Some Nights

Behind Those Hazel Eyes


In-an’s Pov.


I had never been this cold since the day they took me, when we were alone, Ji-an had spoken about the horrible times my parents had spend when they kidnapped me. Everything from that day was still a blur much like my life before the day I woke on the inland. I wanted to remember but it seemed like my body remembered faster than my mind, I also remember my dream, the dream I had before waking up.

It had been a horrible idea to wear a shirt the day before and now to be in what I suppose was a white hospital gown, it was the waiting that was killing me, waiting for my end to come. Everything might have been easier before but I had to focus on the now and how I was going to get the girls out of here. I heard Giovanna with two other people, a man and a woman, they were talking about having us here which meant I was not alone however, I couldn’t move, the chains around my hands didn’t allow me to.

I heard steps and I went back to pretending to be unconscious, I heard some chains rattled and a loud bang that almost made me jump then it was quiet again. I took to the task of opening my eyes, it hard they felt so heavy until I slightly start to see into the darkness that surrounded me inside the room: 

Sa-rang: “In-an, you’re awake”.

I turn to find Sa-rang sitting on the cold floor with chains around her hands, she looked calm, I turn to look at the other girls still asleep in chains, and they look so peaceful laying there:

In-an: “Where’s In-an?”

The giant steel door cracked open, allowing Giovanna and two very strong men to enter the room, she looked at us and smiled, I would kill to wipe that smile off her face:

Giovanna: “She’s dead”.

My world had stopped, my lungs had stopped, Ji-an, my sister was dead, I let her words sink in before I got up and tried in vain to reach her, I wanted to kill her, I wanted to end her life with my bare hands but the chains wouldn’t allow me too:

In-an: “I’m going to kill you!”

Giovanna just stood there, mocking me with her smile, taking joy of my pain but I will get my revenge if it was the last thing I would ever do:

In-an: “I will get you!”

Giovanna let out a laugh then smacked me across the face, her wet hand strike my cold cheek, she smacked me again and again until I had a bloody lip, and she took my face between her fingers and squeezed it:

Giovanna: “Don’t make me laugh”.

She threw me on the ground and grab a bucket from one of the men’s hand and threw the contents on Mi Rin and Da-young, she grab the other one and repeated the process. The icy water woke the girls, they both looked shocked: 

Giovanna: “I’ll be back in while”.

Giovanna and the men walked out and I looked over to the girls, who barely getting their color back:

Da-young: “A…and…Ji….Ji-an?” 

Da-young said through her chattering teeth, and then I remember my sister was dead, I looked at Da-young when Sa-rang’s whisper made me look up at her:

In-an: “What was that, Sa-rang?”

Sa-rang: “She’s not dead”.

Sa-rang’s low whisper made my blood start pumping again, Jiyong had protected her, and I knew she couldn’t be dead, not with Jiyong around:

Sa-rang: “But they don’t know that or the fact that she found her partner… we have to keep it quiet”.

Mi Rin: “Why?”

Sa-rang: “It’s all part of the plan”.

Plan, what plan? I was about to ask her when the door slammed open, the man I thought I would never see in my life was standing a few inches away from me:

Edward: “Ready my beautiful ladies?”

He walked closer to us, he bended down until he was at our eye level; he extended his hand to touch Da-young’s hair as she tried to get away:  

In-an: “Don’t touch her”.

He turned to look at me, his piercing blue eyes looked straight through me and in that moment I was afraid. I was afraid of him, of what he could do to the girls, of what he could do to me, he got up not before taking Da-young with him and signaling for his men to grab us:

Edward: “If any of you try anything I will shoot her”.

As he pushed Da-young out the door, I notice a shiny black and gold gun in his hand, his men took a hold of us and pushed us roughly out the door. For Da-young’s sake, we had to keep on walking and allowing them to push us around, if it was up to me, I would have kill them as soon as the chains came off.

The dark and steel walls started to become lighter and brighter, the light was so bright it hurt my eyes; the girls moved their head down as to block the light from their eyes. I wonder how Ji-an was doing, if Jiyong was taking good care of her, I wish I could have been a better sister. We were pushed onto the cold marble floor, Da-young was still standing close to Edward, she looked like a small frighten little girl as he patted her head, I wanted to kill him, rip him into piece for everything he had done:

Giovanna: “Now, now In-an, those are some scary thoughts”.

She was standing there with a red lipstick smile on her face, she was enjoying this and I had forgotten she could read mind too. She started to get closer to Da-young:

Giovanna: “Shall we get started?”

She pushed a button on the wall, the wall behind started to slowly rise up to uncover four pods like beds. The beds were surrounded by white and clear wires; each bed has an oxygen mask and sets of cuffs to hook our hands and feet:

Donna: “Ladies, welcome to your new home”.

Donna enter the room with white lab coat and a stack of papers, she stood in front of me:  

Donna: “Case number M30NIA, Elianna Moon aka In-an, Powers: Telepathy…”

She moved onto Mi Rin:

Donna: “Case number CO4HA3, Mia Charter aka Mi Rin, Powers: Superhuman levels abilities…”

She continues to write on her steel covered chart while moving onto Sa-rang:

Donna: “Case number P1ORA5, Park Sera aka Sa-rang, Powers: The control of time…”

She turned around to look at Da-young who started to shake:

Donna: “Case number H03INZ, Daniela Harrison aka Da-young, Powers: To pass through solid matter… that’s all of them”.

In-an: “No that’s not all of us”.

Giovanna: “Still crying over spitted milk, In-an”.

My fury got the best of me, I raced towards her but I was stopped short when an electric shock took over my body, I fell onto my knees and let out a painful cry, I looked up at Giovanna who was smiling down at me:

In-an: “She…she…she was….my sister”.

Donna: “No, she was just case number MO4O2N”.

Cases, we were always just stupid cases, they never cared, I remember feeling safe when we found someone like us, I remember believing everything would be fine and we would all be okay. I hoped, I dreamed, I believed and I was lied too. I felt two giant hands grab me, I saw Mi Rin launch one of the men that tried to grab her, another one tried to grab her, he had the same fate, and then Edward laughed and pointed his gun at Mi Rin, she froze:

Edward: “I suggest you get in on your own, my darling”.

Mi Rin slowly made her way towards those the white pods, she got in, laid down and Giovanna snapped the cold sliver cuffs she flinched. Da-young was next, she was terrific and I couldn’t help her, I felt so useless. I saw how willingly Sa-rang got in, she looked numb like she couldn’t see or feel anything, her mind was completely empty, and she was an empty shell. I must have been starring at Sa-rang for some time, next thing I knew Giovanna was snapping the sliver cuffs on my wrists and ankles. She smiled at me for the last time as she closed the glass, the glass casket started to make strange noises, the sides started to open, then I saw them. I could hear Da-young’s echo screams as they pierced my skin, the pain ran through my system, I could feel my knuckles turning white and then it stopped. The needles left my skin in a flash , my breath was trying to become even, the glass casket started to open, I was too weak from the pain to help it open faster, I could hear them, they were arguing, their voices sounded angry and frustrated but mostly confused:

Donna: “What happened?”

Edward: “I don’t know, they should have the same amount of energy”.

Giovanna: “Then why did it stop?”

I knew she was mad, I could feel a small weak grin painting itself on my face. I turned to look at Sa-rang, she looked at me and for a moment, I saw Ji-an, she closed her eyes and open them again, they were empty again. I tried to raised myself up however the strains pulled me back, I tried again, I only manage to get a small glimpse of Mi Rin, she was trying to control her breathing. I tried again but I couldn’t see Da-young, I feared she might have been hurt more than anyone:

Da-young: “I’m fine”.

I could barely hear Da-young, it sounded like a distance whisper, I turned to look at Sa-rang but she didn’t hear it:

Da-young: “I’m fine”.

Da-young told me again then I understood she was not speaking I was reading her mind; she was using my powers and her mind to reassure me she was fine:

Giovanna: “Not for long”.

Once again I forgot Giovanna could read minds too, I looked up at them, Edward seemed annoyed while Donna was looking at an old boo in her hands and Giovanna was furious:

In-an: “What happened? What made you stop?”  

My low voice question reached their ears, Edward and Giovanna looked at Donna who looked straight ahead at Sa-rang:

Donna: “Her powers were cut short; since they don’t have the same amount of energy… the process doesn’t work unless they have the same amount of energy”.

Edward looked like he was about to kill someone he dropped everything and walked towards us:

Edward: “That cannot be right, I made these stupid girls, I gave them their powers, I created these monsters to benefit our cause… their energy power should be the same no more no less”.

Donna: “Well someone lower Park Sera’s, someone figure out how to take half of her powers without hurting her”.

Edward grabbed Sa-rang who looked tiny under his arms however she didn’t seem to feel his touch, he took the cuffs off and threw her on the floor, and I heard her knees crack on the marble floor, he yanked her up by her hair:

Edward: “Who did this?”

Sa-rang didn’t seem to feel anything, she just looked at him, she didn’t say anything, I was starting to worry about her lifeless condition:

Edward: “Who did this?”

She didn’t answer, he let go of her and dropped her to the floor again:

Edward: “Take them back; I don’t wanna see them… NOW!”

Those men came back, they grabbed us, this time we didn’t the strength to fight back, the last tings I heard before I was completely out of the white room was:

Giovanna: “…Marie must have figured it out…”

Donna: “…She must have use Janelle…”

Edward: “Well now we have to figure out another way… because Janelle or Ji-an is dead and so is all her energy…”

For a moment I was glad they thought she was dead, they couldn’t touch her if they thought she was gone and I was going to make sure they continue to believe Ji-an was dead and buried. I was pushed to the cold steel floor, I quickly sat up I was too weak to stand up, I looked at the girls, Da-young gave me a small grin:

Da-young: “We’ll be fine”.

I lean back on the hard cold wall as Mi Rin moved next to me, she put her head on my shoulder and I put my head on hers:

Mi Rin: “We’ll figure out a way to escape”. 

Da-young placed her head on my lap as I started to play with her hair, she looked like fragile little girl who needed someone to save yet trying to stay strong just like me:

In-an: “That’s right, we’ll be fine and make our way out of here very soon”.

I looked up at Sa-rang who was on her feet and leaning against the wall, she looked at me and I finally saw the light in her eyes, she was Sa-rang again:

In-an: “Everything will be fine, right Sa-rang?”

Something told me Sa-rang knew more than any of us did, she smile and looked up at the small window high above our heads:

In-an: “What’s the plan, Sa-rang?”

She didn’t look down but Mi Rin and Da-young were now sitting up straight, they were as curious as me; I wanted to know everything, down to the smallest detail. As if Sa-rang received some sort of secret message, she smiled and looked down at us:

Sa-rang: “They are on their way, so for now, we just sit and wait”. 


*cough,cough,and cough* I'm sorry that I kept y'all waiting but I had and still have a horrible cold, so if the chapter it's 100% to it's best, please forgive me... I hope every one has a great rest of the week and I'll try to update soon...

                                                                                   ~ Take Care, Your very ill author... 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!