The Pizza Boy


I got a little disappointed when I saw his empty chair in AP Calculus.  Maybe he got sick or a bad case of the flu?  Before the teacher walked in, I took out my phone and sent him a message.

To: Pizza Boy

~Hey pizza boy!  Class is starting~

Pushing my worries and insecurities at the back of my head, I pulled out my books and began to focus on the lesson.



“I’m starving!  I thought I was going to go crazy” Yuri laughed while taking out her lunch.  Today, she invited me to sit with her and the queenkas.  Not exactly my comfort zone, but change is always nice…sometimes. 

“Me too!  I was going to steal the apple on Mr. Kim’s table” Yoona laughed and high fived Yuri.

“So why don’t you sit with us for lunch from now on?  A best friend of Yuri is a best friend of us.  We aren’t really that scary are we?” the talkative one, Sooyoung asked.

“O..oh..No.  I’m just used to be working by myself in the art room” I stuttered.  I was sitting on a table with eight queenka’s I barely know.  Of course I’d be nervous.

“You guys have to see her art.  It’s incredible” Yuri spoke about me.  She nudged my side and encouraged me.

“Is it like “Yunho abs” incredible?” Hyoyeon gasped and looked at Yuri.

“Definitly “Yunho abs” incredible” Yuri nodded.

“You like Yunho?”  I grabbed onto Hyoyeon’s hands.  A surge of confidence hit me and it smiled like a fool.

“Of course!  Hottie’s got a body!  And with the way he roles his body, I bet you he is a freak in the sheets” Hyoyeon fangirled and I giggled.

"ert" Taeyeon muttered, but Hyoyeon ignored her.

“Finally!  Someone to fangirl with!  Unlike someone over here who would rather love Changmin” Hyoyeon glared at Sunny who playfully scowled back.

“Anyways, I was wondering if I should hold a party at my place next weekend.  Do you think people will come?” Yoona asked while shoveling pudding into .

“Alligator” Tiffany  teased and Yoona mehronged her.

“Of course people would come” Yuri laughed.

These girls aren’t so bad after all.  I wonder if Kris came to school though.  He might be waiting for me in the art room.  I politely excused myself and made a beeline for the art room.  I don’t know why, but my heart beat picked up with each step.  My walk turned into a jog and then into a sprint.  I slid due to the waxed floors, but somehow made it to the room.  With impatience, I flung the door open. 

“Oh hey” He greeted me, but it was strange because he wasn’t facing me.

“I was beginning to worry about you” I stepped closer, but he tensed.  My heart dropped and became discouraged.  I can’t believe I got my hopes up for nothing....  He slowly spun around in his rotating chair.  His cap covered his eyes, but I could still see his smile.  Oh nevermind...let the hopes resume.

I took a step closer and reached out for the hat.  His hand stopped me though and I let myself relax in his grip. 

“Let me” He muttered and slowly took off the black hat.

“OH MY GOD!  Kris, what happened to you?” I reached for his face and held it in my hands.  A solid black and blue pigment covered around his eye.  It was slightly swollen and he winced as I examined.

“It isn’t as bad as it looks” he held onto my hands.

“Who did this to you?”  I started to get angry.  Nobody messes with my boyfriend…I mean boy who will soon ask me to be his girlfriend.

“Some muggers” he said and I could sense he was lying. So much more would be destroyed if it were muggers.  But, I didn’t push it and let it go.




Just to feel her warmth was good enough for me.  If only that man hadn’t screwed this us for me.  I clasped my hands over hers as she gently held my face.  The concerned emotion she had on her face made me smile even though it kind of hurt.

I closed my eyes; partially because it hurt to keep it open, but partially to take in her being next to me.

“I’m going to get the nurse” she said before dashing out of the art room.

“Beautiful” I muttered after she left the room.

Damn Kris!  Get a hold of your feelings!





HOLY MOLY COW PIES ON SAUSAGE BEACHES!  I'M BACK!  First of all, I want to apologize dearly for making you all wait almost a whole year for my update.  I had lost interest with this story.  I thought I deleted it!  But then I was like "wait, i REMEMBER THIS STORY!  let me check" and it was still there waiting for me!   After not writing for a year, i find intrest in this story once again and so i will be updating now!


Today's update was a short one because its really late where I am and I have ballet tomorroe! BRAIN CELLS ARE DEAD AND NEED CHARGING!     But i will be back to update and i promise that i will not hid behind the shadows..........AND THAT I WILL MAKE THE CHAPTERS BETTER!


I feel as if my writing style changed a bit.  My humor is gone (haha nice joke).  But yeah, as i start updating more, i will get back into the GROOVE of this story!

Thank you to all you subscribers, commenters, readers and silent readers!  Becaus of all of you and your enthusaism for me to write, I am back!  Thank you so muuch for waiting.   I LOVE YOU ALL!



Stay tuned <3



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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD