
The Pizza Boy

I felt so lighthearted.  I’ve never been in a serious relationship before, but I think this may be the start of one.  I hope she will say yes when I ask her to be my girlfriend tomorrow.  As I parked my car on the street, I walked up to my doorway.  There was something taped on door.  It was too dark for me to read and so I got out my phone to brighten it.

Dear Mr. Wu, we are sad to inform…blah blah blah…since you can no longer pay the mortgage, the bank and government will be taking away your house.  You have a week to move out.  Oh .  Panic struck me as I continued to read the letter.

A loud bang brought me back to reality as I dropped my phone.  Quickly, I picked it up and opened my door.  My parents were standing up, slightly hunched over in a hostile position.  They didn’t even notice me walk in.

“You can’t even pay the bills, .  You’re such a failure!”  My mom screamed in a high pitched tone.

“You married this failure, and what’s mine is yours.  And from the look of it, you have no money either” my father pulled her forcefully by the wrist.  She tried to force her way out of his grip.

“How am I supposed to survive??  I don’t want to live on the streets!  The reason why I don’t have any money is because I’ve used it to pay for your ing alcohol!”

“Yeah, the alcohol you drink too!”  And with that my mother slapped his face.  A fight broke out and I rushed in to push them apart.  My father had a good grip on my mother’s throat.  I was always afraid one would kill the other. 

“Yah, stop!”  My shouts were nothing though.  They never listened to anything I had to say.

“Leave us alone, stupid.  This is adult business” my father sneered at me.  Then he punched me in the face.  A surge of mixed emotions hit me as I stumbled backwards into the table.  I was angry, sad and confused.  I was supposed to feel pain, but I felt nothing.  All I could feel was betrayal. 

My parents stopped fighting only to silently look at me on the ground.  For a moment, I swore I saw regret in my father’s eyes.  I shook it away as if I was too shocked that I was imagining things.  He looked then to my mom and she had no expression on her face. 

Never before had my parents hit me. 

I was lost for words.  I felt now that this was the last string.  Picking myself up from the cold ground, I turned my back and made my way for my room.  I couldn’t stay here.  I didn’t want to look at my parents.  I was ashamed.

I packed a bag and climbed out the window.  There was no way I could be around my parents for the few next days.  I climbed back into the car and drove off to the first place I thought of.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door.  The bright light from inside the house blinded me momentarily.  As soon as I could regain my eyesight, I saw Luhan staring back at me.

“Nice bruise” he commented and opened the door wider for me to enter.  I set down my bag and plopped on the couch.

“Woah, why is there a big black circle on your face” Baekhyun peered into my face.

Luhan and Baekhyun rented an apartment together. 

“Got mugged.”  I didn’t want to seem weak in front of them, especially since they don’t know about my parents.  They’re my best friends, just can’t tell them.

“That ” Luhan tossed me a bag of frozen peas.  I mushed it onto my face and slumped back into the couch.





 AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!  I JUST WENT ON A DATE…..WITH A BOY!  How great is that?  I did a mini twirl as I opened my front door.  I just felt so happy and jittery.

“How was it” my mom smiled at me.  You would think my parents would be against me having a boyfriend.  They actually wanted me have one though. 

I gave her a big smile.  “He smelt so good.”  I didn’t care that I sounded high or that I was completely dazed.  I walked up to my room where I instantly jumped on my bed.  I hugged my body pillow and rolled around in my sheets.  Who knew I would be so excited just because of one date?

He’s probably going to ask me to be his girlfriend tomorrow.  Ahhhhh I can’t wait!




I found myself doing the unusual.  I actually tried to put an effort in how I looked today.  Usually I just throw something on and go out for the day.  But, today was different.  I went through half my closet before deciding that I would wear the first thing I picked out.

I was beyond ecstatic to see Kris today, knowing that our date had gone so well.  I had scenarios running through my head like a bullet train.  I don’t think there was ever one point in my life when I had been so…ditzy.

As I entered the school, I was surprised I could even find myself stable and not collapsing because of heart conditions.  It was pretty packed already, considering how close the start of 1st period was.  If only I had taken less time trying to decide what to wear…

There was five minutes left so I made a bee line for the art room, knowing that he would be waiting there for me.  As I opened the door, my heart instantly dropped.  The room was bear, the only occupants being the art supplies.  I was sure that he would have been there. 

I started to feel down, but tried to remain positive.  Maybe he is later than me.  I just stayed in the art room and watched the clock.  As the minutes stared to tick away, I was getting worried.  Maybe he hasn’t come for me because something bad happened.  Was I a bad date?  Was I too silent?  Not too touchy touchy??  Too many reasons started ringing in my head that I almost missed the bell that announced 1st period.  Solemnly, I picked up my bag and left for my first class.





SORRY GUYS!  This is a lame excuse for an update.  I know I havent updated in like 2 months.  i  lost the confidence in my story and got major writers block.  I'll try my best to update and write more, even though it might be an empty promise.  SOrry to those who  have waited a long time.  Your patience is just so awesome!  Help me to become a better writer by commenting down below on what I can fix!  Thanks <3


Stay tuned!


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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD