Bad Service

The Pizza Boy

August 1, 2012: Afternoon

I couldn’t wait for the end of today.  Today was the day that the long waited for camera was finally in the stores.  I had saved enough money to buy it from the salary I got from the pizza shop.  My buddy who worked at Radio Shack let me in on the special edition version of this new camera.  He even included a discount. 


Considering that I’m the leader of the Photography Club and Crew at school, it’s a great pride to own this camera.  Great mega pixels, clarity and many different features.

So while I counted down the hours, I made a few deliveries and did some paper work.  The usual boring day at the shop.  I was in the middle of inputting some data when….


I ran to the kitchen.  It sounded like Luhan and Baekhyun made another pure sodium with water bomb.  Last time they did it, it almost blew my face open


But, no.  What I found was one idiot one the ground laughing his face off and a weird Baekhyun, bent over like he was going to poop.  And then it hit me.  The smell was awful as I covered my nose and mouth with my shirt and rushed to open the window.  Damn, that fart had some hang time.

Luhan was still cracking up with his silent laughter (you know, the kind you get when something is just too funny that you laugh so hard, you can’t make a sound.)  Baekhyun stood back up from his crouched position.  He picked up a piece of paper that I guess he dropped.  Looking at the situation, Baekhyun dropped the paper and when he went to pick it up, he farted.  I didn’t want to ask.  If I did, I knew I would start laughing too.


“I thought you guys blew up another bomb” I sprayed air freshner around the room.

Luhan stopped his laughing fit and had that laughing hangover face (you know, the face you get when you finish that silent laugh.  The face that makes you look constipated lol).  “Dude, that fart had to hurt your butthole.”

“Oh shut up, my is as sore as it is already.  You don’t need to tease it any more than necessary” Baekhyun pouted and stuck the sheet of paper on Luhan’s face.  It was delivery based off the look Luhan gave me. 


“Ok, we got a thin crust, more sauce, less cheese, supreme without the olives” Luhan read off the order paper.  He laughed and looked up at me. 

“Looks like it’s one of those uptight, picky girls.  You know, after working at the shop for a year, you can start to analyze a person from their order.”  Luhan rubbed his chin and got some sauce on it.  Looks like he had a mini red beard. 

“Man, you have on your face.”  I laughed and threw him the towel.  I grabbed the pizza, stuffed it into the box and stuffed that into the warmer bag.



I was finally glad that I was delivering to someone other than Granny Oh.  Their house was located on the wealthier side of Seoul (if there is such a thing).  I liked the houses here.  They didn’t look like anything we have in my neighborhood.  I could see kids running around in their yards, their parents playing with them.  There were joggers here and there and men outside their doors watering their lawns.  All you ever saw in my neighborhood was trash.


I pulled up to the house that was in the order.  It looked nice.  Compared to the shiny lexus in the driveway, my car looked like some junkyard material.  I walked up the solid wooden stairs to the front door.  After ringing the door bell, I could hear rushed footsteps and loud bangs.  The door opened to show a girl.  She’s actually kind of attractive.  But, she had a streak of something blue on her face.  She had a rag that looked old and it had colors all over it.  Must be a painter.


“Ahh, money” she said it like she forgot all about the payment and searched in her pockets for it.  I looked at my watch.  Damn, the special edition sale is about to end soon.  This girl is taking too long to find that money.

“Must be upstairs” she said to herself.  Without saying anything to me, she ran up the stairs.  I could hear more clashing.  Is this girl naturally clumsy?  She leaves her door open to a complete stranger while she leaves to go find some money.  Weird people now days.

She came back down, almost slipping over herself. 




“Here’s the money” I smiled and passed it to him.  It got some blue paint on it, but oh wells.  Woah, I never really took a good look at him.  He’s kind of cute.  He reached out for it, but along the way, I ended up getting some wet paint on his hand.  He looked angry…


I realized I was still holding my rag so I wiped his hand.  But, there was more wet paint on it.  It looked like I painted something cool on his hand.  He groaned harshly and reached out for the money again.   Before I could give it to him, it fell out my fingers.  He breathed hard and I looked at him apologetically.  He gave me a y look.  Looks like someone had some “Mister Grouchy” cereal for breakfast today.


I reach down to pick it up and stood up.  I felt something against my head.  Omg, I just spilt the pizza.  I knocked the pizza box out of his hand with my head when I was trying to stand up!  Oh crap, there goes my dinner. 

“Oh, I’m so sorry” I tried to pick up the pizza with my fingers.

“Leave it, it’s no good anyways” his voice was deep and strong.  I got a little intimidated.  But, if I left this out, bug will come.

“Can you pay for you pizza now” he said it as nonchalantly as possible.  But, to me he sounded like a jerk. 

“What do you mean pay?  I didn’t even get to eat my pizza!”  In what right mind does one believe I should pay for something ruined? 


“But, I still delivered it so you have to pay me.  Plus, you look rich.  I don’t think giving that much money is too hard to ask.”  His eyes scanned up and down my body. 

Oh wow so now this guy is stereotyping me! 

“But, your delivery service was horrible.  So you get no money” I tried to tuck it away in my front pocket, but he swiftly grabbed my hand. 


He was getting me angry and I don’t get angry much.  This guy is just too much and he smells weird, like socks and pizza.  I tried to resist, but he was too strong.  The tightness of his hand was making my hand numb and so I dropped the money.  He quickly picked it up, muttering thanks and walked back to his car.  I picked up a slice of pizza and launched it at him with all my might.  A jerk deserves having pizza thrown at him.

But, I miscalculated the throw and it went over his head.  He didn’t even stop walking or look back when the pizza landed in front of him.  How can someone be so cruel to forcefully take money out of a girl’s hand?  I hope I never see him again.


 I felt sad and I wanted to cry because no one has ever acted so harshly to me.  But, I held it in as I walked solemnly to go clean up all the mess.  After throwing my ruined dinner into the trash, I had to spray down everything with water because there was grease marks everywhere.  Once I was done, I walked back up my stairs energy less and had candy as my dinner.



aghhh!  ANgst lol...well kinda angst!

Hehehehe and now is time to respond to you guys!

@TheEvilMaknae_13:  AHHHH!  Thank you, thank you!  I'm glad that you find it a good read!  Thanks for commenting!


@Jinmae: Tahnks for commenting!  I appreciate it.  I think I chose Baekhyun as the slob because he is bacon and bacon is greasy lol.  Also, the character that he plays is going to be a funny guy and we all know that Baekhyun is funny! hahaha


@han_minyoung: thank you for reading!  I hope you continue to enjoy the story!


@rawr6127: hahaha i figured that if i started out with kris and the you/oc pov, it would attract more people. lol thanks for reading and comments! 


sooo yes, i've updated, now it's time for lunch!

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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD