Everybody Talks

Behind Those Hazel Eyes

In-an’s Pov

This house, this living room seem so familiar to me, it was as if I had been here before. However, I couldn't recall when or why I had been here.

In-an: “Who are you?”

That was not the only question floating around in my head or in the girls’ but it was the only one that decided to come out:

Sa-rang: “How do you know us?”

I tried to keep the girls’ thoughts from over flowing my but it was just so hard to try and tune them out; I couldn’t keep my eyes away from her. She was such a simple yet beautiful looking woman with little to no grey hair, a few wrinkles here and there but her hands looked so young.

Da-young: “My friend asked you a question, please answer them”.

My head felt like it was about to burst, I was trying to sit there quietly however; the woman gave no answer which made me and the girls over think:

Woman: “Stop it, girls. I’ll answer your questions but stop thinking so much, Ji-an still doesn’t know how to control all the thoughts that come her way, you’re hurting her”.

I stared at her in disbelieve, how did she know? Why did we trust her?

Woman: “My name was Elena Rangerson; I died about eight years ago…”

Mi Rin: “You died? You’re right here talking to us”.

Woman: “Let me finish. My brother, Dr. Edward Rangerson, was studying the evolution of humans when he decided to make, what he called, a super human”.

Super human? What is this woman talking about? Who’s Dr. Edward Rangerson?

I didn’t know who she or he was but I knew one thing for sure I had to protect the girls no matter what:

Woman: “He used me as his lab rat, he tested on me until the day my body couldn’t take and it gave out however, I didn’t die, I was reborn to say the least. After my rebirth, I had certain abilities that no other human had”.

In-an: “Sorry to interrupt but what does this have to do with us?”

Woman: “My brother and his wife, Donna, wanted to use me take over the country’s government but now that he made you girls he can use you not only to take over this country but the world”.

Ji-an: “Why should we believe you, Elena?”

Woman: “My name is not Elena anymore; Call me Giovanna or Gio for short”.

Ji-an: “Okay Giovanna, why should we believe you?”

Gio: “Because one of you is my daughter, two of you are sisters and daughters of my old friends, another one is my sister in law, younger sister of my last husband and the last one is the daughter of a co-work and friend of my brother’s”.

Silence. Not only in the room but in my head, the girls were not only speechless, they didn’t know what to think. She knew who we were, she knew our past, our forgotten past.

Da-young: “Which one is which?”

Giovanna looked down at her hands; she let out a heavy sigh.

Gio: “I’m going to tell you who’s who if you girls promise me that you will take my help when it comes to everything out there”.

I looked at the girls, searching in their eyes for an answer and then I found it in Da-young’s.

In-an: “Fine. We’ll take your help”.

Giovanna looked at us and sat closer to us, she held onto Da-young’s hands:

Gio: “Your old name was Danielle Summerton, your brother was an amazing man who loved you and me very much, and he was a very kind and honest man however now your name is Han Da-young, born in America, adopted by Korean parents, you’re 20 years old, got it?

Da-young just moved her head, she smiled at the knowledge at she had a brother. Giovanna moved onto Mi Rin:

Gio: I remember when you were a new born and I and your father had to choose your name, my little girl…”

Mi Rin’s eyes filled with tears as Giovanna continue I could see the love Giovanna felt for her daughter:

Gio: “We named you, Mia Summerton however, now you’re 21 years old, born in America to a Korean father and an American mother who named you, Cha Mi Rin, is that okay?”

Mi Rin: “You’re my mother?”

Giovanna just nodded as Mi Rin rush to hug her; they remain like that for a long time until Giovanna moved away from her daughter:

Gio: “Yes, I’m your mother but for our safety we must all keep it a secret okay my little girl”.

Mi Rin smiled as Giovanna moved towards Sa-rang; I could tell she was nervous; she had a habit of playing with her fingers when she was nervous:

Gio: “Your mother was an amazing woman who died too soon, she would have been a great help, she would had help us against my brother, when I met you, and your name was Sena, Hong Sena. Now that you are reborn, your name is Sa-rang, sarang means love in Korean, Park Sa-rang, 21 years old, born and raised in Korea, can you remember that?”

It was down to me and Ji-an, she looked calm and ready as Giovanna sat in between us:

Gio: “Girls, your parents were my best friends, I met them when we were in school and watch over the relationship until they got married and had you, Ivana. You were the light of their eyes and then they had your sister, Janna.”

Ji-an: “Did you really know my, I mean our parents?”

I held onto her wrist to keep her from crying but it was also to keep myself from crying in front of them:

Gio: “Yes, they were good people who gave their lives to protect you two and now you have to give yours to protect everyone else. Ivana and Janna Hwang, you two will become Moon In-an and Ji-an. In-an, you were born here in Korea but raised in America and you’re 23 while Ji-an, you were born and raised in America until now at you’re 22.”

Sa-rang: “So what now?”

In-an: “Now that we know all these, what do we do next?”

Gio: “Until needed, you girls can live here; this house is big enough for everyone however you girls need to act like normal young ladies”.

Ji-an: “How do normal young ladies act?”

Gio: “Well they don’t dress like that, so we need to go buy you girls some clothes, they also have jobs or got to school”.

Da-young: “Jobs? School? Huh?”

Giovanna started to laugh, she stood up and walk to the wine bar in the living room:

Gio: “I have a lot of work to do with you girls but first I’m going to call a couple of my friends ask if anyone needs new help”.

Mi Rin: “Can we trust your friends?”

Gio: “To a point, however, you cannot tell them or anyone about your abilities”.

Ji-an: “Of course not, what type of things are we going to do?”

Gio: sipping on her wine “I don’t know yet it depends on what my friends have to offer and what I can teach you on a short notice”.

All I understood was that we need to do some type of work with some of her friends that we couldn't fully trust. I was lost in thought until Giovanna’s voice brought me back:

Gio: “Hello Yang Hyun-suk I have a favor to ask”.


My dear readers, I hope you are having a wonderful morning/evening/night, here's an update that I hope you enjoy... :) I also want to thank new subscribers for picking my story and to my old subscribers for sticking with me, I do wish I could update everyday but I can't so I really do hope that you like it. Dont forget to comment and shouts and lots of love  to Vedamalady and Korneli406 for their comments!!! :D 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!