Chapter ..6..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

Next day, after Jessica's mother nagged on her to go the college or otherwise she would be fired for sure for her meaningless absences! "take care honey" her father bid a farewell to his daughter before leaving the car. As her feet stepped into the college there was a hand that caught Jessica's and dragged her along with.

"YAH! Do you know how much I was worried about you??!! I was almost killing my worries by visiting you, but thanks GOD cause I didn't lose my mind yet! AISH! Stupid girl!!" Yoona put her anger on her friend with a serious face and really bad temper! Jessica was surprised to see yoona upset this much because of her! but she end it by hugging yoona tightly as she would never see her again. yoona broke the hug and asked her without any further dely.

"what makes you absent 3 days respectively?! Are you out of your mind?" yoona was pointing at Jessica's head.

To tell the truth, if she was another girl, she would hit Jessica badly for her selfish act for making a poor friend worried like hell! But she is after all Yoona, so she can control herself in front of  the 'selfish' Jessica.

"Yoon! I'm so sorry, I wanted to talk to you, but I couldn't at all! I was in a bad mood, really!" Jessica said pouting her lips and frowned as the incident came across her mind again.

"why? What happened?"

"no need to know! Let's just start a new day with a new page!"

"heeey!! Don't leave me in dark!"

"really, it's ok! Where's heechul-sshi? Did you see him?"

"I came just the moment you stepped out your deluxe car!"

"I was so rude to him, I have to apologize!"


"let's go, I'll tell you later, you're so annoying!"




As the day pass normally, nothing abnormal happened like seeing the almighty self confidence Jang su, or his girlfriend! She was searching for heechul but she couldn't find him either which made her upset and guilty even more!

The two girls with siwon went toward the gate to depart for their leaves but they all stopped when someone in front of the gate blocked their ways.

"OPPA!!" Jessica called with a surprising voice and shocked face, she didn't imagine to see him here or even to see him this period! She ran to him and gave him a hug. Donghae hugged her too but his eyes placed on the girl beside siwon! He didn't cut his gaze until Jessica broke the hug and stared at the both Yoona and Donghae!

she remembered each moment from the past, each thing with them! She felt how yoona's feeling and how donghae's too! It was an expressionless scene for her!

She decided to cut this game and talked to her oppa.

"why are you here? What if appa sees you? Please, leave before anything horrible could happen!"

"do you know him? Why he is staring at you?" siwon asked yoona almost whispering at her, he was obviously jealous but he hided his feeling. Yoona looked at siwon hesitantly and shook her head. Actually, her eyes were telling against what she claimed!

"let's go, why are we still standing?" yoona caught siwon's hand and walked by donghae who lost his self control and grabbed her hand to stop her move.

"OPPA?!" Jessica exclaimed didn't like what he did and she didn't believe what she saw!

"what are you doing?" yoona took his hand off and scolded him badly with a serious and furious face! Donghae looked at her with a pitied eyes and pale face.

"I'm sorry, but you look like someone who I had known for awhile, no, for years! I mistaken you with that person! I'm sorry, yoona-sshi!"

Siwon who didn't know anything got shock when he heard him saying yoona's name! Yoona, after hearing her name by donghae's mouth, she didn't know what happened to her, mixed emotion exist her after hearing him saying his words! She felt the ache that she erased awhile ago return again with lots of pain!!

"let's go yoon! And please, you don't have to be so informal to her!" siwon said to Donghae with a strict tone then dragged yoona with him who lost in her dreams and past that shared it with…. donghae!

"Oppa!! What's wrong with you? She is already moving and living her life, this guy is her boyfriend! Stop doing that whenever you see her!"

Jessica scolded him, couldn't handle what he did to her friend earlier! But donghae's sight was following yoona's back ignoring Jessica's speech.

"so…that guy…is yoona's boyfriend?" he asked almost talking to himself.

Out of blue, Jessica grabbed donghae's arm and ran out the college to be in an invisible place, at least for her dad's view!

"what?!" donghae who followed her blindly, understood what his legs did!!. Obviously, he was in  the dreamland as Yoona!!

"appa arrived and he is waiting me at the main gate! So, tell me quickly why you came here today?"

"so what if appa is here?"

"yah! If he sees me with you he would kill me! he warned me, and you know that either!"

"you're totally insane!"

"QUICKLY!! What do you want?"

"call your appa and tell him that you won't come with him and you have a project with your friend!"


She stared at him for a bit then dialed her father's number and told him exactly what Donghae told her. donghae then took her to a restaurant to have their chat at ease at they want.


"you told me you don't know him! how come he knows your name?!" Siwon asked Yoona doubting about the earlier information given by her. he was crossing his arm and looking forward with an obvious suspicious feelings.

Yoona stopped her moves and stared at siwon for a bit with an annoyed gaze.

-I do! I don't know him! But can't you see he is Jessica's elder brother?!

-Jessica's brother?!

-yes, so HOW COME I don't know my best friend's brother nor family?!

-why are you angry if there's nothing

-just the idea of being jealous of something stupid as this frustrated me!

-yoona! What's wrong? why are you talking like this?

-siwon!! I really can't stand how childish you are right now!

-WHAT? What's wrong with your sudden words? What childish act you're talking about?!

-SIWON! That's enough! I saw enough today, so don't bother me more!

Yoona left the place for siwon and headed away from him with a serious strange emotions! She knew she shouldn't talk to siwon like what she did, but she couldn't handle it by herself at all! What the memory flashed in her mind and made her remember each moment with Donghae…made her nostalgic these days with him…somehow!! But not everyone wishes would happen..!!

She suddenly stopped her moves and kneeled down and started to cry. Crying alone, she almost shouted but she couldn't as her breath was separated because of her flowing tears! How much she wants to cry when the memory of her with that guy across her mind but she claimed that she is already over it! but the truth is obviously the opposite!

Yoona, after almost 2-3 years since she knew donghae, now, she forgot how his touch would make her feel…but when he touched her earlier and tight his fist around her hand. The feeling return to her as she wants so badly to return to the past…to spend more time with him!

After all, he is still conquering some part of her heart. She just buried this feeling to complete her life without him! The most important thing is she built her friendship deeper because she truly loves Jessica and moreover, to help her get over the fact she used to love donghae! Because she didn't want to escape…she wanted to face the burden!

"I shouldn't think about it anymore! Even if I met him, I should be normal around him! I should control myself more in the future!"  Yoona thought as she wanted to courage herself.




"I sacrificed my life…to keep my relationship with you…and now, you're telling me to break up?" Donghae said while holding yoona's arms tightly couldn't believe what his ears heard!

"yes, I meant each word I said!" Yoona said as she turned her head and her eyes from donghae's view.

-I know that it's really a burden to you since my dad didn't approve it…but I do! I don't care…

-I care! He kicked you out…he even didn't want to see you because of me! I'm sorry, I can't handle it by myself!

-I'm with you…I'm totally fine with it! I don't care if my father even kicked me!

-Donghae! You seem so careless! They are your parents! I can't!

-I did all of that to capture each moment with you…what I get in return…rejection?

-it's not! But your life is so important to me…

-you're my life…

As the words escaped from Donghae's mouth and how sincere his feeling was, this made yoona speechless and glance at donghae for a bit in eyes! Donghae couldn't bear what he heard, couldn't imagine his life without her!

He moved his head closer to her, closer that she felt his breath. She froze for a moment as his lips got closer to her. she was almost given up her idea for breaking up and to go to the dreamland that she missed so much.

Once his lips touched hers, she turned her head and pushed him away. She still insist about leaving him after all! Donghae's panic face was so obvious to her.

-are you serious?

-yes…Stop it! we are still young! You can find your love elsewhere!

-you're not Yoona who I used to know! Did my father tell you something? Did my father threaten you again?! OH?!

-NO! this is me! I can't live or marry an idle and immature guy! You know my dad's condition the most…I don't want to add another burden to him!

-you're talking like you were in love with my dad's wealth! STOP IT! IT'S DISGUSTING!

-I don't want to feel guilty for my whole life!

-but you can leave the one who lost everything for you…this easily…and can't feel guilty toward him?!?!

-YES! I feel guilty because of everything related to you! I'm even afraid to lose my friendship with your sis because of that!!

-am I that idiot? I didn't know that you were a coward! I can build my wealth with my own hands without the help of that old man…

-it's not about money…it's not about wealth! It's about your life, Donghae! It's about my life! If we raised children…what we would tell them?! You have no grandfather nor grandmother!

-you're flying too far away…

-if we didn't think about future…then all of that must be a lie!

-so…you want to break up…are you sure of your words? It may cost a lot, Yoona…a lot!!

Yoona got horrified of his words, but she knew donghae isn't the type to hurt himself! She knows that so well…and this is the point which made her trust him.

She took some time to spell her last words to him.

-yes…please, live your life happily with your family…and with your future love! I will truly support you…even if we are apart!

-there is no family now Yoona…my father totally against me going back home! And…you are leaving me alone when I needed you the most…there is nothing!

-you can ask for forgiveness until they forgive you!

He raised his hand and placed it at her arms once again. With his eyes, he scanned her face carefully. "can I hug you…for the last time? I won't bother you again…" he pulled her to his chest and patted her head by his hand while his head leaning on hers. "I don't want to cause trouble to you…you had suffered enough…but, I was hoping to be with you, please, think about it again!" he said as he tight his hug around her waist.

"I'm sorry…" She hugged him back and rest her head on his shoulder….by that they bid a farewell.

Their love wasn't easy, they tried each time to gain dongha'e parent approval…but to no avail whatsoever. She lost her hope of being with him by each threaten given by his dad! Donghae's dad was so strict yet showing no mercy in ruining yoona's life just to stop her 'clining' as he thought!

Jessica as well, she didn't give up on helping them. But as the situation raised to the upper stander, she couldn't involve herself more. But she promised yoona -as yoona was with her when she needed her- she will do the same to her no matter what. even if Jessica's father would go against it too!

Donghae after that day, didn't back home. He just depend on himself, he thought his father wasn't good to him and his self decision, so he doesn't deserve to beg him a forgiveness! He knew his father's thought really late…

Jessica's father would go blindly against anything if it goes against his plans for his wealth or his position as a minister! This is him simply…and his wife couldn't do anything to help her children, just following him blindly either, she has a very weak personality! This is Jessica's family…!!!


I hope that you didn't get confused xD it's really complicated for me to write like 4 different lifes in one story, and it's actually a BIG step for me xDDDD

anyway, I hope you enjoyed the second side of the fiction ^^"

your comments are always <3

thank you~

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />