Jung Jaeri, the Painter

The Pizza Boy

August 1, 2012: Around noon


“Father, I’m out of blue paint.  Do you mind getting some?”

My new painting would be a disaster without my favorite deep blue.  I had found inspiration in a new creek that I discovered a few days ago so I decided to paint it.  It was not a big creek, just a small one and I declared it my new hideout.

“Sure, I’m heading out to the market too.  Want me to get you anything?”


My father is a lovely man.  Very righteous and very kind.  He’ll do anything for me.  He met my mother back in college.  He courted her for a few months.  From the stories they tell me, he was madly in love.  They were both working to become lawyers.  My mother was the try-hard who always liked to be on top.  My dad was the son who wanted to please his father.  And my grandpa wanted my dad to be a lawyer.  So he became one.  But, my mother switched her major to medicine.  They never lost contact, but in fact got married.  A year later, they had me.


Speaking of my mom…

“I want that blue nail polish.  You know the one with the sparkles” my mom popped out of the door way with rollers in her hair.  My mother is a silly person.  She always has something witty to say.  She’s a mother who lives her life.  My family was a blue family.  You could say it was our theme color.  We all liked the color.


“Can I get candy?”  I was addicted to candy.  If a guy bought me some, I would forever love him.

“Nail polish and candy; Coming right up!”  My dad made his way to his car and I stopped painting.  I couldn’t proceed without the paint.  So instead, I went to hang out with my mom.  He was in her room, getting ready for something.

“Mom, Where are you going” I jumped on the bed and watched her apply her makeup.


“I have a banquet, remember?  For the nurses union”,  She applied her foundation.  My mother was a beauty.  She never really needed any makeup, but when she put some on, she looked even better. 

“Oh that’s right.  So it’s just me and daddy tonight right?” 

Yay!  That meant popcorn, ice cream and a scary movie.  My mom didn’t approve of scary movies, so my dad hid a stash of movies from her.  Whenever she would be gone for something business, we would watch them together.


“Actually no, your dad is coming with me” she responded.  Aww…home all alone.

“Why do you guys always leave me at home?  I feel neglected” I joked around.

“Well become a nurse first then I will take you.  For dinner, just buy some pizza.  We’ll be gone for a pretty long time” she came up to me and kissed my forehead.

Great.  Silence and pizza aren’t much of a great combination.


“Ok, but you’re paying for it” I grumbled and stomped out of the room.  My mom knew I was just joking with the attitude so she never scolded me.  I made my way to my room and logged into my computer. 

A big picture of DBSK’s Yunho.  I swear this boy is so fine.  I know I am going to sound like a creep, but I’ve painted many pictures of him.  The boy is just to fine to resist.  If only he could buy me candy…


(a/n: couldn't help but to find of picture of him.  awwww  looks att those abs lol.)


I pulled up the browser and decided to go onto the school website.  I know it is summer break, but I was told to program the website for art club.  I still have to get it done.  As leader of the art club, I had to do these kinds of things.  I don’t know why I am so attracted to art and painting.  I guess it’s because I am a shy person who doesn’t really speak up.  Painting is my way of shouting out.

After a frustrating half an hour, I was able to have the basis down.  I just needed to change up the fonts and colors.  I heard the faint opening of a car door.  My dad was home which meant candy.  I saved my work and ran down the stairs, almost tripping along the way.

“Candy candy, I need some candy!”  I shouted out.  My dad instantly threw the bag of my favorite sour gummies and a cheered.


“Dad, do you want to know something?”  I teared the top open and shoved some into my mouth. 

“What?”  He responded putting milk in the fridge.

“You da best daddy in the world” I gave him a sweet smile and a thumbs up.  He laughed at my silly antics.  I laughed and ran up the stairs.  Time for more editing.

I was able to change the font of one section before I heard my door creek open.  My father appeared in the doorway with the blue paint and a wad of money.

“Oh, I forgot all about the blue paint!”  I grabbed it and instantly forgot about editing.

My father sat on my bed and looked at my painting.


“You paint so beautifully.  I know I have restricted you from going to an art college because I believed that there is a slim or no future in the art industry.  But, every time I see you paint, I can’t help but question my standing.  Do I want my baby girl to follow her dreams or become successful?  It’s difficult” he sighed, looking at the money in his hands.

I didn’t want to talk about that now so I decided to distract him.

“Dad, what is that money for?”

“Your pizza.  Sweetie, please don’t eat the whole thing.  Your daddy will have a cow if you do like last time” he hesitantly passed me the money.  Last time they let me order pizza, I ended up eating the whole thing.  My dad came home, found out about it and scolded me. 



Now you got to see the life of Jaeri!!

Omg cops are outside of my house, talking to my neighbors. i wonder what's going on....

So yeah!  Thanks for subscribing you subscribers! and you commenters!  hehehe sorry if i don't recognize your guys comments as quickly.  somehow my account isnt telling me if i get new subscribers or comments or anything. ( I have to check everything for myself! )  hopefull we get get more!  hopefully 10 subbies?  lol i know im asking for a lot lol.  but we will see!

thanks <3

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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD