You at Aegyo

The Pizza Boy

Oh. My. God.  I did not just act like a retard with my shirt off…in front of a girl.  I face palmed myself when she couldn’t see my face.

“You were off tune.”  I heard her say in the most emotionless way.  She sees me enter the way I did and all she says is that I’m off tune?  This girl is weird.


“Uhh, thanks.”  I replied.  I didn’t know how else to respond to that.  I began the rest of my detention as I tried to wipe up the dried painted.  But, I couldn’t help but feel a bit self-conscious.  It was weird because I usually don’t feel uncomfortable.  The sound of squeaking due to the friction of my cloth against the wall was the only thing that could be heard.  But, I was a pro at keeping a poker face so that’s what I did.

I wonder if she is still upset about the whole pizza thing. 


“Do you mind if I play music?”  She said after a few moments of silence.

“Go ahead.”  Well she is definitely down to earth, unlike all the other girls in school who are either screaming or too silent to function properly.  I was almost done with wiping all the paint off when I heard an upbeat bass and a girl singing.

~It gonna set on fire, at this rate gonna set on fire~


I peeked a look when I turned around to grab the broom.  She was mouthing the lyrics and shaking her head to the beat.  I laughed and grabbed the broom.

~You play with fire on my once normal heart.~

I found a silly smile on my face when I realized I was sweeping to the beat.  I stopped sweeping.  There was no way I could focus with the thought of her singing this song.  I balanced myself using the broom, holding the top of it.

~Then you put it out with water.  What are you doing?~


“You don’t look like a person who would be interested in Korean pop.”  I found myself saying.  She looked like someone who would listen to American stuff.

“Neither do you.” She looked up to me and paused the music.

“Can you pass that tub of makers behind you?”  She pointed to the shelf behind me.

I gave it to her and sat on the opposite side of her.


“What is this for?”  I shooed away her eraser bits.  She scratched her face and examined her work.  Tao was right; her art work was just amazing.  Everything was intricate and kind of shocking.

“The pep rally tomorrow.”  She then examined the makers and picked out a jumbo black marker.

“Did you do this all by yourself?”  She was having trouble twisting the cap open.  I grabbed it out of her hand and easily opened the cap.  She looked at me, like actually at me and she examined me like she examines her art work.


“Why are you talking to me?”  She slouched and rested her face in her palm.

“Oh…Sorry.”  I got a feeling that she wanted silence.

“There is nothing to be sorry about.  I’m just wondering.  People don’t just randomly come up and make causal talk with me.”  She smiled slightly and grabbed the marker from me.


“Do you need help?”  I decided to switch the topics.  It seemed like I was the one who always did that. She looked like she needed it considering all the details she had.

“Sure, take this pen and trace that.”  She passed me the red marker and I began my job.  She turned the music back on and we worked in silence


I was in the middle of tracing the ‘P’ when I looked at her.  She was lying on the floor on her belly, trying to get the black ink off her chin.  Using her spit, she kept rubbing but I wouldn’t come off.  She is always getting something on her.  I don’t know what to say about her.  She’s not what I expected her to be.




I peeked a look in his direction.  Isn’t that surprising?   I find it actually funny that he is working so hard.  When no one else wanted to help me, the most unexpected person comes to me and offers his hand.  Things happen in weird ways sometimes.


He was leaned over, tracing the ‘P’.  He had that expression where someone is focusing hard so the crease their eyebrows.  I noticed that he has very strong features; a sharp face, thick eyebrows.  I have to admit, even though he upset me, he still has good looks.

I breathed deeply and looked back at my work when my elbow, the one that was supporting my face, gave out.  The marker swung down as a reaction and marked my chin.  NO!  Why do I always mark my face?


I rubbed my face really hard until it hurt, but there was nothing.  Damn, the ink’s chemical will make my face break out.  I sighed really hard.  I took another peek at Kris.  He was looking at me and laughing.  I felt instantly embarrassed that he had seen all that.  He shook his head and looked back at the paper.

“Ok, ok laugh all you want.  But, when I see you have an ‘epic fail’ I will laugh at you.”  I pointed my pen at him.

“Ok, sounds good.”  He nodded his head with a mocking smile.

I rolled my eyes and huffed.




I yawned really widely and rubbed my eyes.  Damn, what time is it?  I picked up my blue cased cell phone and the time read 7 pm.  Damn, it’s that late already?  I looked at the poster; only half of it was fully complete and that took me 3 hours just to do.  That means I have to work for 3 more hours…


Suddenly my phone rang, scaring me.  I dropped the phone before quickly picking it up.  Today is just not my day. 


“Jaeri ah, where are you?  You haven’t called us all day and it’s getting late.  Your mother is going crazy” I heard my dad’s voice call out to me over the receiver.

“Sorry appa, I’m working on a really important project now.”  I looked over to Kris who was looking at me.  I turned away from him.

“Project?  You’ve only been back for 2 days” He exclaimed and I could hear my mom talking in the background, asking random questions.

“Yes, it’s really important.  I don’t know if I will come home soon” I looked at the clock.  Definitely not soon.

“Well it seems like I can’t do anything then.  Do you have anything to eat?”  Ahhh now that’s my dad, always worrying about food.

“No appa.  I’m hungry” I said childishly.  I always do that when I talk to my dad.  I didn’t even want to turn around to see what Kris’ face looked like.  I face palmed myself. 

“Ok, well I will bring some food for you.”

“Appa, do you mind bringing extra?  I have a…friend who is helping with the project.”   I knew Kris was hungry too.  Everyone gets hungry.

“Ok.  I’ll be there in a few minutes.”  My house was close by so I knew my dad would be here in around 7 minutes.

I shut my phone and turned around.

“My dad is bringing us dinner.”  I informed him as I stood up and dusted off my jeans.

He looked back at me with an amused face.

“No appa, I’m hungry~”  He mocked me, coping how I talked cutely to my father.

“You at aegyo.”  I stuck my tongue out at him.



ahahahahhaa!  look whose got a poster!  I do and its all thanks to Riikalynn at ∞ [Going Insane Graphic Shop] ∞

big thanks to her for doing it.  its a nice one right?  I gave her complicated order but she still completed it!

oh and did you guys hear f(x)'s new song electic shock?  its good and the musc video is good!  i love the beginning where krystal is like controlling all of them!  but did you guys notice what song Jaeri was playing in this chapter?  It was f(x)'s love hate.  I just love that song.  I highly recommend it!

anyways reply's:

@shanaenae123: hahaha i know, if i saw any of the exo boys shirtless in front of me i think i would pass out.

@circee: lol yeah, im glad that you found that funny cuz i was hoping people would like that part!  stay tuned for the part where they get close!!

@jinnielee: omg yay!  im glad that you remember this when u eat pizza.  i feel very happy for ssome reason.  and i will add some fun bickering in there!

@intoxication: haha thanks for commenting.  it seems like a lot of my readers liked that part, huh?  thanks and stay tuned!

@ljoesaraghae_11: thank you!  i hope that you continue to enjoy my updates!





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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD