their conversation will end to nowhere!

"I…I was about to tell you that my parent want to have a meal with you! They will wait till you finish, so, how long you'll take?…!" Jessica clarified herself with her suspicious tone. Her voice was evidently showing that her tongue spoke thing and her mind thought of other thing irrelevant to what she spelled out.

"but…" when Jung su wanted to replied her, the vibration went on once again and the caller ID was the same as before…Heechul!

Jung su cut his speech off and gazed the shining item on the bed. His expression changed upon reading Heechul's name in his mind once again. as he good somehow at acting, he put his smirk on and held the cell phone before her, showing the screen to her wide-opened eyes. She stepped back a little and stared at her cell phone a bit while her heart sank to her tip of her stomach, what kind of feeling was that? Why did she feel so insecure and yet blushed?

He waved the item in his hand showing how he was impatient of holding it any longer. She immediately took it from him and hid it within her hands while biting her bottom lip. He tracked her expression and couldn’t tell why she acted that way.

"answer him…he might be deadly worried about you! Since you're spending your night with a flirty guy according to him!" Jung su raised his eyebrow in sarcastic manner refused to move his sight over her.

Standing helplessly at the matter, Jessica tried to hide her confused feelings that ruled her up suddenly.

"why am I looking after his feeling? He wouldn't even get bothered, what an idiot I am!" with her thoughts existed her mind she pressed the green button straightway and leaned her small item to her ear ignoring the presence of Jung su at that particular moment!

Jung su witnessed her red cheeks and wondered about her sudden boiling up blood!

"h-h-hello!" Jessica answered hesitantly, still thinking about Jung su after all!!

"JESSICA!!" the person on the other line screamed his heart out when the voice of the bride reached it.

Jung su walked from her view to go to the bathroom, having my shower and relaxing under it would be better than hearing them…he thought.

"Y-Yoona?!" Jessica exclaimed in absolute wonder.

The one who stepped two steps exactly stopped either when he heard the name Yoona. turning his body to catch up with Jessica's confused expression, Jung su really felt that there was something wrong!

She wasn't sure why she screamed when she heard Yoona's voice, was it to confirm Jung su that she wasn't talking to heechul, or because she was really in wonder happily of her friend's calling?

"why are you calling through heechul's phone?" Jessica sat on the bed looking at the standing Jung su who didn't know why he couldn't move!

"my phone died on me, but you have no idea what happened to me last night! I really need you!" Yoona cried trying to show how she was in trouble the day before.

"what-what happened?"

"it's really a long story! And am calling you now because I know you'd be awake at such time" Yoona said, well, it was quite an incorrect point!

"ah! Ok, Yoona, I'll call you later…my parent are visiting me now…catch you later" Jessica was uncomfortably talking to Yoona with the appearance of Jung su standing as if he was observing her!

When he felt the awkwardness through the girl in his sight, Jung su then made his way to the small area, acting as if he wanted to choose what he wanted to wear! Apparently, he was trying to sneak what was all that fuss about! He has such curiosity some time.

"what? oh my! Wait! I totally forgot that you're engaged! How can I forget something like that!"

"silly! I seriously sometime wonder whether if you have brain or not!!"

"I will accept this insult for now, PIG!" Yoona laughed then added "where's he?"

"ah…you mean Jung su?" Jessica said his name then scanned the room around her to see if he was in spot to be seen, but she assumed that he started to take his shower since the sound of the water sprayed was clearly reaching her ears. Standing and waiting to hear what kind of conversation between Jessica and the caller was absolutely a waste of time as Jung su thought.

"oh my! And now he's only Jung su? AWWW!!"

"YAH! Stop it, Why are you like that?! He is taking shower now"

"AWWWW!! Taking shower?! OH MY!! What happened last night?"


"Jessica?!" heymi was shouting as her daughter was late to confirm them whether Jung su will late or not.

"I need to go, call you later, green monster!"

Jessica didn't wait a response from the latter and hanged up immediately.

"wait a bit!" Jessica screamed back as she put her cell phone on the small table beside her bed and breathed in heavily as she stepped between the small room and the bathroom. She swallowed her saliva hardly as she witnessed Jung su's shadow through the square blurred glass on the top of the bathroom's door. Well, his shadow wasn't anything else but his head.

"why all of these things happened on my first day?" Jessica squeezed her eyes then breathed in and out once again.

"Jung su-sshi!" she knocked twice the door and shouted his name, in case the water splashing wouldn’t let him hearing her appeal.

"what?" Jung su replied quietly as he washed away the foam of soap off his face.

"you didn't reply..…!" she shut as the door opened slightly showing behind it just Jung su's face. he rubbed his eyes to have a better view of her appearance.

"what did you say? I haven't heard you" Jung su said moving his fingers through his wet hair.

She bowed her head with a light shaking and the butterflies suddenly increased making her cheeks for the umpteenth time red since the morning!

"I-I-was…asking, if you will take a long…." Jessica shushed once again when Jung su splashed water to her face through the small space of the opened door with a high laugh! What was he thinking off?

"what are you doing!" Jessica stepped back and raised her hand to cover her face, once his laugh existed her ears, she froze and smiled back unknowingly! But she fought back herself and didn't want to show her affected side…so what if he's !! I wouldn't give damn attention to him…I have no interest in him! she thought, glowing her eyes in firmnesses.


"I'll be there in minutes!" Jung su said cutting her words up and closed the door completing his shower.

"what's wrong with him?" Jessica couldn't understand why he acted so intimately to her…his laugh was warm which made her smiling once again replaying the scene that just happened minute ago through her mind.

"he will be here in minutes" she repeated his words literally to her parent.

"that's why you took so much time inside" heymi said slyly with a delightful smile "…laughing and splashing water to each other while bathing…it would be absolutely a joyful moment"

"what?" Jessica exclaimed, looking at her clothe that had some water spots from the previous splash. "that's why he did that? How could he think of such things! Embarrassing!"

"I think we ruined the moment to you both!" heymi commented putting her hand beneath her chin with a regret tone "It will be a great memory for you both! HAVE FUN!" heymi was almost likely talking to herself remembering her own life in the past as if she was seeing her life through Jessica's!

Jessica was about to tell her what exactly all these spots about, but she backed the last minute. She smiled and bowed her head in shyness instead. Sure she won't say that they are not as real as they thought! it will absolutely break her mother down.

"it's all because of a reason…not because he wants to enjoy his moments with me…but for my parent's sake! Everything happens for a reason…I seriously believe in these words!" while bowing her head she thought negatively about what happened to her earlier, changing her shyness smile to a sad one within second."I think…it will be just a memory to me" Jessica replied to her mother in her mind.

Few minutes later, Jung su went out the room quickly heading toward the family and sat beside Jessica then held Jessica's hand tightly, intertwined his fingers with hers and put them on his thigh which made the latter stunned and the rate of her heartbeat increased!

"sorry for my lateness!" Jung su said delightfully.

"you're really a sweet couple! And don't worry son! Let's have our meal before it will really be too late!" heymi said.

"remember Jessica…he's acting!"


As the time goes by, Jessica's parent left the apartment after a lively chat. They gave the new couple a small present – a silver vase- since heymi knows how her daughter is in love with flower, she bought vase and let the choice for Jessica to choose whatever flower she likes to fill it in.

Jessica put the vase beside the study table and stared at it with a smile. then stared at it with pouty mouth thinking about what flower would suit this kind of vases! She pulled her hand to her chest, narrowing her eyes and thinking deeply about it.

"I don’t think it's really a good thing to keep this vase here!" Jung su stepped in and stood near her, doing the same act as her, staring at the silver item.

"why?" she gazed him in wonder as if she wanted explanation on why this place wasn't appropriate!

"look here" he pointed at the book shelves "and here" again he pointed to his study table. "you can't really put another item in the middle! Don't you have chic sense? It's so random!" he pointed out his opinion…with so much honesty.

"well…I have my fashionable sense! And it tells me that it's FINE to have this ITEM here!" she emphasized her words in stubbornness manner.

"well…I doubt if you really have one! But whatever, this kind of things will be placed in the bed room!" he stared at her eyes with the same level of stubbornness as her.

"I don't really know why you're so sure about your words! But leaving it here will be better!"

"why are you always against what I said?" Jung su asked in sarcastic yet he wanted to explode with laughter for some reason! Seeing her stubborn side really amusing him!

"always? …and why are you always full of yourself?"

"why are you replying me with irrelevant words?"

"whatever! This vase is mine, and am the only one who has the right to place it on whatever place I want!"

"what? this is our present, Not yours! And this place isn't yours only too! Do you think you're living all alone?"

"just give me one good reason to change its place" Jessica didn't know why she wanted to have her victory over him in this "silly" conversation, but it sure because she wanted to have one in her life over this almighty person, JUST ONCE even if it's a stupid thing!

Jung su let out a sigh following it a wave of laughter he couldn't hide anymore! He was really amused by her childish act, he didn't know that she has such a behavior! Jessica blanked the moment she witnessed the person beside her sinking in his laughing ignoring her presence. It was her first time to see him laughing by his heart…and most likely the reason for it, herself!

She softened her face and lit up a smile on her skin then the laugh contagion to her which made her laugh lightly to bright up the mood between them.

"It's ok…put it on whatever place you like!" when he finished his laughing, Jung su said with a soft voice to her making her to feel her first ever victory!!

"YES!" she fisted her hand up brightly.

Jung su smiled at her reaction. "she sure has a child inner her!" Jung su thought.


The next day, as the first day end almost peacefully, Jessica was sitting in the living room and the boredom was evidently showing in her continuous yawing. She was flipping the channels indifferently, her thoughts were recalling the time she had near Jung su in the bed the day before. They just have dealt another kind of contract which is to put a fake line in the middle of the bed.

"no one has the right to step one inch to the other territory side, deal?" Jessica replayed Jung su's voice in her mind as if he was teasing her. she didn't say a thing just nodded in bewilderment!

"HUH!! AHHHH!! Who do you think you're JUNGSU!" she screamed her mind as she pressed the buttons in the remote strongly from frustration then finally turn off the TV while heaving a sigh. 

"why can't I go out too? But…am so powerless to move now!" she said while holding her cell phone indifferently, looking at her contacts numbers. OH! She exclaimed in her mind, widened her eyes when she caught the number of her friend that she apparently forget to call all day.

"yoona?" Jessica called yoona when the darkness covered the sky, exactly at 8 PM.

"hi! How was your day?"

"hmm…great! What about yours?"

"today is better…but the day before was horrible!"

" why? What happened yesterday?"

"I will say it briefly, heechul and siwon made me sleep over their place! not only that, heechul was drunk to the point he barely could walk or speak!"

"oh! " Jessica exclaimed, recalling how heechul left the hall furiously. "how about siwon then?"

"damn! He was drinking with heechul like an idiot! He was trying to support him~ If I see one of them right now, you have no idea what I will do to them!"

"what a great thing to support each other of! But…are you in your home?"

"OF COURSE I'M! do you want me to stay there one more day?"

"don't you know why…I mean…"

"yeah, and I guess you know it too! He was in so much depression I could never imagining him one day to be!"

"because of…me?"

"y-yeah" yoona replied her hesitantly "UGH, replying like that made me look like a complete ! but it's ok! Don't worry, it's a matter of time!"

"did he say something while he was drunk?"

"do I really have to spoil up things?"

"just tell me!"

"his words were obscure…but the only word I caught was…. your name!"

Jessica sighed and bowed her head slightly upon thinking of heechul and how much trouble he suffers because of her!

"hey! He's fine today! Believe me!" yoona silenced for a bit wanted to believe her own words too! then she added immediately to close this topic "I'll call you la…wait!"

"what's wrong yoona?"

"do you know the annual tradition of our university?"

"I think …yes…camping in wild?"

"YEAH!! It will take its place next week! Am so excited!"

"OH NO! I want really to go this time!"

"you're always bringing up excuses so that you wouldn't join us, why are you changing your thought now?"

Their university has a tradition to gather the students at the end of the year so that they will get along much more and will have much more fun. But for Jessica, she hadn't for once going there with them. At first, she was worrying about her health, since too much work will lead to a serious sequences to her leg, so that she always fake up excuses to her friends. But after hearing their wild stories she started to fear it even more and cleared the idea from her mind completely!

But the reason why she insisted for this vacation to follow them, it might be because she didn't want to stuck with Jung su too much since she heard from yoona he hadn't for once attending the camping!

"I just want to experience it!" she faked a reason.

"you just want to escape!" Yoona got what Jessica was thinking off immediately then added "anyway! Hope you wouldn't change your mind at the last minute!"

"I won't!"

"ok…I have to go!"

They finally hanged up the call. She stared at her cell phone for awhile then stood and went near the book shelves. Scanning the books one by one, trying to figure out what kind of books caught Jung su's attention. But once her eyes diverted to the vase placed beside it, she ignored the books and gazed the vase in wonder.

"what should I choose? Am I thinking too much? Ugh!" Jessica sat on her knees, touching the vase moving her soft fingers around the stipple. Once she heard the sound of the door opened and closed, she stood immediately scanning the hallways to see the person who just stepped in.

for 5 hours, Jung su left her to meet with his friends as he claimed to her, but she strongly believed that the word 'friends' nothing else but Taeyeon! Since she already knew and dealt with it that no one has the right to interrupt and to put his nose in the other person life, she just nodded to him with a fake smile. and the only thing that made her at ease that he told her he might be late! At least, he respected her condition on treating her as human being!!

"uh! You came!" Jessica putting her hands behind her back asking him in a cute manner! She thought being late would take much time than this.

He stopped when he heard her voice then gazed her for a second and completed his way to sit on the couch while mumbling mockingly. "no, I'm his ghost" she heard his sarcasm which made her smile for a bit. She went and sat on the couch on the other side facing him.

"how was the meeting?" Jessica asked putting her palm beneath her chin and leaning her arms on her thighs, she was completely acting cutely toward him all up sudden!

"great" The latter gazed her act with indifference. "why are you asking?" he ended up asking her.

"nothing, but seeing your bright face made me wonder about the meeting…it sure was great!" Jessica leaned her back on the couch connecting her eyes with his.

"you really know what kind of meeting was that…congrats on your smartness!" jung su clapped his hands for a bit mockingly.

"I don't see why are you so excited! Is seeing her will make you happy that much?" Jessica gave him a look while thinking to herself then faked a smile and looked at him with indifference in return. "she was surely worried about you since you spent the nig…."

 "you know how to make a perfect time to take your revenge, huh! Really smart!" Jung su said interrupting her with a sly smile that appeared on his skin.

She cleared and refused to take her eyes away from him, since she won the first time on making the decision for the vase's place, she just wants to continue on with her victory on this day…it always happens to be a silly things anyway!

"using such word…you're seriously watching too much movies!"

"well…I consider you as a live movie!"

 "very funny!" Jessica pouted upon hearing his words which she didn't very like.

He cut off the conversation by turning on the flat TV. He flipped the channels wanted to catch any interested show or series, but didn't! the flipping didn't end yet which made Jessica pouting unknowingly while seeing the channels flipping so fast which made her daze!

Finally, he turned off the TV and threw the remote to the coffee table frustrated. The result of flipping channels was the same for both Jessica and Jung su…turning off the TV. When Jung su wanted to lay his back on the couch, his cell phone rang and he flipped open it while scanning the caller ID, finally he picked it up.

Jessica was sure that the one on the other line no other but Taeyeon! She bowed her head moving her fingers in circle on her skirt, to not let her ears caught what jung su would say to his "girlfriend".

"I sent you a message, didn't you see it?! anyway, I'll see you tomorrow!" Jung su said patting his temple in exhaustion.

Unknowingly, Jessica looked at him while pouting her eyebrows in disbelief! "is he going to see her tomorrow…too?"

"yah, Taeyeon…I was gathering with my friends today, that's why!" he stopped while letting a sigh.

"what?!" Jessica found herself saying this word that bubbles in , she just couldn't believe her ears! "he was…with his friends? Not Taeyeon? Is that means…he wasn't lying to me?" she thought in disbelief that showing in her widened eyes.

Jung su turned his head to where Jessica was and stared at her for awhile like if he was asking –what the hell…?

"I'll call you later, baby…" Jung su said then hanged up the phone and leaned the back of his head on the couch.

"you…weren't….with her?" Jessica asked without further delaying, she wanted to confirm that what she heard was absolutely right and not her own fake images.

"why are you so concern?" he asked in return. She found out that Jung su sometime, really loves to beat around the bush, which she clearly doesn't like!

"am…just asking! Because I thought you were lying to me regarding that meeting you had hours ago!"

"lying? Why would I lie to you?" he scoffed and smiled mockingly at her statement which he didn't find an explanation to it!

"because…" she either didn't know why he would lie to her! she just parted her lips to say something reasonable, but couldn't. could that be because he concerned about her feelings? Well…this is evidently not true!

"honey! If I was going to Taeyeon, then I'd say it briefly to you 'I'll meet my girl' there's no reason to me to hide my actual direction from you!" he said while his head still resting on the couch, saying it with so much teasing in his voice.

After finishing his words, Jung su's eyes met Jessica's to study her emotionless face that covered her up. She was hoping for another answer…but her hopes vanished within second the moment he opened his mouth.

"that's…make sense" Jessica thought. she just exaggerated and made up a story in her mind to satisfy what she really wants to feel!

Jessica's heart was hammering like nonstop, everything was so blur yet so clear in her vision! She just didn't like the idea of getting hopes in someone who barely considered her as even a girl or a friend! There's nothing clearly tied the both of them!

"oh please, I just need to be more professional at hiding my stupid feeling from him!! why am I like that? Aish! I need to stop this right away" Jessica bit her lips in frustration of her own act.

"Jung su-sshi," Jessica exclaimed his name suddenly, wanted to divert the topic. He didn't reply her, instead, he gazed her wanted to know why she was calling him for.

"I want to know…what type of flowers do you like the most?" Jessica asked scanning the one in question curiously. She composed herself and tried to act like nothing stupid occur couple minutes ago.

Unaware of his overreaction, Jung su narrowed his eyes and frowned upon hearing her question. She frightened when she witnessed his sudden change in his face.

"I want to have an idea of your taste…maybe it will suit the vase!" Jessica clarified herself by waving her hands and moving her eyes once in the couch and once to his face.

"I don't like any" he simply answered while changing his expression to be so calm.

"really? Since you already have a girlfriend, didn't you buy her flowers?" Jessica found herself asking in wonder couldn’t hide her curious! "maybe I shouldn't really open this topic to him, why he looks so frustrated?"

"she doesn't like flowers! And even if I want to buy, it will be random!" he answered eyeing her in seriousness! "why? Does anyone really have to express his love by flowers?"

"I didn't mean that! Just a pure question, never mind!" Jessica swallowed her saliva hardly at how he was so serious over something not worth it! she leaned her back once again to the couch absentmindedly.

 Few minutes of awkwardness led Jung su to leave the living room to his room, however, Jessica's voice prevented him from moving more.

"I'll go for a walk for a bit!" she stood facing him.

"now? at this time?" Jung su questioned her with confusion and the worry was obvious in his voice.

"yeah…I won't be late!"

"do you have any idea what time is it now?" Jung su frowned at her with his strict yet worry tone.

"I won't be late!" she emphasized her words once again to him, leaving him behind headed to the door. She wore her shoe and opened the door before her, didn't even for a bit turning her head to witness the one in complete confusion!

"was he really…worried about me?" she stood leaning her back on the door, didn't move yet from the hallway to ride on the elevator! She was totally blanked when his voice frequently repeating in her mind! "he was….worrying….I could feel that!" she hit her head powerfully to get rid off of her useless thought.

"stop stop stop…he isn't worrying, all what he's worrying about, his name! YEAH HIS NAME! the only one he would truly worry about is Taeyeon! STOP!"

It wasn't really that late to make Jung su seriously showing his worried to her…as she felt. It was 8:35 to be exact. She headed out at such time when she made a decision on what type of  flower she would buy, to get off the thought of flowers and the vase! She surly found this thing almost as a burden to her, since her loves for flower was seriously more than she was imagining!

Stepping near the flower shop while breathing in and out then entered it with a happy smile scanning the flowers around her. she stopped when she looked at the white flower in her sight. She immediately recalled Jung su…how could she forget something so significant like that?

This was when he shared a piece of memory with her, which made her dancing inner her with so much delightful feelings. The scene where he talked to her in her parent's home, was replaying in her mind once again, making her same feeling reborn inside her.

"he loves lily! Why he didn't mention it when I asked him?" she thought while staring endlessly at the flower.

"ajumma! May I have a bunch of lily, please?" she said pointing at the lily with a satisfied feeling.

At first, she was about to buy amaryllis, but since her eyes caught on the lily, she straightway changed her mind…the reason was to please Jung su!

She went out the shop holding the lily near her chest, smelling it with a grin! She was satisfied to the point she couldn't hide her smile to anyone at all.

She stopped when the traffic signal showed the red light. Scanning the people around and holding her flowers as if she was holding her own baby! All up sudden, her eyes while scanning everything around in boredom of waiting, scanned a restaurant on the other side of the road.

The green light indicate people to walk while she was stunning in her place. "heechul…" she mumbled. Without feeling of her legs, she went near the restaurant with a hesitant steps. She was looking through the wide glass, trying to find at least heechul's shadow, but to no avail! She bowed her head in disappointment then changed her actual way to her apartment.


She turned her head to see who was calling for her! for her surprise, her eyes caught no other but Hecchul's intimate friend.

When Jessica was looking through the glass, he caught her presence and harried outside to catch her speed before she would leave the place.

"you!" Jessica exclaimed then bowed politely greeting him.

"Hongki, Lee Hongki! Nice to see you again!" hongki said patting his head and flashed a bright smile to her.

"nice to see you too!" she blanked at him and then smiled along with him.

"you're probably here to see heechul, right?" he said in high tone.

"oh! A…well…y-e-ah! Where's he?" she blushed when he said her actual intention.

"he didn't come today. I wonder what happened to him! are you in touch with him? I haven't reached him these days!" he patted his hair in frustration and narrowing his eyebrows.

She shook her head in response to his question simply.

"If this guy won't appear this week, he'll get fired for sure!" he talked to himself loudly.

"is he absents too much?" she asked in wonder making her whole expression to be a question mark.

"you wouldn't want to know!" he waved his hands in disbelief of his friend's act. "by the way, is this bouquet for heechul? I would happily hand this to him!" he said to her indicating to the lily she was holding then winked.

"ah..n..NO…!" she blushed even more and she didn't know why she felt really embarrassed!

"sorry!" hongki apologized immediately for making such an assume.

"nothing really! But, can you deliver this message to him?"


"that I came here, and please greet him on my behalf!" Jessica said then bowed to him when his response was only winking at her as if he was like –depend on me-.

She walked down the street feeling that the day for her wasn't over yet! She felt that before she could reach the apartment, something really not good would occur to her! her sixth sense was working since she was with hongki, she couldn't believe what more worse could happen to her in 2 days!!

She tightened her hands around the bouquet when the thought didn't want to leave her. maybe she was affected of what had happened to her since her first day, that's why she couldn't get through it yet and the negative thoughts was playing a big role in her mind, but she was sure, once this sense is working, she will believe in it, because it doesn't deceive her once! Maybe deceived her once in her life time, when she trusted the dog!!!

Out of the blue, she froze…her blood rushed in her veins speedily on the sight of the person she couldn't imagine that she would meet in that day! her steps froze as if she was numb. Her tightened fingers around the bouquet loosen upon seeing that long figure in her sight! It wasn't like she used to see him weary, his face made her heart losing his normal beating, everything was just so abnormal. With all the people who was passing by them, she couldn’t think more about them, her only thought was focused on him…on the swollen face! it was just 2 days…and he's losing his usual self…

"heechul-sshi!" she began, her lips were shaking when his name exiting .

He stared at her face with a grieve smile and walked toward her groggily. She didn't move at all despite the fact that his appearance was seriously scary if someone would observe his so exhaustive body! She stood in firmness when he finally approached her, flickering his eyes while scanning her face randomly.

"I…was sure that…I'll see you tonight!" he said with a roar voice evidently showing that he was no longer in a normal condition.

"heechul-sshi!" she said softened her expression when his words reached her ears which made the goose pumps in her to spread all over her skins.

"did you get the same feeling too?" he said almost losing his self controlling. He was trying to compose himself by standing properly, but the alcoholic was mustering him up!

She wasn't sure if what her sixth sense was aiming to was this, but she couldn't answer him because she didn't really think about him like how he did for her! she kept her stare on him trying to say words, but she failed.

"yoona said you're fine! Why you look so oppose of what she said?" Jessica thought gazing heechul's red eyes that had a darken circles around them.

"why are you walking here? You should go home!" Jessica finally opened with a cranky voice.

"are you worried about me?" he said putting his arms on her shoulder, hoping for a satisfied answer would at least make him happy for this particular moment. but to his surprise, she straightaway pushed his drunken hand from her shoulder, her reaction was off beat!

"yes, I'm worried about you….as A FRIEND!" she replied emphasizing the last word so that he would hear it clearly.

"was that…really necessary…to say the last word? Can't you…say it to me? even if it's all fake, I would accept it!" he bit his lower lip furiously, frustrated of the matter. His blood rushed through his whole body as if it was boiling.

"please…please! I beg you! Don't do that to yourself, PLEASE!" she said bowing her head in regretting.

Even if he told her that he would accept her fake confession, she couldn't say it! she didn't want to build a fake hope over him, because she, herself, experienced how it's really difficult to have such feelings.

"why…can't you believe in me?" he said stepping aback.

"I really trust you! But, please! I can't really handle seeing you in pain….and knowing that I'm the main reason for it, hurt me!"

"IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE THE REASON…WHY CAN'T YOU STOP PUMPING TO MY HEAD? YOU'RE TURNING MY LIFE UPSIDE DOWN! I…I...really can't handle this either!" he shouted at her which made her jumping over her place.

his sudden shout caught people's attention which made Jessica somehow uneasy with the conversation! When he said his last sentence, he softened his voice likelihood talking to himself with so pain inside his small little part in his body!

For his first time, his tears clung in his eyes, he was fighting to let it back while his stare on the girl's flawless face. his tears wouldn't stream out no matter what in front of any creature! This was heechul, his pride over anything else…but this time was surly eliminated. He was amazed at how this love really conquered him, such love didn't happen to him, why she was so special?

"heechul-sshi" she said quietly his name. "you're fully drunk, please…go home!" she said breathing in and out.

"…I'm not drunk…I'm just losing my sense…I'm not …drunk, I'm just senseless!" he replied to her waving his hands before her and laughed at his own words as if it was a serious joke!

"heechul-sshi!" she mumbled his name with pain.

"STOP CALLING MY NAME! STOP! You don't know how your voice is ringing up in my head!" once again, heechul let out a serious shout losing all his self controlling!

She stepped backward for a bit from his shout with horror eyes, tightened her hands around the bouquet.

"he is probably waiting your present at home, go before it's too late!" he said walking groggily beside her with indifferences, while the truth is, he wanted to cut down the flowers!

"I'm sorry! Please!" Jessica mumbled when he passed beside her, almost pouring down her tears for seeing heechul suffers so much…he was seriously a reflex of her own love! But at that moment…she couldn't be sure if she could one day love him back as much as he already have for her! but for sure, she couldn't deny that she has a crush on him…but it didn't grow after that…it was a pure crush as she thought. could that little crush grow to something more serious through days?!

Heechul walked away from her, seeing her was making him pressured more, making him less composed! He wished if he didn't see her or met her!

As for Jessica, she breathed in and out heavily, biting her lips unbelievingly. She didn't want to be like Jung su! Like how he rejected her and always making fun of her! how he sometimes really making her suffers to the point she wished to be invisible! She just didn't want to treat heechul like that, but she couldn't calm the latter either, she was in dilemma!

"We are all broken and wounded in this world. Some choose to grow strong at the broken places"

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />