
The Pizza Boy

I came to school a little earlier in the morning in hopes of coming across Jaeri…and also because Mr. Lee wanted to take photos.  There weren’t many kids around and neither was Mr. Lee so I headed straight for the art room.  But, when I got there it was open, but no Jaeri or poster. 

I figured that the janitors already hung it up so I left for the usual spot where the boys come in the morning.  I didn’t want to bring the new camera to school yet because I’ve been quite busy the last few days. 

So all I had was my old camera and a crap load of time.  In conclusion I went around the school taking random photos of random things.



My skin was a little bit sticky by the time I finished hanging up the poster.  One girl and a gigantic poster is not a good combination.  If only I had Kris to help me; he is tall.  I already knew where to hang it since I did the last posters.

I think we did a pretty good job because it looks good in the light.  I was about to take a picture of it when I heard…

“Jaeri Jaeri Jaeri; my y little baby” a sleazy voice came up from behind me, giving me those gross shivers.  It was that slob Kang YongJae.  He is such a jerk since he keeps on pestering me, especially because I turned him down.

I took a deep breath and swiveled the direction of my heels.  My face came close to his and I pushed him away.

“What do you want, loser?”  I sneered at him.  Usually I would be regretful if I talked to someone like that, but he had an excuse.  He was an .

“I want you, babe” he slid his hand onto my stomach from behind and I yelped.   I swatted his hand away.

“Do you really want to be neutered?”  I held up the scissors and pointed to his balls.

“Oh, ok that kind of talk right there is what’s going to get you ” he started walking towards me with that sleazy face of his.  Ok, he asked for it.

I kicked him in the balls, then grabbed his hand and flipped him.  I don’t care if I get detention for this, it’s just self-defense.  Plus, if my dad saw this, he would have murdered YongJae.

“That’s what you get!  Now stay away, jerk” I lightly kicked the side of his stomach and walked away.




I finally saw Jaeri in the courtyard and I was on my way to go help her, but then I saw that she was with a guy.  Being the secretive guy I am, I hid behind the bush so that I could see what the situation was.  I couldn’t really make out their faces from this distance so I got out my camera and zoomed in.  Pressing the record button, I managed to catch her facial expression at a good timing.  Then she did the unexpected.  She kicked him in his balls!  Man, that has got to hurt.  Wow, just by seeing that I am starting to get light headed.  But, I shook it off.  Then she flipped him!  Wow, did I really just record that?  I clicked the stop button and ran towards the scene.

The boy, who apparently looked like YongJae from room 7, was groaning on the floor in pain.  I stepped over him and examined him.  No bruises or cuts, but probably bleeding internally.

“I’ll bring you the nurse, so stay put” I told him and he nodded into the grass. 

Then I made my way towards Jaeri.  As I started to approach her, I could hear her talking to herself, using some swear words that you wouldn’t expect a 17 year old girl to say.

“Wait, black belt.  Slow down” I ran after her and she turned around to look at me.


“Did you see all that?” She was walking backwards.  Even though YongJae was hurt, she didn’t look messed up or dirty at all.

“Yes and I caught it on video too” I waved my camera around.

“Why didn’t you come help me out with that jerk?”  She looked at me angrily, but I just laughed.

“It looked like you already had it handled considering how much pain he looks like he’s in.”  Girls always underestimate the pain of a kick to the balls.

She stayed silent for a bit.  “True.”

“If only people could see this side of you, they wouldn’t call you perfect anymore.”  I followed her quick pace and saw that we were making our way to art room.

“If only people cared enough to look.” She responded and dug her hand into her pocket.

“Damn, I lost my phone” she sounded like she woke up grumpy today.

“Can I use your phone to call mine?  I’m pretty sure I’ll hear it since I keep it on the loudest volume.”

I slid my cell out and gave it to her.  Then I realized I still had to get the nurse.

“I’ll be right back.”  I told her and she waved me away.  The art room wasn’t that far from the health room and I got there within a minute.

“Mrs. Cha, there is a boy who got his balls kicked in the courtyard.  I think you should check it out” I popped my head into the window and she looked at me like I was a watermelon on steroids.

“Show me where” she got up lazily and followed me all the way to where YongJae was.  He was still there on the floor and so she started helping him.

Then, I heard a high pitched ringing.  I thought it would have been Mrs. Cha’s phone, but I realized it wasn’t when she snapped at me to pick up my cell.

I had started looking around for it, the source of the noise.  It seemed stronger as I moved towards the bleachers.  Then I found it amongst the seat next to tape and string.  It was a blue cased phone and whoever was calling it stopped the ringing process.

Wait a minute…

Oh, that’s Jaeri’s phone.  I remember seeing it last night.  She probably forgot it out here.

 I picked it up and saw that there was a missed call from my phone number.  Right, she had my phone.  Then a message for the voice mail popped up.  I figured it was her leaving a voice message from my phone and so I listened to it.


“Hello?  Phone?  Telephone?  I am trying to find you.  Come to me phone before I go crazy.  Please phone, I’ll love you forever…” I heard her say in the most weirdest voice a girl could have.

I walked back to the art room, with a smile on my face and a silly girl on my mind.



agh, i apologize. i am wiped out writing this so it may seemed rushed and lame. I am too tired to write responses...but i love you all.

goodnight <3



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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD