Kris, the Pizza Delivery Boy

The Pizza Boy

July 31, 2012


A noisy fly swiftly flew around the room; its buzzing was getting the best of me.  In addition to the bug, the humid heat was making me grouchy.  The day didn’t start out well either considering the amount of yelling my parents were doing this morning.  Sometimes, I felt like this job at Yum Yum Pizza is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Discounted food, a TV and an endless soda fountain equal one word…escape. 


Yum Yum Pizza hardly gets any calls for delivery, so there are only three workers here.  Luhan: the chef, Baekhyun: the slob and me: the “everything else”.  It was still a bit early in the morning so we were all seated on the old wooden stools.  The big fight between Manchester and Gonzalez was on in HD and we couldn’t resist watching.

“I bet you a delivery that Manchster is going to win this round” Baekhyun said in the middle of chugging down a bottle of water.

“Dude, I took the last delivery!  And it was to that old lady on 8thstreet who orders pizza just to see me” I groaned. 

Baekhyun and Luhan love to push their work onto me yet somehow I don’t mind.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

“Come on, please?” He was giving me his infamous puppy face again.  Luhan gave him a quick slap on the head which started a slap war.

“Yah!  Yah! Yah!” Luhan blocked Baekhyun’s weak attempts.  Just then, the bell rang announcing the end of round 3.  Manchester won.  Looks like I’m taking the next delivery.

It was about another hour until we got a customer, the first one today.  The boys and I expected that there would be a surge of people considering that it was summer break, but we were dead wrong.


“I want a large, pepperoni and sausage.  Make it snappy, I don’t have all day” a fat old man with squinty eyes slapped his money on the table.  I smiled at him smugly and gave the order to Luhan.

“Bro, just got a delivery order.  Here’s the address.  Pizza’s coming up”, He called out with his loud voice.  I patted my jeans pocket to make sure I had the keys.  I took the slip of paper with the address on it and went out to the front.


Within 10 minutes, Baekhyun came out carrying the man’s pizza and the delivery one.  I rubbed my eyes and ran my hand through my hair.  I was tired; hadn’t gotten much sleep last night.  I made my way out to the car.  It had a strong smell of pepperoni mixed with socks…due to Baekhyun’s feet stink.  The radio came on, playing Mayonnaise Gunk’s new hit: Water Toes.  They were a good metal band.  I rolled down the windows and began my journey.


My name is Kris, born and raised in the big city of Seoul.  Never in my life have I stepped out of the city.  I’m an only child who wished he had some siblings to hang out with.  Whenever mom and dad fight, I get a bit lonely.  I know I am a grown up boy and those words sound foolish coming from my mouth, but it’s true.  I can’t say I’m that ambitious and I can’t say that I am smart.  Sometimes I feel that I can blame my parents for it.


I pulled up onto the right street.  I knew the route already.  It was the old lady again who ordered pizza almost every day just to speak with me.  I dreaded having to walk up those broken stone steps to her old house, but what could I do?  It is my job.


I rang her doorbell and waited for a few seconds.  I could hear the loud footsteps inside the house, those very familiar footsteps.  I relaxed myself and put on a smiley face.  Then the big wooden doors opened and I saw her.  Mrs. Oh.  She was a wrinkly old lady who had no teeth.  I used to wonder how she would eat the food, but I realized it one day when her dentures fell out of mouth and onto my shoe.  What makes it worse is that she picked it up and stuffed them back into .  I think her grandchildren eat up the left over pieces of pizza.


“Oh boy, look who it is.  Handsome handsome young Kris” she chuckled.  I smiled, bowed and gave her the pizza.  I wanted to get back as quick as possible, but I didn’t want to be rude.  She passed me the money and I took it.  Without out letting her speak another word, I bowed and walked for the car.  I didn’t want to be rude, but I wasn’t in the mood to make small talk with her.


The ride back seemed faster, probably because I was speeding.  No other orders came through that day, thankfully.  I locked myself inside my own car, a used Toyota.  The exterior was shabby, but the interior wasn’t so bad.  I closed my eyes, trying to find peace of mind.  I knew that once I started this engine, I would begin my journey to my hell.  A place I never wanted to be.  There was a bad feeling in my heart whenever I thought about going home.


My parents have a long history of abuse.  Not the physical kind, no.  They could never hit me…I think.  But, it was all emotional abuse.  Neglect made me learn about the world on my own.  It made me learn that I could only depend on myself, that I had to become independent as possible.  Constant criticism made me realize that not everyone has to love you.  My father’s terrorism towards my mom made me aware that I could and should never act like him.  Ever. 


I had learned so many life lessons on my own.  My parents never did .  I fed myself, I clothed myself, I did everything for myself.  Many people wondered why I ever stayed in that house.  There were other places I could go to.  I just can’t explain it.  It’s like I have an attachment to them.  After all, they are my parents.


I opened my eyes and started the engine.  I hoped they weren’t fighting tonight.



AHHHHHHH!!! first chapter lol.  SoRRY IF it didn't really make sense.  I was re reading it and I had a hard time reading it.  Having some feedback would be jjang!  kekeke.

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PS.  Kris' POV will be blue and Jaeri's will be green

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CaptainV-neck #1
Chapter 15: YAY YOU'RE BACK :D
new reader,
update :o
lol i'm a new reader
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gawd!!! Update please!
kawaiikai #7
Chapter 14: Aw! Please finish! I'm really anxious to know what happens!
mochi_box #8
Pleasu Updateu Sooneu~ >.< Ne, Eonnie/Dongsaeng?
Chapter 14: Staying Tuned~ xD