Born to Die

Behind Those Hazel Eyes


Nobody’s Pov    


The dark and gothic café seem to light up with her presence, the sweet smell of honey and chamomile took hold of the air. Ji-an didn’t understand or maybe she didn’t want to understand everything Marie was telling her. She had believed Giovanna; she had believed her when Giovanna promised to take care of them:

Marie: “Ji-an, are you listening?”

Ji-an: “Yea… I … I just don’t know what to think”.

Marie: “Believe me, I’m telling you the truth”.

Ji-an was completely confused she couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea of the person Marie describe being the same Giovanna that took them in. Marie looked at Ji-an with pleading eyes, she couldn’t let this girl believe she was a monster, she couldn’t let her fall deeper into the hands of Giovanna:

Marie: “The last thing I wanted was to confuse or upset you but Ji-an staying with that woman is dangerous…”

Marie was about to continue when the small bells of the door announced someone’s arrival. Both Marie and Ji-an looked up to find a female with short blonde hair and light color eyed male standing next to each other.

Female: “Who’s this?”

Marie got up and went over to greet the pair and then they turn back to Ji-an who was standing awkwardly next to the table tapping her finger on the rim of the table:

Marie: “This is…”

Male: “You? What are you doing here?”

Ji-an gave the young man a confused look, the young man knew that he could never forget those sad eyes:

Male: “You’re the same girl I saw crying, I asked you if you were okay then you took off running”.

With so many things in mind, Ji-an couldn’t remember him clearly, Marie took the silence in the room as a chance to introduce one another:

Marie: “Ji-an this is my younger sister Nicolette and our cousin Jensen and Nico and Jensen this is Ji-an.”

Jensen: “Nice to meet you”.

Jensen extended a hand to Ji-an, she just took at it but made no attempt to touch it, he took his hand back:

Nico: “Why is she here?”

Marie: “Because she’s just like us”.

Jensen and Nicolette looked at each other than back at Ji-an, she just stood there wondering if they were really like her, Nicolette went to take a seat followed by Jensen and Marie, Ji-an slowly followed them:

Nico: “Where did she come from?”

Marie: “She was living with Giovanna”.

As soon as Marie said Giovanna’s name Nicolette took a defense stand and Jensen started to eye Ji-an:

Marie: “Giovanna told them they were the only ones of their kind; she was trying to isolate them from any of us”.

Nicolette seemed to relax a little however, Jensen seemed a little confuse, he turn to Marie:

Jensen: “Them?”

Ji-an: “Yes, me and four other girls”.

Nico: “What are you doing here?”

Ji-an didn’t know how to explain her answer, she just looked down and Marie answer the question for her:

Marie: “She wondered off and destiny brought her here”.

Ji-an: “So what can you do?”

Ji-an’s curiosity got the best of her, she wanted to know if they were not lying to her. Marie had shown her, why could they do the same? Ji-an flinched when she saw Nicolette’s hand reaching her way, her hand stopped at Ji-an’s tea cup, the warm tea started to become a block of frozen tea, Ji-an took the cup, flipped it over and a block of ice fell out of it.

Nico: “Marie and I control ice and any other frozen item; we can make it as well as freeze any item”.

Ji-an turned to Jensen, who looked eager to show off his skills, he extend his hand out, a small red flame started to build itself on his palm, it became bigger and bigger:

Jensen: “I control fire”.

Ji-an starred at the ball of fire and just like that it was gone, it shocked her a little:

Nico: “What can you do?”

Marie: “She’s a protector”.

Marie explained to Ji-an that her powers were made to protect humans as well as protect those with abilities from themselves. She also mentioned the protectors come in pair, a female and a male.

Nico: “So you can absorb my powers?”

Ji-an: “Yes but I can also hurt you”.

Marie: “Ji-an you’re not a monster, why can’t you believe that?”

Ji-an turned towards Marie:

Ji-an: “How can I not trust someone who has known me all my life? On top of that she’s one of the girls’ mother, she will always protect us”.

Nico: “She has a daughter?”

Ji-an: “Yes, she also knew my parents; she was married to one of the girls’ brother as well as worked with our loved ones”.

As Ji-an spoke Marie shook her head, she didn’t understand how Ji-an could have believe such a poisonous woman:

Marie: “No Ji-an, Giovanna is not a good person, she works with Edward and Donna”.

Ji-an was about to speak when Nicolette grabbed the top of her hand and shook her head:

Marie: “Do you really think your parents would have allowed their daughters to be caged in glass rooms?”

Marie was furious, she was going to have to tell Ji-an the truth if she wanted to save them:

Marie: “Do you think your parents would have allowed their daughters to be use as science projects? Because that’s what you are to them a successful science projects, do you wanna know how she knew your parents? Your family members, your love ones?”

Ji-an fear the knowledge of the answer however, her decision would affect the lives of the only family she knows, she had to protect the girls, Ji-an nodded her head:

Marie: “Because she got rid of them, she’s no one’s mother, she killed all of your parents and family members to get to you girls”.

Ji-an couldn’t believe her ears, she got up and headed towards the door, she couldn’t take that chance, the chance of the girls getting hurt:

Nico: “Wait, where are you going?”

Ji-an: “To save my sisters”.

Ji-an grabbed the coat on the chair and ran out of the door, she started running to Giovanna’s home when she remember they all carried phones, she looked for her but it was missing. She was standing in front of a beautiful hotel, she went inside and asked the clerk to let her use the phone, and she nearly begged him when his voice gave her, her life back.

Seunghyun: “Ji-an?!?”

She turned and ran into his arms, she didn’t care if the other boys were starring at her, Seunghyun felt relieved to know she was fine, he was about to hug her back when she separate herself from him:

Ji-an: “You need to help me”.

The boys looked at her, they could tell she was afraid; she looked like she had been running, and she was nervous, shaking and trembling:

Jiyong: “Help you with what?”

Ji-an: “I need to find the girls… they are in danger”.

Seungri: “In danger?”

Taeyang: “How can girls like you be in danger?”

Ji-an and the boys looked at Taeyang, he hadn’t spoken since he came back to meet them. Taeyang was confused, anger and a bit scared, he didn’t want to speak about it but there she was, Ji-an, one of them:

Ji-an: “You have to help me…”

Seunghyun knew he would do anything to keep her safe and secure:

Seunghyun: “Calm down Ji-an, we will help you”.

Daesung: “How can the girls be in trouble if they are with Giovanna?”

Ji-an: “We have to go… We have to…”

If Seunghyun had not been there, Ji-an would have collapsed on the floor, in Ji-an’s head everything went black while the guys mainly Seunghyun rushed with her in his arms towards the hospital:

Jiyong: “Hey Gio, we found Ji-an, we are taking her to the hospital… ummm…give me a call okay?”

Jiyong’s voice went straight to voicemail, Jiyong hate to call him but he had no choice:

Jiyong: “Jaejoong, can you please inform In-an that we found Ji-an and we were heading towards the hospital”.

The smell of alcohol and blood greeted the girls as they entered the emergency room:

In-an: “Where is she? How is she?”

Ji-an attacked Jiyong with questions about her sister, he put a hand on each side of her arms, trying to calm her down:

Jiyong: “Ji-an calm down”.

Ji-an took a deep breath and was about to asked where her sister was placed when she heard her voice, fear quickly took over her, she looked at Da-young who was hiding behind Sa-rang and Mi Rin, they looked scared. The boys took note of this, causing Daesung and Taeyang to stand in front of the three girls while Jiyong pulled In-an to his side and Seunghyun and Seungri stood close to them.

Giovanna: “She’s fine, In-an”.

Her voice was menacing and it gave the boys chills, she started to walk closer to In-an until they were arms length from each other, Jiyong pulled In-an closer and Giovanna laughed:

Giovanna: “If your sister is sick, it’s your fault and only yours”.

In-an: “What are you doing here?”

Giovanna: “Cleaning up your mess”.

Da-young gasp, her tears slowly started to fall, Sa-rang and Mi Rin looked at each other, In-an couldn’t believe what she was hearing, the Ji-an’s hospital room door opened and out came Dr. Edward and Nurse Donna, In-an and Seunghyun got a slight glimpse of a pale and weak Ji-an. In-an’s blood was boiling, she was furious, she looked at Giovanna and glared at her. They both held the stare until Giovanna’s face started to display signs of pain; she let out a painful shriek:

Sa-rang: “In-an stop”.

In-an didn’t listen, she had trusted this woman with her life but most importantly she had trusted her with her sisters’ lives. Jiyong turn to look at In-an, he was startled by the look in her eyes as well as the color, they were a very light hazel compare to her normal brown eyes, Da-young appeared behind her, startling everyone:

Da-young: “In-an please stop”.

In-an quickly released her hold on Giovanna who was now on her knees in pain. She turn to at Jiyong as her eyes took their natural color, his face displayed varies emotions, he didn’t know what to think, Seungri wanted to know how Da-young had moved without being seen:

Giovanna: “You’re a monster, In-an! You all of you are!”

Giovanna raised her hand up and send In-an flying against the wall along with Da-young. The boys were shocked they had never seen something like this, Mi Rin race over to them, she turn to look at Giovanna who was about to raise her hand again:

Mi Rin: “Do you really have the courage to hurt your own daughter?”

Edward and Donna became confused, the boys never knew Giovanna had a daughter and Giovanna laughed again:

Giovanna: “I’m not your mother”.

Giovanna was about to raise her hand again when Ji-an came from behind and place a hand on the back of her neck, Giovanna felt her powers being drained while Ji-an felt the pain. They both hit the floor at the same time. Seunghyun didn’t care what was going on, he rushed to Ji-an, who looked dead:

Seunghyun: “Come pretty girl wake up, open your eyes”.

Mi Rin picked Da-young up, In-an raised up by herself, Sa-rang moved closer to them, the other boys didn’t know either to move closer or to run away. Donna and Edward took Giovanna quietly before anyone noticed as the doctors, nurses and police officers rushed in to find a cracked wall, broken chairs, and glass everywhere but no one to blame for the damages. From the bright hospital to the dark café where Seunghyun sat next to Ji-an as Marie checked her, Da-young with the help of Sa-rang explain almost everything to Taeyang and Seungri, Daesung had many questions in mind but at the moment all he wanted to do is hold a crying Mi Rin and In-an talked to Nicolette and Jensen while Jiyong eyed her. Sa-rang walked over to Marie:

Sa-rang: “How is she?”

Marie just shook her head:

Marie: “It doesn’t look good, she’s too weak”.

Da-young sank deeper into the loveseat while Seungri held her hand, Mi Rin started to cry again and Daesung held her tighter, Sa-rang lean her head on Taeyang’s shoulder, he rested his head on hers, In-an tried to stay strong as she stared out the window when Jiyong pulled her into a back hug and Seunghyun held Ji-an’s hand and kissed it as she laid dying.     



Hello Hello! Well Here's this weeks update and I'm not going to be able to update until maybe in two weeks cuz work is a killer and I kinda wanna recover my social life but I'll be back as soon as possible... Don't forget to vote, subscribe and comment... Thank you all my subscribers both old and new, I hope you still like it :D this chapter is dedicated to Nuest17exo, who inspired me to write it with her awesome comments! have nice week and weekend :D 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!