Chapter ..5..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


"Jang su!" Taeyoen called her boyfriend when she saw him sitting on the bench, his back facing her. no doubt, now she knows him even if he is surrounding by hundreds!

When Taeyeon's voice exist him, he immediately turned his head to where she was running, holding her books near her chest, and a bright smile drawing on her flawless baby face.

She didn't take time to sit beside and gave him a light hug to express her missing very well to him, but once she broke the hug, she got panic of his foot!

"O-Oppa! What's …wrong?" she closed by putting her hand on it and her eyes widened! Jang su let a strong sigh when he felt the wave of the questions would attack him sooner! He managed to put a fake smile on and claimed that he was fine.

"ah! About this?" he pointed at his crutch. "I slipped while walking down…" he wanted to clarify the accident but she interrupted him when she felt his voice holding a mixed and strange emotions.

"you're not telling the truth!! Tell me what had happened to you?!" she asked him with a strict tone and serious face. she didn't like the idea of him being lying to her!

"you know that the most disgusting thing to me is when someone interrupting me!! firstly, why would I lie? Secondly, is this something really GREAT to be joking about?! Taeyeon!" he got hyper at her and almost scolding her which this thing frightened her to death. Seeing his serious eyes and gaze burning of anger because of her was something uncomfortable at all! Moreover, it was her first time knowing that he hates being interrupted! 'Where was I?' she thought.

"why are you serious like that? I'm just wondering about your injury, you know how it's hurt me when I see you in pain!" she said with a sincere feeling that showing it in her words.

"I'm sorry, I-I…I'm just so tired! I didn't sleep well! Anyway, I'm fine, the doctor said it won't take so long to be cured! At least it will take 1 week" he said then stared at the sky for a bit.

"a whole week! At least?! I hope that I was with you when you was injured, so that you'd lean on me!" she said pouting and regretting that she wasn't with him when he needed her the most.

He suddenly remembered the one who he leaned on which gave him unstable feelings.

"there's so dramatic in your words! GOD!" he said and chuckled at her to ignore the strange feeling which covered him when Jessica pumped up in his head.

"again with this phrase! NO! this is called ROMANTIC! RO-MA-N-TIC! Can't you feel the difference?! I need to teach you how to be a romantic guy from now on!" a heat crossed her body and her cheeks burned with shyness! She looked at him then bowed her head and played with her fingers. He stared at her cute side and a wave of emotions across his mind which immediately shown in his eyes.

He couldn't deny his worries at all, he couldn't say it to her, he couldn't prevent this feeling from growing each second when she's beside him…the situation was bigger than he thought!!!

'I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry, Taeyeon! I don't want to hurt you…I don't want to be the one who hurts you!' Jang su thought and the pain inside him increased for the thought itself.

"why are you staring at me like that?" she asked him innocently.

"nothing, but there was something in your eyes! Anyway, let's go to the class" he grabbed his crutch and stood to go inside the building while Taeyeon busying cleaning her eyes and her face!

He walked before her and she followed him. "You don't have to be so straight forward, you embarrassed me! AISH!" she was still rubbing her eyes and got hit on her head from Jang su's back.

He stopped his steps when he saw Jessica in front of him blocking his way and was someone following her either. Jang su stared at the both of them with a careless stare. Nonetheless, he made his move to complete his way.

'I can't believe! Wherever we are, she pumped from nowhere!'Taeyeon's jealousy shown in her cursing eyes! But she preferred to complete her way with Jang su. She tried to show Jessica how close they are by putting her hand around his arm and pretending to help him which made Jessica somehow burning!  

Nevertheless, the sound of Jessica's voice stopped the both Jang su and Taeyeon from moving further.

"Are you ok, Jang su-sshi?" she didn't know how the words were properly and her shaking suddenly disappeared, but what she couldn't understand…why she felt so secure?!

Jang su turned his body to see her clearly then put his smirk when he scanned her face.

"why are you so curious? Tenth of people passing beside me and they didn't even bother to ask about my condition…so why are you curious?" he asked sarcastically and the smirk still on his face.

"because I was-"

"well, that's why she asked! Because it seems you're totally lack of friends! HOW POOR!" heechul coming two steps forward and interrupted Jessica's defensive and so useless words -from his point of view! He raised an eyebrow at Jang su and the eye-war between them was so obvious! Actually, thanks to heechul who interrupted her otherwise she will get a shoot from taeyeon if she knows Jang su got hurt because of her!!!

"really? Thanks for your concern, newbie! Well…it's out of your business! But, I'm curious and I want to ask question" Jang su said and his confidence didn't vibrate even a bit so the same goes for heechul.

"what?" heechul asked furiously.

"it's not you! Jessica-sshi, can you STOP FOLLOWING ME? I'm tired of the rumors already! Can you?" he asked her seriously with a killer tone.

Jessica felt the shame for the second time in her life! Moreover, in front of heechul, her new-to-be friend! She bowed her head, and the tears covered her eyes but she refused to pour them out.

"I think you heard enough today! Stop doing that! Aren't you have a pride?" Taeyeon said then clung on Jang su's arm with a very devil smile.

Heechul couldn't stand still at how they wounded her and cursing her and she was all silent! Somehow, when Taeyeon commented, Jang su didn't find it appropriate from her to even put her nose on the whole matter! He found it really annoying how the both of them attacking a girl! he wanted to move away his arm from the clinging Taeyeon, but he found it either strange to do that in front of Jessica and that new guy!

even though Jang su felt guilty somehow, but he didn't show any on his face! then the both Jang su and Taeyeon decided to leave the others

"who do you think you are? How could you spell the word pride when you even haven't one?!"

heechul said with lots of sarcasm yet anger! He grabbed Jessica's hand and moved her away from their eyes despite her drugging legs. Taeyeon almost losing her mind when heechul attacked her, she stared at Jang su for some help but he was staring at the 'couple's' back then changed his way too to go inside the building while she still couldn't believe what she heard!


"are you lack of confidence? What's wrong with you? Can't you say something?!"

Heechul who dragged Jessica along with him lost his temper at her. she sat on the ground and bowed her head, didn't dare to let her eyes met heechul's. she suddenly felt as her soul left her and the tears that almost drop, drought. She heard heechul's scolding, but she couldn't reply him yet!

"I didn't know you're a coward! I can't get along with people like you!" he continued his attacking to her which shocked her to the point the tears that drought, gathered and made their way out of her eyes!

"I'm sorry!" she said.

"sorry for what? that punk, if she wasn't a girl, I could make her forget her name! and that…"

"why are you bothering yourself? I didn't tell you to be my friend, I didn't tell you to help me, I didn't tell you to be around when I'm crying!!" she stopped and stood to face heechul's face who lost his expression at her heartless words! She rubbed her eyes then stared at him for a bit and continued her speech.

"this is me, I'm deadly coward person! I won't change myself because I want Mr. Perfect to be my friend!! Thanks because you were clear at the beginning! Have a nice day!" she turned her back at him and left him shockingly staring at her back!

This is Jessica, when she feels upset, she can't control herself or her personality to be rude to anyone, but since her mind get back to her…she would know that she was totally at fault!

"heechul-sshi!" yoona's voice interrupting his almost move to follow Jessica. He looked at yoona's way and fake a smile.

"I saw Jessica with you, why are you guys at this far corner? Where did she go?" yoona asked.

"I don't know, but…the correct question is, where she'll go?"


"nothing, how could you be friend with someone like her? she's…well"

"why? Did something happen between you? NO, not this FAST! How could you guys argue this fast??" yoona slapped her forehead softly and made a questionable face.

"what's with Jang su and the girl clinging on him?"

"w-what? not you too! I hate him because everywhere I go, I heard his name!!"

"really? Is he that famous?" heechul rubbed his head not believing what he heard earlier.

"ah! Ah…yeah! He is! Really famous! Specially around me! hahaha! Ha! Ha! Yeah he is! Why?" she tried to be funny to make the atmosphere between them a little bit easy.

"nothing…you have to watch your friend! She is totally…well, you know her better than me" he said these words then left her and put his hands on his pocket. Yoona stared at him and turned her head to understand his obscure words!

"what's wrong with them? Did he find out about Jessica and her hidden love? NO! NOOO!!" Yoona thought to herself still wondering about the matter.


'when I wanted to erase what had happened, I couldn't even forget a little! I wish if I lost my memory! I wish to be invisible! How many times I tried to hate him…I couldn't! why? He lives his life happily while I…suffering because of someone who ever notices me! I wish to stop dreaming!' Jessica thought while lying on the bed covering her head with her sheet letting her tears to escape from her eyes.

It has been 3 days since she refused to go outside the home or even picking up her phone calls! Yoona was deadly worried about her, she almost burned Jessica's cell phone with her calls!

She was in a horrible psychologist situation after that day when Jang su and his girlfriend curses her in front of heechul. She couldn't forget how rude she was toward heechul who actually helped her!

No matter how her mother told her to leave to her college and to get out her bed, but to no avail! Jessica just refused the idea of going out and meet anyone at this moment!

The sound of knocking the door made her stopping the tears unknowingly. Her mother entered Jessica's room with a pale face and worried aura.

"honey, how many days you managed to luck yourself in this room?! The matter doesn't deserve all what you did! Come on, let's eat the dinner, oh?"  Jessica's mother sat on the edge of the bed and patted Jessica's back then her head. The daughter couldn't reply her mother as she was totally out of her mind and soul but she nodded and got up to go the dining table with her mother's arm around her shoulders.

"Omma, thanks!" Jessica thanked her mother when she sat on the chair with her emotionless face. her mother just drawn a soft smile like she was satisfied to see her daughter around them again. Jessica's father came out of his room and got shock when he saw Jessica around the table.

"my little daughter is fine now, right?" he said as he held the fork and started to eat his food. Her father didn't know the real matter, his wife just lied to him and said Jessica was sick!!

Jessica just nodded to him and she was staring at her dish aimlessly. Suddenly, her father started a topic with her mother which draw her attention somehow.

-I had a call with 4-to-4 company's minister today

-really? Why? Don't tell me they know about the matters in our company!

-I don't know, he was so calm yet I was so insecure about his calmness!

-that's absolutely mean he knows it! we have a strong competition with them, they will take this falling as an opportunity for them to win against us!

-we are not falling apart! It's just a temporary crisis! Well, I will know what he wants after our meeting.

-meeting? I'll go with you, I just can't stand seeing them win against us!

-they won't, even if we have this crisis….and you don't have to go with me!

-why? Why? I can't leave you alone, honey!

-because he will visit me here, at home!

-WHAT? what with this strange meeting?!

-he said after like 2 days he will visit me to discuss a lot of things privately!

-strange! Really strange!


thank you so much for subscribing <3 and please let me see your comments too ^_^

hope you liked the update

PS: It will take a quite chapters till I reach the complex part~ so, I don't want you to feel bored -.-

thank you again ~

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />