Guilt Works Like a Charm

The Pizza Boy

August 1, 2012: Evening

After having to take the money out of her hand, she threw a freaking pizza slice at me.  Who does she think she is?  I had enough with the bad customers.  I declared this job y.  I climbed back into my car and immediately drove off.  I stopped around the block to where she couldn’t see my car.  Moving the gear into park, I ran my hands through my hair.  My brain felt like it was going to explode.  There were just too many things on my mind.


I needed to breath and so I rolled down the window.  I thought for a bit.  I feel so mean and like a now when I think about it.  There was that feeling people have when they did something wrong and they feel terrible about it.  Oh, right it’s called guilt.  But, it was mixed withal my left over feelings from other things.  And I felt horrible and sluggish on the inside.  Her money was burning a hole in my pocket.  It was as if it wanted to return to her.  I looked at it for a while.  I noticed the blue paint that she must have got on it.


I should have been nicer; I promised myself I wouldn’t show terrorism to girls, like my father does.  Damn, my first interaction with a girl and I act like a to her.  Not how I planned my life to happen…

My guilty conscious took over and I shifted the car gar back into drive.  Making a quick U-turn, I pulled back onto her street and parked the delivery car.  I sighed and breathed for a little, and then I came out of the car and walked to her mall box.


I guess that if I could do something nice instead, I would feel less ty about myself.  I put the money back into her mailbox and closed it.  I didn’t want her to see me since she is probably really angry right now.  I went back in.  It was almost closing time for the pizza shop.  I looked at my watch.

CRAP!  The special edition sale is about to finish!  I totally forgot all about it due to that girl.


I sped all the way back to the pizza shop.  I switched to my real car then sped all the way to Radio Shack.  By the time I got there, the sale had ended.  I felt down knowing that I couldn’t get my hands on this very godly camera.  I went into the store anyways to see whatever they had left.

If only I hadn’t taken so long at her house…


“Ayo wassup Kris!”  Chanyeol’s low voice welcomed me into the shop.  Chanyeol was the buddy who I had connection with.  He goes to the same school as me, Luhan and Baekhyun.  We’ve been friends since 5thgrade.  He high fived me and walked behind the counter.  I followed him and leaned on the glass.

“I missed the sale, man.  Did the cameras go by fast?”  I tried to make it sound like I was upset about it.  But, I guess Chanyeol could tell.  He knows me well.


He rummaged through something, “Yeah they did.  They are all sold out.”  He looked up to see my expression.  It was grim.

“Some customer complained about the service.  The last delivery of the day took longer than I expected and wanted it to.”

“Hey Kris” Chanyeol looked at me with his big creepy eyes.

“Man, don’t do that” I pushed his face away from mine.

“How much of a friend am I to you?”  He smiled at me while he rested his face on his hand.

I had a bad feeling about this.  “If you’re going to tell me that your gay and in love with me then don’t say it.”


His expression changed to an angry one.  “Yah!  Why do you always have to resort to asking if I’m gay?  Seohyun would scold you if she found out you were calling me that.”  He would always get defensive if I called him gay for a joke.  But he never kept a grudge about it.

Chanyeol is dating this girl named Seohyun.  They’ve been going strong. 


Seohyun (yes from SNSD):


“Whatever.  You are a good friend to me though” I patted his back and he gleamed.

“Then I’m going to become the best most awesome friend to you in the whole world!”  He cheered like a child as he pulled out of a box from under the counter.

NO WAY!  He saved me a special edition camera!  I’m so happy right now!

I gave him a hug because my happiness overwhelmed my nonchalant mood.

“Woah woah, hey there mister.  I think you’re the gay one” Chanyeol pushed me back.

“It’s with a discount like a promised you.”

Yes, discount.  “How much do I pay you?”  I grabbed my wallet out.

“Nada my friend.  Nada.”

“You da man” I high fived him.




The lights were on.  That sudden feeling of hate flooded upon me as I parked my car on the street.  I heard a loud bang  just as I was to open the door.  Just great.

I open the door and was instantly welcomed by my parents.  Wait scratch that.  I was instantly “welcomed” by their screaming.  I had made it inside the house just to see my father slap my mother across the face.  I looked straight at them, but they never looked my way.  They never did.

“You little b*tch!  Who told you to spend that much money, huh??  I’m broke, you ing ” my father shoved the wooden dinner table harshly towards my direction.  I made sure that I didn’t show any emotion.  I kept a solid expression.

I looked to my mom, she sneered at me.  You would expect someone to cry after they get slapped.  But my mom was tough, inside and out.

“What are you looking at ?”  She glared at me.  I felt a pang in my heart like I always did when they called me names or forgot my presence.  But, I did what I always did, ever since I was young.

I simply turned my head and walked away.  It was harder to do than I made it seem.  I wanted to go up to them and plead with them to quit it.  I wanted to take away all the pain they had felt throughout the years.  I wanted us to be a family, a real one


But, when I tried talking to them, my father called me no good and kicked me out for the night.

I walked up the stair and shut my door quietly.  I jumped on the bed and let my long body stretch it out.  I could feel that my body and brain were all tense.

Just another normal day in hell.




I had completed my painting!  I just needed to add some minor details, let it dry and complete!

I felt hungry since candy was nothing that could ever fill me up.  So I went into the fridge and warmed up that old microwavable pasta.  Microwavable things were always my family’s last resort to food.  My mom liked things to be as fresh as possible.


I found some peanut butter while waiting so I decided to eat some.  I was in the middle of a spoon when the doorbell rang.

Who is it this time?  I hope it’s not the jerk again.  I opened the door to see the mail lady.

“Hey,  What’s up?” was the mail lady that always liked to say high when she dropped off our mail.


“Hey girl!  I can’t really stay and chat, but I found this money in your mail box.  Is it yours by any chance?”  She was a bubbly girl whose dream job was dropping off mail.  She was funky and pretty and cool.

I looked at the wad of money in her hand.  It had a blue streak on it.  Instantly, I felt a bit more happy.

“Yeah, it is.  Thanks” I smiled at the money and then to her.  She smiled, hugged me back and ran back to her mail car.  I watched her drive to the next house.  I closed the door, walked back into the kitchen and sat in the stools.

I looked at the money and felt a bit better about the pizza delivery incident.  At least he was decent enough to return the money.  But still, acting like a to a girl you hardly know is mean.





Hehehehe another chappie down!  Thanks for commenting all you wonderful people!  u make my day <3

Hopefully this story can receive more love and subscribers!

now responding time!:

Rawr6127: lol same here. if i could eat candy for dinner that would be awesome, but my dad wouldn't allow it :( hahaha lol


courtneyann: thanks for saying that!  I take that comment very seriously so thank you! <3


SONGCHAYEON: I will try to update as soon as I can!  He doesn't seem harsh anymore right?  hahahah thanks!

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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD