Chapter ..15..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

The new couple, Jung su and Jessica, officially announced hours ago as husband and wife in sight of so many people who believed in hyung mi's words, that briefly said "both of them are deeply in love with each other and because of them, our relationship regarding both companies will get better through the days".

After the intimate kiss between her and her love of her life, she couldn't believe that she responded to him, moreover, in front of the one who vowed to her that he won't let that "bastard " to come near her. when Jessica regained her senses, she was staring at the smiley Jung su who was standing in her view, few inches away from her face blankly. her heartbeat was incredibly bounding in her small and fragile body which made her cheeks bright red to the latter's view! She couldn't figure out if this smile was sarcastic because he got what he wanted within a blink of eye or it was a sincere feeling drawing in his skin! He was someone she couldn't tell what in his mind and his sleeve!

This moment was absolutely a fingerprint in her heart and to her brain and it mixed with a pleasure and disbelief! But for another person, it was absolutely a scar and a heartbroken moment to have seen it by his own eyes. What he did to escape this mess was by turning his back and left the place, leaving as fast as he could. Following him on other side a grim girl leaving hot on her heels. These two no other than heechul and Taeyeon.

The moment heechul stepped out the hall, siwon shouted and led the people around including yoona and Jessica to notice the absence of their friend.

"Heechul…where are you going?" siwon shouted as he followed heechul trying to catch the latter's speed.

Jessica turned her head with a horror eyes, watching both of her friends leaving furiously, but what she did is bowing her head in disappointment on herself. Once she raised her head again to catch heechul's shadow for the last moment, she saw Yoona bowing apologetically to her to leave either with the two guys who left earlier, she didn't do a thing but to flash a sad smile allowing her friend to follow them.

Jung su was tracking Jessica's expression and could feel what she was holding inner her, however, he preferred to play the blind role instead of stepping and saying whatever that could ruin the ceremony and the bit sweet moment between them.


After the long day they spent it celebrating to welcome their new life, they finally headed out the hall together to their golden cage as known as their home, of the name of married couple. They entered their apartment, apparently, all what they were trying to show to the people back there, faded away within second. They entered their apartment that placed in the 11th floor separately, showing no interest in the other, just as they planned few days ago, and it started the moment they stepped into their home.

Jessica as she walked slowly when she entered the living room, she was scanning the place with her white and shiny dress. 3 brown to black couches and small white coffee table. In the middle between the couches, there was a plaza TV. On the other side, 3 doors one of them led to kitchen, and the others to their room and additional one.

On the corner near the balcony, there was a small study table with a huge book shelves. The above 2 rows filled with novels and the bottom 2 rows filled with mixed books from scientific to poetry .etc.

"I think I'll know him better…he seems really love reading" Jessica thought in awe.      

She scanned the three doors and guessed about the room behind each door, when she figured that there was an additional room, she immediately thought that Jung su would sleep there since he didn't want them to be so in touch with each other. The idea of them sleeping in same room, moreover, in one bed was freezing her till her toes and left her heart with unstable bounding.

"go there if you want to change…" Jung su pointed out at the room in the left corner when he witnessed her zoned out expression.

She got panic when he suddenly spoke then bowed slightly to him and  took her leave to the pointed room. She stepped in front of the door hesitating to open it for some reason. She raised her hand and touched the knot, but she couldn't turn it!

All up sudden, Jung su put his hand on hers and turned the knot to open the door for her which made her froze and moving her hand from his quickly then lowered her head in shyness.

"what are you thinking off? I need to change either, so quickly!" After letting out a deep sigh Jung su commented with a serious expression near her.

"got it!" Jessica screamed in his ear and entered the room and closed the door in his face!

She again zoned out when she saw the well organized room starting from the bed to the wardrobe and finally to the table placed in the middle for two. She heaved a sigh then went to the small room inside where the wardrobe was to choose her pajama. She heard that Jung su's father bought for her clothes as a present. The only thing she was thinking off "does he know my size? I wonder!"

She chose a pink and blue pajama and tried to change it quickly since she took quite a lot time admiring the place around her. when she headed to take off the necklace and the bracelet, the door opened slowly.

"I'm coming!" Jung su said with a lower voice opening the door at ease.

"yeah, you can!" Jessica turned while her hands around her neck trying her best to take off the hard-fastened necklace.

When he already stepping in the room, he somehow stopped his moves and stared at Jessica's casual look. He changed his sight and looked to other side and cleared his throat then he headed to the wardrobe to take his pajama either.

"you…won't change here, will you?" Jessica asked stopped her trying to take off the so called necklace.

He gave her a sarcastic look and his famous smirk drown in his skin once again.

"I'll go to the bathroom, I'm sure you heard about this place before?!" he witnessed her red cheeks and smiled at her then added while taking off his tuxedo's jacket and hanged it on the clothes hook. "you seem you are having hard time taking off this item!"

He came near her which made her moving backward a little bit with a furious heartbeat.

He was trying to by surrounding his arms around her neck and tried by then to take the necklace from her. he chose this method to see her blank reaction that he recently used to see. His body was near her, she was standing helplessly and her heartbeat was something she could hear even from afar!!

His cheek was near her ear so his breath was slapping and tickling her skin and reached inside her through her ears. Finally the item was taken off, then he walked few inches from her and suspended it in the air.

"I could hear your heartbeat honey!" he said teasing her more.

She ignored him and led her hand and took it from him. she was trembling nonstop and it was showing in her shaking hand. She put the necklace on the table trying to avoid his stare, but she couldn't avoid the wave of shaking that conquered her. Jessica heaved a sigh then looked at him like –why are you still standing?-

"the pajama is pretty good on you" jung su commented made her blank to continuous infinitely.

"ah…this" Jessica lowered her head pointing at what she was wearing. "I should thank your dad, he really knows my size!" Jessica added then gazed him with her blank sight and idiot smile she couldn’t hide.

"do you think he knows it by himself?" Jung su asked mischievously pushing his arms to his chest.

Suddenly, when she witnessed how he looked like with the white shirt and intertwined his arms, showing his muscles beneath the fabric of his shirt, made the butterflies inner her to increase! She shook her head and controlled herself to focus on the conversation between her and the almighty self confidence, Jung su.

"is that means…you….told him?" Jessica asked unaware of her words if she should spell it out or keep it to herself. At the end, she just said what she was thinking off, despite the fact that she was fearing to hear his mocking.

"yeah, thanks to Taeyeon, I think there's no much differences between you, maybe the height? Well I guess!" Jung su answered her with calm voice, rubbing his chin acting as if he was comparing them in his mind.

Upon hearing the name Taeyeon, Jessica's butterflies disappeared within second. She was sure there's no way to him to not mention her around! After all, Taeyeon is the one who motivated him of thinking about the contract. He has no intention to break up with her…that what came up to her mind.

Even though, she was sure such things happened in her dreams, wouldn't occur in real life, she was always believing in that. Once again, she shook her head to focus on the matter happening to her now.

Jung su was tracking her changes of expression, from sadness to serious, but he couldn't tell what she was exactly thinking off. He smirked at her then headed to change his clothe.

Jessica sat on the bed pouting her lips trying not to see the small room behind her or to the bathroom side.

"why it suddenly felt hot here? Wait…if he changed his cloth here…is that means he will be here…too?! Oh no!!" Jessica intertwined her fingers and prayed to not let any of her thoughts to come true!

After few minutes, Jung su went out of the small area and showed with his causal look either which made Jessica shocked of his flawless look!

"I'll be fine, you can go!" Jessica said to Jung su which made the latter lost in his confusion!

"what…are you saying?" he let a small laugh then added "where will I go at this time?"

"to sleep in the other room!" Jessica affirmed her words and stood with a widened eyes.

"who said we will sleep in separate rooms?" Jung su gazed her then intertwined his arms to his chest. It seems he loves to do this move lately.

"then…where will you sleep?" Jessica insisted to make him leaving the room.

"yah! What's wrong with you? Are you afraid of cheating him?"

"cheating?....cheating whom?"

"well…you know who I mean, but rest assure, I have no intention to touch you nor to hurt you! I said to you before, we are in different worlds!"


"okay, it's really late! We discussed this before and I have to sleep…" Jung su headed to the other side of the bed and sat on it edges.

"by the way, there's nothing in that room…just an empty one! We can make it stockroom…I think it's pretty good idea!" Jung su said and pulled the sheet and raised his legs to cover him up.

"we?" Jessica blanked of the thought.

"you can sleep in the living room… on the couch!" Jessica emphasized by her hands and frowned.

Jung su stopped his sheet pulling and straight his back and stared at her with an emotionless sight.

"why am I the one who should be leaving? You can sleep over there if you want!"

"because you're the guy and you can handle it, my stamina isn't good when it comes to these things!!" Jessica clarified herself and tried to clear her point.

"huh! I can't sleep in such places! So please quit this dramatic things, I've told you…I've no intention at ALL!" he said then put his head on the pillow and his back faced her.

"whether you'll be here or there, don't forget to switch off the light" he covered his whole body even his face with the sheet leaving Jessica standing unknowingly to what she should do!

Sleeping in the couch is absolutely not good for Jung su's condition regarding his back problem and his fragile body, he wasn't lying when he said his words to her, and he said it because he knows she won't take it seriously. Either for Jessica's condition, sleeping in such uncomfortable places isn't good for her leg! But to compare the both physical bodies, Jung su is way more serious than her, nevertheless, it was something in common between them, and it might be the first thing they shared….but neither of them know about it.

After a lot of thinking, she pulled off the sheet and lied on the edge of the bed with her unstable heartbeat. It was really hot and she was almost sweating from the sudden change in the air around her. she closed her eyes powerfully trying to imagine anything else but not the person beside her…but to no avail.

"your unstoppable moves are disturbing my peaceful sleep!" Jung su suddenly commented which made her opening her eyes in horror.

She was turning her body left to right and swinging her legs unaware of anything just to clear her mind, and apparently, she was the main reason why Jung su had a deprived sleep!

"sorry…I have to take some time adapting to this place" she said as she crawling to the edge of the bed again.

"I haven’t said to you this…but, you were beautiful today" Jung su said with his still closed eyes and his hand beneath his head while his back facing her.

"th-thanks…?" she said disbelievingly and her cheeks burned with shyness.

"what is he trying to do…I can't SLEEP!" Jessica thought and swallowed her saliva hardly. 

All up sudden, Jung su straight his back and stared at Jessica's back and her swinging body then let a sigh. Jessica felt his moves so she stopped her turning and swinging then breathed in heavily.

"I think neither of us will sleep tonight! I'll sleep in the living room if that will satisfy you and your boyfriend!"

He headed out with his pillow and closed the door strongly behind him which let Jessica sitting on the bed feeling guilty.

"why he always brings up the boyfriend matter!? What's wrong with him?"  she scanned the place around with horror "is he sleeping there comfortably?" she thought as she put her head on her pillow squishing the sheet to her chest and closed her eyes forcefully.


Next morning, the sun radiating was spreading all over the room and prevent Jessica to complete her sleep. She was straggling to gain this amount of sleep but what happened yesterday made her lazy to even open her eyes. She turned to her left and hugged the remain sheet powerfully with weird voices. When she couldn't compete the light that covered her face, she finally gave up and opened her eyes despite her willing slowly.

"why he seems so real? Do usually people in dream come to reality? But…I'm not dreaming, right? he's so…flawless, even in my dream…I wonder why can't I dream of his flaws? Ah…so peaceful yet his eyebrows are cringing…why?" the bride who barely distinguished the reality from the dream, saw a body resembling the one who she dreamt of last night!

she raised her hand laziness and placed it on Jung su's sleepy face, exactly on his cheek. She pressed his cheek with her soft fingers a little bit powerfully and for her surprise, she got a response which she usually even in her dreams wouldn't get such a warm one! He frowned and bit his lips closing his eyes tighter then regained his peaceful sleeping.

"omo…am not…this is not….!!!" When she backed to her reality and felt his skin under her skin, she got sure that she was no longer in her dreamland! She froze and stunned, opening her eyes in shock, finally figuring out that the person who left the room last night, apparently sleeping beside her!

She took off her hand and slept on her back facing the roof couldn't keep the shout inside her anymore….

"OMMA!!!" she screamed then closed by her hand and straight her back staring aimlessly at that person beside her. When the alertness scream was reaching Jung su's ear he closed his eyes even more then opened his eyes in exhaustion.

"what the hell…." Jung su with his so roar voice said.

"what are you doing here?!" Jessica with her shock asking the powerless Jung su. Still couldn't believe that she was cheated!

"damn Jessica! You're really annoying! Do you want me to sleep over there without even a sheet all the night?" he said then sat to look at her woken up face. he rubbed his barely opened eyes that got disturbed with the sun radiating then added with his exhaustion expression "I was trying to be nice…and I didn't assure you that I won't comeback! Can I sleep now?"

"what did you DO?"

"YAH! This girl! doing what?"

"this is really unfair!"

"what are you talking about? You're giving me a speech since the morning, is that believable?"

"I-I….you should at least told me!"

"I left the room to let you sleep, and when you finally fell asleep, you want me to waken you up? Huh! Oh gosh"

"OK! You don't have to be so furious! OK…OK….Now, I guess…I want to take a shower…can you leave the room?"

Jung su led his head to his hand in so frustrated manner, then without any further comment, he left the bed furiously and closed the door behind him.

"this is so forested!" she cupped her cheeks and curled up pushing her knees to her red face.

After taking her rest under the splashing warm water, she went out with her bath towel covering her upper body, showing her flawless bare legs and arms, and her wet long hair was leaning on her back. She was so insecure and non-safety. "what if jung su entered the room now? no no, he wouldn't do that!" she shook her head to let out her useless thought.

When she tried to take off the cloth from the wardrobe, she heard the door of the room opened and closed within a blink of eye. She couldn't move further, it was as if her sense was right, and fortunately, it was her first time that she her sixth sense worked with her…but apparently, it was quite late!

She suspended the cloth on the air, freezing of the presence of Jung su in her sight…appearing to him with just a bath towel….what a great morning Jessica!!

Jung su let his mouth wide open in awe and shock upon seeing the girl barely in front of him which made his face bright red as much as the one in action. he was in hurry to tell her something important but the situation turned out to be silence and stunning!

Jessica breathed in heavily wrapping her arms around her upper body readying to let the most powerful scream she ever tried to. When Jung su backed to his sense and figured out her expression that was telling she was in order to scream now, he immediately put his index finger on his lips acting as if he telling her to shush.

She opened then directly after the pose Jung su made, she shut biting her bottom lip furiously with her still open eyes. She couldn’t blink her eyes for even second which made the moistures to gather in and forced her to close it. the one who broke the place all up sudden, bowed his head and turned his body to the other side letting a heavy sigh trying to compose himself.

"your parent are waiting outside" this was the important thing he was trying to say since the beginning! He heard the bill rang twice and through the hole in the door, he figured out the people who made their way to them!


"you heard me! I can't open the door with my messy hair and face!" he turned to see her but then he witnessed that she was circling herself to hide from his gaze which made him bowing his head once again.

"omg! are you for real? You're letting them standing outside for so long! Go and let them in!!" she went out the small area and pushed him which made him move despite what he wants! He actually didn't want to resist a barely girl…which probably will lead to a serious hot issue between them!!! When she was pushing him outside the room, she forgot about her towel, and the only thing she was focusing on that she must welcome her parent in her first day as a bride.

"I swear Jessica…you're a jinx who brings only troubles to me!!" Jung su muttered as he held the knot and turned it to open the door for Jessica's parent.

As they entered the living room and took their seat, Jung su was cursing inner him pouting like forever. He was bowing his head trying to hide his messy features. He played with his hair trying to silk it down, but to no avail, he was totally in mess!

"are we coming earlier?" heymi asked innocently.

Jung su raised his head trying to master a fake smile.

"not at all! But I was a bit careless since I didn't take care of my look!"

"then, where's Jessica?" Tae san asked moving his head left to right trying to find his missing daughter.

"she will be here within minute!" he replied as he breathed in and out frustrated.

"how was last night, son-in-low? Oh my! It sounds really great! You're absolutely my son now!" heymi said and grinned of her own words.

Jung su acted along with her with his confusion smile, but he found heymi an absolute warm woman.

"it was peaceful!" he said mockingly remembering the exhaustion he had from the transferring here and there just to fall asleep, and of course thanks to Jessica for that!

"peaceful?" heymi leaned forward and put her arms on her thighs scanning Jung su's features in slyness.

"w-what?" Jung su defend himself by moving his face away from her gaze in reaction.

"nothing," she leaned to the back of the couch then added "can you bring for us cup of coffee?"

"damn! She's ordering me now! aish!"

"yeah, sure!" he stood but then he witnessed her standing as well which stopped his vibes.

"I was joking! I will make for you breakfast, how it sounds?" she smiled at him and headed to the kitchen. In return, jung su flashed a warm smile to her and bowed slightly politely to her.

"then I will see if Jessica-sh…Jessica is finished…" Jung su said staring at the silence father.

"before you go, I really need glass of water!" Tae san demanded from him softly pointing at his throat as if it drought and need moisture to melt the solid part in it.


He brought the glass and handed it to him politely, when he saw Tae san drinking the glass, he witnessed a small scar like the shape X in his hand which made him stunned for some reason. He couldn't take off his eyes, he was tracking Tae san's hand moves nonstop.

Tae san noticed his gaze which made him asking him directly.

"what's wrong?"

"ah…" Jung su who was standing near him, changed his sight to Jessica's father face.

Tae san looked at his hand when he followed Jung su's sight earlier then smiled.

"you are probably wondering about this…am I right?" he was still staring at the scar.

"uh! I…guess!"

"it happened really years ago, so don't worry, because in my age, I don't think I'll remember the details of it…but what in my memory right now that this scar is from a car accident"

Hearing the word –car accident- made Jung su shivering and goosebump all over his skin!

"oh…glad you're fine!" Jung su said in a sad tone remembering the precious person who left his world from such an accident.

"well…people assumed that I look like one, but, unfortunately, I can't get over it yet…well…I'm fine, don't worry!" Tae san's voice was holding so much pain that Jung su could sense it but he couldn't know what behind this painful sound!

"I will go check Jessica" Jung su said cutting the conversation off and left the spot for Tae san.

He entered the room quietly, when he saw Jessica standing in the middle of the room with her simple dress which made her superior somehow in his eyes, he froze in his place remembering the moment that occur minutes ago.

Jessica bowed her head in shyness so was Jung su. But then he raised his head and stared at her bright face.

"I think I'll take shower now, so don't wait me for breakfast" he said clearing his throat.

"breakfast?" she wondered at who was the one who made such a meal!

"your mother is in the kitchen preparing it"

"you have to taste her foods! She is really a great cook, you won't regret it!"

Jung su stared at her hyper behavior that appeared suddenly carelessly.

"ok, I will not make a fuss about how you let me sitting with your parent with this awful look, but don't force me again to have a meal with them with this features!!" he commented aggressively, trying to show her how he was pissed off of the matter.

"I'm sorry!" she said with the feel of guilty to him.

"anyway, they're waiting you"

She flashed a smile to him then left the place for him. after he made sure that the door was closed he headed to the bathroom to take a rest under the warm water. As if he stepped in the small room, he heard something was vibrating nonstop which led him to went out and following the vibrating sound.

At first, he thought that it was his cell phone, so he went to the bed to his side, but it happened to be that his cell phone was quite and the sound was on the other side of the bed.

He went slowly and hesitantly to Jessica's bed side and saw that her cell phone was lightening but for his surprise…

"h-heechul?" he muttered and frowned when he read the displaying name in Jessica's screen! "is he for real? Calling at this time?" he thought and looked at the clock that indicated it was still 10 AM!

"Jung su-sshi, what are you doing?" Jessica asked in confusion, she came in and witnessed how Jung su was holding her cell phone unbelievably!

Jung su immediately dropped the phone on the bed, he didn't know why his reaction was a bit too much and why his heart was beating as if was running in marathon!


seriously seriously SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE T__T

I was trying to make it at least better with description that's why it took me so much to express what my thoughts are T_T and I hope the length is pretty good to pay off my lateness <33

please, keep up your comments because they're motivate me <3

enjoy ^^

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />